Attachment BCI 2-10-12 Ext. Req

BCI 2-10-12 Ext. Req

LETTER submitted by DowLohnes

Block Communicatins, Inc. (BCI) 2-10-12 extension request


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20100812-01031 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


0 DowLohnes                                              ORIGINAL                                                             fohn 5. Loga
                                                                                                   D 202.776.2640    _E

                                                         February 10, 2012

                                                                                                   FILED/ ACG
         Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                                                          ,
         Secretary                                                                                         cEB 10 r0N2Z
                             ions ommission
         Federal Communicat      C                                                                                         ions Commission
         445 12th Street, S.W.                                                                     Federal g%{\fc\g ‘g pm
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                                                                                                                         at to etary
         Washington, DC 20554

         Attention:         International Bureau

                            Re:     Earth Station E930302, SES—T/C—20100812—0 1031
                                    Earth Station E0O30138, SES—T/C—20100812—01030
                                    Extension of Time to Consummate

         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                 On behalf of Block Communications, Inc. ("BCI"), ultimate parent company of the licensees of
         the above—referenced earth stations, we hereby request an extension of time, for a period of 90 days, until
         May 10, 2012, to consummate the above referenced transfer of control applications.

                    This extension request provides additional detail in support of the request of BCI for a further
         extension of time to consummate the transactions approved by the Commission in grant of the above—
         captioned applications (the "Applications").

                  BCI is a family—controlled corporation. The Applications requested consent of the Commission
         to a pro forma transfer of BCI that would result from the operation of the trust agreement for Maxine H.
         Block Marital Trust No. 2, which holds shares of capital stock of BCI (the "Shares") representing a 25%
         voting interest in BCI. Pursuant to that trust agreement, the stock now held in Maxine H. Block Marital
         Trust No. 2 is to be allocated to a new family trust, Family Trust No. 2, upon her death.

                    Maxine Block is now deceased, but the distribution to Family Trust No. 2 (and, hence, the
         consummation of the transactions approved in the Applications) has been suspended, first, pending a
         determination by the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") as to whether it would conduct an audit and, then,
         pending the completion of the IRS audit. BCI understands that final matters growing out of the audit are
         being resolved, and that the IRS‘s final "closing letter" on its audit could be received at any time. Upon
         the estate‘s receipt of the closing letter, the trustee of the foregoing marital trust will distribute the Shares
         to the Family Trust No. 2.

                    Although the proposed distribution of the Shares to Family Trust No. 2 will affect the ownership
         of BCJI‘s voting stock, BCI itself is not a party to the resolution of Mrs. Block‘s estate and does not
         control the timing of the distribution or the issuance of the IRS "closing letter." Nevertheless, the
         consummation of this distribution could be deemed to result in a pro forma transfer of BCI. Accordingly,
         BCI has sought and obtained the Commission‘s consent for the pro forma change that will result from the
         distribution and seeks to maintain the Commission‘s consent in effect to ensure that all necessary
         approval of the Commission to the pro forma transfer will be in place and effective when the distribution

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                      WasHincton, DC | ATLANTA, GA                 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                  Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                 T 202.776.2000 F 202.776.2222

      Please inform me if any questions should arise concerning this request.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                       John S. Logan

co:   Ms. Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)

Document Created: 2019-04-12 12:10:43
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 12:10:43

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