Attachment Exhibit E - Q34&A20

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20130927-00860 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                 Exhibit 1
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                          Exhibit E: Responses to Items 34 and A20

       By this application, Enlaces Integra, S. de R.L. de C.V. (“Enlaces”) and Eutelsat S.A.
(“Eutelsat”) seek Commission consent to transfer control of the VSAT Network license, Call
Sign E070238, from Enlaces to Eutelsat.

         Upon consummation of the transaction, the license will be held by Eutelsat. Eutelsat and
its subsidiaries (“the Eutelsat Group”) operate a fleet of 31 satellites in 21 orbital positions,
located between 15° West and 172° East, providing coverage of the entire European continent,
the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and a significant part of the Asian and
American continents. This fleet represents a total of 858 operational transponders in stable orbit.
The Eutelsat Group broadcasts 4,660 television channels. Eutelsat America Corp., a subsidiary
of Eutelsat and the Eutelsat Group’s principal operating company in the United States, sells
satellite capacity of the Eutelsat Group throughout the North American market.1

        The name, address, citizenship, principal business, and ownership percentage of the
significant shareholders of Eutelsat are provided below. In addition, an organizational chart
showing the ownership of Eutelsat is attached.

        Eutelsat is a société anonyme organized under the laws of France. Eutelsat is the Eutelsat
Group’s main operating subsidiary. The address of Eutelsat is 70 rue Balard, 75015 Paris,

        95.62% of Eutelsat’s share capital is held by Eutelsat Communications Finance S.A.S., a
société par actions simplifiée organized under the laws of France (“Eutelsat Finance”). The sole
activity of Eutelsat Finance is to hold the share capital of Eutelsat. The address of Eutelsat
Finance is 70 rue Balard, 75015 Paris, France. In addition, the Russian Satellite Communication
Commission (“RSCC”) holds 3.38% of the shares issued by Eutelsat and 0.28% of the shares of
Eutelsat are held by other entities as set out on the ownership chart attached hereto. RSCC and
these other entities have no control over Eutelsat. All shareholdings of Eutelsat (other than the
0.11% of such shares held by Eutelsat’s employees and executives) are a result of the
privatization of Eutelsat, formerly an intergovernmental organization.

        The sole shareholder of Eutelsat Finance is Eutelsat Communications S.A., a société
anonyme organized under the laws of France. The principal role of Eutelsat Communications
S.A. is to hold its indirect equity interest in Eutelsat. The address of Eutelsat Communications
S.A. is 70 rue Balard, 75015 Paris, France.

  The Commission recently granted (i) a Consent to Assignment from GE International Holdings, Inc. to Eutelsat
America Corp. Grant of Authorization, Consent to Assignment of 1 Station from GE International Holdings Inc. to
Eutelsat America Corp., File No.: SAT-ASG-20120626-00105, Call Sign: S2610 (effective date: Aug. 23, 2012) and
(ii) a Consent to Assignment from Eutelsat America Corp. to ES 172 LLC Grant of Authorization, Consent to
Assignment of 1 Station from Eutelsat America Corp. to ES 172 LLC., File No.: SAT-ASG-20121227-00226, Call
Sign: S2610 (effective date: July 11, 2013). Eutelsat America and ES 172 LLC are members of the Eutelsat Group
as wholly owned subsidiaries of Eutelsat.

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         25.62% of the share capital of Eutelsat Communications S.A. is held by Fonds
Stratégique d’Investissement (the “FSI”), a société anonyme formed in 2008 to enhance equity in
France and help stabilize French companies during the economic crisis. Approximately 51% of
the FSI’s share capital is held by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (the “CDC”) and
approximately 49% of its share capital is held directly by the French State. The FSI must present
its strategic plans and annual report to the supervisory commission of the CDC. The FSI’s board
of directors has seven members. Two of the directors are representatives of the CDC, two of the
directors are representatives of the French State and three of the directors are qualified
personalities. The chairman of the FSI’s board of directors is the CDC’s chief executive officer.
The chief executive officer of the FSI is appointed by its board of directors. The address of the
FSI is 56 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris, France.

        The CDC is a financial institution wholly owned by the French State that serves the
general interest and the economic development of France. Approximately 50% of the CDC’s
recurring and non-recurring net profit is paid to the French State. The CDC is managed by a
chief executive officer, who is appointed by the President of the French State. The CDC is
supervised by a supervisory commission of 13 members, all of which are appointed by various
sectors of the French government.

         5.01% of the share capital of Eutelsat Communications S.A. is held by Abertis Telecom
S.a.u., a sociedad anónima unipersonal (single stockholder corporation) organized under the
laws of Spain. Abertis Telecom S.a.u. is a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of Abertis
Infraestructuras S.A., a sociedad anónima organized under the laws of Spain and a publicly
traded company. Its significant shareholders and their respective shareholdings are disclosed on
its website: The address of
Abertis Telecom S.a.u. and Abertis Infraestructuras S.A. is Edifico B, Avda del Parc Logistic, 12
– 20, 08040, Barcelona, Spain.

         6.94% of the share capital of Eutelsat Communications S.A. is held by Land Breeze
s.a.r.l. Land Breeze s.a.r.l. is organized under the laws of Luxembourg and is a wholly owned
subsidiary of China Investment Corp. (“CIC”). Two other subsidiaries of CIC organized under
the laws of the People’s Republic of China, Flourish Investment Corporation and Best
Investment Corporation (together with Land Breeze s.a.r.l., the “CIC Entities”), own 0.05% and
0.01% of the shares of Eutelsat Communications S.A., respectively. Information about CIC can
be found on its website:

        To the best of Eutelsat Communications S.A.’s knowledge, no other shareholders own,
directly or indirectly, more than 10% of its share capital or voting rights. Eutelsat
Communications S.A. is managed by a board of directors that currently has 8 members (with a
maximum of 12 members), each of whom has a six-year renewable term of office. Currently,
four of the directors are independent and three of the directors are affiliated with the FSI. No
decisions of the board of directors can be taken or be blocked by three directors. Neither the FSI,
nor any of the CIC Entities, nor any foreign government or person controlled by or acting on
behalf of a foreign government has or will have the right or power to appoint any of Eutelsat

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
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Communications S.A.’s principal officers. None of the CIC Entities has the right or power to
appoint any of Eutelsat Communications S.A.’s directors.

       More information about Eutelsat Communications S.A., its shareholders, and its
governance can be found on its website at

       The following individuals are officers and directors of Eutelsat.

NAME                                           TITLE
Jean-Martin Folz                               Director
Michel de Rosen                                Director, Chairman of the Board and CEO,
                                               Eutelsat Communications
Miriem Bensalah Chaqroun                       Director
Lori Birt                                      Director, Vice Chairman of the Board
Jean-Paul Brillaud                             Director
Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement (FSI)       Director
represented by Thomas Devedjian
Bertrand Mabille                               Director
Ross McInnes                                   Director
Elisabetta Oliveri                             Director
Carole Piwnica                                 Director
Christian Roisse                               Board Observer, Executive Secretary of the
                                               Eutelsat Intergovernmental Organisation

       The address for the individuals listed above is 70 rue Balard, 75015 Paris, France.

Counsel for Eutelsat is:

       Jeffrey Cunard
       Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
       555 13th Street, N.W., Suite 1100-E
       Washington, D.C. 20004
       Phone: 202-383-8043
       Facsimile: 202-383-8118

Counsel for Enlaces is:

       Carlos M. Nalda
       Squire Sanders (US), LLP
       1200 19th Street, NW, Suite 300
       Washington, D.C., 20036
       Phone: 202-626-6659
       Facsimile: 202-626-6780

                                                                                                                                                           FCC Form 312
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                                                                  Ownership of Eutelsat

                                                             Eutelsat Communications S.A.


                                                            Eutelsat Communications Finance
                            0.72%                                       95.62%                                                          3.66%

                                                                        Eutelsat S.A.

     50%                50% + 1                      100%                        100%                      100%                 100%               100%

Solaris Mobile Ltd   DSat Cinema SA                  Fransat SA             Eutelsat Madeira            Eutelsat Services      Eutelsat Inc.        Skylogic
     (Ireland)        (Luxembourg)                    (France)               Lda (Madeira)              und Beteiligungen        (U.S.A.)          SpA (Italy)
                                                                                                        GmbH (Germany)
                                                                                                                                 100%                            100%
                                                                                                        Eutelsat visAvision   Eutelsat America               Eutelsat Asia Pte
                     Subsidiary of equity interest                                                       GmbH (Germany)        Corp. (U.S.A.)                 Ltd (Singpore)
     Holding         (less than 100%)
                                                                                                            Hispasat SA
    Operating                                                                                                  (Spain)

                     Minority shareholders of Eutelsat S.A.: historical institutional shareholders of
     Others          Eutelsat S.A. (mainly telecoms operators and governments in Central and Eastern
                     Europe or Central Asia), and Eutelsat S.A. employees.

Document Created: 2013-09-26 13:30:58
Document Modified: 2013-09-26 13:30:58

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