Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20120406-00347 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                          FCC Form 312
                                                                               Exhibit E
                                                                             Page 1 of 3
     Description of Pro Forma Transfer of Control and Non-Applicability of Foreign
                                Ownership Restrictions

        Pacific Telecom Inc. (“PTI”), a U.S. corporation, is the 100% direct parent of U.S.
corporation The Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation, which in turn is the 100% parent
of U.S. corporation and non-common carrier earth station licensee PTI Pacifica Inc. PTI seeks
FCC approval for a pro forma transfer of control.

        The current majority (67%) owner of PTI is Prospector Investments Ltd., a Cayman
Islands corporation (“Prospector Cayman”) that is owned 56% by Ricardo C. Delgado, a citizen
of the Philippines, and 44% by Jose Ricardo Delgado, also a citizen of the Philippines. This
application seeks FCC consent to insert a new U.S. holding corporation, Prospector Pacific
Investments Inc. (domiciled in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (“CNMI”), a
U.S. territory), in the chain of ownership between Prospector Cayman and PTI. As the proposed
new entity in the ownership chain is wholly-owned by Prospector Cayman, the insertion of the
new entity results in a transfer of control that is pro forma only. See attached diagrams of the
current and proposed ownership structure.

       Upon completion of the proposed transaction, PTI will be owned 67% by CNMI
corporation Prospector Pacific Investments Inc., 28% by Sumitomo Corporation (a Japanese
corporation), and 5% by Sumitomo Corporation of America, (a U.S. corporation that is owned
100% by Sumitomo Corporation).

        As described above, PTI, a U.S. corporation, ultimately is indirectly owned 100 percent
by non-U.S.-entities. Because the earth station that is the subject of this application is not
classified as common carrier, the foreign ownership provisions of Section 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act, as amended, which establishes a 25 percent limit on indirect foreign
ownership for common carrier licenses and aeronautical fixed and en route licenses, do not
apply. Nevertheless, please note that PTI has received approvals for 100% indirect foreign
ownership of common carrier earth station licenses several times, most recently in 2009 (see
IT&E Overseas, Inc. Transferee, and PTI Pacifica Transferee, Memorandum Opinion and Order
and Declaratory Ruling, 24 FCC Rcd 5466 (2009)) and in 2010 (IBFS File No. ISP-PDR-
20100720-00015; see International Authorizations Granted, DA 10-2281, December 2, 2010).
The requested pro forma transfer is consistent with these prior authorizations.

Information responsive to Question A.20

Controlling Entities and Ten Percent or Greater Interest Holders in Licensee PTI Pacifica

Direct Ownership:

Name:                 The Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation (“MTC”)
Address:              P.O. Box 500306, Tekken Street, Saipan, MP 96950
Citizenship           CNMI
Principal Business:   Incumbent local exchange carrier
Percentage Held:      100% in Licensee PTI Pacifica Inc.

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 2 of 3

Indirect Ownership:

Name:                 Pacific Telecom Inc. (“PTI”)
Address:              P.O. Box 500306, Tekken Street, Saipan, MP 96950
Citizenship           CNMI
Principal Business:   Holding Company
Percentage Held:      100% in MTC

Name:                 Prospector Pacific Investments Inc. (“Prospector Pacific”)
Address:              P.O. Box 500306, Tekken Street, Saipan, MP 96950
Citizenship           CNMI
Principal Business:   Investments/Holding Company
Percentage Held:      67% in PTI

Name:                 Prospector Investments Ltd. (“Prospector Cayman”)
Address:              P.O. Box 500306, Tekken Street, Saipan, MP 96950
Citizenship           Cayman Islands
Principal Business:   Investments/Holding Company
Percentage Held:      100% in Prospector Pacific

Name:                 Ricardo C. Delgado
Address:              6758 Ayala Ave.
                      4/F SGV II Building
                      Makati City
Citizenship           Philippines
Principal Business:   Investments
Percentage Held:      56% in Prospector Cayman

Name:                 Jose Ricardo Delgado
Address:              6758 Ayala Ave.
                      4/F SGV II Building
                      Makati City
Citizenship           Philippines
Principal Business:   President, PTI
Percentage Held:      44% in Prospector Cayman

Name:                 Sumitomo Corporation
Address:              1-8-11 Harumi
Citizenship           Japan

                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                          Exhibit E
                                                                                        Page 3 of 3
Principal Business: Diversified company operating in a variety of business fields, including
transportation and constructions systems, infrastructure, real estate, metal products, mineral
resources, energy, chemical, telecommunications and electronics.

Percentage Held:      28% in PTI1
Ten percent owners
of Sumitomo
Corporation:          None

         As noted previously, Sumitomo Corporation’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Sumitomo
Corporation of America, holds the remaining 5% interest in PTI.

          Pacific Telecom Inc. Current Ownership

   (PHILIPPINES)             (PHILIPPINES)                           10% OR MORE

  56%                              44%
                                                       SUMITOMO CORPORATION
           (CAYMAN ISL. CORP)

                        67%                         28%             100%

                                PACIFIC TELECOM INC.                SUMITOMO CORPORATION
                                                            5%         OF AMERICA (U.S.)


                                THE MICRONESIAN
                                CORPORATION (CNMI)


                                PTI PACIFICA INC.
                                (CNMI)                                                     1
                                (LICENSE HOLDER)

Pacific Telecom Inc. Post-Transaction Ownership Structure

     (PHILIPPINES)            (PHILIPPINES)                           NO SHAREHOLDER WITH
                                                                      10% OR MORE

         56%                           44%
                INVESTMENTS LTD
                (CAYMAN ISLAND CORP)
                                                          SUMITOMO CORPORATION

               PROSPECTOR PACIFIC                                       100%
               INVESTMENTS INC.
               (CNMI CORP)

                                                                   SUMITOMO CORPORATION
                                 PACIFIC TELECOM INC.       5%
                                                                      OF AMERICA (U.S.)


                              THE MICRONESIAN
                              CORPORATION (CNMI)


                              PTI PACIFICA INC.
                              (LICENSE HOLDER)

Document Created: 2012-04-05 12:23:16
Document Modified: 2012-04-05 12:23:16

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