Attachment Combined EX E & F

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20130125-00118 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      Combined Exhibits E and F

        The applicant respectfully requests approval of a transfer of control of the earth station
license(s) (the "Earth Stations") as set forth in this application. This application is one of several
applications being concurrently submitted to the Media Bureau and Wireless Bureau in connection
with the transfer of control of Perpetual Corporation and Allholdco, Inc. as a result of the death of
Mr. Joe L. Allbritton. Attached hereto is the exhibit being submitted to the Media Bureau describing
the transaction.

         The Earth Stations are used in connection with the operations of one or more television
stations listed in the attached Exhibit. Accordingly, grant of this application is in the public interest
because it will allow the television stations to continue to use the Earth Stations to provide news,
entertainment, and informational programming to their local audiences.

                                                  Page   1

                                  Exnlanation Resardine Transfer of Control

         Perpetual Corporation and Allholdco, Inc. are concurently filing seven related applications
on FCC Form 316 and FCC Form 315 to transfer control of the following broadcast television
stations, low power television stations, and television translators (the "Stations") as a result of the
death of Mr. Joe L. Allbritton on December 12,20121

                        t:iffi'Ë:ffi'ffi,rffiffi        ffiÏ'j:,Fi!:#)Wffiffi
        WCIV(TV)         Charleston. South Carolina      Charleston Television, LLC        Allholdco.Inc.
        WSET-TV          Lvnchburs. Virsinia             WSET, Incorporated                Perpetual   Corp.
        WO5AA-D          Roanoke, Virginia               WSET. Incorporated                Pemetual    Corn.
        KATVITV)         Little Rock. Arkansas           KATV. LLC                         Pemetual    Corp.
        WHTM-TV          Harrisburs. Pennsvlvania        Harrisburs Television. Inc.       Pemetual    Com.
        WJLA-TV          Washinston. DC                  ACC Licensee. LLC                 Perpetual   Corp.
        KTUL-TV          Tulsa. Oklahoma                 KTUL, LLC                         Perpetual   Corp.
        WCFT-TV          Tuscaloosa" Alabama             TV Alabama,Inc                    Perpetual   Corp.
        WJSU-TV          Anniston, Alabama               TV Alabama.Inc.                   Perpetual   Corp.
        WBMA.LD          Birminsham. Alabama             TV Alabama,Inc.                   Pemetual    Com.

        As shown in the attached charts, prior to his death Mr. Allbritton directly and indirectly
owned   72%o of the voting stock of Allholdco, Inc., which is the sole shareholder of Charleston
Television, LLC, licensee of Station WCIV(TV). In addition, he owned 49%o of the stock of
Perpetual Corporation, which is the ultimate parent of the licensees of the remaining Stations.

         Upon his death, Mr. Allbrifion's will created a new testamentary trust, the Barbara B.
Allbritton Mariøl Trust (the "Trust"). Mr. Allbritton's wife and son, Barbara Allbritton and Robert
Allbritton respectively, are the trustees of the Trust, but Ms. Allbritton has the power to appoint
herself as sole trustee. As a result, Ms. Allbritton controls the Trust. Under the terms of Mr.
Allbritton's will, the Trust inherited all of Mr. Allbritton's direct and indirect ownership interest in
Perpetual Corporation and Allholdio, Inc.

          FCC Form 316: Perpetual Corporation Stations. Under Section 309(c)(2)(B) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, pro forma treatment of a transfer of control is appropriate
if the transaction "does not involve a substa-ntial change of ownership or control."2 The Commission
has declared that a transfer of control is not "substantial" - and, thus, a licensee may use FCC Form
316 - if (l) not more than 50 percent of the voting stock is changing hands as a result of the
transaction and (2) the Commission has previously "passed upon" the person acquiring the stock in a
        form" application on FCC Form 3 14 or Form 3 1 5.3

t         This application is being filed on January 24,2013,pursuant to the request for extension of time submitted
by letter dated January 14,2013. SeeLehter from Robert J. Folliard, counsel to Perpetual Corporation and
Allholdco, Inc., to Marlene Dortch, Secretary, FCC (Jan. 14,2013).
2        47   u.s.c. 309(cX2XB)
3        Mrtromedia, Inc.,98FCC 2d 300, f8 (1984), recon. denied,56 RR 2d I198 (19S4).


         With respect to the Stations indirectly owned by Perpetual Corporation, FCC Form 316 is
appropriate for this transaction. First, Mr. Allbritton only owned 49 percent of Perpetual Corporation
and, thus, has transferred less than 50 percent of its voting stock. Second, the Commission has
previously passed upon Ms. Allbritton's attributable interest in each of the Perpetual Corporation
Stations in the "long form" applications listed below. Ms. Allbritton continuously has been an
attributable officer and attributable director of each of the Perpetual Corporation Stations since
consummation of the acquisition of each such Station.

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    KATV(TV)            KATV,Inc.                                                       Allbritton           BALCT-I9821227LF                           2lt4/83
                                                                                        Communications Co.
    KruL(TV)            KTUL,Inc.                                                       Allbritton           BALCT-1982t227Lt                           2114183
                                                                                        Communications Co.
    WCFT(TV)            WCFT License                                                    Allbritton           BALCT-19951205KG                           2/28196
                        Subsidiarv.Inc.                                                 Communications Co.
    WJSU-TV             Flagship Broadcasting                                           TV Alabama,Inc.      BALCT-1999i I l6AJI                        U24100
    WBMA-LD             Shirlev H. James                                                TV Alabama,Inc.      BALTTL-19970513I8                          7t0u97
    WHTM-TV             WHTM-TV,Inc.                                                    Allbritton           BALCT.19951OI9KE                           2/29196
                                                                                        Communications Co.
    WJLA-TV             Washington Star                                                 Perpetual Corp. of   BTC-7601                                   U2t/75
                        Communications- Inc.                                            Delaware
    WSET.TV             Washington Star                                                 Perpetual Corp. of   BTC-1602                                   U21/75
                        Communications. Inc.                                            Delaware
    WO5AA-D             Washington Star                                                 Perpetual Corp. of   BTC-j602                                   U2ll75
                        Communications. Inc.                                            Delaware

        FCC Form 315: Allholdco, Inc. With respect to WCIV(TV), which is indirectly owned by
Allholdco, Inc., FCC Form 315 is appropriate. Mr. Allbritton directly and indirectly owned 72
percent of the voting stock of Allholdco, Inc. Under the terms of his will, the Trust now controls that
stock. Because more than 50 percent of the stock of Allholdco, Inc. has transferred to the Trust,
Allholdco, Inc. must seek approval on a "long form" FCC Form 315. Moreover, at the speciflrc
direction of the FCC staff, Allholdco, Inc. is only filing a single Form 315 for WCIV(TV);
Allholdco, Inc. is not first seeking approval for this transfer of control on a Form 316 as an
involuntary transfer of control.

         No Other Changes Proposed. Aside from reporting the death of Mr. Allbritton and
transferring his interests in Perpetual Corporation and Allholdco, Inc. to the Trust, these transfers of
control applications do not propose any other changes to the officers, directors, or other attributable
interest holders in any Station. The Trust agreement and Mr. Allbritton's will are the only
documents setting forth the terms of this transfer of control. Pursuant to Section 73.3613(b)(3xiii),
Perpetual Corporation and Allholdco, Inc. will provide'a copy of the Trust agteement upon request
from the Commission staff.a

o        47 C.F.R. 973.3613(bx3)(iii) ("However, trust agreements or abstracts thereof are not required to be filed,
unless requested specifically by the FCC.").

                                                                                             Page 3

Allbritton Voting lnterests Prior to Death of Mr. Allbritton

                  Barbara Allb¡itton 2008 Marital Trust

                    Robert Lewis Allbritton 1996 T¡usl

Allbritton Voting lnterests After Death of Mr. Allbritton

                  Barbara B Allbritton Marital Trust

                            Allbritton 2008

                   Robert Lewis Allbr¡tton 1996 Trust

                          Robert L. Allbr¡tton

                                                                             ACC Licensee, LLC

                                                            Allf¡nco, lnc.

Document Created: 2013-01-25 07:55:14
Document Modified: 2013-01-25 07:55:14

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