Attachment New DBSD-Sprint Next

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20091211-01576 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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|                      Call Sign               Grant Date_O07 /2 26           ,         48 "permit — but disclose" 0“'3
                       (or other identifier)        fer duration of proceding
                                                           Before the
                       From   O7
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                                                               ICATIONS COMMISSION

                       Approved:           J
                                              Duall,  1eF, Secdellrle Po\ic\cj\fimnch
        In the Matter of Applications for Transfer of        )
        Control of MSS and FSS Earth Station Licenses        )                   (
                                                             )        File No. SES—T/C—20091211—01575
        from New DBSD Satellite Services G.P.,               )        File No. SES—T/C—20091211—01576
        Debtor—in—Possession, Transferor,                                 )       File No. SAT—T/C—20091211—00144
        to New DBSD Satellite Services G.P.                               )

                                              REQUEST TO MODIFY
                                   EX PARTE STATUS TO PERMIT—BUT—DISCLOSE
                                        OF SPRINT NEXTEL CORPORATION

                 Sprint Nextel Corporation ("Sprint Nextel") requests that the International Bureau modify

        the ex parte status of the above—captioned proceeding from "restricted" to "permit—but—disclose,"

        pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.1200(a), so that Sprint Nextel and other interested parties may

        communicate directly with Commission staff, subject to the disclosure rules for permit—but—

        disclosure proceedings. In the above—captioned applications (the "Applications"), New DBSD

        Satellite Services G.P., Debtor—In—Possession ("New DBSD DIP") seeks Commission approval

        for the transfer of control of the licenses and authorizations held by New DBSD DIP to New

        DBSD Satellite Services G.P. Sprint Nextel filed a Petition to Deny these Applications, and

        New DBSD DIP filed an Opposition to this Petition to Deny. Concurrently with this request,

        Sprint Nextel is filing a Reply to that Opposition.

                 The proceeding is presently classified under the Commission‘s ex parte rules as

        "restricted."‘ The Commission‘s ex parte rules provide that "[where the public interest so

        requires in a particular proceeding, the Commission and its staff retain the discretion to modify

        I        Because applications for transfer of control of satellite licenses and authorizations are not classified as
        "exempt" or "permit—but—disclose" under the Commission‘s ex parte rules, this proceeding is considered "restricted."
        See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1208.

the applicable ex parte rules . . . 5* The Commission has previously reclassified satellite

application proceedings from "restricted" to "permit—but—disclose" upon request of the parties."

        Modification of the ex parte rules in this proceeding from "restricted" to "permit—but—

disclose" will serve the public interest by allowing discussion with the Commission staff

regarding equitable, policy and legal issues raised by the Applications and the associated

pleadings. The Applications and related pleadings have also raised a number of points touching

upon bankruptcy law issues in which additional discussion with Commission staff would be in

the public interest. Sprint Nextel is also amenable to including DBSD representatives in those

discussions should the Commission consider such joint meetings to be of assistance in

consideration of the Applications.

                                                                    Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                    Sprint Nextel Corporation

                                                               By: M/‘/w/’
                                                                     Mare S. Martin
                                                                     Brendon P. Fowler
                                                                     Peter W. Denton
                                                                     K&L Gates LLP
                                                                     1601 K Street, NW
                                                                     Washington, DC 20006—1600

February 3, 2010

*        Id. at § 1.1200(a).
3         See, e.g., In the Matter of TerreStar Networks Inc., Request to Modify Ex Parte Status to Permit—But—
Disclose, SES—AMD—20070907—01253, SES—AMD—20070723—00978, Grant Stamp of Request to Modify Ex Parte
Status to Permit—But—Disclose (May 20, 2008) (finding that designating the application proceeding as "permit—but—
disclose" will facilitate resolution of the complex policy issues raised by the application); In the Matter ofNew ICO
Services G.P., Motion to Designate Proceeding as "Permit—But—Disclose," File No. SAT—MOD—2006 1 109—00137,
Grant Stamp of Motion to Designate Proceeding as "Permit—But—Disclose (Nov. 16, 2006).

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Peter W. Denton, hereby certify that on this 3rd day of February, 2010, copies of the

foregoing Request to Modify Ex Parte Status to Permit—But—Disclose of Sprint Nextel

Corporation were also served upon the following:

       New DBSD Satellite Services G.P., Debtor—in—Possession
       11700 Plaza America Drive
       Suite 1010
       Reston, VA 20190
       Attn: Stephen M. DeWees

       Suzanne Hutchings Malloy
             Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
       Peter A. Corea
               Senior Regulatory Counsel
       11700 Plaza America Drive, Suite 1010
       Reston, VA 20190

                                                            Peter W. Denton

Document Created: 2019-04-22 07:38:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 07:38:11

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