Attachment ComprehensiveExhibit

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20130203-00148 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                               FCC Form 312
                                                                                         Comprehensive Exhibit
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                               Comprehensive Exhibit to FCC Form 312

       Overview: This application and related applications being filed concurrently herewith
seek Commission consent to the pro forma transfer of control of the licensee subsidiaries of ION
Media Networks, Inc. (“ION”) which hold the licenses listed on Attachment A hereto.
        This pro forma transfer will result from a transfer of stock held in Media Holdco Parent,
Inc. (“Media Holdco Parent”), a corporation that indirectly controls ION. The stock interest in
Media Holdco Parent to be transferred amounts to less than 50% of the voting rights in Media
Holdco Parent; and, following consummation of the transfer, more than 50% of the voting rights
in Media Holdco Parent will continue to be held by persons previously approved by the
Commission in a long-form application. Accordingly, the proposed transfer fully meets the
Commission’s requirements for the use of pro forma procedures.
       Both before and after consummation of the pro forma transfer, 1 Media Holdco Parent will
have three voting shareholders, each of which previously has been approved in a long-form
application 2:
                  (1) BD ION Media GP Holdings LLC (“Black Diamond),
                  (2) Avenue ION Holdings, L.P. (“Avenue”), and
                  (3) Trilogy ION, LLC (“Trilogy”).
The following table shows the changes in voting rights for each of the three shareholders of
Media Holdco Parent as a result of the proposed transaction 3:
               Stockholders of                            Voting Rights Prior to         Range of Voting Rights
            Media Holdco Parent                              Consummation                 After Consummation
BD ION Media GP Holdings LLC                                     44.8%                         62.3%-93%
Avenue ION Holdings, L.P.                                        39.8%                         27.2% - 5%
Trilogy ION, LLC                                                 15.4%                          10.5% - 2%
        The parties propose to effectuate the transaction through a partial redemption of the stock
that Avenue and Trilogy hold in Media Holdco Parent. Thus, at the consummation of the
transaction, Media Holdco Parent will purchase from Avenue and Trilogy and remove from
circulation enough shares of its own issued and outstanding stock to cause Black Diamond’s
voting rights in Media Holdco Parent to increase, at the most, from 44.8% to 93%, representing a
maximum change of 48.2%. As a result, Black Diamond will acquire positive control of Media

           Attachment B depicts the control structure of Media Holdco Parent as approved by the FCC in 2009.
Media Holdco Parent currently holds an 86.8% indirect voting interest in ION. Attachment C depicts the control
structure of Media Holdco Parent upon consummation of the proposed transfer. Attachment D sets forth the
required ownership information for Black Diamond and the other parties to the application.
           See, e.g., FCC File No. BTCCDT-20090901ABT.
           The agreement to effectuate the proposed transaction provides that the exact percentage of voting rights in
Media Holdco Parent that may be held by each of the parties upon consummation may vary in certain circumstances.
Consequently, the instant application reports the range of potential percentages of voting rights that each party may
hold upon consummation of the proposed transfer.

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                                                                                           Comprehensive Exhibit
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Holdco Parent as its single majority shareholder, and the stock interests that Avenue and Trilogy
would continue to hold in Media Holdco Parent no longer would be attributable. 4 Moreover,
upon the increase of its interest to 93% upon consummation of the transaction, Black Diamond
will exercise indirect positive control of ION and its licensee subsidiaries.
         In sum, the transaction involves a transfer of less than 50% (i.e., 48.2% at the most) of
the voting rights in the issued and outstanding stock of Media Holdco Parent and also does not
result in the transfer of more than 50% of the voting rights of ION or its licensee subsidiaries. 5
Moreover, following the consummation of the transaction, more than 50% -- indeed, 100% -- of
the stock of Media Holdco Parent will continue to be held by persons previously approved on a
long-form application. The Commission thus may process this application under pro forma
procedures on Form 316. 6

Denied Applications. On December 8, 1995, the FCC denied the application (BML-951016AD)
of L. Paxson, Inc. (an entity under common control with the licensee), licensee of WFTL(AM),
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (formerly Paxson Miami License, L.P.), for a modification of license and
waiver of the main studio rule. On February 12, 2006, an appeal of that decision was filed with
the Commission; that appeal remains pending. The licensee and its parent entities no longer
have an interest in that station.

Public Interest Statement. Each earth station is used in connection with the broadcast operations
of a commercial TV station, ultimately owned by ION, for news gathering and coverage of
events of interest to the local community. After consummation of the proposed
transaction pursuant to prior FCC approval, each earth station will be used in the same
manner and for the same purposes as before the proposed transaction. Accordingly, grant
of this FCC Form 312 would serve the public interest.

           If Black Diamond’s interest increases to 93% at closing, the parties intend to enter into a separate put/call
agreement pursuant to which the non-attributable voting interests in Media Holdco Parent held by Avenue and
Trilogy may be transferred back to Media Holdco Parent. Exercise of put and call options will be discretionary and
cannot be exercised earlier than 180 days after the proposed transaction has been consummated.
           Indeed, at the time the proposed transaction is consummated, as a result of its position as single majority
shareholder of Media Holdco Parent (the corporation that indirectly controls ION), Black Diamond will be deemed
to hold a 86.8% voting interest in ION, which is 43.1% greater than its previously-approved 43.7% voting interest in
ION and its licensee subsidiaries.
            See Barnes Enterprises, Inc., 55 FCC 2d 721, 725 (1975) (“Through long administrative interpretation, the
test for substantiality is generally: (a) whether 50 percent or more of the stock is being transferred, and (b) whether,
as a result of the transaction, 50 percent or more of the outstanding stock will be held by a person or persons whose
qualifications have not been approved or passed on in a long form application for the particular station involved.”);
see also In Re Reading Broadcasting, Inc., 17 FCC Rcd 14001, 14018 (2002) (citing Barnes test for substantiality).

                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                Comprehensive Exhibit
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Name of Entity                    Call Sign              Type of Facility
ION Media Tampa License, Inc.     E920199     Transmit-Receive Satellite Earth Station
ION Media Houston License, Inc.   E900563       Receive-Only Satellite Earth Station

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                                             ATTACHMENT D

        This Attachment D sets forth the following information for BD ION Media GP Holdings
LLC and the other parties to the application: (1) Name & Address; (2) Citizenship; (3) Positional
Interest; and (4) Percentage of Votes. Except as otherwise noted below, any equity interests not
disclosed herein are held by individuals or entities that have been insulated under the FCC’s rules
and are not attributable under the FCC’s rules. 7

                           Ownership Structure of ION Media Networks, Inc. 8

                   Name & Address                   Citizenship         Positional      Percentage of
                                                                         Interest       Votes of ION
            Media Holdco, LP                             U.S.             Single           86.8%
            c/o Tom Davidson                                             Majority
            1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW                                Shareholder
            Washington, DC 20036

            R. Brandon Burgess                           U.S.           President,            0%
            44 Cocoanut Row                                               Chief
            Apt. B-605                                                  Executive
            Palm Beach, FL 33480-4069                                    Officer,
            Jeffrey J. Quinn                             U.S.           Treasurer             0%
            936 SW All American Blvd.
            Palm Beach City, FL 34990

            William L. Watson                            U.S.             Vice                0%
            117 Satinwood Lane                                        President and
            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410                                Assistant
            Marc Zand                                    U.S.             Vice                0%
            19408 Presidential Way                                      President
            North Miami Beach, FL 33179

            This Attachment D does not include a column for Percentage of Total Assets (equity debt plus) because
no entity or individual will hold an attributable interest in ION solely as a result of the Commission’s equity debt
plus rule.
            Attachment A hereto lists the licensee subsidiaries of ION. If Black Diamond obtains a 93% interest in
Media Holdco Parent, the ION board will consist of five individuals, Brandon Burgess (the chief executive officer of
ION), two directors appointed by Black Diamond, and two other independent directors appointed by Black Diamond
but unaffiliated with Black Diamond. If Black Diamond obtains a 62.3% interest in Media Holdco Parent, four of
the eight directors on the board of ION will be appointed by Black Diamond, two of the directors on the ION board
will continue to be appointed by Avenue, one of the directors on the ION board will continue to be appointed by
Trilogy, and the remaining director on the ION board will be Brandon Burgess (the chief executive officer of ION).

                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                            Comprehensive Exhibit
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      Name & Address           Citizenship    Positional    Percentage of
                                               Interest     Votes of ION
Stephen H. Deckoff                U.S.         Director          0%
One Sound Shore Drive
Suite 200
Greenwich, Connecticut
Christopher W. Parker             U.S.         Director          0%
One Sound Shore Drive
Suite 200
Greenwich, Connecticut
Kay Koplovitz                     U.S.         Director          0%
156 West 56th Street
56th Floor
New York, New York 10019
Carl Vogel                        U.S.         Director          0%
255 Clayton Street
Suite 301
Denver, Colorado 80206

                Ownership Structure of Media Holdco, LP

      Name & Address           Citizenship    Positional    Percentage of
                                               Interest       Votes of
                                                             Holdco, LP
Media Holdco GP, LLC              U.S.         General          100%
c/o Tom Davidson                               Partner
1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036

              Ownership Structure of Media Holdco GP, LLC

      Name & Address           Citizenship    Positional    Percentage of
                                               Interest       Votes of
                                                            Media Holdco
                                                              GP, LLC
Media Holdco Parent, Inc.         U.S.       Sole Member        100%
c/o Tom Davidson
1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036

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                           Ownership Structure of Media Holdco Parent, Inc. 9

                   Name & Address                  Citizenship        Positional        Range of
                                                                       Interest          Voting
                                                                                        of Media
                                                                                       Parent, Inc.
            Avenue ION Holdings, L.P.                  U.S.          Shareholder       27.2% - 5%
            399 Park Avenue, 6th Floor
            New York, New York 10022

            BD ION Media GP Holdings                   U.S.          Shareholder       62.3% - 93%
            1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200
            Greenwich, CT 06830

            Trilogy ION, LLC                           U.S.          Shareholder        10.5% - 2%
            33 Benedict Place, 1st Floor
            Greenwich, CT 06830

            Stephen H. Deckoff                         U.S.          President and          0%
            One Sound Shore Drive                                      Director
            Suite 200
            Greenwich, Connecticut
            Christopher W. Parker                      U.S.            Director             0%
            One Sound Shore Drive
            Suite 200
            Greenwich, Connecticut
            Andrew M. Cohen                            U.S.            Director             0%
            One Sound Shore Drive
            Suite 200
            Greenwich, Connecticut

           If Black Diamond obtains a 93% interest in Media Holdco Parent, the board of Media Holdco Parent will
consist of three individuals appointed by Black Diamond. If Black Diamond obtains a 62.3% interest in Media
Holdco Parent, four of the seven directors on the board of Media Holdco Parent will be appointed by Black

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                                                                     Comprehensive Exhibit
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                          Ownership of Avenue ION Holdings, L.P.

               Name & Address           Citizenship     Positional   Percentage of
                                                         Interest      Votes of
                                                                     Avenue ION
        Avenue ION Holdings GenPar,         U.S.         General         100%
        LLC                                              Partner
        399 Park Avenue, 6th Floor
        New York, New York 10022

Avenue ION Holdings GenPar, LLC

               Name & Address           Citizenship     Positional   Percentage of
                                                         Interest      Votes of
                                                                     Avenue ION
                                                                     GenPar, LLC
        Avenue ION Holdings GL, LLC         U.S.      Sole Member        100%
        399 Park Avenue, 6th Floor
        New York, New York 10022

Avenue ION Holdings GL, LLC

               Name & Address           Citizenship     Positional   Percentage of
                                                         Interest    Votes of ION
        Marc Lasry                          U.S.        Managing      27.2% - 5%
        399 Park Avenue, 6th Floor                       Member
        New York, New York 10022

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                                                                      Comprehensive Exhibit
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                         Ownership of BD ION Media GP Holdings LLC

                Name & Address             Citizenship   Positional   Percentage of
                                                          Interest     Votes of BD
                                                                       ION Media
                                                                      GP Holdings
         BDCM Opportunity Fund II             U.S.       Member/         85.2%
         Adviser, L.L.C.                                 Manager
         1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200
         Greenwich, CT 06830

         BDCM Fund Adviser, L.L.C.            U.S.       Member/         14.8%
         1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                  Manager
         Greenwich, CT 06830

BDCM Opportunity Fund II Adviser, L.L.C.

                Name & Address             Citizenship   Positional   Percentage of
                                                          Interest    Votes of
                                                                      Fund II

        Black Diamond Capital Holdings,       U.S.       Member/          100%
        L.L.C.                                           Manager
        1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200
        Greenwich, CT 06830
        Stephen H. Deckoff                    U.S.       Managing          0%
        1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                   Principal
        Greenwich, CT 06830

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BDCM Fund Adviser, L.L.C.

                    Name & Address               Citizenship       Positional      Percentage of
                                                                    Interest       Votes of
                                                                                   BDCM Fund

             Black Diamond Capital Holdings,         U.S.           Member/             100%
             L.L.C.                                                 Manager
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200
             Greenwich, CT 06830

             Stephen H. Deckoff                      U.S.           Managing             0%
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                         Principal
             Greenwich, CT 06830

Black Diamond Capital Holdings, L.L.C.

                    Name & Address               Citizenship       Positional      Percentage of
                                                                    Interest       Votes of ION
             SD Capital Management, LLC 10           U.S.           Manager           86.8%
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200
             Greenwich, CT 06830

             SD Investments, LLC 11                  U.S.           Non-                0%
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                        Managing
             Greenwich, CT 06830                                   Member

             Nahas Holdings LLC12                    U.S.           Non-                0%
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                        Managing
             Greenwich, CT 06830                                   Member

             L. Meier Holdings LLC 13                U.S.           Non-                0%
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                        Managing
             Greenwich, CT 06830                                   Member

          The sole member/general manager of SD Capital Management, LLC is Stephen H. Deckoff.
          The sole member/general manager of SD Investments, LLC is Stephen H. Deckoff.
          The sole member/manager of Nahas Holdings LLC is Mounir Nahas, a U.S. citizen. The address for
Mounir Nahas is 1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200, Greenwich, CT 06830.

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                                                                                     Comprehensive Exhibit
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                    Name & Address                 Citizenship        Positional      Percentage of
                                                                       Interest       Votes of ION
             AHM Consulting LLC 14                     U.S.             Non-               0%
             1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200                           Managing
             Greenwich, CT 06830                                       Member

                                      Ownership of Trilogy ION, LLC

                    Name & Address                 Citizenship        Positional      Percentage of
                                                                       Interest         Votes of
                                                                                      Trilogy ION,
             Trilogy Capital, LLC                      U.S.           Managing            100%
             33 Benedict Place, 1st Floor                             Member
             Greenwich, CT 06830

Trilogy Capital, LLC

                    Name & Address                 Citizenship        Positional      Percentage of
                                                                       Interest       Votes of ION
             Jonathan Rosenstein                       U.S.           Managing         10.5% - 2%
             33 Benedict Place, 1st Floor                              Member
             Greenwich, CT 06830

            The sole member/manager of L. Meier Holdings LLC is Leslie A. Meier, a U.S. citizen. The address for
Leslie A. Meier is 1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200, Greenwich, CT 06830.
            The sole member/manager of AHM Consulting LLC is Michael P. Moreno, a U.S. citizen. The address
for Michael P. Moreno is 1 Sound Shore Drive, Suite 200, Greenwich, CT 06830.

Document Created: 2012-10-01 10:55:42
Document Modified: 2012-10-01 10:55:42

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