Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20100521-00639 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     FCC FORM 312
                                                                                        EXHIBIT E
                                                                                         Page 1 of 2

                               DESCRIPTION OF OWNERSHIP

                                Response to Questions 34 and A20

        Stratos Offshore Services Company (“Stratos Offshore”) and Stratos
Communications, Inc. (“Stratos Communications”) are holders of satellite radio earth
station licenses and wholly-owned direct subsidiaries of Stratos Holdings, Inc., which is a
wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Stratos Wireless Inc. (a Canadian corporation), which
is a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Stratos Global Corporation (“Stratos Global”) (a
Canadian corporation). In turn, Stratos Global is a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of
CIP Canada Investment Inc. (“CIP Canada”) (a Canadian corporation). CIP Canada is a
wholly-owned direct subsidiary of CIP UK Holdings Limited (“CIP UK”), which is a
wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Inmarsat Finance III Limited (“Inmarsat Finance”),
which is a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Inmarsat plc. CIP UK, Inmarsat Finance,
and Inmarsat plc were formed under the laws of England and Wales. Following the
proposed reorganization described in Exhibit F, Stratos Global and CIP Canada will be
removed from the chain of ownership between Inmarsat and each Licensee, with Stratos
Offshore and Stratos Communications remaining under the ultimate ownership and
control of Inmarsat.

        Inmarsat plc is a widely-held public company traded on the London Stock
Exchange. The following entities or individuals hold ten percent or greater interests in
Inmarsat plc, and indirectly in Stratos Offshore: Harbinger Capital Partners Master Fund
I, Ltd. (“Master Fund”) (28.13%1); Harbinger Capital Partners Special Situations Fund,
L.P. (“Special Fund”) (28.13%); HGW Holding Company, L.P. (“HGW”) (28.13%),
Harbinger Capital Partners LLC (investment manager to the Master Fund and Special
Fund) (28.13%); Harbinger Capital Partners Special Situations GP, LLC (“HCPSS”)
(general partner of Special Fund) (28.13%); Harbinger Holdings, LLC (managing
member of Harbinger Capital Partners LLC and HCPSS) (28.13%); HGW GP, Ltd
(“HGWGP”) (general partner of HGW) (28.13%); Philip A. Falcone (managing member
of Harbinger Holdings, LLC, portfolio manager to the Master Fund and Special Fund,
and controlling interest holder in HGWGP) (28.13%); and Lansdowne Partners Limited
(“Lansdowne”) (13.04%, aggregate voting power held through management of various
Landsdowne investment funds). The Master Fund, HGW and HGWGP are organized
under the laws of the Cayman Islands, whereas the Special Fund is a Delaware limited
partnership. Each of the other named Harbinger entities is a Delaware limited liability
company. Lansdowne was formed under the laws of England and Wales.

       No other person or entity directly or indirectly holds a ten percent or greater
ownership interest in Stratos Offshore and Stratos Communications. The Commission
has previously approved the indirect foreign ownership in Stratos Offshore and Stratos

  The ownership interests reported herein reflect the collective holdings of Master Fund and Special Fund
(28.13%) in Inmarsat plc, and are accurate as of the time the Harbinger and Lansdowne entities submitted
notifications to Inmarsat plc regarding their ownership interests therein.

                                                                              FCC FORM 312
                                                                                 EXHIBIT E
                                                                                  Page 2 of 2

Communications.2 Accordingly, the proposed reorganization does not raise any foreign
ownership issues. The address, citizenship, and principle business for the interest holders
disclosed above follows:

CIP Canada Investment Inc.        CIP UK Holdings Limited          Harbinger Capital Partners
1200 Eighteenth Street, NW        1200 Eighteenth Street, NW       LLC
Washington, DC 20036              Washington, DC 20036             555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
Citizenship: Canada               Citizenship: United Kingdom      New York, NY 10022
Principle business: Investment    Principle business: Investment   Citizenship: United States
                                                                   Principle business: Investment
Harbinger Capital Partners        Harbinger Capital Partners       Harbinger Capital Partners
Master Fund I, Ltd.               Special Situations Fund, L.P.    Special Situations GP, LLC
c/o International Fund Services   555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor   555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
(Ireland) Limited                 New York, NY 10022               New York, NY 10022
3rd Floor, Bishop’s Square        Citizenship: United States       Citizenship: United States
Dublin, Ireland 2                 Principle business: Investment   Principle business: Investment
Citizenship: Cayman Islands
Principle business: Investment
Harbinger Holdings, LLC           HGW GP, Ltd.                     HGW Holding Company, L.P.
555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor    555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor   555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10022                New York, NY 10022               New York, NY 10022
Citizenship: United States        Citizenship: Cayman Islands      Citizenship: Cayman Islands
Principle business: Investment    Principle business: Investment   Principle business: Investment
Inmarsat Finance III Limited      Inmarsat plc                     Landsdowne Partners Limited
99 City Road                      99 City Road                     15 Davies Street
London, United Kingdom            London, United Kingdom           London, United Kingdom
EC1Y 1AX                          EC1Y 1AX                         W1K 3AG
Citizenship: United Kingdom       Citizenship: United Kingdom      Citizenship: United Kingdom
Principle business: Investment    Principle business: Telecom      Principle business: Investment

Philip Falcone                    Stratos Global Corporation       Stratos Holdings, Inc.
555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor    6550 Rock Spring Drive           6550 Rock Spring Drive
New York, NY 10022                Suite 650                        Suite 650
Citizenship: United States        Bethesda, MD 20187               Bethesda, MD 20187
Principle business: Investment    Citizenship: Canada              Citizenship: United States
                                  Principle Business: Telecom      Principle Business: Telecom
Stratos Wireless, Inc.
Donovan’s Business Park
34 Glencoe Drive
Mount Pearl Newfound, Canada
A1N 4S8
Citizenship: Canada
Principle Business: Telecom

    See Robert M. Franklin, Transferor and Inmarsat, PLC, Transferee, Consolidated Application
for Consent to Transfer of Control of Stratos Global Corporation and Its Subsidiaries from an
Irrevocable Trust to Inmarsat, plc, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Declaratory Ruling, 24
FCC Rcd 449 (IB 2009).

Document Created: 2019-04-06 18:42:50
Document Modified: 2019-04-06 18:42:50

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