Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20100812-01031 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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                                      EXHIBIT E

                          Description of Pro Forma Transfer

        Block Communications, Inc. (“BCI”) is a family-controlled corporation controlled
by the Block family. BCI operates full-service television stations, low-power television
stations, newspapers, and cable television systems. As of the date of this application, and
prior to the proposed transaction described below, seventy-five percent (75%) of the
voting rights in BCI remain in the hands of persons previously approved by the
Commission in the last long-form transfer of control application granted for BCI in 1988
and no one person or entity has a controlling interest in BCI.

     Summary of Proposed Transaction. This application seeks consent of the
Commission to the pro forma transfer of control


                     Allan J. Block (as an individual voting a 25% interest);

                     John R. Block (as an individual voting a 25% interest); and

                     William Block, Jr. as trustee of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust
               No. 2 (with the trust voting a 25% interest);


                     Allan J. Block (as an individual voting a 25% interest);

                     John R. Block (as an individual voting a 25% interest); and

                     William Block Jr., as Chairperson of the Trustees of Family Trust
               No. 2 and as an individual trustee of Family Trust No. 2 with Karen D.
               Johnese, Barbara L. Block, and Donald G. Block as additional trustees and
               with W. Thomas McGough, Jr., as Independent Trustee (with the trust
               voting a 25% interest).

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This pro forma transfer could be deemed to result1 from the allocation of BCI voting
stock from the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 to a new Family Trust 2 for the
benefit of the family of William Block Sr. and Maxine H. Block. The voting stock of
BCI in the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 is voted by William Block, Jr., and
William Block, Jr. will be a trustee of new Family Trust No. 2. The Maxine H. Block
Marital Trust No. 2 holds voting common stock in BCI amounting to 25% of the voting
rights in BCI’s issued and outstanding voting common shares.

        Description of Transaction. The trust agreement for the Maxine H. Block
Marital Trust No. 2 provides that, following the death of the initial beneficiary, Maxine
H. Block, the assets of the trust, including the 25% voting interest in BCI held in that
trust, will be allocated to a new family trust or trusts in accordance with certain
conditions set forth in the trust agreement. Maxine H. Block is now deceased, and the
remaining conditions for the reallocation of the trust assets will soon be fulfilled.
Pursuant to the conditions in the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2, the 25% voting
interest in BCI is to be allocated to a new Family Trust No. 2.2

        The terms of the new Family Trust No. 2 are prescribed by the trust agreement for
the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2, but will differ from those of the Maxine H.
Block Marital Trust No. 2, which currently holds the 25% voting interest in BCI.
William Block, Jr., currently the sole trustee of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2,
will serve as Chairperson of the Trustees of Family Trust No. 2 and as an individual
trustee of Family Trust No. 2. The other individual trustees of Family Trust No. 2 will be
the other three children of William Block, Sr.: Karen D. Johnese, Barbara L. Block, and
Donald G. Block. In addition, Family Trust No. 2 will have an Independent Trustee, who
is prohibited from having any interest or expectation of any interest in Family Trust No.
2. The Independent Trustee will be W. Thomas McGough, Jr. The 25% voting stock
interest held in Family Trust No. 2 will be voted with the consent of the Chairperson of

  The Commission’s existing policies do not establish a bright-line or “safe harbor” test to
determine whether cumulative changes in governance and trust structures over the years
may warrant the filing of a pro forma application to reflect changes in a licensee holding
company’s structure since the last long form application. With the likelihood of
additional changes in the beneficial ownership of interests in BCI and, eventually, of
voting interests in BCI as a new generation of the Block family becomes actively
involved in BCI, BCI is filing this application to ensure that it has any required consent
for these anticipated changes and to apprise the Commission of the approach that BCI is
taking in assessing when future cumulative changes may warrant the filing of further
applications for consent to transfer of control.
 The Maxine H. Block Family Trust No. 2 and the new Family Trust No. 2 are each
governed by the Trust Agreement by and between William Block and William Block, Jr.
dated December 15, 1987. A copy of the 1987 trust agreement is being separately filed
with the Commission.

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the Trustees (William Block, Jr.) and a majority vote of the trustees (including the
Chairperson of the Trustees).

         Under the terms of the Family Trust No. 2, the individual trustees (William Block,
Jr., Karen D. Johnese, Barbara L. Block, and Donald G. Block) will vote the stock of BCI
held in the trust. William Block, Jr. will serve as Chairperson of the Trustees. The
Independent Trustee, W. Thomas McGough, will have the authority (1) to direct the
establishment of separate trusts (the “Separate Trusts”) for the benefit of some or all of
the beneficiaries of Family Trust No. 2 (that is, the direct descendants of William Block
and Maxine H. Block), and to specify the trustees of any Separate Trusts that may be
created; (2) to distribute voting shares of BCI out of trust and to the beneficiaries of any
trusts created under the agreements for Family Trust No, 2; and (3) to distribute the
income and principal of Family Trust No. 2 and, if any Separate Trust should be created,
may give the beneficiary of a Separate Trust a power of appointment over the trust assets
(that is, authorize the beneficiary of the Separate Trust to direct the disposition of the
Separate Trust assets through his or her will). The Independent Trustee also has the
authority to break any deadlock in voting among the trustees. Although W. Thomas
McGough, the Independent Trustee, will not vote the shares of BCI held in the
Remainder Trusts, the Independent Trustee’s exercise of the powers described above
could affect which members of the family of William Block, Sr. would have the power to
vote stock to be held in Family Trust No. 2 or in any Separate Trusts that may be created
for that stock. No stock of BCI, however, may be sold, exchanged, pledged, or otherwise
disposed of without the consent of the Chairperson of the Trustees (initially, William
Block, Jr.) and a majority of all the trustees, including the Chairperson of the Trustees.

         The establishment of Family Trust No. 2 and the allocation to that trust of the
25% voting stock interest now held in the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 will alter
William Block, Jr.’s voting authority over the 25% interest. Nevertheless, William
Block, Jr. will retain substantial voting authority over the shares in Family Trust No. 2.
As Chairperson of the Trustees, he has an effective veto over the voting of the stock,
because action by the trustees requires both the approval of the Chairperson of the
Trustees and the vote of a majority of the trustees (including the Chairperson). As
described above, apart from the 25% BCI voting interest to be held in the Family Trust
No. 2, Allan J. Block and John R. Block, persons previously approved in a long-form
transfer application, will continue to vote, in the aggregate, fifty percent (50%) of the
voting rights in BCI's voting stock. Because William Block, Jr., also previously
approved in a long-form transfer application, will retain significant (albeit no longer
exclusive) voting authority over the 25% of voting shares to be held in Family Trust No.
2, it necessarily follows that more than 50% of voting rights in BCI will continue, after
the consummation of the proposed transaction, to be held by persons previously approved
in a long-form application.

      Furthermore, BCI’s Close Corporation Operating Agreement, entered into in
December 1988 among the shareholders of BCI and filed with the Commission, preserves
and maintains Mr. William Block, Jr.’s continued proportional share in the control of BCI

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independent of the above-described changes in the trust arrangements through which he
participates in the voting of BCI’s voting common stock. The Close Corporation
Operating Agreement establishes an executive committee that functions as a chief
executive officer. Members holding a majority of the vote in the executive committee
under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement also have held majority voting power
over BCI’s voting common stock: Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and William Block, Jr.
each exercised one vote out of four (or a 25% vote) on the executive committee under the
Close Corporation Operating Agreement; and Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and William
Block, Jr. also each exercised 25% of the voting rights of the BCI Common stock through
their direct voting power and/or voting power over various trusts for members of the
Block family.3 Three of the four votes under the Close Corporation Operating
Agreement thus continue to be exercised by persons who previously have been passed
upon by the Commission and who, in the aggregate, also control a majority of the voting
interests in BCI (Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and William Block Jr.). The Close
Corporation Operating Agreement preserves and maintains William Block, Jr.’s role as
exercising one vote out of four in decisions of the executive committee under the Close
Corporation Operating Agreement, which manages the day-to-day operation of BCI in a
manner analogous to a combination of officers and a board of directors. Even in the
absence of the Close Corporation Operating Agreement, however, BCI submits that, so
long as (1) Allan J. Block and John R. Block continue to vote an aggregate fifty percent
(50%) interest in BCI and (2) William Block, Jr. votes any interest BCI, then more than
50% of the interests in BCI will remain in the hands of persons previously approved by
the Commission in a long-form application, such that no further transfer application will
be required.

        Other Voting Rights in BCI: Allan J. Block and John R. Block each vote a 25%
interest in BCI. As described above, William Block, Jr. currently votes a 25% interest in
BCI as sole trustee of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 and, following the
allocation of the interest to the Family Trust No. 2 as proposed in this application, will
continue to participate in the voting of the 25% stock interest as Chairperson of the
Trustees and as a trustee of the Family Trust No. 2.

       The remaining 25% voting interest in BCI is currently voted by Karen D. Johnese
as Trustee and Voting Trustee of William Block Marital Trust No.1, William Block
Marital Trust No. 2, and William Block Marital Trust No. 3.4 In that capacity, she

  The fourth vote on the executive committee of the Close Corporation Operating
Agreement was long held by Diana E. Block. Under a recent amendment to the Close
Corporation Operating Agreement, Karen Johnese and Diana E. Block now split one of
the four votes on the executive committee of the Close Corporation Operating
Agreement. As previously noted, a copy of the Close Corporation Operating Agreement,
as restated and extended, is being separately filed with the Commission.
 The William Block Marital Trust No. 1, William Block Marital Trust No. 2, and
William Block Marital Trust No. 3 as well as the Remainder Trusts addressed below are
established and governed by that certain Trust Agreement creating the William Block

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currently has sole and exclusive authority to vote the voting shares in BCI held in each of
those three trusts. The trust agreement establishing the three trusts provides that,
following the death of Maxine H. Block, the initial beneficiary of the three trusts, the
assets in the trusts will be divided into two shares, with each share then being divided
into four remainder trusts, one for each of the children of William Block, Sr. and Maxine
H. Block, for a total of eight remainder trusts (the “Remainder Trusts”). It is anticipated
that assets will not be allocated to the Remainder Trusts until the estate of Maxine H.
Block has been closed and the assets to be allocated to each share can be conclusively

       Each child of Mr. and Mrs. William Block who is the beneficiary of a Remainder
Trust will be a trustee of that Remainder Trust. The agreement also appoints, as
additional fiduciaries, a Voting Trustee, an Independent Trustee, and a Chairperson of the
Trustees. Also, the child who is the beneficiary of a Remainder Trust may appoint
additional trustees for that Remainder Trust, so long as the total number of trustees for
that Remainder Trust does not exceed five. Karen D. Johnese is named as the Voting
Trustee for each of the Remainder Trusts and will have exclusive authority to vote the
shares of BCI in each of the Remainder Trusts.

        Each of the Remainder Trusts will have W. Thomas McGough, Jr., as the
Independent Trustee. The Independent Trustee will have the authority to direct the
establishment of separate trusts for the benefit of some or all of each Remainder Trusts’
beneficiaries (that is, the direct descendants of William Block and Maxine H. Block), and
may specify the trustees of any separate trusts that are created. In addition, as
Independent Trustee, W. Thomas McGough will have the exclusive authority (1) to
distribute the income and principal of each Remainder Trust; (2) to specify the trustees of
any Separate Trusts that may be created; (3) to distribute voting shares of BCI out of trust
and to the beneficiaries of any of the Remainder Trusts created; and, (4) if any separate
trust should be created, to name the trustees of the separate trust(s) and give the
beneficiary of any separate trust a power of appointment over the trust assets (that is, the
Independent Trustee may authorize the beneficiary of a separate trust to direct the
disposition of the separate trust assets through his or her will). The Independent Trustee
also has the authority to break any deadlock in voting among the trustees. Although the
Independent Trustee will not vote the shares of BCI held in the Remainder Trusts, the
Mr. McGough’s exercise of the powers described above could affect which members of
the family of William Block, Sr. would have the power to vote stock held in a Remainder
Trust. If the trustees of any of the Remainder Trusts or of any special trust subsequently
created should propose to sell any voting shares of BCI and the Voting Trustee consents
to such sale, then each of the four children of William Block, Sr. and Maxine H. Block
will have a right of first refusal to purchase those voting shares proposed to be sold.

Revocable Trust, dated December 17, 2004, by and between William Block (Sr.) and
Karen Johnese. A copy of the 2004 trust agreement is being separately filed with the

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        BCI submits that the allocation to the Remainder Trusts (and to any subsequently
created special trusts) of the 25% of BCI’s voting shares currently held by the William
Block Marital Trust No.1, William Block Marital Trust No. 2, and William Block Marital
Trust No. 3 does not require any further consent of the Commission. To the extent that
these changes create additional trusts or trustees with control over attributable amounts of
the voting stock of BCI, those changes would be reported in subsequent ownership

        The Independent Trustee. Following the allocation of the BCI voting shares
currently held in Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 to Family Trust No. 2,
Independent Trustee W. Thomas McGough, Jr. (who already is Independent Trustee
under the William Block Marital Trust No. 1, William Block Marital Trust No. 2, and
William Block Marital Trust No. 3, and any Remainder Trusts created under those trusts)
will have significant powers regarding those trusts that, in the aggregate, will hold fifty
percent of the voting common stock of BCI for the benefit of the issue of William Block,
Sr. These powers include (1) withholding distributions from the trusts or making
distributions to some or all of the designated beneficiaries; (2) distributing the BCI shares
(or other trust principal) held in trust to some or all of the beneficiaries; (3) determining
which of the designated beneficiaries should receive the proceeds of any liquidation of
BCI that may occur in the future; and (4) terminating the trusts and establishing subtrusts
for some or all of the beneficiaries (e.g., the above-described Special Trusts or Remainder
Trusts); and (5) giving one or more of the beneficiaries of those subtrusts a power of
appointment over trust assets (thus potentially facilitating a beneficiary’s transfer of
shares outside the family of William Block, Sr.). The trust agreements give the
Independent Trustee broad authority to exercise these powers, while making it difficult
for the Independent Trustee to be removed.

       Notwithstanding the unusual authority that the relevant trust agreements grant to
Mr. McGough over the trusts that would hold the fifty percent of BCI voting common
stock, Mr. McGough, upon consummation of the transactions described herein, would not
hold positive or negative control over BCI, including for the following reasons:

            Fifty percent of the voting rights in BCI are held individually by Allan J.
           Block and John R. Block. Thus, all of the shares held in trust for the children
           of William Block Sr. do not amount, in aggregate, to positive control of BCI.

            The family-member trustees, not the Independent Trustee, determine how
           the stock of BCI held in the trusts will be voted. The relevant trust
           agreements do not grant the Independent Trustee the right to vote the stock of
           BCI. At most, the Independent Trustee could act to break a tie in the event of
           a deadlock among the voting trustees of one or more of the trusts.

            The above-described Close Corporation Operating Agreement preserves
           and maintains day-to-day direction of BCI in the members of the executive
           committee, on which Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and William Block, Jr.,

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           each previously passed upon by the Commission, together exercise three of
           four votes.

            Although the Independent Trustee has significant powers to redirect the
           trust income and trust principal among the beneficiaries (that is, the issue of
           William Block, Sr.), the Independent Trustee has no authority to direct trust
           income or principal outside the designated family beneficiaries and at most
           would have the power to give to a family-member beneficiary of a subtrust a
           power of appointment which that beneficiary could use to transfer trust
           property outside the family.

            The trust arrangements strictly prohibit the Independent Trustee from
           having any personal interest in the trusts or any expectation of any personal
           interest in the trust.

            The Independent Trustee has fiduciary obligations under the trusts,
           including a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the trust
           beneficiaries, not in his own personal interest or for other purposes.

Thus, although the trust agreements do not give Mr. McGough the right to vote shares of
BCI stock held in those trust agreements, the trust agreements do give Mr. McGough
significant theoretical powers to indirectly influence fifty percent of the BCI stock held
by the family trusts for the children of William Block, Sr. Mr. McGough’s fiduciary and
other obligations under the trust arrangements, moreover, place constraints on his using
powers granted for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries as leverage to influence the
business and operations of BCI. The Commission has held that "in the absence of
information to the contrary," there is no reason to assume that an applicant party "will not
faithfully carry out its representations or . . . be operated or controlled in a manner that
differs from the [particular] agreement under consideration." News International, PLC,
97 FCC 2d 349, 356 (1984). Here, the relevant trust agreements deny Mr. McGough the
right to vote the stock of BCI and BCI has no reason to believe that Mr. McGough has
ever used -- and no reason to anticipate that Mr. McGough would ever use -- his position
as Independent Trustee for the above-described family trusts to seek to influence the
operations of BCI or the voting of the BCI shares held in those trusts.

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                 Changes in Interest as a Result of the Proposed Transfer
  PARTIES WITH             Citizen-                     INTEREST HELD
 ATTRIBUTABLE               ship          Before Transfer           After Transfer
    VOTING                            Percentag Percentage Percentag       Percentage of
INTERESTS IN BCI                       e Vote       of Total   e Vote      Total Assets
                                                     Assets                 (Debt Plus
                                                  (Debt Plus                  Equity)
Allan J. Block               U.S.       25%       See Note 1    25%         See Note 1
                                                     Below                    Below
John R. Block                U.S.       25%       See Note 1    25%         See Note 1
                                                     Below                    Below
Karen D. Johnese as          U.S.       25%       See Note 1    25%         See Note 1
Trustee of William                                   Below                    Below
Block Marital Trusts
Nos. 1, 2, and 3
Maxine H. Block              U.S.       25%       See Note 1      0%        See Note 1
Marital Trust No. 2,                                Below                     Below
William Block, Jr. as
sole trustee.
Family Trust No. 2,          U.S.       0%        See Note 1      25%       See Note 1
William Block, Jr. as                               Below                     Below
Chairperson of
Trustees and as an
individual trustee and
as with additional
trustees Karen D.
Johnese, Barbara L.
Block, and Donald G.
Block and Independent
Trustee W. Thomas
McGough, Jr.

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                           Notes on Stock Ownership in BCI

         Note 1: BCI is a closely held corporation and its stock does not trade. In addition
to its voting common stock, BCI has two classes of non-voting stock, Non-Voting
Common and Non-Voting Class A stock. No additional parties are attributable by reason
of the Commission’s equity-debt-plus rule.

       Barbara L. Block, Donald Block, and Karen D. Johnese, co-trustees with William
Block, Jr. in new Family Trust No. 2, already hold attributable interests in BCI as
Directors and, in the case of Karen D. Johnese, as Trustee of William Block Marital
Trusts Nos. 1, 2, and 3. The address for each of these individuals is:

       405 Madison Avenue
       Suite 2100
       Toledo, OH 43604

       W. Thomas McGough, Jr., Independent Trustee of new Family Trust No. 2, has
not previously held an attributable interest in BCI. The address for Mr. McGough is:

       Reed Smith
       Reed Smith Centre
       225 Fifth Avenue
       Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Mr. McGough has no other attributable media interests.

Document Created: 2010-08-11 10:01:51
Document Modified: 2010-08-11 10:01:51

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