Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20141218-00911 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                          FCC Form 312
                                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                                         December 2014

                                   DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION

        This application is additional to a number of previously filed applications that seek the
Commission‘s consent to a transaction (the "Transaction") that will combine the television
broadcast operations of Media General, Inc. ("Existing Media General") with those of LIN
Media LLC ("LIN Media"). Specifically, those applications sought and have been granted

        +          consent to a long—form transfer of control of the license subsidiaries of LIN Media,
                   by making LIN Media‘s wholly owned subsidiary LIN Television Corporation
                   ("LIN") a wholly owned subsidiary of a new holding company, Mercury New
                   Holdco, Inc, (which will be renamed Media General, Inc. at closing) ("Post—Merger
                   Media General");, and

              «_    consent to a pro forma restructuring of Existing Media General to insert Post—
                    Merger Media General and its newly—acquired subsidiary, LIN, above Existing
                    Media General in the corporate structure (see post—merger Structure Chart at
                    Attachment A).

        The instant application seeks consent for the pro forma transfer of control of an additional
earth station license held by a subsidiary of Existing Media General.

        At the conclusion of the Transaction, the shares of Post—Merger Media General will be
held approximately 67.4% by current shareholders of Existing Media General and 32.6% by
current shareholders of LIN Media. As the Existing Media General shareholders will control
Post—Merger Media General, the pro forma transfer of control applications for the Existing
Media General licensee companies are required solely because of the insertion of LIN as the new
parent company of Existing Media General, and Post—Merger Media General as the corporate
parent of LIN,

        In contrast, because current LIN Media shareholders will hold approximately 36% of the
voting shares of Post—Merger Media General, the portion of the Transaction in which LIN
becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Post—Merger Media General requires long—form transfer
of control applications for the LIN license subsidiaries.

         The applicants will effectuate the Transaction through a series of mergers involving
newly—created subsidiaries that will be completed contemporaneously at a single closing. In the
first merger, Existing Media General will merge into Mercury Merger Sub 1, Inc., a newly
created, wholly—owned subsidiary of Post—Merger Media General, with Existing Media General
being the surviving entity, In the second merger, LIN Media LLC will merge into Mercury
Merger Sub 2, LLC, also a newly created, wholly—owned subsidiary of Post—Merger Media
General, with LIN Media LLC being the surviving entity. Next, Existing Media General will
move from being a wholly—owned subsidiary of Post—Merger Media General to being a wholly—
owned subsidiary of LIN,. LIN Media LLC will then be absorbed into Post—Merger Media
General, making LIN Media LLC‘s wholly—owned subsidiary, LIN, a wholly—owned subsidiary


                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                          Exhibit E
                                                                                     December 2014

of Post—Merger Media General. The before and after corporate structures are illustrated in
Attachment A. Note that the consummation of the Transaction will not alter the current
ownership structure of the subsidiaries of LIN or of Existing Media General, including the
license subsidiaries.

       As part of the merger process, the present shareholders of Existing Media General and of
LIN Media LLC will surrender their shares in those companies in exchange for stock of Post—
Merger Media General, with the LIN Media LLC shareholders having the opportunity to elect
cash consideration up to a stated level, As noted above, at the conclusion of the Transaction,
approximately 67.4% of the shares of Post—Merger Media General will be held by the former
shareholders of Existing Media General, and approximately 32.6% will be held by former
shareholders of LIN Media LLC.

        The proposed Transaction will increase the merged company‘s operational efficiencies
and capabilities in serving the public, ensure continuance of existing service to the public, and
maintain current levels of competition and diversity in local markets while creating potential
opportunities for new entrants in seven television markets. For those reasons, the Transaction
also strongly serves the public interest, and therefore the applicants urge the Commission to
promptly process and grant its associated applications.


                                                                                                                 Attachment A
                                                                                                                    Page 1

                                      (Pre—Merger) Media General, Inc.
                                                      Ownership Structure
                                                               Soohyung Kim

                                                                         100% voting through
                                                                          intervening entltics

                                                              Standard General
                                                                  Fund, LP,

                                                Member (100% equity)   Attributable Shareholder (4,28% votes)

                            Standard General                                            Non—Attributable Media General,
                          Communteations LLC                                                    Inc, Sharsholders
Attributable Shareholder (26.21% votes)
                                                                                                                   69.51% equity

                                                            Media Genetal, Inc.

                                            Sole Member                                                         Sole Sharcholder

                 Media General Broadcasting, LLC _                                   Media General Communications, Inc.

                                           Sole Member
                                                                                                                Sole Sharecholder

                       Young Broadcasting, LLC                                           Media General Operations, Inc.

                                           Parent Company                                                       Sole Member

                     ‘Various Licenso Subsidiaries                                  Media General Communications Holdings,
                               (see attached)                                                        LLC
                                                                                              (License Subsidiary)

                                                                                     Attachment A
                                                                                           Page 2

              (Pre—Merger) LIN Media LLC
                           Ownership Structure

    John R. Muse                     Royal W. Carson                    Non—Attributable
  (through intervening                                                      Shareholders

                    100%                           General Partner

Hicks, Muse, Tate &                 Carson LIN SBS LLP,
Furst Bquity Fund II,

                    35% voting                   35% voting

                                      LIN Media LLC

                                                         Sole Shareholder

                                 LIN Televigion Corporation

                                 Varlous License Subsidiaries
                                        (see attached)

                                                                                                                                           Attachment A
                                                                                                                                              Page 3

                     (Post—Merger) Media General, Inc. Ownership Structure
         Soohyung Kim                                    '        John R. Muse
      (throughintervening entitles)                           (through Intervening ontitles)

       Standard General                                       Hicks, Muse, Tate &                 _             Non—             Non—Attributable
             Fund, LP.                                        Furst Equity Fund III,                         Attributable         Media General,
                                 Solo Member                              LP,.                               Former LIN                 Inc.
                                                                                                             Sharcholders          Sharsholders
&fifgfié?gi:              Standeu“d (?“enel‘al                                      Attributable Shareholder
  Capprox.          Communications LLC                                             (approx. 12,.56% votes)
2,83% votes)
                                      Attrlbutable Shareholder
                                       (approx. 1741% votes)

                                                             (Post—Merger) Media General, Inc.


                                                                 LIN Television Corporation

                                                100%                                                                            100%

                                        (Pre—Merger) Media General, Inc.

                    100%                                                                100%

          Media General Broadcasting,                                                   Media General
                     LLC                                                             Communications, Inc.

                     100%                                                                  100%

             Young Broadcasting, LLC                                          Media CGeneral Operations, Inc.

                    100%                                                                  100%

        Various License Subsidiaries                                                     License Subsidiary            Various License Subsidiaries
                   (see attached)                                                                                             (see attached)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Attachment A
                                                                        Media Genexal License Subsidianes Structare Chart                                                                               Page 4

                      Young Broadcasting, LLC                                                                                                                             Media General Operations, Inc.

                                    Sole                                                                                                                                                    Sole Member

                              Y                                                                                                                                                                              ¥.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Media General Communications
                                                                                                        n                                                                                         Holdings, LC
                                                                                                            ¥.                     ¥.                     _¥                         Y¥
    +                                                                                                Young                                                Young                             WCBD—TV, Charleston, WV
   —                         Y¥                       ¥                       k4                  Broadcastmg                    LAT,               Broadcast'ng                    YBK,    WNCT—TV, Greeaville, NC
  Young                    Young                    Young                   Young                 ofLotisiana,                    Inc.              ofKnoxville,                    Inc.     WSLS—TV, Roanoke, VA
Broadcasting           Broadcasting             Broadcasting           Broadcasting of                 Inc. .                                              Tac.                             WIAL—TV, Johnson City, TN
 ofRapid                   ofSan —                ofAlbany,            Sioux Falls, fac.                                                                                                     WIJTV(FTV), FJackson, MS
 Chty, fnc.            Francisco, Inc.               Tnc.                                                           _                          *                                           WELT(TV}, Hattiesbare, MS
              .                                                            KELO—TV,               Generel          Timied                                                 Conezal            WSAV—TV, Savannah, GA
EKCLO—TV                KRON—TV                 WwTEN(TV)              Sioux Falls, SD            Partnec          Partoer               YBET,                            Partner             WELA—TV, Tampa, FL
Rapid City,            Sar Francisco,             Albany, NY               KPLO—TYV,                                                       Irc.                   Socle                     WIARCTV) E:’rovldencs. RI
    SD                      CA                    wWCBC—TV,             Reliance, SD                                                                              Meniber                          s       Bs               °C _
                                                Adares,*~MA             KDLOTV,                                                                                                            WVIM—TV, Binutngham, AL
                                    —                                   r     sp                                                  Gaws                       Y¥                            WNCN(TV}, Goldsboro, NC
                                                                           orence,                                                 eas 2                   Young                              WEKRG—TVY, Mobile, AL
                                                                                                                                                        Broadcasting                         WIEFE(TY), Augosts, GA
                  ¥                                               <                         x                ¥               ~                           ofNashvalle,                       WREBL{TV}, Colimbuas, GA
           Young                        Yourg                  Yourg                  Young                                                                 1LC                             WSPC‘IS%W’ Spéfi‘nbmf’;g
        Broadcastimg              Broadcastmg               Broadcasting           Broadcastimg              KLFY, LP                                                                       wY         {,,TV)’    eville,
        ofRichmond,               ofLansing,                ofDavenport,           ofGreen Bay,                                               Genei        Geneel                           WBTW(TV}, Florence, SC
            Inc.                     Tnc.                       Tnc.                   Inc.                  EBEYTV                           Partuer      Partner                          WCME—TV, Cotembas, OH
         wWwRICTV                 WLNSTV                    KWOCTV                 WBAY—TV                          TLA
         Petersbarg,              Laasing, Mi             Davenport, IA            Green Bay,
              VA                                                                       WI

                                                                                                                                         Y¥         Y¥                    ¥         ¥

                                                                                                                                 WEKRN, GP.                       WATE, GP.
                                                                                                                                  WEKRNTV                         WATETV
                                                                                                                                 Nashville, IN                Kpoxville, IN

                                                                                                           |                                                   Aftachment A

                                                   LIN Media Licease Subsidiaties Structure Chart                                                                 Page 5

                                                                 LIN Television Corporation

                                                                                            Sole Member


                          Y                             C                                                                      r                                                         ¥
  x                    LIN of                 LIN of                  LIN ofNew                 LIN of                      WAVY                    KXANILLC                Primeland
          ~           Alabaraa,             Wisconsin,               Mexico, LLC               Colorado,               Broadcasting,                                            1ILC
   LINLicense           ILC                       ILC                                                                        LILC                    KXANTV,
 Company, ILC                                                         KASA—TV,                                             .                          Aunstin;              WLELTVY,
 KamTy        .     WALA—TV,               WLUK—TV,                    Santa Fe;             KREZTV,                      WAVY—TV,                  KBVO(TY),               Lafayette,
     ~FV, Hilo;      Mobile;               GreenBay;                  KRQE(TV},             Durango, CO                   Portsmonth;                Llano, TX                  IN
  KHAW—TV,          WENATY),              WCWE(TV),                  Albuguerque;                                         wVETEVY,                         —
      Waildka;      GulfShores,             Suring, WI                KBIMTV,                                         Vircinia Beact
         —£L ¥,          AL                         "                Roswell, NM                                          trgiiih
  Honolsls, Bf
 Mason City, 4;
  Porfland, OR;                     F
  %fi? Czty’;              TVL Broadcastimg LLC

  Great Bend;
  frfl\fi%                    i              x¥             ¥                        ¥                         Y¥                            ¥                    Y¥
   ope     3                                                           .                   .
  WIAT(TV),            TVL                 WDTN                    Inchaz:z:             EX'_OQD                WI‘%/B.                 m Oafiii"x?W—Pf~          n V;ZII\IH
Birmingham, AL;    Broadcasting         Broadcasting,           Rroadcasting,            TLicepse          Broadcasting,                    C LLC?:S?IB&          0 LLcagm&
  wICGI{TY)          ofRhode                ILC             '       IIC             Company, LLC                    LLC
                   Tsland, LLC                                  WANE—TV, F.                                                                   |                        |
 Savanpah, GA:;
     nrep &
 WKBNCTV)                               WwDTIN(TY),             Wayoe: _            WOODTV &                WIVEB—TV,                 WWLP(TV},
                                                                                                                                        mefic                    WINH{TV)},
                                                                                                                                                                 New Heven:
  wWYEXID.          WPRITV,             Dayton, OH          — wWNDY—TV,              WXSP—CD,                  Buffalo;             Springfield, MA                ew Haven;
Younpstown, Of    Providence, REI                                 Marion;           Grand Rapids;          WNLO{(TYV)},                                          WCTX{TY),
                                                                 wisE—TV,           wOTv(ITVy,             Buffalo, NY                                           NewHaven,
                                                                Indianspolis;       Battle Creek,                                                                          CT
                                                            WTIHLI—TV, Terre              MI
                                                                 Haute, IN

Document Created: 2014-12-18 17:02:15
Document Modified: 2014-12-18 17:02:15

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