Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20130716-00601 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                         HEARST TELEVISION INC. ET AL.
                                                                                        FCC FORM 312

                                              Attachment 1
                      Licensees and Registrations Subject to the Instant Notification

       The instant notification involves a pro forma transfer of control from Hearst Holdings,
Inc. (“Holdings” or “Transferor”) to Hearst Communications, Inc. (“Communications” or
“Transferee”) in connection with an internal corporate reorganization.          Holdings and
Communications are each, ultimately, controlled by The Hearst Corporation.

        Holdings owned all of the issued and outstanding equity interests in Hearst Broadcasting,
Inc. (“HBI”), which is a parent company of the licensees subject to this notification (which is one
of a series of notifications) as set forth below. For corporate reorganization reasons, Holdings
has transfer of all of the equity interests in HBI to Communications. Holdings owns 92.55
percent of the voting interests (and 94.56 percent of the equity interests) in Communications.
CDS Global, Inc. (“CDS”), also a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdings, owns the remaining
interests in Communications. Immediately below is a summary graphical depiction of the pro
forma transfer of control:1

                      PRE-TRANSFER                                       POST-TRANSFER

                        Holdings                                               Holdings
                        (Transferor)                                           (Transferor)

                                          CDS                                            CDS

                HBI            Communications                                Communications
                                 (Transferee)                                  (Transferee)



           Attached hereto are “before” and “after” graphical depictions of The Hearst Corporation’s complete FCC
licensee corporate structure.

                                                                  HEARST TELEVISION INC. ET AL.
                                                                                 FCC FORM 312

        This is a pro forma transaction because the transaction is a “corporate reorganization
which involves no substantial change in the beneficial ownership” of the licensee companies.
See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. § 73.3540(f)(4) (governing Media Bureau licenses, which are a principal
component of the instant transaction). The practical effect is to insert an existing subsidiary of
The Hearst Corporation, Communications, into the chain of ownership below Holdings and
above HBI and the licensee entities. All of the officers and directors of Communications are
officers and directors of Holdings.

       Since this transfer is in connection with an internal corporate restructuring, there is no
formal written agreement between Holdings and Communications.

        The instant notification (and the related notifications) covers the FCC International
Bureau registrations held through various subsidiary entities by Transferor and, for convenience,
this exhibit references all other FCC receive only International Bureau licensee companies
owned directly or indirectly by the Transferor. The licensee and call letters subject to the instant
notification are highlighted in yellow.

        Below is a series of tables describing the registration(s) subject to the transaction and this
notification, including call sign, class of station, type of earth station facility, and subsidiary
licensee name.

        HBI is ultimately controlled by The Hearst Corporation (“Hearst”). Hearst owns 100
percent of the Transferor; the Transferor owns 100 percent of HBI; and HBI owns 100 percent of
Hearst Television Inc. (“HTV”). HTV owns 100 percent of each licensee of the following earth

                                            Type of Earth
                                                                   Name of Licensee
Call Letters       Class of Station        Station Facility
E050062            Fixed                 Receive Only              WISN Hearst Television Inc.
E090182            Fixed                 Receive Only              WBAL Hearst Television Inc.
E050316            Fixed                 Receive Only              WAPT Hearst Television Inc.
E050395            Fixed                 Receive Only              KMBC Hearst Television Inc.
                                                                   Ohio/Oklahoma Hearst
E050065            Fixed                 Receive Only
                                                                   Television Inc.
E050393            Fixed                 Receive Only              KHBS Hearst Television Inc.
E060024            Fixed                 Receive Only              WTAE Hearst Television Inc.
E860473            Fixed                 Receive Only              WCVB Hearst Television Inc.
E100056            Fixed                 Receive Only
E050394            Fixed                 Receive Only
                                                                   Hearst Properties Inc.
E050397            Fixed                 Receive Only
E050396            Fixed                 Receive Only
E7355              Fixed                 Receive Only
                                                                   Hearst Stations Inc.
E060301            Fixed                 Receive Only


                                                               HEARST TELEVISION INC. ET AL.
                                                                              FCC FORM 312

        HTV’s wholly owned subsidiary, Hearst Properties Inc., in addition to being the licensee
of the receive only earth stations set forth in the table above, owns 100 percent of each receive
only International Bureau licensee of the following stations:

                                       Type of Earth
 Call Letters     Class of Station                                    Name of Licensee
                                       Station Facility
E090077          Fixed               Receive Only            WXII Hearst Television Inc.
E860067          Fixed               Receive Only            WLKY Hearst Television Inc.
E5294            Fixed               Receive Only
                                                             Orlando Hearst Television Inc.
E920227          Fixed               Receive Only
E9426            Fixed               Receive Only
                                                             KETV Hearst Television Inc.
E010055          Fixed               Receive Only
E060204          Fixed               Receive Only            KOAT Hearst Television Inc.


       For reference, the qualifications of The Hearst Corporation and its subsidiaries were last
approved on “long-form” by the FCC on September 1, 2006, in FCC File Number BALCT-
20060512AAT in connection with the assignment of the license for WKCF(TV), Clermont,
Florida, to a subsidiary of The Hearst Corporation.



Document Created: 2013-06-18 16:03:06
Document Modified: 2013-06-18 16:03:06

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