Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20131231-01211 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC Form 312
Application for Transfer of Control

                         DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION AND
                           PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT

        In the instant application, Digital Generation, Inc. (“Digital Generation”) and Extreme
Reach, Inc. (“Extreme Reach,” together with Digital Generation, the “Parties”) request consent
for the transfer of control of earth station licenses held by Digital Generation, from the
shareholders of Digital Generation to Extreme Reach.

        The Parties have entered into an agreement pursuant to which Digital Generation will
merge with and into a subsidiary of Extreme Reach, with Digital Generation as the surviving
entity. As a result, Digital Generation will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Extreme

Description of the Parties

        Digital Generation is a publicly traded company and is the licensee of transmit/receive
earth station facilities licensed under call signs E980336 and E090202. Digital Generation
provides digital media distribution and management solutions to the television, media, and
entertainment industries.

        Extreme Reach is a provider of advertising solutions for television, online, mobile and
other video media. Extreme Reach is a Delaware corporation headquartered at 75 2nd Avenue,
Needham, Massachusetts 02494. The entities following own 10 percent or more of Extreme
Reach’s voting stock:

       Owner                                     Citizenship      Voting Percentage
       Spectrum Equity Investors VI, L.P.        Delaware         24.97%
       c/o Spectrum Equity Investors
       One International Place, 29th Floor
       Boston, MA 02110
       Village Ventures Fund II                  Massachusetts 29.11%
       430 Main Street, Suite 1
       Williamstown, MA 01267
       Greycroft Partners, L.P.                  Delaware         18.09%
       153 East 53rd Street, 53rd Floor
       New York, NY 10022


       The following are the directors and senior officers of Extreme Reach, all of whom can be
reached c/o Extreme Reach, Inc., 75 2nd Avenue, Needham, Massachusetts 02494:

        Name                          Title
        John Roland                   Chairman and CEO
        Tim Conley                    Chief Operating Officer, Board Member
        Michael Barach                Board Member
        Jim Quagliaroli               Board Member
        Jake Heller                   Board Member
        Tom MacIssac                  Board Member
        Tripp Peake                   Board Member
        Dan Brackett                  Chief Technology Officer
        Nancy Lazaros                 Chief Financial Officer
        Robert Haskitt                Chief Marketing Officer
        Tim Hale                      Chief Talent Officer
        Patrick Hanavan               SVP of Sales & Client Management
        Chip Scully                   VP of Online Advertising

The Transaction is in the Public Interest

        The proposed transfer of control will serve the public interest. The acquisition of Digital
Generation by Extreme Reach will enhance and complement Extreme Reach’s suite of
capabilities on its video platform, resulting in more efficient provision of Extreme Reach’s
services. Digital Generation uses the earth station facilities at issue in connection with this
business to provide expanded capacity to its distribution network and to serve as back up for
other video distribution paths. 1 Grant of this application would allow the continued use of the
earth station facilities after the close of the transaction to distribute programming and
advertisements to broadcast stations at the high level of quality and reliability to which its
customers are accustomed. Therefore, the public interest would be served by facilitating the
provision of video delivery service to customers, which in turn would ensure the continued
availability of the broadcast and media services provided by those customers to the public.

       The proposed transaction has cleared antitrust review by the Federal Trade Commission.
The Parties intend to complete the transaction upon the approval of the transaction by the
shareholders of Digital Generation and the satisfaction or waiver of other closing conditions,
which are expected to occur during the first quarter of 2014. Therefore, the Parties respectfully
request prompt consideration and grant of this application.

        Digital Generation utilizes the facilities to carry its own communications as part of its
        underlying business and does not provide a telecommunications service subject to Title II
        of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.


Contact Information for Licensee/Transferor

        For purposes of this application, correspondence for Digital Generation should be
directed to its counsel:

        Elizabeth R. Park
        Latham & Watkins LLP
        555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
        Suite 1000
        Washington, DC 20004-1304
        Telephone: 202-637-2200


Document Created: 2013-12-30 17:04:15
Document Modified: 2013-12-30 17:04:15

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