Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20140612-00516 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


          Pro Forma Transfer of Control from London Broadcasting Company, Inc.
                         To London Broadcasting Company, LP

This application requests approval for a pro forma corporate restructuring which does not change
the beneficial ownership or ultimate voting control of the licensee entities. This transaction seeks
to convert the parent of the licensee entities from a corporation into a limited partnership.

Currently, the licensee entities shown in the attached chart are owned 100% by London
Broadcasting Company, Inc.

Following the consummation of the proposed pro forma transaction, the licensee entities will be
owned 100% by London Broadcasting Company, LP. The current shareholders of London
Broadcasting Company, Inc. will become limited partners of London Broadcasting Company, LP.
A new company, LBC GP, LLC will become the general partner of and will hold less than a 1
percent interest in London Broadcasting Company, LP. The ownership of the remaining entities
in the ownership chain will be unchanged. Thus, there will be no change in the beneficial
ownership of the licensee entities.

The following organizational charts show the ownership of the company before and after the
proposed pro forma transfer of control.

WRFMAIN 13746062.1

                                                                               PRE CONSUMMATION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART

       Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
              (Limited Partner)                                             Thrivent White Rose GP II, LLC
                                                                          c/o Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
                                                                                   (General Partner)                                                            SunTx Capital II Management Corp.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SunTx Capital SBIC Corporation

                                                                                                                                                                  SunTx Capital Partners II GP, LP
                                                                                                                                                                        (General Partner)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SunTx Capital SBIC, L.P.
  Thrivent White Rose Fund II Equity Direct, LP
                                                           SunTx Capital Partners II Dutch Investors, LP                SunTx Capital Partners II, LP
       c/o Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
                                                                        (Limited Partner)                                    (Limited Partner)
                 (Limited Partner)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SunTx Fulcrum Fund II – SBIC, L.P.

                                                                                                                                                                       SunTx LBC Holdings, LP

                                                                                        London Broadcasting Company, Inc.

        KTXD                          KIDY/KXVA                          KCEB                              KIII                            KCEN                             KYTX                            KBMT                            KUIL*
License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC            License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC            License Company, LLC            License Company LLC

*KUIL License Company, LLC does not currently hold any FCC Licenses. It has a pending application to acquire four low power television station licenses from Bluebonnet Communications L.L.C. (FCC File No. BALDTL-20140227AAK)

                                                                              POST-CONSUMMATION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART

        Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
               (Limited Partner)                                             Thrivent White Rose GP II, LLC
                                                                           c/o Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
                                                                                    (General Partner)                                                            SunTx Capital II Management Corp.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SunTx Capital SBIC Corporation

                                                                                                                                                                   SunTx Capital Partners II GP, LP
                                                                                                                                                                         (General Partner)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SunTx Capital SBIC, L.P.
   Thrivent White Rose Fund II Equity Direct, LP
                                                            SunTx Capital Partners II Dutch Investors, LP               SunTx Capital Partners II, LP
        c/o Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
                                                                         (Limited Partner)                                   (Limited Partner)
                  (Limited Partner)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SunTx Fulcrum Fund II – SBIC, L.P.

                                                                                                                                                                        SunTx LBC Holdings, LP

                                              LBC GP, LLC                                 London Broadcasting Company, LP
                                             General Partner

         KTXD                          KIDY/KXVA                           KCEB                               KIII                            KCEN                             KYTX                            KBMT                           KUIL*
 License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC              License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC             License Company, LLC            License Company, LLC           License Company LLC

*KUIL License Company, LLC does not currently hold any FCC Licenses. It has a pending application to acquire four low power television station licenses from Bluebonnet Communications L.L.C. (FCC File No. BALDTL-20140227AAK)

                           PARTIES TO THE APPLICATION

  Before the Transfer

LICENSEE ENTITIES: KTXD License Company, LLC, KIDY/KXVA License Company, LLC,
KCEB License Company, LLC, KIII License Company, LLC, KCEN License Company, LLC,
KYTX License Company, LLC, KBMT License Company, LLC, KXPX License Company, LLC
KUIL License Company, LLC

    NAME & ADDRESS               POSITION         % VOTING       % EQUITY

London Broadcasting Company,    Sole Member            100             100
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Terry E. London                   President            N/A             N/A
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Carl Kornmeyer                    Treasurer            N/A             N/A
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Barrett N. Bruce                  Secretary            N/A             N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240


  After the Transfer

LICENSEE ENTITIES: KTXD License Company, LLC, KIDY/KXVA License Company, LLC,
KCEB License Company, LLC, KIII License Company, LLC, KCEN License Company, LLC,
KYTX License Company, LLC, KBMT License Company, LLC, KXPX License Company, LLC
KUIL License Company, LLC

    NAME & ADDRESS               POSITION         % VOTING       % EQUITY

London Broadcasting Company,    Sole Member            100             100
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Terry E. London                   President            N/A             N/A
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Carl Kornmeyer                    Treasurer            N/A             N/A
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Barrett N. Bruce                  Secretary            N/A             N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240


  Before the Transfer

                               LONDON BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.
               Each officer, director and shareholder of London Broadcasting Company, Inc. is a U.S. Citizen.

  NAME & ADDRESS                         OFFICER              DIRECTOR              % VOTES            % EQUITY

Ned N. Fleming, III                   Chairman of the               Yes                 N/A                 N/A
Two Lincoln Centre                        Board
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Terry E. London                        President and                Yes                 7.41                7.43
15455 Dallas Parkway                  Chief Executive
Suite 1447                                Officer
Addison, TX 75001

Barrett N. Bruce                          Secretary                 No                  N/A                 N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx Fulcrum Fund II –                      N/A                    N/A                 8.45                8.45
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx LBC Holdings, L.P.                     N/A                    N/A                 75.87              75.87
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Richard Boyle                                 No                    Yes                 N/A                 N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Timothy P. Wegener                            No                    Yes                 N/A                 N/A
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415



Brett Johnston               No            Yes        N/A       N/A
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, Texas 75240

Carl Kornmeyer         Chief Financial      No        3.32      3.32
15455 Dallas Parkway      Officer
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Phillip Hurley         Chief Operating      No        3.43      3.43
15455 Dallas Parkway       Officer
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

William Landers              No             No        .06        .06
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Brent Landers                No             No        .06        .05
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
John Gaston                  No             No        .08        .08
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Cory Hurley                  No             No        .04        .04
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Michael Blanton              No             No        1.18      1.18
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001


  After the Transfer

                               LONDON BROADCASTING COMPANY, LP.

      NAME & ADDRESS                         POSITION              % VOTES            % EQUITY
                                           General Partner              100               .00071
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Ned N. Fleming, III                        Limited Partner              N/A                N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Terry E. London                            Limited Partner               0                 7.43
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Barrett N. Bruce                           Limited Partner              N/A                N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx Fulcrum Fund II –                    Limited Partner               0                 8.45
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx LBC Holdings, L.P.                   Limited Partner               0                75.86
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Richard Boyle                                   None                    N/A                N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000

      The management and operation of London Broadcasting Company, LP is vested exclusively in the general partner.


    NAME & ADDRESS         POSITION         % VOTES   % EQUITY
Dallas, TX 75240

Timothy P. Wegener            None            N/A       N/A
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Brett Johnston                None            N/A       N/A
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, Texas 75240

Carl Kornmeyer            Limited Partner      0        3.32
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Phillip Hurley            Limited Partner      0        3.43
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

William Landers           Limited Partner      0         .06
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Brent Landers             Limited Partner      0         .05
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
John Gaston               Limited Partner      0         .08
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Cory Hurley               Limited Partner      0         .04
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001
Michael Blanton           Limited Partner      0        1.18
15455 Dallas Parkway
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001


The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-


                                       LBC GP, LLC

  After the Transfer

  NAME & ADDRESS              POSITION           DIRECTOR   % VOTES   % EQUITY

SunTx LBC Holdings, L.P.     Sole Member             N/A      100       100
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Ned N. Fleming, III         Chairman of the          Yes       0         0
Two Lincoln Centre              Board
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Terry E. London            President and Chief       Yes       0         0
15455 Dallas Parkway        Executive Officer
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Barrett N. Bruce               Secretary             No        0         0
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx Fulcrum Fund II –           N/A                N/A       0         0
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Richard Boyle                     No                 Yes       0         0
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Timothy P. Wegener                No                 Yes       0         0
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Brett Johnston                    No                 Yes       0         0


5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, Texas 75240

Carl Kornmeyer         Chief Financial      No         0         0
15455 Dallas Parkway      Officer
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001

Phillip Hurley         Chief Operating      No         0         0
15455 Dallas Parkway       Office
Suite 1447
Addison, TX 75001


        The proposed transfer of control does not contemplate a change in the
                       ownership of the entities listed below.

                               SUNTX FULCRUM FUND II – SBIC, L.P.

      NAME & ADDRESS                          POSITION                  % VOTING               % EQUITY

SunTx Capital SBIC, L.P.                    General Partner                   100                    0∗
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

  The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
  insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-

   The management and operation of SunTx Fulcrum Fund II - SBIC, L.P. is vested exclusively in the general


                                          SUNTX CAPITAL SBIC, L.P.

        NAME & ADDRESS                          POSITION                % VOTING                  % EQUITY

SunTx Capital SBIC Corporation                General Partner                 100                        0*
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Ned N. Fleming, III                           Limited Partner                  0                       52.4
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Richard J. Boyle                              Limited Partner                  0                        7.0
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Craig J. Jennings                             Limited Partner                  0                       16.8
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Mark R. Matteson                              Limited Partner                  0                       23.8
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

      The management and operation of SunTX Capital SBIC, L.P. is vested exclusively in the general partner.




Ned N. Fleming, III       President        Yes         100      100
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Richard J. Boyle        Vice President     Yes        N/A       N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Mark R. Matteson        Vice President     Yes        N/A       N/A
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Craig J. Jennings       Vice President     Yes        N/A       N/A
Two Lincoln Centre      and Secretary
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240


                                        SUNTX LBC HOLDINGS, L.P.

       NAME & ADDRESS                        POSITION               % VOTING               % EQUITY

SunTx Capital Partners II GP,              General Partner               100                    0.1*
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx Capital Partners II, LP              Limited Partner                 0                    32
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

SunTx Capital Partners II Dutch            Limited Partner                 0                    18
Investors, LP
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Thrivent White Rose Fund II                Limited Partner                 0                    30
Equity Direct, LP
c/o Thrivent Financial for
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

  The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
  insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-

      The management and operation of SunTX LBC Holdings, L.P. is vested exclusively in the general partner.


                                 SUNTX CAPITAL PARTNERS II, L.P.

      NAME & ADDRESS                         POSITION                  % VOTING                 % EQUITY

SunTx Capital Partners II GP,              General Partner                  100                     8.71*
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

  The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
  insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-


      NAME & ADDRESS                         POSITION                  % VOTING                 % EQUITY
SunTx Capital Partners II GP,              General Partner                  100                     0.29*
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

  The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
  insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-
  attributable. It is anticipated that certain of these insulated limited partners will be foreign
  entities, however the proposed assignee certifies that the fund’s investment will be structured in
  such a manner so as not to exceed the Commission’s 25% aggregate foreign ownership limit.

   The management and operation of SunTX Capital Partners II, L.P. and SunTX Capital Partners II Dutch Investors,
  L.P. is vested exclusively in the general partner.


                                  SUNTX CAPITAL PARTNERS II GP, L.P.

       NAME & ADDRESS                           POSITION                   % VOTING                  % EQUITY

SunTx Capital II Management                   General Partner                    100                      0.1*
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

  The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
  insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-

      The management and operation of SunTX Capital Partners II GP, L.P. is vested exclusively in the general partner.




Ned N. Fleming, III       President and        Yes         75         75
Two Lincoln Centre            CEO
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Mark R. Matteson          Vice President        No         15         15
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Craig J. Jennings         Vice President        No         10         10
Two Lincoln Centre          and Chief
5420 LBJ Freeway         Financial Officer
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240

Barrett N. Bruce         Vice President-        No        N/A        N/A
Two Lincoln Centre         Legal and
5420 LBJ Freeway            Secretary
Suite 1000
Dallas, TX 75240



    NAME & ADDRESS                       POSITION               % VOTING           % EQUITY

Thrivent White Rose GP II,              General Partner             100%               0.53%
c/o Thrivent Financial for
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans        Limited Partner              0%               99.27%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Russell W. Swansen Revocable            Limited Partner              0%                0.13%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

David S. Royal                          Limited Partner              0%               0.065%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

  The remaining equity interests in this limited partnership are held by limited partners that are
  insulated pursuant to the Commission’s established criteria, therefore their interests are non-


                             THRIVENT WHITE ROSE GP II, LLC

    NAME & ADDRESS                   POSITION        % VOTING   % EQUITY

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans   Managing Member     100%       67.5%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Glen J. Vanic                          Member           0%        10%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Timothy P. Wegener                     Member           0%        10%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Geoffrey A. Huber                      Member           0%         5%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Mark O. Swenson                        Member           0%         5%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Jen Wilson                             Member           0%        2.5%
625 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415


                             THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS2

      NAME & ADDRESS                            POSITION                  % Voting Interest          % Equity Interest

Kenneth A. Carow                                  Director                       7.69%                         0%
950 Silver Hill lane
Greenwood, IN 46142

Mark Jeske                                        Director                       7.69%                         0%
1681 North Astor Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

F. Mark Kuhlmann                                  Director                       7.69%                         0%
1711 Stone Ridge Trails
Kirkwood, MO 63122

N. Cornell Boggs                                  Director                       7.69%                         0%
5767 Enchanted Forest
Sanford, MI 48657-9141

Bonnie E. Raquet                                  Director                       7.69%                         0%
2954 Pelican Point Circle
Mound, MN 55364

Alice M. Richter                                  Director                       7.69%                         0%
2774 Wilds Lane NW
Prior Lake, MN 55372

James H. Scott                                    Director                       7.69%                         0%
2853 Tansey Lane
Chester Springs, PA 19425

Kirk D. Farney                                    Director                       7.69%                         0%
216 E. Chicago Avenue
Hinsdale, IL 60521

Frank H. Moeller                           Chairman, Director                    7.69%                         0%
9543 Big View Drive
Austin, TX 78730

Allan R. Spies                                    Director                       7.69%                         0%
747 Detroit Street

    Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a Fraternal Organization. Its equity membership is composed of hundreds of
  individuals who each individually hold no more than 1% equity interest in the organization. The board members
  (Directors) are elected by majority vote. The board must decide matters put before it by majority vote, therefore
  each member of the board which are listed above have 1/13th voting interest in the organization.


    NAME & ADDRESS                 POSITION             % Voting Interest   % Equity Interest
Denver, CO 80202

Adrian M. Tocklin                    Director                7.69%                 0%
4961 Bacopa Lane South #801
St. Petersburg, FL 33715

Frederick G. Kraegel                 Director                7.69%                 0%
1225 Hyde Lane
Henrico, VA 23229

Anne Sample                    Senior Vice President,          0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South       Chief Human Resources
Minneapolis, MN 55415                 Officer

Randall L. Boushek            Senior Vice President,           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South       Chief Financial Officer
Minneapolis, MN 55415             and Treasurer

Pamela J. Moret               Senior Vice President,           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South       Strategic Development
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Bradford L. Hewitt              President and Chief          7.69%                 0%
625 Fourth Avenue South         Executive Officer,
Minneapolis, MN 55415                 Director

Terry W. Timm                 Senior Vice President,           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South        Shared Services and
Minneapolis, MN 55415            Administration

Russell W. Swansen             Senior Vice President           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South        and Chief Investment
Minneapolis, MN 55415                 Officer

Teresa J. Rasmussen           Senior Vice President,           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South        General Counsel and
Minneapolis, MN 55415               Secretary

James A. Thomsen               Senior Vice President           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South        and Chief Marketing
Minneapolis, MN 55415                 Officer

Knut A. Olson                 Senior Vice President,           0%                  0%
625 Fourth Avenue South       Mission Advancement
Minneapolis, MN 55415


Document Created: 2014-06-12 16:25:45
Document Modified: 2014-06-12 16:25:45

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