Attachment 312 Exhibit E _Amend

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20111028-01279 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      EXHIBIT E – SERCOTEL

                                   OWNERSHIP INFORMATION

Question A20. If the transferee is directly or indirectly controlled by another entity, please
provide the following information:

 (1) the name, address, citizenship, and primary business of the controlling entity and any
intermediate subsidiaries or parties.

Sercotel S.A. de C.V. (“Sercotel”) is directly owned and controlled by:

       América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V.
       Address:           Lago Zurich 245,
                          Plaza Carso, Edificio Telcel, Piso16,
                          Col. Granada Ampliación
                          México, D.F. 11529
       Citizenship:       Incorporated under the laws of Mexico
       Primary Business:  Holding company for telecommunications-related investments
       Relationship:      Owns 99.999999999% of Sercotel

              MÓVIL S.A.B. de


                S.A. de C.V.

(2) the names, addresses, citizenship, and the percentage of voting and equity stock of
those stockholders holding 10 percent or more of the controlling corporation’s voting stock.

          Fideicomiso de Control F/126 Banco Inbursa División Fiduciaria (“Control Trust”
          or “Slim Family Trust”)
          Address:                   Paseo de las Palmas número 736, Colonia Lomas de
                                     Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, 11000, México,
                                     Distrito Federal
          Citizenship:               Mexico
          Primary Business:          Private trust
          Share of Voting Stock:     45.02%1
          Share of Equity:           21.24%

          The Control Trust is a bank-administered trust for the benefit of members of the Carlos
          Slim Family. The trustee is Banco Inbursa S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo
          Financiero Inbursa, División Fiduciaria.

          AT&T Inc.
          Address:                            208 S. Akard St.
                                              Dallas Texas 75202
          Citizenship:                        U.S. Corporation
          Primary Business:                   Telecommunications services
          Share of Voting Stock:              24.5%
          Share of Equity:                    9.11%

          AT&T is a widely and publicly held corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State
          of Delaware.

The entities listed above are the only persons or entities that hold a ten percent or greater share of
voting stock in América Móvil. Inmobiliaria Carso, S.A. de C.V. (a non-public holding
company wholly-owned by the Slim Family duly organized under Mexican laws) also owns
shares of América Móvil that represent less than ten percent of the voting shares of América
Móvil. In addition to the shares of América Móvil held by the Slim Family Trust and
Inmobiliaria Carso, Carlos Slim Helú and members of his family individually own shares of
América Móvil, though none in his or her individual capacity owns more than ten percent of the
voting shares of América Móvil. Collectively, members of the Slim family, the Slim Family
Trust, and Inmobiliaria Carso, S.A. de C.V. hold 42.27% of the equity and 65.50% of the voting
stock in América Móvil.

    All shareholder estimates are based on the most recent publicly available information.

Document Created: 2011-11-22 11:14:31
Document Modified: 2011-11-22 11:14:31

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