Attachment Attachment C

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20101207-01514 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                   Attachment C
                                                                                                  December 2010
                         Entities with Ownership Interests in Reuters America

       The following entities will have direct and indirect ownership interests in Reuters
America. The relationships between these entities are shown in the chart in Attachment D and,
where applicable, the abbreviation used for each entity on that chart is shown in parentheses
following the entity’s name below. Except where indicated, all ownership interests reflect both
voting and equity.1

Entity                   Address                       Citizenship        Business            Interest
The Woodbridge           65 Queen Street               Canada             Holding             Approx. 55% of
Company Limited          West                                             company             Thomson Reuters
(Woodbridge)             Suite 2400                                                           Corporation 2
                         Toronto ON M5H
                         2MA, Canada
Thomson Reuters          Bay Adelaide Centre           Canada             Holding             100% of 3097052
Corporation              333 Bay Street                                   company             Nova Scotia
(TR Corp)                Suite 400, Mailbox                                                   Company
                         Toronto, ON
3097052 Nova             900-1959 Upper                Canada             Holding             100% of 1602854
Scotia Company           Water Street                                     company             Ontario Limited
(NSULC)                  Halifax, NS B3J
                         2X2, Canada
1602854 Ontario          Bay Adelaide Centre           Canada             Holding             100% of the voting
Limited                  333 Bay Street                                   company             shares of Thomson
(Ontario)                Suite 400, Mailbox                                                   Reuters Canada
                         11                                                                   Limited; The
                         Toronto, ON                                                          Woodbridge
                         M5H2R2                                                               Company Limited
                         Canada                                                               holds 100% of the
                                                                                              non-voting Class A
                                                                                              preferred shares of
                                                                                              Thomson Reuters
                                                                                              Canada Limited.

  All of the interests reported are as of the date of filing of this application. It is possible that there will be minor
changes that do not affect control of Reuters America between the time of the application and the completion of the
reorganization. Any change that is relevant to the transaction described in this application will be reported to the
Commission through an amendment to the application.
  Woodbridge holds its approximately 55% interest in Thomson Reuters Corporation either directly or through
affiliates or wholly-owned subsidiaries, with the following wholly-owned subsidiary holding a 10% or greater
interest in Thomson Reuters Corporation: 1683560 Ontario Limited (21.56%), which is an Ontario company whose
address is the same as the address shown for Woodbridge.

                                                                  Reuters America LLC
                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                  Schedule A, Item A20
                                                                       December 2010

Entity             Address               Citizenship   Business     Interest
Thomson Reuters    Bay Adelaide Centre   Canada        Holding      100% of Thomson
Canada Limited     333 Bay Street                      company      Reuters Holdings
(TRCL)             Suite 400, Mailbox                               S.A.
                   Toronto, ON
Thomson Reuters    7 Boulevard Royal,    Luxembourg Holding         100% of Thomson
Holdings S.A.      L2449 Luxembourg                 company         Reuters Finance
(TRHSA)                                                             SA
Thomson Reuters    7 Boulevard Royal,    Luxembourg Holding         100% of TR
Finance SA         L2449 Luxembourg.                company         International
(TRFSA)                                                             Holdings Sarl.
TR International   7 Boulevard Royal,    Luxembourg Holding         100% of Thomson
Holdings Sarl      L2449 Luxembourg.                company         Reuters Investment
(TR Int’l                                                           Holdings Limited
Holdings Sarl)
Thomson Reuters    One Bishops Square    England and   Holding      99.85% of the
Investment         London E1 6AD         Wales         company      voting shares of TR
Holdings Limited   England                                          (2008) Limited.
TR Investment      Aldgate House         England and   Holding      Holds the
Company Limited    33 Aldgate High       Wales         company      remaining 0.15% of
(TR Investments    Street                                           the voting shares
Co. Ltd)           London EC3N 1DL                                  and 11.72% of the
                   England                                          equity of TR
                                                                    (2008) Limited.
TR (2008)          Aldgate House         England and   Holding      95.29% of the
Limited            33 Aldgate High       Wales         company      voting shares and
                   Street                                           equity of TR
                   London EC3N 1DL                                  Holdings Limited;
                   England                                          TR International
                                                                    Holdings Sarl
                                                                    holds the remaining
                                                                    4.71% of the voting
                                                                    shares and equity
                                                                    of TR Holdings


                                                                                  Reuters America LLC
                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                  Schedule A, Item A20
                                                                                       December 2010

Entity                 Address                    Citizenship      Business           Interest
TR Holdings            Clarendon House            Bermuda          Investment         100% of LN
Limited                2 Church Street                             holding            Holdings Limited.
(TRHL)                 Hamilton, HM 11                             company            TR Holdings
                       Bermuda                                                        Limited also holds
                                                                                      preferred shares in
                                                                                      LN Holdings
LN Holdings            Clarendon House            Bermuda          Investment         100% of LiveNote
Limited                2 Church Street                             holding            Technologies
(LN Holdings)          Hamilton, HM 11                             company            Limited
LiveNote               Aldgate House              England          Transcript         100% of LiveNote
Technologies           33 Aldgate High                             and evidence       Inc.
Limited                Street                                      management
(LNUK)                 London EC3N 1DL                             software
                       England                                     provider
LiveNote Inc.          221 Main Street,           Delaware         Transcript         100% of Thomson
(LNUS)                 Suite 1250,                                 and evidence       Reuters U.S.
                       San Francisco, CA                           management         Holdings Inc.
                       94105                                       software
Thomson Reuters        100 W. Commons             Delaware         Holding            100% of Thomson
U.S. Holdings          Blvd., Suite 435,                           company            Reuters No. 4 Inc.
Inc.                   New Castle, DE
(TRUSHI)               19720
Thomson Reuters        100 W. Commons             Delaware         Holding            100% of the voting
No. 4 Inc.             Blvd., Suite 435,                           company            common of
(TR No. 4 Inc.)        New Castle, DE                                                 Thomson Reuters
                       19720                                                          No. 5 LLC.; TR
                                                                                      Organization 2
                                                                                      (TR02) holds non-
                                                                                      voting preferred
                                                                                      shares in Thomson
                                                                                      Reuters No. 5

 TR02, an indirect subsidiary of Thomson Reuters Corporation, is a U.K. holding company located at Aldgate
House, 33 Aldgate High Street, London, EC3N 1DL, England.


                                                                   Reuters America LLC
                                                                         FCC Form 312
                                                                   Schedule A, Item A20
                                                                        December 2010

Entity             Address               Citizenship   Business        Interest
Thomson Reuters    100 W. Commons        Delaware      Holding         100% of Thomson
No. 5 LLC          Blvd., Suite 435,                   company         Reuters (TRI) Inc.
(TR No. 5 LLC)     New Castle, DE
Thomson Reuters    100 W. Commons        Delaware      Holding         100% of TR U.S.
(TRI) Inc.         Blvd., Suite 435,                   company         Inc.
(TR (TRI) Inc.)    New Castle, DE
TR U.S. Inc.       100 W. Commons        Delaware      Holding         100% of Thomson
                   Blvd., Suite 435,                   company         Reuters No. 8 Inc.
                   New Castle, DE
Thomson Reuters    100 W. Commons        Delaware      Holding         100% of Thomson
No. 8 Inc. (TR     Blvd., Suite 435,                   company         Reuters U.S. Inc.
No. 8 Inc.)        New Castle, DE
Thomson Reuters    100 W. Commons        Delaware      Holding         100% of Thomson
U.S. Inc.          Blvd., Suite 435,                   company         Reuters
                   New Castle, DE                                      Organization Corp.
                   19720                                               (f/k/a/ Physicians’
                                                                       Desk Reference
Thomson Reuters    Five Paragon Drive,   Florida       Holding         100% of Thomson
Organization       Montvale, NJ 07645                  Company         Financial Holdings
Corp. (f/k/a                                                           Inc.)
Physicians’ Desk
Reference Inc.)
Thomson            100 W. Commons        Delaware      Holding         100% of Thomcorp
Financial          Blvd., Suite 435,                   company         Holdings Inc.
Holdings Inc.      New Castle, DE
Thomcorp           Thomson Reuters       New York      Holding         100% Thomson
Holdings Inc.      3 Times Square                      company         Reuters (Markets)
                   New York, NY                                        LLC
Thomson Reuters    Thomson Reuters       Delaware      Legal,          100% of Reuters
(Markets) LLC      3 Times Square                      financial and   America LLC
                   New York, NY                        professional
                   10036                               publishing
                                                       and services


Document Created: 2010-12-07 15:28:19
Document Modified: 2010-12-07 15:28:19

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