Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20130516-00408 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                      EXHIBIT E
                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                Schedule A, Question A20

                     The following tables identify the individuals and entities that currently hold
     attributable interests in LIN TV Corp. and that will, following consummation of the proposed
     transaction, hold identical attributable interests in LIN Media LLC. The remaining voting
     interests of LIN TV Corp. (prior to the proposed transaction) and LIN Media LLC (upon
     consummation of the proposed transaction) are and will be widely held and traded on the New
     York Stock Exchange. No other current shareholder of LIN TV Corp. or prospective shareholder
     of LIN Media LLC, does or will hold a or voting interest of 5 percent or more.

                 Line 1:        Name and address
                 Line 2:        Citizenship
                 Line 3:        Positional Interest
                 Line 4:        Percentage of votes
                 Line 5:        Percentage of total equity1

     WDTN Broadcasting, LLC

                         (a)                                    (b)
1.       WDTN Broadcasting, LLC                 TVL Broadcasting, Inc. (pre-closing)
         One West Exchange Street               TVL Broadcasting, LLC (post-
         Suite 5A                               closing)
         Providence, Rhode Island 02903         One West Exchange Street
                                                Suite 5A
                                                Providence, Rhode Island 02903
2.       Delaware Limited Liability Company     Delaware Corporation (pre-closing)
                                                Delaware Limited Liability Company
3.       n/a                                    Sole Managing Member
4.       n/a                                    100%
5.       n/a                                    100%

     TVL Broadcasting, Inc. (pre-closing)
     TVL Broadcasting, LLC (post-closing)

                         (a)                                     (b)                                      (c)
1.       TVL Broadcasting, Inc. (pre-closing)   Vincent L. Sadusky                       Scott M. Blumenthal
         TVL Broadcasting, LLC (post-           One West Exchange Street                 One West Exchange Street
         closing)                               Suite 5A                                 Suite 5A
         One West Exchange Street               Providence, RI 02903                     Providence, RI 02903
         Suite 5A
         Providence, Rhode Island 02903

              The percentage set forth in response to Schedule A, Question A20, Line 5 is the percentage of total equity
     (voting plus non-voting) held by each party to the Applications.

2.   Delaware Corporation (pre-closing)   US                                      US
     Delaware Limited Liability Company
3.   n/a                                  President & Chief Executive Officer;    Executive Vice President Television
4.   n/a                                  0%                                      0%
5.   n/a                                  0%                                      0%

                       (d)                                  (e)                                    (f)
1.   Richard J. Schmaeling                Denise M. Parent                        Robert Richter
     One West Exchange Street             One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                             Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                 Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                   US                                      US
3.   Senior Vice President & Chief        Senior Vice President Chief Legal       Senior Vice President New Media
     Financial Officer; Director          Officer, General Counsel & Secretary;
4.   0%                                   0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                      0%

                      (g)                                  (h)                                     (i)
1.   Brett E. Jenkins                     Nicholas N. Mohamed                     William J. Gaffney
     One West Exchange Street             One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                             Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                 Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                   US                                      US
3.   Vice President Chief Technology      Vice President Controller               Vice President Digital Operations
4.   0%                                   0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                      0%

                      (j)                                   (k)                                    (l)
1.   Rebecca F. Duke                      Stephen Clare                           Daniel V. Donohue
     One West Exchange Street             One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                             Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                 Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                   US                                      US
3.   Vice President Distribution          Vice President Finance                  Vice President Human Resources
4.   0%                                   0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                      0%

                     (m)                                   (n)                                     (o)
1.   John Michael Kelly                   Joseph Abouzeid                         Patrick Wholey
     One West Exchange Street             One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                             Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                 Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                   US                                      US
3.   Vice President Sales                 Vice President-WDTN and WBDT-           Vice President-WPRI and WNAC-
                                          TV                                      TV
4.   0%                                   0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                      0%

                  (p)                                    (q)                                      (r)

Lisa A. Manning                        Joshua N. Pila                           Katherine M. Whalen
One West Exchange Street               One West Exchange Street                 One West Exchange Street
Suite 5A                               Suite 5A                                 Suite 5A
Providence, RI 02903                   Providence, RI 02903                     Providence, Rhode Island 02903
US                                     US                                       US
Assistant Secretary                    Assistant Secretary                      Assistant Secretary
0%                                     0%                                       0%
0%                                     0%                                       0%

                      (s )
1.    LIN Television Corporation
      One West Exchange Street
      Suite 5A
      Providence, Rhode Island 02903
2.    Delaware Corporation
3.    n/a
4.    100%
5.    100%

     LIN Television Corporation

                      (a)                                 (b)                                     (c)
1.    LIN Television Corporation         Vincent L. Sadusky                      Scott M. Blumenthal
      One West Exchange Street           One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
      Suite 5A                           Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
      Providence, Rhode Island 02903     Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.    Delaware Corporation               US                                      US
3.    n/a                                President & Chief Executive Officer;    Executive Vice President Television
4.    n/a                                0%                                      0%
5.    n/a                                0%                                      0%

                       (d)                                     (e)                                    (f)
1.   Richard J. Schmaeling                   Denise M. Parent                        Robert Richter
     One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                                Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                      US                                      US
3.   Senior Vice President Chief Financial   Senior Vice President Chief Legal       Senior Vice President New Media
     Officer; Director                       Officer, General Counsel & Secretary;
4.   0%                                      0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                      0%

                      (g)                                     (h)                                     (i)
1.   Brett E. Jenkins                        Nicholas N. Mohamed                     William J. Gaffney
     One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                                Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                      US                                      US
3.   Vice President Chief Technology         Vice President Controller               Vice President Digital Operations
4.   0%                                      0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                      0%

                      (j)                                      (k)                                    (l)
1.   Rebecca F. Duke                         Stephen Clare                           Daniel V. Donohue
     One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                                Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                      US                                      US
3.   Vice President Distribution             Vice President Finance                  Vice President Human Resources
4.   0%                                      0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                      0%

                     (m)                                      (n)                                     (o)
1.   John A. Howell IV                       John Michael Kelly                      Williams S. Anderson
     One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                                Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, Rhode Island 02903          Providence, Rhode Island 02903          Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                      US                                      US
3.   Vice President Regional Television      Vice President Sales                    Vice President-KRQE(TV), KASA-
                                                                                     TV, KBIM-TV & KREZ-TV
4.   0%                                      0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                      0%

                      (p)                                     (q)                                     (r)
1.   Gary Yoder                              Alan D. Riebe                           Douglas J. Davis
     One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                                Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, Rhode Island 02903
2.   US                                      US                                      US
3.   Vice President-WALA-TV & WFNA           Vice President-WANE-TV                  Vice President-WAVY-TV & WVBT-
4.   0%                                      0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                      0%

                      (s)                              (t)                              (u)
1.   Jeffrey G. White                 Christopher Musial                Jay T. Zollar
     One West Exchange Street         One West Exchange Street          One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                         Suite 5A                          Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903             Providence, RI 02903              Providence, Rhode Island 02903
2.   US                               US                                US
3.   Vice President-WISH-TV & WNDY-   Vice President-WIVB-TV & WNLO-    Vice President-WLUK-TV &
     TV                               TV                                WCWF(TV)
4.   0%                               0%                                0%
5.   0%                               0%                                0%

                      (v)                              (w)                               (x)
1.   Todd Weber                       Mark A. Higgins                   William M. Pepin
     One West Exchange Street         One West Exchange Street          One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                         Suite 5A                          Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903             Providence, RI 02903              Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                               US                                US
3.   Vice President-WTHI-TV           Vice President-WTNH-TV & WCTX-    Vice President-WWLP-TV
4.   0%                               0%                                0%
5.   0%                               0%                                0%

                     (y)                               (z)                               (aa)
1.   Kristina Lockwood                Stephen Martinson                 William T. Perry
     One West Exchange Street         One West Exchange Street          One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                         Suite 5A                          Suite 5A
     Providence, Rhode Island 02903   Providence, Rhode Island 02903    Providence, Rhode Island 02903
2.   US                               US                                US
3.   Vice President-KHON-TV, KHAW-    Vice President-KIMT-TV            Vice President-KOIN-TV
     TV & KAII-TV
4.   0%                               0%                                0%
5.   0%                               0%                                0%

                     (bb)                             (cc)                              (dd)
1.   John R. Dawson                   Jean Turnbough                    William Ballard
     One West Exchange Street         One West Exchange Street          One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                         Suite 5A                          Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903             Providence, Rhode Island 02903    Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                               US                                US
3.   Vice President-KSNW-TV & KSNG-   Vice President-KSNT-TV, KTMJ-TV   Vice President-WIAT-TV
     TV                               & KTKA-TV
4.   0%                               0%                                0%
5.   0%                               0%                                0%

                      (ee)                                  (ff)                                     (gg)
1.    Les Vann                              David Coy                               Lisa A. Manning
      One West Exchange Street              One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
      Suite 5A                              Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
      Providence, RI 02903                  Providence, Rhode Island 02903          Providence, RI 02903
2.    US                                    US                                      US
3.    Vice President-WJCL-TV & WTGS-        Vice President-WKBN-TV, WYFX-           Assistant Secretary
      TV                                    TV & WYTV-TV
4.    0%                                    0%                                      0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                      0%

                      (hh)                                  (ii)                                     (jj)
1.    Joshua N. Pila                        Katherine M. Whalen                     LIN TV Corp.
      One West Exchange Street              One West Exchange Street                (converting to LIN Media LLC)
      Suite 5A                              Suite 5A                                One West Exchange Street
      Providence, RI 02903                  Providence, Rhode Island 02903          Suite 5A
                                                                                    Providence, RI 02903
2.    US                                    US                                      Delaware Corporation
                                                                                    Delaware Limited Liability
3.    Assistant Secretary                   Assistant Secretary                     Parent Company
4.    0%                                    0%                                      100%
5.    0%                                    0%                                      100%

     LIN TV Corp. (pre-closing)
     LIN Media LLC (post-closing)
                       (a)                                   (b)                                     (c)
1.    LIN TV Corp. (pre-closing)            Douglas W. McCormick                    Vincent L. Sadusky
      LIN Media LLC (post-closing)          One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
      One West Exchange Street              Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
      Suite 5A                              Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
      Providence, RI 02903
2.    Delaware Corporation                  US                                      US
      Delaware Limited Liability Company
3.    n/a                                   Chairman of the Board; Director         President & Chief Executive Officer;
4.    n/a                                   0%                                      0%
5.    n/a                                   0%                                      0%

                       (d)                                    (e)                                    (f)
1.    Scott M. Blumenthal                   Richard J. Schmaeling                   Robert Richter
      One West Exchange Street              One West Exchange Street                One West Exchange Street
      Suite 5A                              Suite 5A                                Suite 5A
      Providence, RI 02903                  Providence, RI 02903                    Providence, RI 02903
2.    US                                    US                                      US
3.    Executive Vice President Television   Senior Vice President Chief Financial   Senior Vice President New Media
4.    0%                                    0%                                      0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                      0%

                      (g)                                    (h)                          (i)
1.   Denise M. Parent                       Nicholas N. Mohamed         Katherine M. Whalen
     One West Exchange Street               One West Exchange Street    One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                               Suite 5A                    Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                   Providence, RI 02903        Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                     US                          US
3.   Senior Vice President Chief Legal      Vice President Controller   Assistant Secretary
     Officer, General Counsel & Secretary
4.   0%                                     0%                          0%
5.   0%                                     0%                          0%

                       (j)                                    (k)                        (l)
1.   Joshua N. Pila                         Lisa A. Manning             William S. Banowsky, Jr.
     One West Exchange Street               One West Exchange Street    One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                               Suite 5A                    Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                   Providence, RI 02903        Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                     US                          US
3.   Assistant Secretary                    Assistant Secretary         Director
4.   0%                                     0%                          0%
5.   0%                                     0%                          0%

                      (m)                                    (n)                         (o)
1.   Peter S. Brodsky                       Royal W. Carson III         Dr. William H. Cunningham
     One West Exchange Street               One West Exchange Street    One West Exchange Street
     Suite 5A                               Suite 5A                    Suite 5A
     Providence, RI 02903                   Providence, RI 02903        Providence, RI 02903
2.   US                                     US                          US
3.   Director                               Director                    Director
4.   0%                                     0%                          0%
5.   0%                                     0%                          0%

                      (p)                                    (q)                        (r)
1.   John R. Muse                           Michael A. Pausic           Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity
     One West Exchange Street               One West Exchange Street    Fund III, L.P.
     Suite 5A                               Suite 5A                    200 Crescent Court
     Providence, RI 02903                   Providence, RI 02903        Suite 1600
                                                                        Dallas, TX 75201
2.   US                                     US                          US
3.   Director                               Director                    Class C Shareholder/Class C Member
4.   0%                                     0%                          35%
5.   0%                                     0%                          0%

1.       Carson/LIN SBS, L.P.
         500 Victory Plaza East
         3030 Olive Street
         Dallas, TX 75219
2.       US
3.       Class C Shareholder/Class C Member
4.       35%
5.       0%

     Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity Fund III, L.P.1
                         (a)                                      (b)
1.       Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity        HM3/GP Partners, L.P.
         Fund III, L.P.                          200 Crescent Court
         200 Crescent Court                      Suite 1600
         Suite 1600                              Dallas, TX 75201
         Dallas, TX 75201
2.       US                                      US
3.       n/a                                     General Partner
4.       n/a                                     100%
5.       n/a                                     0%

     HM3/GP Partners, L.P.1
                         (a)                                      (b)
1.       HM3/GP Partners, L.P.                   Hicks, Muse GP Partners III, L.P.
         200 Crescent Court                      200 Crescent Court
         Suite 1600                              Suite 1600
         Dallas, TX 75201                        Dallas, TX 75201
2.       US                                      US
3.       n/a                                     General Partner
4.       n/a                                     100%
5.       n/a                                     0%

     Hicks, Muse GP Partners III, L.P.1

               Insulated limited partners omitted.

                         (a)                                    (b)
1.       Hicks, Muse GP Partners III, L.P.     Hicks, Muse Fund III Incorporated
         200 Crescent Court                    200 Crescent Court
         Suite 1600                            Suite 1600
         Dallas, TX 75201                      Dallas, TX 75201
2.       US                                    US
3.       n/a                                   General Partner
4.       n/a                                   100%
5.       n/a                                   0%

     Hicks, Muse Fund III Incorporated
                         (a)                                    (b)                                (c)
1.       Hicks, Muse Fund III Incorporated     John R. Muse                        David Knickel
         200 Crescent Court                    200 Crescent Court                  200 Crescent Court
         Suite 1600                            Suite 1600                          Suite 1600
         Dallas, TX 75201                      Dallas, TX 75201                    Dallas, TX 75201
2.       US                                    US                                  US
3.       n/a                                   Officer & Sole Stockholder          Officer & Sole Director
4.       n/a                                   100%2                               0%
5.       n/a                                   100%                                0%

                         (d)                                    (e)                                (f)
1.       William G. Neisel                     Linda R. Thompson                   Edward J. Herring, Jr.
         200 Crescent Court                    200 Crescent Court                  200 Crescent Court
         Suite 1600                            Suite 1600                          Suite 1600
         Dallas, TX 75201                      Dallas, TX 75201                    Dallas, TX 75201
2.       US                                    US                                  US
3.       Officer                               Officer                             Officer
4.       0%                                    0%                                  0%
5.       0%                                    0%                                  0%

     Carson/LIN SBS, L.P.
                          (a)                                    (b)
1.       Carson/LIN SBS, L.P.                  Royal W. Carson
         500 Victory Plaza East
         3030 Olive Street
         Dallas, TX 75219
2.       US                                    US
3.       n/a                                   General Partner
4.       n/a                                   100%
5.       n/a                                   100%

               Subject to internal management committee approval.

Document Created: 2013-05-14 14:36:59
Document Modified: 2013-05-14 14:36:59

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