Attachment 20100127162901.pdf


DECISION submitted by FCC

Extension grant


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20090925-01237 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                          LAW OFFICES
                         GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT
                                       1229 NINETEENTH STREET, NW.
                                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—2413
HENRY GcoLDBERG                                                                          (202) 429—4900
JOSEPH A. GODLES                                                                         TELECOPIER:
JONATHAN L. WIENER              m                 ~**~*~1 un & &y° v/ .          pees    (202) 429—4912
DEVENDRA ("DAVE") KUMAR                                  | File #39&5—TAM—~243270YR5z0([a=2 e—maik
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                                                   January 27, 2010


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                                                 Re:          Request for Extension of Time to Consummate;
                                                              File No. SES—T/C—20090925—01237

Dear Madame Secretary:

       TerreStar Networks Inc. ("TNI") is the licensee of a gateway earth station located
in North Las Vegas, Nevada (Call Sign E070098). On September 30, 2009, the
Commission granted its consent to the pro forma transfer of control of TNI‘s gateway
earth station license.! On December 22, 2009, in response to a request from TNI, the
Commission extended its consent through January 28, 2010. By this letter, TNI hereby
requests a further extension of time to consummate the pro forma transfer of control,
through and including February 15, 2010.

       As stated in prior filings, the consented transfer of control was premised on a
preferred stock exchange offer made by TNI‘s parent TerreStar Corporation. Because
certain conditions precedent to the original preferred stock exchange offer were not

1 TNI noted in its application that it also holds grants of Special Temporary Authority for its gateway
earth station. See File Nos. SES—STA—20090625—00794 (subsequently expired) and SES—STA—20090728—
00927 (as extended by SES—STA—20091102—01408).

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Page 2
met, that offer was terminated and a revised preferred stock exchange offer was made,
with shareholders given additional time in whichto respond. The revised offer was
extended in order to attempt to meet certain conditions to the offer. The extension
requested herein is to cover that additional time and to provide time to consummate the

        It is respectfully submitted that the same public interest considerations that led
to the original grant of the application should apply to the brief extension of time herein
requested for consummation of the pro forma transfer of control.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          ]oseph A. Godles
                                          Attorney for TerreStar Networks, Inc.

cc:      Karl Kensinger (by email)
         Jeanette Spriggs (by email)
         Frank Peace (by email)
         Kathyrn Medley (by email)

Document Created: 2019-04-22 05:49:47
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 05:49:47

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