Attachment Intelsat Order Final

Intelsat Order Final

ORDER submitted by IB-FCC



This document pretains to SES-T/C-20111123-01403 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 12-768

                                              Before the
                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                         )
Intelsat Global Holdings, S.A.                           )        IB Docket No. 11-205
Applications to Transfer Control of Intelsat             )
Licenses and Authorizations from BC Partners             )
Holdings Limited to Public Ownership                     )


     Adopted: May 16, 2012                                             Released: May 16, 2012

By the Chief, International Bureau:


         1. In this Order, we consider a series of applications (the “Application”) filed by Intelsat Global
Holdings, S.A. (“Intelsat”) to transfer control of all the licenses and authorizations held by Intelsat
License LLC, Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd., Intelsat USA License LLC, and Intelsat General
Corporation (“Intelsat Licensees”) pursuant to a public offering of newly issued voting shares by Intelsat,
subsequent voting share sales by current shareholders and possible private placements of newly issued
voting shares. 1 Based on the record established in this proceeding, we find that grant of the Application
will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. 2


         A.     Description of the Applicants

                   1. Prior to the Proposed Transaction

 Intelsat License LLC and Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd., Application for Transfer of Control, Narrative, IBFS
File Nos. SAT-T/C-20111123-00225, SAT-T/C-20111123-00226, SES-T/C-20111123-01403, SES-T/C-20111206-
01427, ITC-T/C-20111123-00354, and ITC-T/C-20111123-00355. In October 2011, the Commission granted
authority for the pro forma transfer of control of all space and earth station licenses held by Intelsat Licensees.
These transactions involved the creation of new holding companies and removal of certain other holding companies.
Satellite Communications Services Information, re: Actions Taken, Public Notice, Report No. SES-01390 (rel. Oct.
19, 2011); Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Public Notice, DA 11-1713, Report No. SAT-00815 (rel. Oct.
14, 2011). We granted an extension of the deadline for consummation of these transactions to April 10, 2012 on
December 13, 2011. On March 16, 2012, Intelsat filed a request for a further 120 day extension request, ending on
August 8, 2012 to consummate these transactions but subsequently closed on the transactions. Intelsat
consummated the transactions on April 10, 2012 and filed the consummation notice on April 23, 2012. Letter from
Jennifer D. Hindin, Counsel for Intelsat to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission,
Apr. 23, 2012.
  Intelsat Global Holdings, S.A. also filed a transfer of control application for its Private Land Mobile Radio
Licenses in File No. 0004961083, which will be addressed separately.

                                       Federal Communications Commission                                    DA 12-768

         2. Intelsat, a Luxembourg company, is the indirect parent company of the Intelsat Licensees. 3
Intelsat’s controlling parent company is BC Partners Holdings Limited (“BCP”), a United Kingdom-
based investment firm organized under the laws of Guernsey. 4 BCP is owned by seventeen individual
shareholders 5 and currently indirectly owns approximately 71.9 percent voting equity interests in Intelsat
and has the power to elect a majority of the six members of the Intelsat Board of Directors. 6 Silver Lake
Group, L.L.C. (“SLP”), a U.S.-based investment firm, controls entities which indirectly own
approximately 15.87 percent of the voting interests in Intelsat. 7 The managing members of SLP are three
U.S. citizens: James Davidson, Glenn Hutchins and David Roux. 8 Other investors, including Credit
Suisse, Ridgemont Equity Partners and members of Intelsat’s management hold the remaining equity
interests in Intelsat. 9

                     2. After the Proposed Transaction

         3. Upon the closing of the transaction, Intelsat 10 will be owned by its existing owners plus the
owners of the newly issued shares. 11 At that point, the shares of Intelsat will be publicly traded and
Intelsat’s current owners will have the option of further reducing their ownership interests. The
percentage of voting interest each shareholder will have will depend on the number of common shares
issued and sold. Intelsat believes that no one entity or individual will hold 50 percent or more of the
voting shares in Intelsat after the transaction is completed. BCP would no longer have voting control
through a majority of stock. 12

         4. Intelsat states that the Board of Directors will continue to be its governing body after the
transaction. Intelsat envisions that the Board of Directors will have eight members who will be elected by
shareholders, who will be given one vote per common share, at a general meeting. Intelsat believes there
is a significant chance that BCP will no longer be empowered to elect a majority of directors. 13

           B.      Description of the Transaction

        5. Intelsat will offer newly issued voting shares to the public and may sell additional shares
through private placements. Subsequently, current owners may reduce their shareholdings through
    Application at 2.
    Id. at 3.
 Intelsat Holdings, Ltd., Transferor, and Serafina Holdings Limited, Transferee, Consolidated Application for
Consent to Transfer Control of Holders of Title II and Title III Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 22
FCC Rcd 22151, 22154, ¶ 8 (2007) (“Intelsat-Serafina Order”). The shareholders are citizens of: the United States
(one); the United Kingdom (four); Germany (three); Italy (four); France (four); and Greece (one). Id.
    Application at 3.
  Id at 3, and Exhibit 1. See Appendix B for an organization chart showing Intelsat’s ownership before the
    Intelsat-Serafina Order, 22 FCC Rcd at 22155, ¶ 11.
    Application at 3.
     Prior to the closing of the transaction, Intelsat Global Holdings, S.A will be renamed Intelsat S.A.
     Application at 4.
  Intelsat also believes that none of the current owners of Intelsat, other than BCP, will retain more than a ten
percent interest after the transactions. Id. at 5. Intelsat anticipates that holders of the publicly-traded shares will
own more than 40 percent of Intelsat. Id. Intelsat indicates that it will provide exact ownership percentages for all
ten percent or greater shareholders in its notice of consummation following the transfer of control. Id.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                     DA 12-768

market transactions or secondary offerings. Intelsat will time the offering based upon a variety of
conditions including industry and company factors and general market conditions. After the offerings,
Intelsat intends to list its shares on a major U.S. stock exchange. The proceeds of the public offering will
be used for general corporate purposes, including the repayment of portions of Intelsat’s indebtedness. 14

          C.       Application and Review Process

         6. The Application was placed on Public Notice on December 20, 2011. 15 On January 6, Intelsat
submitted a letter stating that the application does not contemplate any modification to the Intelsat
Licenses or conditions and states that approval of the application will have no effect on the license
conditions imposed by the Commission to promote compliance with the provision of the International
Telecommunications Satellite Organization Agreement. 16 On January 18, 2012, the Department of
Justice (DOJ), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the concurrence of the Department of
Homeland Security (“Executive Branch Agencies”) filed a letter requesting that the Commission defer
judgment regarding this matter until DOJ had finished reviewing the matter for any national security, law
enforcement, and public safety issues. 17 On February 14, 2012, the Executive Branch Agencies filed a
Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses. 18 No other comments were filed.


         7. Pursuant to sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act, we must determine whether
the Applicants have demonstrated that the proposed assignment and transfer of control of licenses and
authorizations will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. 19 In making this assessment, we
first assess whether the proposed transaction complies with the specific provisions of the
Communications Act, 20 other applicable statutes, and the Commission’s rules. 21 Our public interest
     Application at 4.
 Intelsat Global Holdings S.A. Files to Transfer Control of Intelsat Licenses and Authorizations from BC Partners
Holdings Limited to Public Ownership, IB Docket No. 11-205, Public Notice, DA 11-2038 (Dec. 20, 2011).
   Letter from Kalpak Gude, Intelsat Corporation, to Marlene H. Dortch, Federal Communications Commission, Jan.
6, 2012. See also 47 U.S.C. § 316(a); Petition of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
under Section 316 of the Communications Act, as Amended, IB Docket No. 06-137, Order of Modification, 23 FCC
Rcd 2764 (Int’l Bur., 2008).
 Letter from U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division, to Marlene H. Dortch, Federal
Communications Commission, Jan. 18, 2012.
  Department of Justice, National Security Division, Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses,
IB Docket No. 11-205 (Feb. 14, 2012).
     47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 310(d).
  Section 310(d), 47 U.S.C. § 310(d), requires that we consider the applications as if the proposed transferee were
applying for the licenses directly under section 308 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 308. See, e.g., AT&T Inc. and Cellco
Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Seek FCC Consent To Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and
Authorizations and Modify a Spectrum Leasing Arrangement, WT Docket No. 09-104, Memorandum Opinion and
Order, 25 FCC Rcd 8704, 8716 ¶ 22 (2010) (“AT&T-Verizon Wireless Order”); Applications of AT&T Inc. and
Centennial Communications Corp. For Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses, Authorizations, and Spectrum
Leasing Arrangements, WT Docket No. 08-246, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 24 FCC Rcd 13915, 13927 ¶ 27
(2009) (“AT&T-Centennial Order”); Applications of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and Atlantis
Holdings LLC For Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses, Authorizations, and Spectrum Manager and De Facto
Transfer Leasing Arrangements and Petition for Declaratory Ruling that the Transaction is Consistent with Section
310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, WT Docket No. 08-95, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Declaratory
Ruling, 23 FCC Rcd 17444, 17460 ¶ 26 (2008) (“Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order”); Sprint Nextel Corporation and
Clearwire Corporation Applications for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses, Leases, and Authorizations, WT
Docket No. 08-94, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 23 FCC Rcd 17570, 17578 ¶ 19 (2008) (“Sprint Nextel-

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                   DA 12-768

evaluation also necessarily encompasses the “broad aims of the Communications Act,” which include,
among other things, a deeply rooted preference for preserving and enhancing competition in relevant
markets, accelerating private sector deployment of advanced services, promoting a diversity of license
holdings, and generally managing the spectrum in the public interest. 22 Among the factors the
Commission considers in its public interest review is whether the applicants to the proposed transaction
meet the requisite qualifications requirements to hold and transfer licenses under section 310(d) of the
Communications Act and the Commission’s rules. 23

        8. We find that the Application complies with the Communications Act and the Commission’s
rules. The transaction also raises no competitive issues because Intelsat seeks to transfer control of
licenses and authorizations pursuant to a public offering of newly issued voting shares and will not alter
the scope of Intelsat’s operations. We also find that the Intelsat Licensees are qualified to remain
Commission licensees, and that granting the Application will serve the public interest, convenience and

        9.       On February 14, 2012, the Executive Branch Agencies filed a Petition to Adopt
Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses. The petition states that the Executive Branch Agencies have
no objection to the grant of the Applications provided that the Commission condition the grant on Intelsat
abiding by the commitments and undertakings contained in a February 14, 2012 Letter to the Executive
Branch Agencies. 24 The petition also states that the parties to the Applications do not object to the grant
of the petition. The Commission considers national security, law enforcement, foreign policy, and trade
policy concerns when analyzing a transfer of control or assignment application in which foreign
ownership is involved. Under Commission precedent, we defer to the Executive Branch’s expertise on
national security and law enforcement issues. 25 In accordance with the request of the Executive Branch
Agencies, and in the absence of objection from the Applicants, we condition the grant of the Applications
on Intelsat’s compliance with the commitments and undertakings in the February 14, 2012 Letter.

         10. Applicants ask that a grant of this transfer of control apply to: (1) all licenses and

(...continued from previous page)
Clearwire Order”); Applications of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. and Cingular Wireless Corporation, WT Docket
No. 04-70, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 21522, 21542 ¶ 40 (2004) (“Cingular-AT&T Wireless
  See, e.g., AT&T-Verizon Wireless Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 8716 ¶ 22; AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at
13927 ¶ 27; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17460 ¶ 26; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC
Rcd at 17578-79 ¶ 19; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21542-43 ¶ 40.
  See, e.g., AT&T-Verizon Wireless Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 8717 ¶ 23; AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at
13928 ¶ 28; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17461 ¶ 27; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC
Rcd at 17580 ¶ 20; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC Rcd at 21544 ¶ 41.
  See 47 U.S.C. §§ 214(a), 310(d); 47 C.F.R. § 1.948; see also, e.g., AT&T-Verizon Wireless Order, 25 FCC Rcd at
8718 ¶ 26; AT&T-Centennial Order, 24 FCC Rcd at 13930 ¶ 31; Verizon Wireless-ALLTEL Order, 23 FCC Rcd at
17464 ¶ 31; Sprint Nextel-Clearwire Order, 23 FCC Rcd at 17582 ¶ 23; Cingular-AT&T Wireless Order, 19 FCC
Rcd at 21546 ¶ 44.
  Letter from Intelsat to Lisa O. Monaco and David F. Heyman, dated February 14, 2012 (“February 14, 2012
Letter”). The Petition, with the February 14, 2012 Letter attached, is publicly available on the FCC web site by
searching the record for this proceeding, IB Docket 11-205, through the Electronic Comment Filing System,
available at
  See Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 23918 ¶ 59, 23919-21 ¶¶ 61-66; Amendment of the
Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations to Provide Domestic and
International Satellite Service in the United States, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 24094, 24170, ¶ 178 (1997).


                                  Federal Communications Commission                                DA 12-768

authorizations issued or assigned to Intelsat Licensees during the pendency of the Application and prior to
consummation of any approved transaction; and (2) applications pending at the time of consummation of
the proposed transaction. 26 We grant this request to transfer control of the relevant licenses and
authorizations issued or assigned to Intelsat Licensees. Consistent with section 1.65 of the Commission’s
rules, 27 Intelsat indicates that it will also amend as necessary any currently pending applications to reflect
the consummation of the transaction approved by this Order. Additionally, to the extent that Appendix A
to this Order does not include all authorizations issued to the Intelsat Licensees during the period between
the filing of the Applications and the consummation of the proposed transaction, the Applicant should file
with the Commission, within 30 days of consummation of the transaction, a section 1.65 letter referencing
IB Docket No. 11-205 and each applicable file number and providing an updated version of Appendix A
that includes all relevant authorizations and call signs.


         11. There is no evidence in the record to suggest that the proposed transaction would harm
competition or otherwise contravene any Commission rule or policy. We therefore find that the applicant
has met its burden and that the grant of the Applications, as conditioned herein, will serve the public
interest convenience and necessity. Accordingly, we consent to BCP’s relinquishment of control through
reduction of its ownership of voting shares below the 50 percent level.


         12. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to sections 4(i) and (j), 214, 309, and 310(d) of
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i), 154(j), 214, 309, 310(d), the
applications for the transfer of control of licenses and authorizations set forth in Appendix A are granted,
to the extent specified and as conditioned in this Order.

        13. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to sections 4(i) and (j), 214, 309, and 310(d) of
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i), 154(j), 214, 309, 310(d), the Petition
to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses filed jointly by the U.S. Department of Justice, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on October 15, 2007 IS
GRANTED. Grant of the Applications IS CONDITIONED UPON compliance with the commitments
and undertakings set forth in the February 14, 2012 letter from Intelsat, attached to this Order in
Appendix C.
        14. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order is granted without prejudice to any future action
taken by the Enforcement Bureau in connection with IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20090227-00029, SAT-
AMD-20100302-00038, SAT-LOA-20100217-00029, SAT-AMD-20100602-00120, and SAT-AMD-
        15. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to section 1.65 of the Commission’s rules, 47
C.F.R. § 1.65, the Applicants are afforded 30 days from the date of release of this Order to amend as
necessary any pending applications to reflect the transfer of control approved in this Order.
         16. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the deadline for consummating the transactions consented
to by this Order is August 16, 2012.

     Application at 8-9.
     47 C.F.R. § 1.65.


Federal Communications Commission          DA 12-768


             Mindel De La Torre
             Chief, International Bureau


                            Federal Communications Commission                        DA 12-768

                                        APPENDIX A
                                     Licenses and Grants

   A. Space Station Applications:

File No.                   File Name:                      Call Signs:
SAT-T/C-20111123-00225     Intelsat New Dawn Company,      S2751
SAT-T/C-20111123-00226     Intelsat License LLC            S2715, S2404, S2391, S2396, S2398,
                                                           S2401, S2388, S2400, S2399, S2389,
                                                           S2789, S2785, S2414, S2411, S2410,
                                                           S2409, S2408, S2407, S2406, S2687,
                                                           S2387, S2385, S2386, S2422, S2253,
                                                           S2381, S2804, S2814, S2237, S2368,
                                                           S2801, S2750, S2160, S2469, S2154,
                                                           S2647, S2733, S2817, S2423, S2382,
                                                           S2380, S2229, S2704, S2460, S2405,
                                                           S2831, S2846

   B. Earth Stations Licenses:

File No.                   File Name:                      Call Signs:
SES-T/C-20111123-01403     Intelsat License LLC            E030073, E030072, E010112, E000488,
                                                           E000364, E010019, E000048, E000049,
                                                           E990365, E990092, E990214, E990323,
                                                           E040174, E030012, E900757, E881304,
                                                           KA391, KL92, KA71, E050311,
                                                           E010133, E000063, E010113, E990223,
                                                           E000363, E980467, E990334, E980460,
                                                           E990024, E970080, E860175, E4132,
                                                           E010206, E2178, E990551, E110100,
                                                           E950502, E950267, E110095, E110120,
                                                           E950307, E010118, E950067, E990055,
                                                           E920519, E040286, KA450, E060388,
                                                           E030182, E070230, E970391, E060384,
                                                           KA251, E970319, E030020, E040343,
                                                           E060198, E000274, KB26, KA262,
                                                           E100118, E040125, E070050, E960186,
                                                           E020126, E030106, E060029, E080006,
                                                           E020315, E030096, E050049, E070139,
                                                           E020314, E020309, E050048, E020191,
                                                           E980503, E050009, E040414, E980501,
                                                           E030100, E040141, E090186, E030082,
                                                           E040140, E090167, E030071, E080170,
                                                           E030103, E030051, E080172, E080011,
                                                           E960187, KA261, WN52, KA260,
                                                           KA275, KA259, KA264, KA258,
                                                           E000296, E000355, E980200, E990131,
                                                           E980526, KA270, E980510, KA269,
                                                           KA268, KA267, E940532, KA266,
                                                           E940333, KA265, E7465, E950508,

                             Federal Communications Commission                     DA 12-768

                                                          E090093, E881286, E010334, E990433,
                                                          E970392, E990091, E980485, E030307,
                                                          KA263, E030101, E060108, E970091,
                                                          E030232, E070221, E020169, E990224,
                                                          E970051, E980502, E030306, E030175,
                                                          E120008, E120009
SES-T/C-20111206-01427     Intelsat License LLC           E080108, E070223, E080224, E080147,
                                                          E110013, E050169, E050174, E070278,

   C. International Section 214 Authorizations:

File No.                   Authorization Holder:          Authorization File Nos.
ITC-T/C-20111123-00354     Intelsat General Corporation   ITC-MOD-20050329-00170
ITC-T/C-20111123-00355     Intelsat USA License           ITC-MOD-20051007-00445, ITC-214-
                                                          20051031-00443, ITC-214-19930829-
                                                          00248, ITC-214-19920318-00117


     Federal Communications Commission            DA 12-768

                APPENDIX B
Intelsat Ownership Before and After Transaction


                                                                                                                                                                             FCC Form 603
                                                                                          Exhibit 2:
                                                                   Intelsat Licensees Ownership Following The Transactions‘

        Silver Lake Funds                                                                                         Other Investors & Intelsat
                                                                BCP Funds                                                                                                Hotders of New Publicly
                 U.S.                                                                                                   Ma           t
               (      )                                    (UK/Guernsey/France)                                          (S?;%n-;g)‘                                         Traded Shares

      SLP IIl Investment
       Holding S.& r.1.                                         Serafina S.A.
        (Luxembourg)           \                                (Luxembourg}                                    Less than 10%                      More than 40%

                               Less than 10%a                                   Less than 50%
                                                                                   Intelsat Global
                                                                                   Holdings S.A. ?

                                                                                 Intelsat investment
                                                                                   Holdings S.4 r..
                                                                                                                                                            Intelsat (Gibraltar) Limited
                                                                                Intelsat Holdings S.A.                                                               (Gibraltar)
                                                                                                                                                              Intelsat (Luxembourg)
                                                                                    Intelsat S.A.                                                            Finance Company S.A r.J.
                                                                                   (Luxembourg)                                                                    (Luxerrlvbcurg)

                                                                             Intelsat (Luxembourg) S.A.                                                     Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z 0.0.
                                                                                    {(Luxembourg}                                                                     (Poland)

                                                                                  Intelsat Jackson
                                                                                    Holdings S.A.                                                               Intelsat Corporation
                                                                                   (Luxembourg)                                                                      (Delaware)
                                                                                                                        Intelsat Global Service LLC

                                                                                       Intelsat Operations S.A.
                                        Intelsat License Holdings LLC                        (Luxepmbourg)
                                                  (Delaware}                                                              15.6%8
                                                      |                                   Intelsat New Dawn                                           |   |ntelsa’lnlils:‘\"§31(‘es LLC
                                                                                          (Gibraltar) Limited                                     (Delaware}
                                            Intelsat License LLC                               (Gibraltar)                                      II:-:|
                                                 (Delaware)                                          |
                                                                                                                                   Intelsat General Corporation              Intelsat USA License LLC
                                                                                          Intelsat New Dawn
                                                                                                                                             (Delaware)                              (Delaware)
                                                                                            Company, Ltd.
    All subsidiaries are wholly owned unless otherwise noted.                                 (Bermuda)

    Intelsat Globat Holdings S.A. is the entity recently approved by the FCC to control indirectly the Intelsat Licensees pursuantto a pro forma corporate reorganization. This corporate
    reorganization has not yet been completed, but will be consummated prior to the sale transactions contemplated by this application.
    Intelsat Corporation and Intelsat Global Service LLC hold a 15.6% and a 0.02% economic interest, respectively, in Intelsat Operations S.A. They hold no voting interests or common shares in
    Intelsat Operations S.A. Previously, seventeen Delaware corporations (the "Sat HoldCos®) that were whoily owned subsidiaries of Intelsat Corporation owned preferred equity certificates of
    Intelsat Operations S.A. All of the Sat HoldCos were merged into Intelsat Corporation on September 30, 2011.. Intelsat Giobal Services LLC continues to hold 0.02% of the preferred equity
    certificates and Intelsat Corporation now holds the remaining preferred equity certificates.

                          Federal Communications Commission                        DA 12-768

                                        Appendix C
Letter to Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Defense and
                             Department of Homeland Security



Christopher Hale
  National Security Division
  Departmentof Justice

John Delmore
  Office of General Counsel
  Federal Bureau of Investigation

Richard Hagar
  Office of Policy
  Department of Homeland Security

Hillary Morgan
  Defense Information Systems Agency
  Department of Defense

Matthew Kemph
  Office of the: Chief Information Officer
  Department of Defense

Susan H. Crandall

Richard S. Elliott
  Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrisen LLP

Jennifer D. Hindin
  Wiley Rein LLP

                                                              October 9, 2007

 Mz. Kenneth L. Wainstein
Assistant Attorney General
National Security Division
 United States Department of Justice
950 Peansylvania Avenue, N. W.
 Washington, DC 20530

Elaing N. Lammert
Deputy General Counsel
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W,
Washington, DC 20530

Stewart A. Baker
Assistant Secretary for Policy
 U.S. Department of Homeland Security
3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20528

 Re:      Proposed Acquisition of Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. by Serafina Holdings Limited

 Dear Mr. Wainstein. Ms. Lammert, and Mr: Baker:

                  Serafina Holdings Limited (Serafing") and Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.
 (“Intclsm"")l appreciate the opportunity to confer with representatives of the Department
 ofJustice ("DOJ"), the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and the Department of
 Homeland Security ("DHS") (collectively, the "Agencies") regarding the proposed
 acquisition of Intelsat by Serafina (the "Proposed Transaction"), This letteris intended to
 confirm that Serafina and Intelsat will continue:to honor the commitments set forth in
 Intelsat‘s November 24, 2004 letterto the Agencies (the "Intelsat/Zeus Commitment
 Letter") and Intelsat‘s December 5, 2005 letter to the Agencies (the "Intelsat/PanAmSat
 Commitment Letter") once the Proposed Transaction is consummated.

       Infelsat Holdings, Ltd. was formerly known as Zeus Holdings Limited ("Zeus").

       See Intelsat, Ltd., Transferor, and Zeus Holdings Limited, Transferee, Consolidated
       Application for Consent to Transfers ofControl ofHolders of Title Th—and Title HL
       Authorizations.and Petition for Declaratory Ruling Under Section 310 ofthe
       Communications Aet of 1934, As Amended, Order.and Authorization, 19 FCC Red
       24820, at App. D (2004),
       See Constellation, LLC, Carlyle PanAmSat 4, LLC, Carlyle PanAmSat 14. LLC, PEP
       PAS, LLC, and PEOP PAS, LLC, Transferors and Intelsat Holdings. Ltd., Transferee
       Consolidated Appli¢ation for Transfer Control of PanAmSat Licensee

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                                                                         sSDIRJ L J         I

by BCP (the "BCP Funds") will collectively hold approximately 71.12 percent ofthe
equity interests in Serafina, Thirty—five ofthe BCP Funds are constituted as UK fimited
partnerships, five ofthe BCP Fuads are constifuted as French "co—mvest" [muuuships,
and the remaining fund is constftuted as a Guernseylimited partnership: C
Management H Limited("CIE"), a wholly—owned subsidiary of BCP m‘gamixcd under the
law‘s of Guernsey, serves as CGeneral Partner ofeach of the BCP Funds, Through it
control of the BCP Funds, BCP will control Serafina and by extension IntelsaL.

                The economic interests in the BCP Funds are held by over 200 limited
partners. «None ofthese investors will have any ability to control, manage, or be involved
in the day—to—day business—operations or decision—making ofthe BCP Funds, Serafina, or
Intelsat, with the minor exception ofseveral investors holding an aggregate equity
interest of approximately 0.86 percent in the BCP Funds who are sharehoiders of BCP or
atherwise affiliated with BCP.. Limited partners with their principal place—of business in
the U.S. will hold approximately 34.90 percent of the equity in the BCP Funds, while
limited partners with their principal place of business in non—U.S. WTO—Member
countrigs will hoid approximately 65. 40 percent ofthe—equity in the BCP Funds, No
limited partner in the BCP Funds has its principal place ofbusiness in a non—WTO
Member country.

                Two funds (the "Silver Lake Funds") ultimately controlled by Silver Lake
Group, L.L.C...a U.S —based investment firm, will coflectively hold npmmmatch 16.85
percent of the equity interests in Serafina, Silver Lake Technology Associates f1 P
which is controlled by Silver Lake Group, LL.C., serves as General Partner ofm.,h of
the Silver Lake Funds, and holds approximately 2.18 percent ofthe equity in the Sikver
Lake Funds. The other economic interests in the Silver Lake Funds are held by over 250
passive limited partners, none of which will have any ability to control, manage, orbe
involved in the day—to—day business operatifons or decision—making of the Stiver Lake
Funds, Scrafina, or Intelsat. General asd fimited partners with their principal place of
business in the United States hold approximately 58.56 percent of the equity in the Sitver
Lake Funds; and limited partners with their principal place of business outside ofthe
United States hold approximately 4 1 .44 percent ofthe equity in the Sitver Lake Funds.
One limited partner, with an equity interest of approximately 0.06 percent in the Stiver
Lake Funds, has its principal place of business in a non—WTO Member country

                Bane of America Capital Investors V, L.P., which has its principal place of
business in the United States, will hold a'}]')l(\mfl'ldlt.l\a 3.37 percent of the equity in
Serafina, CSFB Strategic Partners [H, L.P. (indirectly controfled by Credit Suisse},
which has its principal place of business in the United States but is controlied by entities
with theirplrincipal place of businiess in Switzerland, will hold approximately 1.35
percent of the equity in Serafian. Twelve—members of Intelsat‘s management team will
callectively hold an equity interest in Serafiia ofat least 2.04 percent." These individaals

    This percentage is based on a minimum equity investment by Intelsat management
    required by the Agreement and assumes a closing date of January 1, 2008.. The
    minimum equity investment will fluctuate in immaterial amounts depending upon the

are citizens ofthe following countries: the United States (9); Canada (1); France {1); and
the United Kingdom (1). The remaining equity in Serafina, approximately 5.26 percent,
is subject to continuing syndication for passive investors by the BCP funds. In the event
the full 5.26 percent is not syndicated or acquired by Intelsat management, the Existing
Control Group will acquire the unsyndicated amount.

IL.      The Transaction

                 On June 19, 2007, Serafina and its wholly—owned subsidiary, Serafina
Acquisition Limited, also a Bermuda company, entered into a Share Purchase Agreement
(CAgreement‘) with Intelsat and its existing sharcholders. Pursuant to the terms ofthe
Agreement, and upon consummation ofthe Proposed Transaction, Serafina and Serafina
Acquisition Limited will acquire all of the equity and voting interests in Intelsat. The
aggregate value of the Proposed Transaction, including the assumption by Serafina of
approximately $11.4 billton ofdebt, is $16.4 billion.

               Consummation ofthe Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of
closing conditions, including receipt of requisite regulatory approvals. Among other
regulatory filings that have been or will be made, Intelsat and Serafina filed a
consolidated application with the FCCon August 10, 2007 seeking approval to transfer
control of the Intelsat entities holding PCC authorizations to Serafina. Intelsat and
Serafina anticipate closing the Proposed Transaction in the fourth quarter of 2007 or the
first quarter of 2008.

                 Following consummation of the Proposed Transaction, the Boards of
Intelsat, Serafina, and Serafina Acquisition Limited will be the same and will be
comprised offour members, two of whom—will be representatives of BCP, one of whom
will be a representative of Silver Lake, and one of whomwill be a memberof Intelsat
management. Following consummation of the Proposed Transaction, it is anticipatedthat
two members of each Board will be U.S. citizens, and two will be citizens of Western
European countfies.

      date of the closing and the continued employment ofcertain members of
      management. Individual members of Intelsat‘s management may elect to reinvest
      additional amounts in the post—transaction Intelsat, To the extent management
      increases its equity interest, there may be:—consequent small adjustmenits in other
      investors‘ interests.

HL      Confirmation of Existing Intelsat Commitments

        A.      Security Committee of Intelsat Corporation

                In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter and the Intelsat/PanAmSat
Commitment Letter, which continued certain commitments made to the Agencies in
previous Intelsat transactions, Intelsat agreed to maintain—a Security Committee:—within
Intelsat‘s U.S. subsidiary, Intelsat Global Service Corporation. Subsequently, as part of
the consolidation ofIntelsat‘s operations with those of PanAmSat, this Security
Committee was incorporated into Intelsat Corporation." This Security Committee, which
is composed exclusively of U.S. citizens who serve on the board of Intelsat Corporation,
has lead responsibility for overseeing security issues related to Intelsat‘s domestic
communications network, records related to domestic communications, and electronic
surveillance by U.S, federal, state, and local authorities. In addition, the Security
Committee.serves as a point of contact for addressing law enforcement, national security,
and infrastructure protection issues with U.S. government agencies.

                The Security Committee has carried out these—responsibilities, and will
continue to carry them out after the consummation ofthe Proposed Transaction.‘ In
addition, to ensure that the Agencies maintain up—to—date information concerning the
Security Comumittee, Intelsat Corporation will continue to inform the Agencies in a
timely fashion of changes to the composition of the Committee."

        B.      Proxy Agreement for Intelsat General Corporation

                In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter and the Intelsat/PanAmSat
Commitment Letter, Intelsat agreed to maintain the proxy agreement structure that covers
its cleared U.S, subsidiary, Intelsat General Corporation ("Intelsat General"), so as to
ensure that no impermissible foreign ownership, control, or influence is exercised over
the business activities of Intelsat General. Following consummation of the Proposed
Transaction, Intelsat General will continue to operate under that proxy agreement

*    Intelsat notified the Agencies of the closing ofits acquisition of PanAmSat, and ofthe
     related relocation of the Security Committee to Intelsat Corporation, by letter dated
     July 5, 2006

     In the Intelsat/Zeus Commiutment Letter, Intelsat also committed to provide the
     Agencies, within 60 days of the closing ofthe Intelsat/Zeus transaction, a copy of the
     policies and procedutes adopted—and implemented by the Security Committee.
     Intelsat satisfied that commitment in its letter to the Agencies dated January 27, 2005,
     and it provided updated copies ofthe— policies and procedures in its letters dated
     October 28, 2005 and July 5. 2006.
     Intelsat provided the Agencies with updated information concerning the composition
     ofthe Security Committee in its letters dated March 29, 2005; October 28, 2005;
     January 11, 2006; and July 5, 2006.


       C.      Cooperation with US. Government Electronic Survefflance Activities

            In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter and the Intelsat/PanAmSat
Commitment Letter, Intelsat agreed to take all reasonable measures to assist and support
the FBlor any other ULS. federal, state, or local agency with law enforcement or national
security responsibilities in conducting; in a secure andefficient manner, lawfhully
authorized electronic surveillance.. Intelsat also agreed that such assistance would include
disctosure, if necessary, of technical and engineering information related to the design,
maintenance, or operation ofIntelsat‘s systems. Finglly, Intelsat— agreed that it would
work together with the agency seeking electronic surveillance cooperation to determine
what is reasonable, taking into account the investigative needs ofthe agency and
Intelsat‘s commercial interests. The Proposed Transaction does notalter the
commutments.ofIntelsatset forth or continued in the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter
and the Intelsat/PanAmSat Commitment Letter, and Serafina and Intelsat hereby reaffirtn
those commitments.

               The nature ofIntelsat‘s business is such that there is no existing or
contemplated provision of cormon carrier switched services by Intelsat, Thus, we believe that Intelsat is, generally speaking, an unlikely target for requests to
assist U.S. law enforcement agencies with electronic surveillance. Nonetheless, Intelsat
stands ready, and will contifue to stand ready, to assist government agencies with
lawfully authotized electronic surveillance. Asnoted above, the Intelsat Corporation
Security Committee will continue:to be the primary point of contact for U.S. government
agencies in connection with requests for assistance with electronic surveillance.

               Nothing in this letter is intended to excuse Intelsat from any obligation it
may have to comply with 1U.S. legal requirements for the retention, preservation, or
production of information, records orfdata, or from any applicable requirements ofthe
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, 47 U.S.C. § 1001, et. seq.

       D.      Proviston of Common Cartier Switched Services in the Future

               In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter and the Intefsat/PanAmSat
Commitment Leiter, Intelsat agreed to provide the Agencies with advance notice of any
provision of commoncarriet switched services byIntelsat, even if no finther FCC
authorization is required. In particular, Intelsat agreed that (i) for any common carrier
switched service that requires additional Section 214 authorization, Intelsat would
provide the Agencies with a copy of any application filed with the FCC; (ii) for any
common carrier switched service that may be provided without obtaining a new Section
214 authorization (such as a new domestie switched service), Intelsat would notify the
Agencies 30— days before offering the service; and (iti) before using any ofthe equipment
subject to Title T licenses transférred in connection with the Intelsat/PanAmSat or
Intelsat/Zeus transactions to provide common carrier switched services, Intelsat would
notify the Agencies 30 days in advance.

               Following consummation ofthe Proposed Transaction, Intelsat will
continue these commitinents as set forth or continued in the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment

Letter and the Intelsat/PanAmSat Commitment Letter. Asnoted above; Intelsat.does not
offer, and has no plans to offer, any common carrier switched service. Nonetheless,
should Intelsat offer such service in the future, Intelsat will provide advance notice to the
Agencies as described in the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter and the Intelsat/PanAmSat
Commitment Letter.

       E.      Future Changes to Boards of Directors

            In the Intelsat/Zeus Commitment Letter and the Intelsat/PanAmSat
Commitment Letter, Intelsat agreed to notify the Agencies ofthe initial composition of
the boards of directors ofIntelsat, Intelsat, Ltd., and Intelsat {Bermuda), Ltd. (the
"Intelsat Boards") and of subsequent changes to the Intelsat RBoards." Following
consummation ofthe Proposed Transaction, Serafina will extendthis obligation to cover
the boards of Serafina and Serafina Acquisition Limited (the "Serafina Boards"}. We
will continue.—to provide the Agencies with updated information conicerning the
composition ofthe Serafina Boards and the Intelsat Boards until such time as such
notification is no longer neededby operation oflaw or by decision of the Agencies. In
addition, we remain willing to provide the Agencies with such other information
concerning the Serafina Boards and Intelsat Boards as they may reasonably request.

    By letter dated February 11, 2005, Intelsat provided the Agencies with information
    concerning the initial composition ofthe Intelsat Boards. In addition, by letters dlated
    March 29, 2005, July 5, 2006, and August 24, 2007, Intelsat supplied the Agencies
    with updated information concerning the composition ofthe Intelsat Boards, and
    notified the—agencies that Zeus had changedits. name to fntelsat Holdings, Ltd.

                If you require any further information regarding these matters, please
contact gither of the undersigned.


RaymondSvider                                    PhillipA . Spector
President                                        Executive Vice President
Serafina Holdings Limited                           and Genoral Counsel
                                                 Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.

so:      John:—Connors
           National Sgcurity Division
           Department of Austice

         Joseph E. Springstsen
           Criminal Division
           Department of Justice

         Jon D. Pifer
           Office of General Counsel
           Federal Bureay ofInvestigation

         Louw W, Brenner, Jr.
           Office of General Counsel
           Department of Homeland Security
         Hillary J. Motgan
           Defense Information Systems Agency
           Department of Defonse

         Teress D. Baer
           Latham & Watkins LLP
           Counsel to Rerafina Holdings Limited

         Richard S, Elliott
           Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
           Counsel to Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.

Document Created: 2012-05-21 15:36:53
Document Modified: 2012-05-21 15:36:53

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