Attachment Exhibit F

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20140919-00741 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     Bonten Media Group LLC
                                                                                               FCC Form 312
                                                                                              September 2014

                                                 FCC Form 312
                                            Schedule A, Question A21
                                                   Exhibit F

                                             Transaction Description

                    Bonten Media Group LLC (“Bonten”) indirectly owns three licensee

subsidiaries.1 This application, together with three companion FCC Form 312 applications (the

“Applications”), seeks FCC consent (i) to the pro forma transfer of control of these indirect

licensee subsidiaries, from DCP IV GP-GP, LLC (“Transferor”), to DCP 2014 GP-GP, LLC

(“Transferee”) and (ii) to the pro forma transfer of control of certain intermediate subsidiaries of

Transferor.2 Transferor and Transferee both are controlled by Mr. Michael W. Ranger in his

individual and personal capacity.

                    The Applications are being filed in connection with a recapitalization and

restructuring of Transferor (the “Restructuring”). As shown in the attached “Before” diagram,

Transferor currently is the ultimate parent of Bonten, and in turn is controlled individually and

personally by Mr. Ranger.3 As shown in the attached “After” diagram, the applicants propose

 The licensee subsidiaries are BlueStone License Holdings Inc., North Carolina License Holdings, Inc., and
California Broadcasting, Inc.
    The applicants respectfully request that the Applications be processed and approved concurrently.
  Transferor is, and Transferee will be, the ultimate general partner of a family of limited partnerships (collectively,
the “Partnership”) that invest across a wide range of industries, including media and telecommunications, energy
and power, financial services and healthcare. Under Transferor’s and Transferee’s respective Amended and
Restated Limited Liability Company Agreements, each of the three Managing Members of Transferor and
Transferee (Messrs. Ranger, Ari Benacerraf and Andrew Rush) individually has or will have the power unilaterally
to bind each company, with the exception that Mr. Ranger individually has or will have the sole power to bind each
company with respect to the Partnership’s investment in Bonten Media Group and its indirect television station
licensee subsidiaries (“Bonten Media Investment”), subject to the unanimous consent of the Managing Members
with respect to certain non-ordinary course matters. Accordingly, Mr. Ranger is reported as holding 100 percent of
each of Transferor’s and Transferee’s voting interests in connection with the Bonten Media Investment, and each of
their two other Managing Members is reported as holding 0 percent of the companies’ respective voting interests.

DC: 5465114-1

                                                                                   Bonten Media Group LLC
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                  Exhibit F
                                                                                                    Page 2

that Transferee will be the ultimate parent of Bonten, and that it will continue to be controlled

individually and personally by Mr. Ranger.

                  Because Mr. Ranger has 100 percent of the voting power with respect to Bonten’s

licensees today, and because he will hold 100 percent of the voting power with respect to

Bonten’s licensees following the closing of the Restructuring, this corporate reorganization is

considered to be pro forma. See 47 C.F.R. § 73.3540(f)(4) (corporate reorganization without

substantial change of control).4

                  The Restructuring will entail several related changes in intermediate companies

between Transferor and Transferee and Bonten in the company’s corporate structure. None of

these changes represent substantial transfers of control. Specifically:

                  1. Diamond Castle Partners IV, L.P. (“DCP IV”) currently is the managing
                     member of Bonten, with 100 percent of the voting interest in Bonten.
                     Following the Restructuring, DCP IV will have been eliminated from the
                     corporate structure. A new entity, Diamond Castle Partners 2014 AIV
                     (Bonten), L.P. (“Diamond Castle Partners 2014”), will be the managing
                     member of Bonten, with 100 percent of the voting interest in Bonten.

                  2. Bonten/Diamond Castle, LLC (“Bonten/Diamond Castle”) currently is a non-
                     voting member of Bonten. Deal Leaders Fund, L.P. (“Deal Leaders”)
                     currently is the sole member of Bonten/Diamond Castle. Following the
                     Restructuring, Deal Leaders will have been eliminated from the corporate
                     structure. A new entity, DCP 2014 Deal Leaders Fund, L.P. (“DCP 2014 Deal
                     Leaders”), will be the sole member of Bonten/Diamond Castle.

                  3. DCP IV GP, L.P. (“DCP IV GP”) currently is the sole general partner of DCP
                     IV and Deal Leaders. Following the Restructuring, DCP IV GP will have

 Although not directly relevant to Mr. Ranger’s continued, individual 100 percent control and thus the pro forma
nature of the Restructuring, it is noted that (1) the interests to be held by the members of Transferee will be same,
proportionally, as the interests held by the members of Transferee; and (2) the organizational documents of
Transferee will incorporate the FCC’s “insulation” criteria with respect to the two principals other than Mr. Ranger,
who will not be materially involved, directly or indirectly, in the management or operation of Bonten or Bonten’s

                                                                                    Bonten Media Group LLC
                                                                                              FCC Form 312
                                                                                                   Exhibit F
                                                                                                     Page 3

                      been eliminated from the corporate structure. The sole general partner of
                      Diamond Castle Partners 2014 and DCP 2014 Deal Leaders will be DCP 2014
                      GP, L.P.5

                  4. Transferor currently is the sole general partner of DCP IV GP. Following the
                     Restructuring, Transferor will have been eliminated from the corporate
                     structure. The sole general partner of DCP 2014 GP, L.P. will be Transferee.
                     (As discussed above, both Transferee and Transferor are and will be
                     100 percent controlled by Mr. Ranger with respect to their investment in

                  There is no asset purchase agreement associated with the Restructuring.

                  The earth station authorizations identified in the FCC Form 312 applications are

used in connection with the operations of Bonten’s television stations, and no change in the

operation or use of the earth stations will occur as a result of the grant of these pro forma

transfers of control. Accordingly, the public interest would be served by prompt consent to this


  It is expected that the three principals of Transferee will hold non-voting limited partnership interests in DCP 2014
GP, L.P., whose organizational documents will include “insulation” of the two principals other than Mr. Ranger with
respect to Bonten and its licensee subsidiaries.

                                                      Mr. Michael Ranger*


                                                     DCP IV GP-GP, LLC

                                                       GP (100% votes)

                                                        DCP IV GP, L.P.
                                                   [insulated limited partners]

                                                       GP (100% votes)

                  Deal Leaders Fund, L.P.                                         Diamond Castle Partners IV, LP
                [insulated limited partners]                                        [insulated limited partners]

               Sole Member (100% votes)

                                                                                  Managing Member (100% votes)
              Bonten/Diamond Castle, LLC

                           0% votes

                                                     Bonten Media Group LLC


                                               Bonten Media Group Holdings, Inc.


                                                      Bonten Media Group Inc.

                                   100%                                                             100%

                        BlueStone Television Inc.                                        North Carolina Broadcasting, Inc.

                100%                                 100%                                           100%

  The DGH Company                     BlueStone License Holdings Inc.                 North Carolina License Holdings, Inc.
                                    (WCYB-TV, KRCR-TV, KAEF(TV),                                  (WCTI-TV)
                                    KECI(TV), KCFW-TV, KTVM(TV),
               100%                  KTXS-TV, KTES-LP, KTXE-LP)

       California Broadcasting, Inc.

    DC: 5362212-2

                                                                                                          Page 2

* DCP IV GP-GP, LLC (“Company”) is the ultimate general partner of a family of limited partnerships (collectively, the
“Partnership”) that invest across a wide range of industries, including media and telecommunications, energy and power, financial
services and healthcare. Under the Company’s Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement, each of the
Company’s three Managing Members (Messrs. Ranger, Benacerraf and Rush) individually has the power unilaterally to bind the
Company, with the exception that Mr. Ranger individually has the sole power to bind the Company with respect to the Partnership’s
investment in Bonten Media Group and its indirect television station licensee subsidiaries (“Bonten Media Investment”), subject to
the unanimous consent of the Managing Members with respect to certain non-ordinary course matters. Accordingly, Mr. Ranger is
reported as holding 100 percent of the Company’s voting interests in connection with the Bonten Media Investment, and each of the
Company’s two other Managing Members is reported as holding 0 percent of the Company’s voting interests.

       DC: 5362212-2

                                                    Mr. Michael Ranger*


                                                   DCP 2014 GP-GP, LLC

                                                     GP (100% votes)

                                                   DCP 2014 GP, L.P.
                                               [insulated limited partners]

                                                     GP (100% votes)

            DCP 2014 Deal Leaders Fund, L.P.                              Diamond Castle Partners 2014 AIV
               [insulated limited partners]                                         (Bonten), L.P.
                                                                             [insulated limited partners]
               Sole Member (100% votes)

                                                                              Managing Member (100% votes)
              Bonten/Diamond Castle, LLC

                          0% votes

                                                   Bonten Media Group LLC


                                           Bonten Media Group Holdings, Inc.


                                                    Bonten Media Group Inc.

                                 100%                                                            100%

                       BlueStone Television Inc.                                      North Carolina Broadcasting, Inc.

                100%                               100%                                          100%

  The DGH Company                  BlueStone License Holdings Inc.                 North Carolina License Holdings, Inc.
                                 (WCYB-TV, KRCR-TV, KAEF(TV),                                  (WCTI-TV)
                                 KECI(TV), KCFW-TV, KTVM(TV),
               100%               KTXS-TV, KTES-LP, KTXE-LP)

       California Broadcasting, Inc.

    DC: 5362242-2

                                                                                                            Page 2

* DCP 2014 GP-GP, LLC (“Company”) is the ultimate general partner of a family of limited partnerships (collectively, the
“Partnership”) that invest across a wide range of industries, including media and telecommunications, energy and power, financial
services and healthcare. Under the Company’s Limited Liability Company Agreement, each of the Company’s three Managing
Members (Messrs. Ranger, Benacerraf and Rush) individually has the power unilaterally to bind the Company, with the exception
that Mr. Ranger individually has the sole power to bind the Company with respect to the Partnership’s investment in Bonten Media
Group and its indirect television station licensee subsidiaries (“Bonten Media Investment”), subject to the unanimous consent of the
Managing Members with respect to certain non-ordinary course matters. Accordingly, Mr. Ranger is reported as holding
100 percent of the Company’s voting interests in connection with the Bonten Media Investment, and each of the Company’s two
other Managing Members is reported as holding 0 percent of the Company’s voting interests.

       DC: 5362242-2

Document Created: 2014-09-19 10:14:12
Document Modified: 2014-09-19 10:14:12

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