Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20150120-00031 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                            FCC Form 312
                                                                                                Exhibit E

                                DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION

       This application is additional to a number of previously filed applications that sought the
Commission’s consent to a transaction (the “Transaction”) that combined the television
broadcast operations of Media General, Inc. (“Existing Media General”) with those of LIN
Media LLC (“LIN Media”). Specifically, those applications sought and have been granted

        •       consent to a long-form transfer of control of the license subsidiaries of LIN Media,
                by making LIN Media’s wholly owned subsidiary LIN Television Corporation
                (“LIN”) a wholly owned subsidiary of a new holding company, Mercury New
                Holdco, Inc. (which will be renamed Media General, Inc. at closing) (“Post-Merger
                Media General”); and

            •   consent to a pro forma restructuring of Existing Media General to insert Post-
                Merger Media General and its newly-acquired subsidiary, LIN, above Existing
                Media General in the corporate structure (see post-merger Structure Charts attached

       At the conclusion of the Transaction, the shares of Post-Merger Media General are held
approximately 67.4% by current shareholders of Existing Media General and 32.6% by current
shareholders of LIN Media.

      The following tables provide information pertaining to the transferees and the structure of
Post-Merger Media General.

Name and Address
Positional Interest
Percentage of Votes
Percentage of Equity

                    Attributable Interest Holders of Post-Merger Media General

             (1)                    (2)              (3)                   (4)               (5)
Standard General Fund, L.P.         U.S.         Shareholder            20.25% 1           20.25%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153

        Includes an interest held through Standard General Communications LLC. A variety of
investment funds have participations in Standard General Fund L.P. and Standard General
Communications LLC, which allow them to contractually participate in the financial results of those
companies’ stock holdings, but which do not provide any ownership interest in the shares held by those
companies or provide any right to vote or direct the sale/purchase of those shares. Those rights are held
exclusively by Mr. Soohyung Kim.

                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                 Exhibit E

Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst           U.S.         Shareholder      12.56% 2   12.56%
Equity Fund III, L.P.
2100 McKinney Avenue
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201
Vincent L. Sadusky                  U.S.       President, Chief    <1%        <1%
333 E. Franklin Street                            Executive
Richmond, VA 23219                                 Officer,
J. Stewart Bryan III                U.S.          Chairman         <1%        <1%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
James F. Woodward                   U.S.           Officer          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Deborah A. McDermott                U.S.           Officer          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Andrew C. Carington                 U.S.           Officer          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Timothy J. Mulvaney                 U.S.           Officer          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Robert S. Richter                   U.S.           Officer          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Royal W. Carson III                 U.S.          Director          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Diana F. Cantor                     U.S.          Director          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
H.C. Charles Diao                   U.S.          Director         <1%        <1%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Dennis J. Fitzsimons                U.S.          Director          0%        0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Soohyung Kim                        U.S.          Director        20.25 3%   20.25%

      Through the Hicks, Muse entities.
      Through the Standard General entities.

                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                     Exhibit E

333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Douglas W. McCormick           U.S.          Director             0%              0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Wyndham Robertson              U.S.          Director             0%              0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Thomas J. Sullivan             U.S.          Director             0%              0%
333 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
John R. Muse                   U.S.          Director           12.61%          12.61%
2100 McKinney Avenue
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201

          Ownership of Attributable Shareholders of Post-Merger Media General
    The following charts provide information regarding Standard General and its principals:

                                Standard General Fund, L.P.

               (1)                    (2)        (3)              (4)              (5)
Standard General Fund, L.P.           U.S.       N/A              N/A              N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Standard General GP LLC               U.S.     General           100.0%           2.0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor                   Partner
New York, NY 10153
Standard General L.P.                 U.S.    Manager              0%              0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153

                          Standard General Communications LLC

               (1)                    (2)        (3)              (4)              (5)
Standard General Communications       U.S.       N/A              N/A              N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Standard General Fund, L.P.           U.S.     Member              0%             100%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Standard General Holdings L.P.        U.S.    Manager             100%             0%

                                                                         FCC Form 312
                                                                             Exhibit E

767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153

                                   Standard General L.P.

               (1)                   (2)       (3)               (4)      (5)
Standard General L.P.                U.S.      N/A               N/A      N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Standard General Holdings L.P.       U.S.     General           100%     80.0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor                  Partner
New York, NY 10153

                               Standard General Holdings L.P.

               (1)                   (2)       (3)               (4)      (5)
Standard General Holdings L.P.       U.S.      N/A               N/A      N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Standard General S Corp.             U.S.     General           100%      0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor                  Partner
New York, NY 10153

                                 Standard General S Corp.

               (1)                   (2)       (3)               (4)      (5)
Standard General S. Corp.            U.S.      N/A               N/A      N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Acme Amalgamated Holdings LLC        U.S.   Shareholder         100.0%   100.0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Soohyung Kim                         U.S.    Officer,            0%       0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor                 Director
New York, NY 10153

                                 Standard General GP LLC

               (1)                   (2)       (3)               (4)      (5)
Standard General GP LLC              U.S.      N/A               N/A      N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor

                                                                                FCC Form 312
                                                                                    Exhibit E

New York, NY 10153
Standard General Management          U.S.     Member            100%            80.0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153

                           Standard General Management LLC

               (1)                   (2)        (3)              (4)             (5)
Standard General Management          U.S.       N/A              N/A             N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Acme Amalgamated Holdings LLC        U.S.    Managing           100.0%           60%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor                 Member
New York, NY 10153

                            Acme Amalgamated Holdings LLC

               (1)                   (2)        (3)              (4)             (5)
Acme Amalgamated Holdings LLC        U.S.       N/A              N/A             N/A
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10153
Soohyung Kim                         U.S.    Managing           100.0%         100.0%
767 Fifth Avenue, 12th Floor                 Member
New York, NY 10153

       The following charts provide information regarding Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity
Fund III, L.P. and its principals:

                     Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity Fund III, L.P.

               (1)                   (2)        (3)              (4)             (5)
Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity     U.S.       N/A              N/A             N/A
Fund III, L.P.
2100 McKinney Avenue
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201
HM3/GP Partners, L.P.                U.S.     General           100.0%            1%
2100 McKinney Avenue                          Partner
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201

                                                                       FCC Form 312
                                                                           Exhibit E

                                    HM3/GP Partners, L.P.

               (1)                    (2)      (3)               (4)    (5)
HM3/GP Partners, L.P.                 U.S.     N/A               N/A    N/A
2100 McKinney Avenue
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201
Hicks, Muse GP Partners III, L.P.     U.S.    General        100.0%     1%
2100 McKinney Avenue                          Partner
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201

                             Hicks, Muse GP Partners III, L.P.

               (1)                    (2)      (3)               (4)    (5)
Hicks, Muse GP Partners III, L.P.     U.S.     N/A               N/A    N/A
2100 McKinney Avenue
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201
Hicks, Muse Fund III Incorporated     U.S.    General        100.0%     1%
2100 McKinney Avenue                          Partner
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201

                        Post-Merger Media General, Inc. Ownership Structure
         Soohyung Kim                                         John R. Muse
      (through intervening entities)                      (through intervening entities)

       Standard General                                   Hicks, Muse, Tate &                              Non-              Non-Attributable
          Fund, L.P.                                      Furst Equity Fund III,                        Attributable         Media General,
                                                                  L.P.                                  Former LIN                Inc.
                                  Sole Member
                                                                                                        Shareholders          Shareholders
Attributable          Standard General                                       Attributable Shareholder
  (approx.          Communications LLC                                        (approx. 12.56% votes)
2.8% votes)
                                   Attributable Shareholder
                                    (approx. 17.7% votes)

                                                       (Post-Merger) Media General, Inc.


                                                  LIN Television Corporation
                                   KXRM-TV, Colorado Springs, CO/WTTA(TV), St. Petersburg, FL

                                            100%                                                                    Sole

                                                  MGOC, Inc.                                                            WHTM
                   100%                                                            100%

        Media General Broadcasting,                                              Media General
                  LLC                                                          Communications, Inc.

                   100%                                                             100%

          Young Broadcasting, LLC                                       Media General Operations, Inc.

                  100%                                                              100%

                                                                                                                            Additional License
               Additional License                                                  License Subsidiary

                                                        Post-Merger Legacy Media General License Subsidiaries
                                                                           Structure Chart

               Young Broadcasting, LLC                                                                                                      Media General Operations, Inc.

                              Sole Shareholder                                                                                                                                     Sole

                                                                                      Young                                    Young
                                                                                   Broadcasting           LAT,              Broadcasting         YBK,
   Young              Young               Young                Young               of Louisiana,           Inc.             of Knoxville,         Inc.
Broadcasting       Broadcasting        Broadcasting        Broadcasting of             Inc.                                     Inc.
  of Rapid            of San            of Albany,         Sioux Falls, Inc.
 City, Inc.       Francisco, Inc.          Inc.                                                                                                          General
                                                             KELO-TV,              General    Limited                                                    Partner
KCLO-TV            KRON-TV                WTEN(TV),                                Partner    Partner
                                                           Sioux Falls, SD                                        YBT,
Rapid City,       San Francisco,          Albany, NY         KPLO-TV,
                                                                                                                                Sole                               Media General Communications
                                                                                                                  Inc.          Member      General
   SD                  CA                 WCDC-TV,          Reliance, SD                                                                    Partner                       Holdings, LLC
                                          Adams, MA          KDLO-TV,
                                                            Florence, SD                                  General                                                   WCBD-TV, Charleston, WV
                                                                                                          Partner           Young                                   WNCT-TV, Greenville, NC
                                                                                                                                                                     WSLS-TV, Roanoke, VA
                                                                                                                         of Nashville,
                                                                                                                                                                    WJHL-TV, Johnson City, TN
          Young                Young                Young               Young                                                                                        WJTV(TV), Jackson, MS
       Broadcasting         Broadcasting         Broadcasting        Broadcasting            KLFY, LP                                                               WHLT(TV), Hattiesburg, MS
       of Richmond,          of Lansing,         of Davenport,       of Green Bay,                                  General                                          WSAV-TV, Savannah, GA
            Inc.                 Inc.                Inc.                 Inc.               KLFY-TV                Partner                                           WFLA-TV, Tampa, FL
                                                                                             Lafayette,                                                             WNCN(TV), Goldsboro, NC
        WRIC-TV             WLNS-TV               KWQC-TV             WBAY-TV                   LA                                                                    WKRG-TV, Mobile, AL
        Petersburg,         Lansing, MI          Davenport, IA        Green Bay,                                                                                     WJBF(TV), Augusta, GA
            VA                                                           WI
                                                                                                                                                                    WRBL(TV), Columbus, GA
                                                                                                                                                                    WSPA-TV, Spartanburg, SC
                                                                                                                                                                    WYCW(TV), Asheville, NC
                                                                                                                                                                     WBTW(TV), Florence, SC
                                                                                                          WKRN, G.P.                 WATE, G.P.                     WCMH-TV, Columbus, OH

                                                                                                           WKRN-TV                    WATE-TV
                                                                                                          Nashville, TN              Knoxville, TN

                                   Post-Merger Legacy LIN Media License Subsidiaries Structure Chart

                                                         LIN Television Corporation
                                             KXRM-TV, Colorado Springs, CO/WTTA(TV), St. Petersburg, FL

                                                                                 Sole Member

                      LIN of             WHTM                LIN of New             LIN of              WAVY                  KXAN LLC           Primeland
                     Alabama,           Acquisition          Mexico, LLC           Colorado,          Broadcasting,                                 LLC
 LIN License           LLC                LLC                                        LLC                  LLC                 KXAN-TV,
Company, LLC                                                  KASA-TV,                                                          Austin;          WLFI-TV,
                   WFNA(TV),           WHTM-TV,                Santa Fe;          KREZ-TV,            WAVY-TV,                KBVO(TV),          Lafayette,
 KAII-TV, Hilo;    Gulf Shores,        Harrisburg,           KRQE(TV),           Durango, CO          Portsmouth;              Llano, TX            IN
  KHAW-TV,             AL                 PA                 Albuquerque;                             WVBT(TV),
    Wailuku;                                                  KBIM-TV,                               Virginia Beach,
   KHON-TV,                                                  Roswell, NM                                   VA
  Honolulu, HI;
Mason City, IA;
  Portland, OR;
  Garden City;           TVL Broadcasting LLC
   Great Bend;
  KSNW (TV),
  Topeka, KS;
                      TVL               WDTN               Indiana             WOOD               WIVB                   WWLP                WTNH
                  Broadcasting       Broadcasting,      Broadcasting,          License         Broadcasting,           Broadcasting,       Broadcasting,
 McCook, NE;
                    of Rhode             LLC                LLC             Company, LLC           LLC                     LLC                 LLC
Birmingham, AL;   Island, LLC                          WANE-TV, Ft.
                                     WDTN(TV),             Wayne;           WOOD-TV &           WIVB-TV,           WWLP(TV),               WTNH(TV),
                    WPRI-TV,         Dayton, OH         WNDY-TV,             WXSP-CD,            Buffalo;         Springfield, MA          New Haven;
                  Providence, RI                           Marion;          Grand Rapids;       WNLO(TV),                                  WCTX(TV),
Youngstown, OH
                                                         WISH-TV,           WOTV(TV),           Buffalo, NY                                New Haven,
                                                        Indianapolis;       Battle Creek,                                                     CT
                                                       WTHI-TV, Terre            MI
                                                          Haute, IN

Document Created: 2015-01-20 22:41:30
Document Modified: 2015-01-20 22:41:30

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