Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20130912-00806 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                       Westwood One, Inc.
                                                            Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                                                Exhibit E

                           Ownership Structure of Proposed Transferee

          The proposed transferee, Cumulus Media Inc. (“CMI”), is the sole stockholder of
    Cumulus Media Holdings Inc. The primary business of CMI is radio broadcasting. The
    ownership structure of CMI is set forth in the following tables.

                        Ownership Information for Cumulus Media Inc.1

          Name & Address                Citizenship         Positional        Percentage   Percentage of
                                                             Interest          of Votes    Total Assets2
Cumulus Media Inc.
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
Suite 2300                                                     ---                ---           ---
Atlanta, GA 30305

Jeffrey Marcus
Crestview Radio Investors, LLC
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
                                           U.S.             Director             0%             0%
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10065

Arthur J. Reimers
445 Round Hill Road
                                           U.S.             Director             0%             0%
Greenwich, CT 06831

Lewis W. Dickey, Jr.
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
                                                        Chairman, CEO,
3280 Peachtree Road, NW                    U.S.                                 5.5%           2.0%
                                                      President & Director
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30305

   The Class A common stock of CMI, which includes voting rights, is publicly-traded and is held by,
among others, various investment companies, insurance companies, or other institutional investors. To
CMI’s knowledge, all of these institutional investors hold less than 20% of CMI’s Class A common
stock, and none of them has any influence, either directly or indirectly, over the management or operation
of CMI or its subsidiaries. All of the Class C common stock of CMI, which is not publicly traded, is held
by Lewis W. Dickey, Jr. Each share of Class C common stock has ten (10) votes.
   Unless otherwise indicated in this exhibit, this column sets forth information with respect to equity
holdings only and does not include debt. The amount of CMI’s outstanding debt constantly fluctuates.
No party providing debt financing to CMI (or any party under common control with a debt provider)
holds an attributable interest in CMI or any party under common control with CMI. Consequently,
providing information as to debt holdings would have no bearing on the identification of parties with
attributable interests in CMI. To the extent such information relating to debt were included, it would
merely reduce the percentages of certain parties in this column in the total enterprise value of CMI.


                                                                                 Westwood One, Inc.
                                                      Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                          Exhibit E

          Name & Address       Citizenship            Positional        Percentage   Percentage of
                                                       Interest          of Votes    Total Assets
John W. Dickey
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
                                                  Executive Vice
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                  U.S.            President & Co-         1.2%          1.1%
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30305

John G. Pinch
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
                                                  Executive Vice
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                  U.S.            President & Co-         0.1%          0.1%
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30305

Richard S. Denning
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
                                                     Senior Vice
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                  U.S.           President, Secretary      0%            0%
Suite 2300
                                                 & General Counsel
Atlanta, GA 30305

Joseph P. Hannan
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
                                                     Senior Vice
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                  U.S.           President, Treasurer      0%            0%
Suite 2300
                                                       & CFO
Atlanta, GA 30305

John Thomas Batson
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
3280 Peachtree Road, NW                            Chief Revenue
                                  U.S.                                     0%            0%
Suite 2300                                            Officer
Atlanta, GA 30305

Robert H. Sheridan, III
150 North College Street
Suite 2500                        U.S.                Director             0%            0%
Charlotte, NC 28202

David M. Tolley
c/o The Blackstone Group
345 Park Avenue
                                  U.S.                Director             0%            0%
31st Floor
New York, NY 10154

Ralph B. Everett
1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                                  U.S.                Director             0%            0%
Tenth Floor
Washington, DC 20004


                                                                              Westwood One, Inc.
                                                   Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E

          Name & Address         Citizenship        Positional      Percentage   Percentage of
                                                     Interest        of Votes    Total Assets
Alexis Glick
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                    U.S.            Director            0%            0%
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30305

Crestview Radio Investors, LLC
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                     Stockholder        35.9%         34.0%
New York, NY 10065
Blackstone FC Communications
Partners, L.P.
c/o The Blackstone Group
                                  Limited          Stockholder         2.0%          1.9%
345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10154

Dickey Holdings Limited
Partnership, LLLP                Delaware
780 Johnson Ferry Road NE         Limited
                                                   Stockholder         5.2%          4.9%
5th Floor                        Liability
Atlanta, GA 303042               Company


                                                                                         Westwood One, Inc.
                                                              Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                  Exhibit E

                  Ownership Information for Crestview Radio Investors, LLC3

         Name & Address                 Citizenship           Positional        Percentage of     Percentage
                                                               Interest            Votes           of Equity
Crestview Radio Investors, LLC
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                                   ---                  ---              ---
New York, NY 10065
Crestview Partners II, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.           Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor           Limited          Managing Member           100%            74.47%
New York, NY 10065                      Partnership

Insulated Members4                                        Insulated Members           0%            25.53%

  The description of the ownership of Crestview Radio Investors, LLC (“Crestview”) set forth in this
exhibit reflects a review of the FCC Form 314 application instructions and the related worksheets.

        As reflected in the ownership chart following the ownership tables for Crestview, Crestview is
managed by Crestview Partners II, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, the general partner of which is
Crestview Partners II GP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, the general partner of which, in turn, is
Crestview, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company.

            The information set forth in this exhibit with respect to Crestview also reflects a review of the
limited partnership agreement or operating agreement (as the case may be) of each of the foregoing
entities. Except for the operating agreement of Crestview, L.L.C., each agreement includes provisions
that fully comply with the Commission’s restrictions regarding insulation of passive investors.
            In addition, the ownership interests, both insulated and non-insulated, in the chain of
Crestview’s ownership structure have been assessed to confirm that none of those ownership interests has
any bearing on the proposed assignee’s certification in this application of compliance with the alien
ownership restrictions set forth in Section 310(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
            No person or entity with an attributable interest in Crestview has an attributable interest in any
other radio station, television station or daily newspaper.
   Crestview’s insulated members are five (5) investment funds, each of which is a limited partnership
composed of numerous investors, including individuals, trusts, institutions and business entities.


                                                                                        Westwood One, Inc.
                                                             Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                            FCC Form 312
                                                                                                 Exhibit E

                     Ownership Information for Crestview Partners II, L.P.

          Name & Address                Citizenship          Positional       Percentage     Percentage
                                                              Interest         of Votes       of Equity
Crestview Partners II, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.           Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor           Limited                 ---              ---            ---
New York, NY 10065                      Partnership

Crestview Partners II GP, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.           Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor           Limited          General Partner        100%          1.98%
New York, NY 10065                      Partnership

                                                          Insulated Limited
Insulated Limited Partners5                                                       0%          98.02%

   The insulated limited partners of Crestview Partners II, L.P. are numerous investors, including
individuals, trusts, institutions and business entities.


                                                                                           Westwood One, Inc.
                                                                Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                               FCC Form 312
                                                                                                    Exhibit E

                     Ownership Information for Crestview Partners II GP, L.P.

           Name & Address                  Citizenship           Positional         Percentage     Percentage
                                                                  Interest           of Votes       of Equity
Crestview Partners II GP, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.              Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor              Limited                 ---                 ---            ---
New York, NY 10065                         Partnership

Crestview, L.L.C.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                               General Partner          100%           0.1%6
New York, NY 10065
Volpert Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.              Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor              Limited          Limited Partner            0%          33.51%
New York, NY 10065                         Partnership

Murphy Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.              Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor              Limited          Limited Partner            0%          15.32%
New York, NY 10065                         Partnership

DeMartini Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.              Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor              Limited          Limited Partner            0%          13.40%
New York, NY 10065                         Partnership

RJH Investment Partners, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.              Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor              Limited          Limited Partner            0%          11.49%
New York, NY 10065                         Partnership

The 2007 Delaney Family LLC
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                               Limited Partner            0%           7.18%
New York, NY 10065

    The interest of Crestview, L.L.C. entitles it to 0.1% of all distributions that represent a return of capital.


                                                                                         Westwood One, Inc.
                                                              Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                  Exhibit E

          Name & Address                 Citizenship          Positional        Percentage     Percentage
                                                               Interest          of Votes       of Equity
Marcus Family Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.            Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor            Limited          Limited Partner          0%           5.74%
New York, NY 10065                       Partnership

                                                           Insulated Limited
Insulated Limited Partners7                                                         0%          13.26%

   The insulated limited partners of Crestview Partners II GP, L.P. are employees of the registered
investment adviser, Crestview Advisors, L.L.C. dba Crestview Partners, an entity separate and apart from
all of the other Crestview entities identified in this exhibit which has no ownership interest in, and is not
owned by, any of those other Crestview entities.


                                                                                  Westwood One, Inc.
                                                       Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                           Exhibit E

                       Ownership Information for Crestview, L.L.C.

          Name & Address         Citizenship            Positional       Percentage   Percentage
                                                         Interest         of Votes     of Equity
Crestview, L.L.C.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                             ---              ---          ---
New York, NY 10065                Company
Barry S. Volpert
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.                      Co-Founder, Chief
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor      U.S.           Executive Officer &      0%           0%
New York, NY 10065                                 Managing Director

Thomas S. Murphy, Jr.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
                                                    Co-Founder &
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor      U.S.                                    0%           0%
                                                   Managing Director
New York, NY 10065

Richard M. DeMartini
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor      U.S.           Managing Director        0%           0%
New York, NY 10065

Robert V. Delaney
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor      U.S.           Managing Director        0%           0%
New York, NY 10065

Evelyn C. Pellicone
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
                                                     Chief Financial
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor      U.S.                                    0%           0%
New York, NY 10065

Ross A. Oliver
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.                      Senior Counsel &
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor      U.S.            Chief Compliance        0%           0%
New York, NY 10065                                       Officer

Volpert Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.    Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor    Limited               Member            38.67%       38.67%
New York, NY 10065               Partnership

Murphy Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
                                  Limited               Member            17.68%       17.68%
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10065


                                                                              Westwood One, Inc.
                                                   Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E

          Name & Address         Citizenship       Positional       Percentage   Percentage
                                                    Interest         of Votes     of Equity
DeMartini Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.    Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor    Limited          Member            15.47%        15.47%
New York, NY 10065               Partnership

RJH Investment Partners, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.    Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor    Limited          Member            13.26%        13.26%
New York, NY 10065               Partnership

The 2007 Delaney Family LLC
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.    Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor    Limited          Member             8.29%        8.29%
New York, NY 10065               Partnership

J&N Ventures, Inc.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                     Member             6.63%        6.63%
New York, NY 10065


                                                                                       Westwood One, Inc.
                                                            Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                                                Exhibit E

                Ownership Information for Non-Insulated Limited Partners of
              Crestview Partners II GP, L.P. and/or Members of Crestview, L.L.C.

                       Ownership Information for Volpert Investors, L.P.

          Name & Address               Citizenship          Positional       Percentage    Percentage
                                                             Interest         of Votes      of Equity
Volpert Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.         Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor         Limited                  ---              ---           ---
New York, NY 10065                    Partnership

Volpert Investors, L.L.C.8
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            General Partner      100%           1%
New York, NY 10065
Barry S. Volpert
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor            U.S.            Limited Partner        0%           78%
New York, NY 10065

Teri Coleman Volpert
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor            U.S.            Limited Partner        0%           1%
New York, NY 10065

The Volpert 2004 Family Trust 9
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            Limited Partner        0%           20%
New York, NY 10065

  Barry S. Volpert is the sole member of Volpert Investors, L.L.C.
  Thomas S. Murphy, Jr. is the Trustee of The Volpert 2004 Family Trust, the beneficiaries of which are
members of the family of Barry S. Volpert.


                                                                                      Westwood One, Inc.
                                                           Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                          FCC Form 312
                                                                                               Exhibit E

                      Ownership Information for Murphy Investors, L.P.

          Name & Address              Citizenship          Positional       Percentage   Percentage
                                                            Interest         of Votes     of Equity
Murphy Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.        Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor        Limited                  ---              ---          ---
New York, NY 10065                   Partnership

Murphy Investors, L.L.C.10
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                           General Partner      100%           1%
New York, NY 10065
Thomas S. Murphy, Jr.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor           U.S.            Limited Partner        0%          84%
New York, NY 10065

The Murphy 2000 Grantor Retained
Annuity Trust11
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.        Domestic
                                                         Limited Partner        0%          15%
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor         Trust
New York, NY 10065

   Thomas S. Murphy, Jr. is the sole member of Murphy Investors, L.L.C.
   Thomas S. Murphy, Jr. and his spouse, Karen Stauffer Murphy, are the Trustees of The Murphy 2000
Grantor Retained Annuity Trust, dated June 20, 2000, the beneficiaries of which are members of their


                                                                                       Westwood One, Inc.
                                                            Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                                                Exhibit E

                     Ownership Information for DeMartini Investors, L.P.

          Name & Address               Citizenship          Positional       Percentage   Percentage
                                                             Interest         of Votes     of Equity
DeMartini Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.          Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor          Limited                 ---              ---          ---
New York, NY 10065                     Partnership

DeMartini Investors, L.L.C.12
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            General Partner       100%          1%
New York, NY 10065
Richard M. DeMartini
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor             U.S.           Limited Partner        0%          78%
New York, NY 10065

The DeMartini Children Trust13
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            Limited Partner        0%          20%
New York, NY 10065

Jennifer L. Brorsen
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor             U.S.           Limited Partner        0%           1%
New York, NY 10065

  Richard M. DeMartini is the sole member of DeMartini Investors, L.L.C.
  Jennifer L. Brorsen is the Trustee of the DeMartini Children Trust, the beneficiaries of which are
members of the family of Richard M. DeMartini.


                                                                                       Westwood One, Inc.
                                                            Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                                                Exhibit E

                  Ownership Information for RJH Investment Partners, L.P.

          Name & Address               Citizenship          Positional       Percentage    Percentage
                                                             Interest         of Votes      of Equity
RJH Investment Partners, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.          Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor          Limited                 ---              ---           ---
New York, NY 10065                     Partnership

Robert J. Hurst Revocable Trust 14
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            General Partner       100%         7.43%
New York, NY 10065

Robert J. Hurst 2000 Family Trust15
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            Limited Partner        0%          15.94%
New York, NY 10065

Robert J. Hurst 2005 Family Trust15
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                            Limited Partner        0%         75.38%15
New York, NY 10065

   Robert J. Hurst is the Trustee of the Robert J. Hurst Revocable Trust. Soledad Hurst, the wife of
Robert J. Hurst, and Steven Wisch are Trustees of the Robert J. Hurst 2000 Family Trust and the Robert J.
Hurst 2005 Family Trust.
   The remaining 1.25% of the equity in RJH Investment Partners, L.P. is held by or for the benefit of the
family members of Robert J. Hurst.


                                                                                    Westwood One, Inc.
                                                         Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                             Exhibit E

                    Ownership Information for The 2007 Delaney Family LLC

              Name & Address            Citizenship        Positional        Percentage   Percentage
                                                            Interest          of Votes     of Equity
The 2007 Delaney Family LLC
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                                 ---               ---         ---
New York, NY 10065
Robert V. Delaney
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor              U.S.        Managing Member        100%         70%
New York, NY 10065

The Matthew F. Delaney Spray Trust16
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                              Member              0%          15%
New York, NY 10065

The Robert C. Delaney Spray Trust17
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                              Member              0%          15%
New York, NY 10065

   Robert V. Delaney and Thomas S. Murphy are the Trustees of both the Matthew F. Delaney Spray
Trust and the Robert C. Delaney Spray Trust, the beneficiaries of which are relatives of Robert V.


                                                                                    Westwood One, Inc.
                                                         Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                             Exhibit E

                     Ownership Information for Marcus Family Investors, L.P.

              Name & Address          Citizenship         Positional       Percentage   Percentage
                                                           Interest         of Votes     of Equity
Marcus Family Investors, L.P.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.         Delaware
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor         Limited                ---              ---          ---
New York, NY 10065                    Partnership

Marcus Family Investors, LLC17
c/o Deborah Streufert
1080 Brewster Road                                      General Partner      100%          1%
Cotopaxi, CO 81223
Jeffrey A. Marcus
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor           U.S.           Limited Partner        0%          59%
New York, NY 10065

The Rebecca P. Marcus 2008 Trust18
c/o Deborah Streufert
1080 Brewster Road                                      Limited Partner        0%          20%
Cotopaxi, CO 81223

The David M. Marcus 2008 Trust19
c/o Deborah Streufert
1080 Brewster Road                                      Limited Partner        0%          20%
Cotopaxi, CO 81223

   Jeffrey A. Marcus is the sole member of Marcus Family Investors, LLC.
   Rebecca P. Marcus and David M. Marcus are co-trustees of the Rebecca P. Marcus 2008 Trust. The
sole beneficiary is Rebecca P. Marcus.
   Rebecca P. Marcus and David M. Marcus are co-trustees of the David M. Marcus 2008 Trust. The
sole beneficiary is David M. Marcus.


                                                                                    Westwood One, Inc.
                                                         Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                             Exhibit E

                       Ownership Information for J&N Ventures, Inc.

          Name & Address          Citizenship            Positional        Percentage   Percentage
                                                          Interest          of Votes     of Equity
J&N Ventures, Inc.
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor                               ---              ---          ---
New York, NY 10065

Jeffrey A. Marcus
c/o Crestview Advisors, L.L.C.
                                                     Officer, Director &
667 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor       U.S.                                    100%         100%
                                                      Sole Stockholder
New York, NY 10065


                                                                                    Westwood One, Inc.
                                                         Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                             Exhibit E

     Ownership Chart For Crestview Radio Investors, LLC

                                                           Non-Insulated Limited Partners:
     Volpert Investors, L.P.
     Murphy Investors, L.P.                                Volpert Investors, L.P.
     DeMartini Investors, L.P.                             Murphy Investors, L.P.
     RJH Investment Partners, L.P.                         DeMartini Investors, L.P.
     The 2007 Delaney Family LLC                           RJH Investment Partners, L.P.
     J&N Ventures, Inc.                                    The 2007 Delaney Family LLC
                           100%                            Marcus Family Investors, L.P.
              Crestview, L.L.C.
                (General Partner)
                                                                  Insulated Limited Partners

                           0.1%                          13.26%

              Crestview Partners                                  Insulated
                 II GP, L.P.                                   Limited Partners
                 (General Partner)


                               Crestview Partners II, L.P.                          Members
                                     (Managing Member)

                                           Crestview Radio Investors, LLC


                                                                                        Westwood One, Inc.
                                                             Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                            FCC Form 312
                                                                                                 Exhibit E

                                    Ownership Information for
                           Blackstone FC Communications Partners L.P.

        Blackstone FC Communications Partners L.P. (“BFCCP”) is the Blackstone party to that
certain Stockholders Agreement dated September 16, 2011 (the “Stockholders Agreement”), and,
in that capacity, will have the right to nominate an individual to be on a slate of nominees to
CMI’s Board of Directors that will be presented to the stockholders for election at CMI’s annual
stockholders’ meetings.20

     Name & Address          Citizenship        Positional Interest       Percentage of      Percentage of
                                                                             Votes              Equity
BCMA FCC L.L.C.                 U.S.              General Partner             100%                1%
c/o The Blackstone Group      (Delaware
345 Park Avenue                 LLC)
New York, NY 10154

Insulated Limited                            Insulated Limited Partners        0%                 99%

    The Stockholders Agreement establishes a procedure for the parties thereto to nominate a slate of
director candidates to be presented at stockholder meetings. The slate of nominees will consist of two
candidates selected by Crestview and one each selected by the Dickey family, including DBBC L.L.C.
(collectively, the “Dickey Family”), Blackstone, and BA Capital Company, L.P. and Banc of America
Capital Investors SBIC, L.P. (collectively, the “BofA Entities”). The other director candidates will be the
existing two (2) independent directors (or their successors). The right of Crestview, the Dickey Family,
the BofA Entities, and Blackstone to select candidates to be on the slate of director nominees is subject to
(i) each of them continuing to own a certain percentage of CMI Class A common stock, and (ii) in the
case of Blackstone, its right to select a candidate to be on the slate of Board nominees will terminate, in
any event, no later than the day immediately prior to the date directors who are to be elected at the fourth
annual meeting of CMI’s stockholders held after January 31, 2011 are nominated for such election.
    The limited partners of BFCCP have been insulated from attribution in accordance with the
Commission’s rules.


                                                                                       Westwood One, Inc.
                                                            Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                           FCC Form 312
                                                                                                Exhibit E

                          Ownership Information for BCMA FCC L.L.C.

       BCMA FCC L.L.C. (“BCMA”) is the general partner of BFCCP.22 BCMA will control
the Board of Directors nomination rights possessed by BFCCP under the aforementioned
Stockholders Agreement.

     Name and Address23         Citizenship         Positional            % of Votes     % of Assets24
Joseph Baratta II             US                Member                   N/A                   *
David Blitzer                 US                Member                   N/A                   *
Michael S. Chae               US                Member                  N/A                    *
Chinh E. Chu                  US                Member                   N/A                   *
David I. Foley                US                Member                   N/A                   *
Robert L. Friedman            US                Member                   N/A                   *
Lawrence H. Guffey            US                Member                   N/A                   *
Hamilton E. James             US                Member                   N/A                   *
Marcus Group                  India             Member                   N/A                   *
Garrett Moran                 US                Member                   N/A                   *
James Quella                  US                Member                   N/A                   *
Neil P. Simpkins              UK                Member                   N/A                   *
David Tolley                  US                Member                   N/A                   *
Kenneth C. Whitney            US                Member                  N/A                    *
Robert L. Friedman 2003       US                Member                   N/A                   *
Long-Term Trust FBO
Andrew Friedman26

    The non-insulated members of BCMA are identified in the following table, and the remaining
members of BCMA have been insulated from attribution in accordance with the Commission’s rules.
    Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each of the attributable members of BCMA is c/o The
Blackstone Group, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154. The Commission has previously determined
that the ownership interests of BCMA are consistent with the restrictions on alien ownership set forth in
Section 310(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See, e.g., File No. BTC-20110330ALU.
Therefore, Blackstone’s interest in the proposed assignee will not affect the proposed assignee’s ability to
make the alien ownership certification contained in this application.
    Because the equity percentages of the members in BCMA collectively represent a small fraction of the
total equity in CMI (2.2%), no individual member of BCMA holds more than a 1% equity interest in the
ultimate parent entity.
    Marcus Group is controlled by Akhil Gupta, a citizen of India.
    Each of the trusts referenced in this table has been formed for estate, tax and other family planning
purposes by certain of the non-insulated members of BCMA.


                                                                                    Westwood One, Inc.
                                                         Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                             Exhibit E

     Name and Address23       Citizenship        Positional           % of Votes     % of Assets24
Robert L. Friedman 2003     US               Member                  N/A                   *
Long-Term Trust FBO Lisa
Prakash Melwani Trust       US               Member                  N/A                   *

The James A. Quella 2005    US               Member                  N/A                   *
Family Trust
Neil Simpkins 2000 Long-    US               Member                  N/A                   *
Term Trust
Stephen A. Schwarzman27     US               Member                  See note 26           *

Prakash A. Melwani          US               Member                  N/A                   *
                28                                                                         *
BG/BLK-1 Ltd.               US               Member                  N/A
Benjamin J. Jenkins         US               Member                  N/A                   *

Blackstone FC               US               Member                  N/A                   *
Communication Capital
Associates I L.P.29

   Control of BFCCP and BCMA will be exercised solely by Stephen A. Schwarzman.
   BG/BLK-1 Ltd. is controlled by Chip Schorr, a U.S. Citizen.
   Blackstone FC Communication Capital Associates I L.P., a member of BCMA, is a Delaware limited
partnership designed to provide certain employees of Blackstone with the ability to participate in the
investments made by certain Blackstone funds. The sole general partner of Blackstone FC
Communication Capital Associates I L.P. is Blackstone Family GP, L.L.C. The controlling member of
Blackstone Family GP, L.L.C. is Stephen A. Schwarzman, who is disclosed elsewhere in this exhibit.
With the exception of David Tolley and Lionel Assant, a non-U.S. citizen, the limited partners of
Blackstone FC Communication Capital Associates I L.P. have been insulated from attribution pursuant to
Commission rules.


                                                                                        Westwood One, Inc.
                                                             Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                            FCC Form 312
                                                                                                 Exhibit E

              Ownership Information for Dickey Holdings Limited Partnership, LLLP

          Name & Address               Citizenship            Positional      Percentage   Percentage of
                                                               Interest        of Votes    Total Assets
Dickey Holdings Limited
Partnership, LLLP                       Nevada
780 Johnson Ferry Road NE               Limited
                                                                 ---              ---           ---
5th Floor                              Liability
Atlanta, GA 30342                      Company

Lewis W. Dickey, Sr., Trustee30
11304 Old Harbour Road                                    General Partner &
                                          U.S.                                   32%           99%
North Palm Beach, FL 33408                                 Limited Partner

Patricia A. Dickey, Trustee31
11304 Old Harbour Road
                                          U.S.             General Partner       32%            0%
North Palm Beach, FL 33408

Lewis W. Dickey
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                          U.S.             General Partner        6%            0%
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30305

John W. Dickey
c/o Cumulus Media Inc.
3280 Peachtree Road, NW
                                          U.S.             General Partner        6%            0%
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30305

   Mr. Dickey, Sr. serves as Trustee of The Lewis W. Dickey Declaration of Trust dated June 7, 1996, as
   Ms. Dickey serves as Trustee of The Patricia A. Dickey Declaration of Trust dated June 7, 1996, as


                                                                              Westwood One, Inc.
                                                   Satellite Earth Stations E960241 and E990283
                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E

          Name & Address      Citizenship          Positional       Percentage   Percentage of
                                                    Interest         of Votes    Total Assets
David W. Dickey
780 Johnson Ferry Road NE
5th Floor                        U.S.            General Partner        6%            0%
Atlanta, GA 30342

Michael W. Dickey
c/o Dickey Publishing, Inc.
14 Piedmont Center
                                 U.S.            General Partner        6%            0%
Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30305

Patricia L. Dickey
780 Johnson Ferry Road NE
5th Floor                        U.S.            General Partner        6%            0%
Atlanta, GA 30342

Caroline Dickey Oberg
2 Avery Street
Unit 20E                         U.S.            General Partner        6%            0%
Boston, MA 02111


Document Created: 2013-09-10 17:10:19
Document Modified: 2013-09-10 17:10:19

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