Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20131021-00879 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         ABRY Broadcast Partners IL, L.P (De FaetControl)
                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                  Exhibit E

                             DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION

        This upplication on FCC Form 312 seeks Commission consent to the proforma transfer
of control of the licenses for the earth stations identified in the instant application from ABRY
Broadeast Partners I1, L.P (De Facto Control) to Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
This application is related to a broadcast application on ECC Fomm 316 involying numerous
television stations, A complete description of the transaction, as fled with that
attached herelo.

                                                                             FCCForm 316
                                                                  Neastar Broadeasting, bnc.
                                                                            September 2013
                                                                                  Page L of2

                           DESCRIPTION.OF TRANSACTION

       "This application on FCC Porm316 secks Commission consont t the proforma transfer
ofcontrol of Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.("Nexsta"), tlicensco ofthe sations identified in
Section H1 Question 5, via therelinguishment ofthe defaeto contral exercised over Nexstorby
ABRY Broadcast Parners L L.. and ABRY Browleast PartnorsTll, L.P. (collectively

        Nexstaris wholly owned byan intermediate parent company, Nexstar Finance Noldings
Inc., which in turis wholly owned by ullimate parent company Nexstar Broadcasting Group,
Inc. (°NBGIY). While ABRY (formerly NBGIprincipal sharcholder) no longer holds a
contralling stock interestin NBGI ABRY contintes to exereise de facto control over NBGI (and
thus Nexstar) byvirtue of the fact that ABRY principats occupyhalf opecifically four ofeight)
afthe seats on NBGIs Board ofDirectors.
       At present, NBGI‘s Roard is composed of the following individuals
       Perry A. Sook
       Brik Brooks*
       JayM. Grossman®
       Brent Stone*
       Royee Yudkoft®
       IMartin Pompadur
       Lisheth McNabb
       (* denotes ABRY principal)
        Brent Stone, a partner of ABRY, has informed management thatit i his intention to
resign from the NBOL board of directors i the near Future, andafter Commission consent. Upon
Mr,Stone‘s resignation, the NBGI board will be resized to sevendirectors, and willbe composed
ofthe diectors listed above other than Mr. Stone. Thus, following Mr. Stone‘s resipnation,
NBGIs Board will consist of seven members, only three ofwhich willbe ABRY principals.
ABRY willtherefore cease to exercise de faeto contral ofNexster. This application secks
consent to ABRY‘s relinguishment ofde fueto control asdescribed above.

! 0n March 13,2013, e Comlston agprovad an FCG Fonm 316 poposing ths "downyading"of ABRY‘s
comral ofNesfom eJure t de aero. Szelad File No BTCCDT—20L3O20IACO, Pursiatto ht upproval.
ABRYsold is NBGL stock to hepublic bt s representvesbave cannued tocomprse 801 af he sels on
nBors Boud

                                                                                FCC Form 316
                                                                     Nexstar Broadcasting, lic.
                                                                                Septemher 2013
                                                                                    Page 2 of2
       "The non—ABRY Board members (Messts, Sook, Armstrony und Pompadur and Ms.
McNublb) will remain members of the NBGI Board after the resizing. NBGI currentlyhas
30.105.745 shares ofClass A voting stock issued and outstanding. Other than one qualifed
investment company (which halds 5.19% of NBGI‘sClass A voring stock), no person or eatity
holds 5% or more ofNBGI‘s outsanding Class A voting stock. Therefore, no new party will
acquire control in connection with the Board resizing.
        1t is well—established that [sJummary procedures [ic., a "short form" application may
be used when a party‘dowa grades‘ its interest from ... defacto to nocontrol, where no new
party aequires control."" Accordingly, Commission consent to ABRY‘s conversion from de
faeto controlto non—control is appropriately sought on PCC Form 316.

* Sepben Senell terignent and Thawfrs ofComral eFCC Axhoizarons Unier Secton 310( ofthe
Commuicatons se of193443 Vod. Comm L. J. 277 327 (1991) Sze Commite fr FalFolueoftorr
Communications in 101 1€.C.28 424, 426 (cted in Sonall anlle s exanple ofhipropositon; Commision
stafgranted proforme splication athorngreinquishcntofde octo conrifrom Store fonilyinurets o
company‘s pablistoctodr) affd, 763 P28 426 (D.C. Cir 1983), SulJoln A. Phippe, fr. 11 FCC Red
13053,1206809 (19908) oformetreatnentatloded to rliquihinent ofe fzto contra, whereno ctiy vould
be sequirin ithr dz fctoordaure contcloieensto.

Document Created: 2013-10-18 16:10:05
Document Modified: 2013-10-18 16:10:05

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