Attachment 1.65 notification

1.65 notification

Section 1.65 Notification submitted by Hogan & Hartson LLP

1.65 notification


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20090724-00941 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


  HOGAN &                                                                     Colmbese .
   HARTSON                                                                    mesthooncavose.
                                                                              +1.202.637.5600 Tel
                                                                              +1.202.637.5910 Fax


September 1, 2009                         FILED/ACCEPTED                      fififffis’;‘ Hastings
                                               <rp — 1 2009                   +1.202.637.5767
                                        Federal Communications Commission
BY HAND DELIVERY                              Office of the Secretary

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                                             SEP 0 9 2003
Federal Communications Commission                                                            .
445 12th Street, S.W.                                                              'nfate”{te Division
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                ernational Bureay

RE:            File Nos. SES—T/C—20090724—00916 (Lead Call Sign EO0O0322),
               SES—T/C—20090724—00941 (Lead Call Sign E890254),
               SES—T/C—20090724—00917 (Call Sign E£860551),
               SES—ASG—20090807—00973 (Call Sign E£890253), and
               SES—ASG—20090807—00974 (Lead Call Sign £890383)
               Notification of Americom Government Services, Inc. pursuant to § 1.65

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Americom Government Services, Inc. ("AGS"), by its attorneys and pursuant to
Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s rules, hereby updates its above—referenced pending
applications and notification to reflect a recent minor corporate reorganization that eliminated
certain intermediate entities in the AGS ownership chain. The change affects the information
previously provided in the above—referenced pending proceedings in exhibits to FCC Form 312.
Revised exhibits are attached to this letter. Please direct any questions regarding this submission
to the undersigned.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                  mt iR i.
                                               Karis A. Hastings
                                               Counsel for Americom Government Services, Inc.


       Revised Exhibit E for File Numbers:
SES—T/C—20090724—00916 (Lead Call Sign E000322)
SES—T/C—20090724—00941 (Lead Call Sign £890254)

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 1 of 5

                               Exhibit E: Response to Item A20


                 By this application, Americom Government Services, Inc. ("AGS") and SES
Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom," and with AGS, the "Parties") seek Commission consent to
the transfer of control of earth station authorizations held by AGS. The transfer of control will
take place pursuant to an agreement (the "Proxy Agreement") to be executed by the Parties and
certain affiliated entities with the U.S. Department of Defense ("DoD") acting through the
Defense Security Service ("DSS"). The Proxy Agreement will give designated individuals (the
"Proxy Holders") the right to direct the management and operation of AGS. The Proxy
Agreement will not change the ownership of AGS: AGS is and will remain a wholly—owned
subsidiary of SES Americom. Information regarding the control and ownership of AGS under
the Proxy Agreement is provided in this Exhibit.

                      Control of AGS Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement

                The Proxy Agreement has been negotiated in accordance with the National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual ("NISPOM") to meet DoD‘s national security
objectives. AGS holds a Facility Security Clearance and has contracts with agencies of the U.S.
Government that include contracts involving sensitive and classified information. The NISPOM
specifies that entities with Facility Security Clearances must be insulated from foreign ownership,
control and influence, and entities under foreign control are typically prohibited from having
access to classified information. The Proxy Agreement addresses these issues by providing for
control of AGS by individuals who are independent of SES Americom and its affiliates.

                  Terms of the Proxy Agreement: The Proxy Agreement provides for the initial
designation of three Proxy Holders by SES Americom who must meet specified qualifications
and be approved by DSS. The three initial Proxy Holders that have been designated are Billy J.
Bingham, Richard D. Parlow, and Kenneth A. Minihan. Biographical information regarding
these individuals is provided below. Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement, the Proxy Holders and
their successors are designated as SES Americom‘s attorneys in fact to vote and exercise all
rights and powers of SES Americom as shareholder of AGS. In so doing, the Proxy Holders are
entitled to exercise their sole and absolute discretion, employing their independent judgment.
The Proxy Holders are to make decisions free of any control or influence from SES Americom or
its affiliated entities. Contacts between AGS and SES Americom and its affiliates are restricted
to those expressly permitted in the Proxy Agreement.

              Consent of SES Americom to decisions by the Proxy Holders is needed under the
agreement only for specified extraordinary events. These include changes to AGS‘ charter
documents affecting share issuance and capital stock; incurrence of indebtedness outside the
ordinary course of business; a merger, consolidation, reorganization or dissolution of AGS; any
material sale, lease or disposition of AGS assets, property or business or any material purchase
of assets by AGS; and the declaration of bankruptcy.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 2 of 5

                Once approved, the Proxy Holders can be removed by SES Americom only in
limited circumstances for failure to perform their duties, and the consent of DSS to the removal
is required except in cases of serious misconduct by a Proxy Holder. If a Proxy Holder resigns,
dies, or is removed, the remaining Proxy Holders designate a successor and can continue to act in
the interim. SES Americom can suggest individuals to be considered as successors and has
limited rights to veto a successor designated by the Proxy Holder. Any successor must receive
prior written approval of DSS before the designation is effective.

               The Proxy Agreement has a five—year initial term and specifies the procedures for
renewal or extension.

                Composition of the AGS Board of Directors: Following execution of the Proxy
Agreement by AGS and SES Americom, the AGS Board of Directors will initially be composed
of the three designated Proxy Holders and three officers of AGS (the "Officer Directors"): Mr.
Robert Tipton Osterthaler (President and Chief Executive Officer)‘; Mr. David S. Jackson (Chief
Operating Officer)"; and Mr. Michael F. Cade (who will be designated Chief Financial Officer)."
All three of the Proxy Holders and all three Officer Directors are U.S. citizens.

‘_Mr. Robert Tipton ("Tip") Osterthaler became President and CEO of AGS in December, 2006.
From 1998 until 2006, Mr. Osterthaler was a Senior Vice President at Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), a large systems, solutions and technical services company
serving the needs of the U.S. government. Prior to joining SAIC, he served in the U.S. Air Force
for 28 years, retiring as a Brigadier General and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
European and NATO Policy. Mr. Osterthaler holds a BS in Economics from the U.S. Air Force
Academy and an MBA from Texas A&M University. He is also a graduate of Harvard
University‘s Senior Executives in National Security Program as well as their National and
International Security Management course, the Royal College of Defence Studies in the United
Kingdom, the Air War College, and the Marine Corps Command and Staff College.

* A retired U.S. Army colonel, David Jackson has spent his civilian career in systems, business
development, aerospace and national security assignments with ANSER and Science
Applications International Corp (SAIC), both in Northern Virginia. Most recently, he served as
the Chief of Staff of the National Security Solutions Operation and Director of SAIC‘s Threat
Reduction Support Center. His 30 year military career included tours of duty in Germany, Korea
and Vietnam, as well as a professorship at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Mr.
Jackson holds a B.S. from the U.S.M.A. and an M.S. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from
the University of Michigan.

> Michael Cade, a Certified Public Accountant, serves as Vice President of Operations for AGS.
He has more than 15 years experience at progressive levels of management in Accounting,
Corporate Strategic and Financial Planning and Government Business Operations, including past
positions at SES Americom and GE Capital American Communications, Inc. Mr. Cade holds a
BS in Accounting from Widener University and an MBA from La Salle University.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                      Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 3 of 5

               The Proxy Holders can appoint additional directors, although there are no
immediate expectations that they will do so. Any additional directors must be independent of
SES Americom and its affiliates ("Outside Directors") and must meet DSS standards under
NISPOM and receive prior approval of the DSS. The Proxy Agreement defines and prohibits the
appointment of "Inside Directors" who have employment, family, or other significant ties to SES
Americom or its affiliates. The Proxy Holders also are responsible for filling any future
vacancies on the Board of Directors.

                 The Initial Proxy Holders: Summary biographical information regarding the
initial three designated Proxy Holders follows:

                   Billy J. Bingham: Brigadier General Billy J. Bingham, USAF (Ret.) has
                   nearly 40 years of extensive experience in U.S. and International activities of
                   the Intelligence and Defense Communities covering all phases of Command,
                   Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and
                   Reconnaissance (C4ISR) operations. He has served since May 2007 as CEO
                   of BB Technical Solutions LLC. His prior positions include President and
                   COO of Red Arch Solutions, Senior VP of MTC Technologies, and Senior
                   VP for Corporate Development at SAIC. Before joining the private sector,
                   he was Assistant Deputy Director of Operations at the National Security
                   Agency and prior to that, the Director for Intelligence of the U.S. Pacific
                   Command. He holds a BBA from the University of Memphis an MBA from
                   Pepperdine University. He is also a graduate of Harvard University‘s Senior
                   Officials for National Security and the U.S. Army War College.

                   Richard D. Parlow: Richard D. Parlow is a telecommunications consultant
                   to industry and governmental representatives on technical, regulatory, and
                   operational matters concerning domestic and international
                   telecommunications networks, with a particular emphasis on satellite
                   networks and related international regulations. His past positions include
                   Executive Director of International Government Affairs for Iridium LLC and
                   Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, in the National
                   Telecommunications and Information Administration. He currently serves
                   as an Outside Director and Chairman of the Government Security
                   Committee for AGS. He holds a BS in Electronic Engineering from the
                   University of Wisconsin and a Masters of Engineering Administration from
                   George Washington University.

                   Kenneth A. Minihan: Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan retired from
                   the U.S. Air Force in 1999 after more than 33 years of active commissioned
                   service. On his final tour of duty he served as the Director of the National
                   Security Agency/Central Security Service, the senior uniformed intelligence
                   officer in the Department of Defense. He has also served as the Director of
                   the Defense Intelligence Agency. He has extensive experience in defense

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                        Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 4 of 5

                    and military information services, information technology development, and
                    diverse customer support services. He currently is a Managing Director in
                    the Paladin Capital Group. He holds a Baccalaureate degree from Florida
                    State University, a Masters Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School, and
                    has completed executive development programs at the University of Illinois
                    and Harvard University.

             As demonstrated by this information, the Proxy Holders are fully qualified under
Commission rules and policies to acquire control of AGS and its licensed earth stations.

                                       Ownership of AGS

                As noted above, AGS is and will remain a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES
Americom. SES Americom in turn is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of SES S.A. ("SES,"
formerly known as SES Global S.A.). SES Global—Americas, Inc. holds 100% of the capital
stock of SES Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general partnership
that is owned 99.4% by SES and 0.06% by SES® direct wholly—owned subsidiary SES ASTRA
S.A., holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES
and SES ASTRA, which are Luxembourg companies, all of these entities are U.S. corporations
or partnerships.

                SES wholly owns SES Americom, SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européenne
des Satellites S.A.), and New Skies Satellites B.V. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, SES
engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America, Europe, Africa and

            The offices of SES and SES ASTRA are at L—6815 Chiteau de Betzdorf,
Luxembourg. The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.

               The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record and/or
voting 10 percent or more of SES voting stock are:

    1. The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the "State of Luxembourg") — and Banque et
       Caisse d‘Epargne de l‘Etat ("BCEE") and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
       ("SNCI"), each of which is an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament
       and 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg — hold Class B shares of SES representing
       a combined effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective voting power of 33.33%.
       In addition, in 2007 and 2008 these entities received SES Fiduciary Deposit Receipts
       ("FDRs"), which each represent one Class A share of SES. The FDRs distributed to
       these entities represent a combined 5.43% economic interest and effective voting power
       of 4.35%. SES Americom has no information regarding whether the Class B
       shareholders continue to hold these FDRs. The principal business of both BCEE and
       SNCI is financial services. The addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:

                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                     Exhibit E
                                                                                    Page 5 of 5

                      Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de l‘ Etat
                      1, place de Metz
                      L—2954 Luxembourg

                      Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
                      7, place du St. Esprit
                      L—1475 Luxembourg

The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la Congrégation, L—2910,

Revised Exhibit E for File Number SES—T/C—20090724—00917 (Call Sign E860551)

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                        Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 1 of 5

                               Exhibit E: Response to Item A20


                Americom Government Services, Inc. ("AGS") and SES Americom, Inc. ("SES
Americom," and with AGS, the "Parties") hereby notify the Commission of a transfer of control
of a domestic receive—only earth station registration held by AGS. The transfer of control will
take place pursuant to an agreement(the "Proxy Agreement") to be executed by the Parties and
certain affiliated entities with the U.S. Department of Defense ("DoD") acting through the
Defense Security Service ("DSS"). The Proxy Agreement will give designated individuals (the
"Proxy Holders") the right to direct the management and operation of AGS. The Proxy
Agreement will not change the ownership of AGS: AGS is and will remain a wholly—owned
subsidiary of SES Americom. Information regarding the control and ownership of AGS under
the Proxy Agreement is provided in this Exhibit.

                      Control of AGS Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement

                The Proxy Agreement has been negotiated in accordance with the National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual ("NISPOM") to meet DoD‘s national security
objectives. AGS holds a Facility Security Clearance and has contracts with agencies of the U.S.
Government that include contracts involving sensitive and classified information. The NISPOM
specifies that entities with Facility Security Clearances must be insulated from foreign ownership,
control and influence, and entities under foreign control are typically prohibited from having
access to classified information. The Proxy Agreement addresses these issues by providing for
control of AGS by individuals who are independent of SES Americom and its affiliates.

                  Terms of the Proxy Agreement: The Proxy Agreement provides for the initial
designation of three Proxy Holders by SES Americom who must meet specified qualifications
and be approved by DSS. The three initial Proxy Holders that have been designated are Billy J.
Bingham, Richard D. Parlow, and Kenneth A. Minihan. Biographical information regarding
these individuals is provided below. Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement, the Proxy Holders and
their successors are designated as SES Americom‘s attorneys in fact to vote and exercise all
rights and powers of SES Americom as shareholder of AGS. In so doing, the Proxy Holders are
entitled to exercise their sole and absolute discretion, employing their independent judgment.
The Proxy Holders are to make decisions free of any control or influence from SES Americom or
its affiliated entities. Contacts between AGS and SES Americom and its affiliates are restricted
to those expressly permitted in the Proxy Agreement.

                Consent of SES Americom to decisions by the Proxy Holders is needed under the
agreement only for specified extraordinary events. These include changes to AGS® charter
documents affecting share issuance and capital stock; incurrence of indebtedness outside the
ordinary course of business; a merger, consolidation, reorganization or dissolution of AGS; any
material sale, lease or disposition of AGS assets, property or business or any material purchase
of assets by AGS; and the declaration of bankruptcy.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 2 of 5

                Once approved, the Proxy Holders can be removed by SES Americom only in
limited circumstances for failure to perform their duties, and the consent of DSS to the removal
is required except in cases of serious misconduct by a Proxy Holder. If a Proxy Holder resigns,
dies, or is removed, the remaining Proxy Holders designate a successor and can continue to act in
the interim. SES Americom can suggest individuals to be considered as successors and has
limited rights to veto a successor designated by the Proxy Holder. Any successor must receive
prior written approval of DSS before the designation is effective.

               The Proxy Agreement has a five—year initial term and specifies the procedures for
renewal or extension.

                Composition of the AGS Board of Directors: Following execution of the Proxy
Agreement by AGS and SES Americom, the AGS Board of Directors will initially be composed
of the three designated Proxy Holders and three officers of AGS (the "Officer Directors"): Mr.
Robert Tipton Osterthaler (President and Chief Executive Officer)‘; Mr. David S. Jackson (Chief
Operating Officer)"; and Mr. Michael F. Cade (who will be designated Chief Financial Officer)."
All three of the Proxy Holders and all three Officer Directors are U.S. citizens.

‘ _Mr. Robert Tipton ("Tip") Osterthaler became President and CEO of AGS in December, 2006.
From 1998 until 2006, Mr. Osterthaler was a Senior Vice President at Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), a large systems, solutions and technical services company
serving the needs of the U.S. government. Prior to joining SAIC, he served in the U.S. Air Force
for 28 years, retiring as a Brigadier General and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
European and NATO Policy. Mr. Osterthaler holds a BS in Economics from the U.S. Air Force
Academy and an MBA from Texas A&M University. He is also a graduate of Harvard
University‘s Senior Executives in National Security Program as well as their National and
International Security Management course, the Royal College of Defence Studies in the United
Kingdom, the Air War College, and the Marine Corps Command and Staff College.

* A retired U.S. Army colonel, David Jackson has spent his civilian career in systems, business
development, aerospace and national security assignments with ANSER and Science
Applications International Corp (SAIC), both in Northern Virginia. Most recently, he served as
the Chief of Staff of the National Security Solutions Operation and Director of SAIC‘s Threat
Reduction Support Center. His 30 year military career included tours of duty in Germany, Korea
and Vietnam, as well as a professorship at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Mr.
Jackson holds a B.S. from the U.S.M.A. and an M.S. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from
the University of Michigan.

3 Michael Cade, a Certified Public Accountant, serves as Vice President of Operations for AGS.
He has more than 15 years experience at progressive levels of management in Accounting,
Corporate Strategic and Financial Planning and Government Business Operations, including past
positions at SES Americom and GE Capital American Communications, Inc. Mr. Cade holds a
BS in Accounting from Widener University and an MBA from La Salle University.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 3 of 5

               The Proxy Holders can appoint additional directors, although there are no
immediate expectations that they will do so. Any additional directors must be independent of
SES Americom and its affiliates ("Outside Directors") and must meet DSS standards under
NISPOM and receive prior approval of the DSS. The Proxy Agreement defines and prohibits the
appointment of "Inside Directors" who have employment, family, or other significant ties to SES
Americom or its affiliates. The Proxy Holders also are responsible for filling any future
vacancies on the Board of Directors.

                 The Initial Proxy Holders: Summary biographical information regarding the
initial three designated Proxy Holders follows:

                   Billy J. Bingham: Brigadier General Billy J. Bingham, USAF (Ret.) has
                   nearly 40 years of extensive experience in U.S. and International activities of
                   the Intelligence and Defense Communities covering all phases of Command,
                   Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and
                   Reconnaissance (C4ISR) operations. He has served since May 2007 as CEO
                   of BB Technical Solutions LLC. His prior positions include President and
                   COO of Red Arch Solutions, Senior VP of MTC Technologies, and Senior
                   VP for Corporate Development at SAIC. Before joining the private sector,
                   he was Assistant Deputy Director of Operations at the National Security
                   Agency and prior to that, the Director for Intelligence of the U.S. Pacific
                   Command. He holds a BBA from the University of Memphis an MBA from
                   Pepperdine University. He is also a graduate of Harvard University‘s Senior
                    Officials for National Security and the U.S. Army War College.

                   Richard D. Parlow: Richard D. Parlow is a telecommunications consultant
                   to industry and governmental representatives on technical, regulatory, and
                   operational matters concerning domestic and international
                   telecommunications networks, with a particular emphasis on satellite
                   networks and related international regulations. His past positions include
                   Executive Director of International Government Affairs for Iridium LLC and
                   Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, in the National
                   Telecommunications and Information Administration. He currently serves
                   as an Outside Director and Chairman of the Government Security
                   Committee for AGS. He holds a BS in Electronic Engineering from the
                   University of Wisconsin and a Masters of Engineering Administration from
                   George Washington University.

                   Kenneth A. Minihan: Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan retired from
                   the U.S. Air Force in 1999 after more than 33 years of active commissioned
                   service. On his final tour of duty he served as the Director of the National
                   Security Agency/Central Security Service, the senior uniformed intelligence
                   officer in the Department of Defense. He has also served as the Director of
                   the Defense Intelligence Agency. He has extensive experience in defense

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                         Exhibit E
                                                                                       Page 4 of 5

                    and military information services, information technology development, and
                    diverse customer support services. He currently is a Managing Director in
                    the Paladin Capital Group. He holds a Baccalaureate degree from Florida
                    State University, a Masters Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School, and
                    has completed executive development programs at the University of Illinois
                    and Harvard University.

             As demonstrated by this information, the Proxy Holders are fully qualified under
Commission rules and policies to acquire control of AGS and its licensed earth stations.

                                       Ownership of AGS

              As noted above, AGS is and will remain a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES
Americom. SES Americom in turn is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of SES S.A. ("SES,"
formerly known as SES Global S.A.). SES Global—Americas, Inc. holds 100% of the capital
stock of SES Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general partnership
that is owned 99.4% by SES and 0.06% by SES® direct wholly—owned subsidiary SES ASTRA
S.A., holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES
and SES ASTRA, which are Luxembourg companies, all of these entities are U.S. corporations
or partnerships.

               SES wholly owns SES Americom, SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européenne
des Satellites S.A.), and New Skies Satellites B.V. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, SES
engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America, Europe, Africa and

            The offices of SES and SES ASTRA are at L—6815 Chiateau de Betzdorf,
Luxembourg. The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.

               The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record and/or
voting 10 percent or more of SES voting stock are:

   2. The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the "State of Luxembourg") — and Banque et
      Caisse d‘Epargne de l‘Etat ("BCEE") and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
      ("SNCI"), each of which is an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament
      and 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg — hold Class B shares of SES representing
      a combined effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective voting power of 33.33%.
      In addition, in 2007 and 2008 these entities received SES Fiduciary Deposit Receipts
      ("FDRs"), which each represent one Class A share of SES. The FDRs distributed to
       these entities represent a combined 5.43% economic interest and effective voting power
       of 4.35%. SES Americom has no information regarding whether the Class B
       shareholders continue to hold these FDRs. The principal business of both BCEE and
       SNCI is financial services. The addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:

                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                     Exhibit E
                                                                                    Page 5 of 5

                      Bangue et Caisse d‘Epargne de 1‘ Etat
                      1, place de Metz
                      L—2954 Luxembourg

                      Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
                      7, place du St. Esprit
                      L—1475 Luxembourg

The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la Congrégation, L—2910,

Revised Exhibit E for File Number SES—ASG—20090807—00973 (Call Sign £890253)

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                        Exhibit E
                                                                                       Page 1 of 5

                               Exhibit E: Response to Item A20


              By this application, Americom Government Services, Inc. ("AGS") and SES
Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom," and with AGS, the "Parties") seek Commission consent to
the assignment of a VSAT hub station license from SES Americom to AGS. AGS is a wholly—
owned subsidiary of SES Americom. However, AGS is controlled under the terms of a recent
agreement (the "Proxy Agreement") entered into by the Parties and certain affiliated entities with
the U.S. Department of Defense ("DoD") acting through the Defense Security Service ("DSS").
The Proxy Agreement gives designated individuals (the "Proxy Holders") the right to direct the
management and operation of AGS. Information regarding the control and ownership of AGS
under the Proxy Agreement is provided in this Exhibit.

                      Control of AGS Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement

                The Proxy Agreement has been negotiated in accordance with the National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual ("NISPOM") to meet DoD‘s national security
objectives. AGS holds a Facility Security Clearance and has contracts with agencies of the U.S.
Government that include contracts involving sensitive and classified information. The NISPOM
specifies that entities with Facility Security Clearances must be insulated from foreign ownership,
control and influence, and entities under foreign control are typically prohibited from having
access to classified information. The Proxy Agreement addresses these issues by providing for
control of AGS by individuals who are independent of SES Americom and its affiliates.

                  Terms of the Proxy Agreement: The Proxy Agreement provides for the initial
designation of three Proxy Holders by SES Americom who must meet specified qualifications
and be approved by DSS. The three initial Proxy Holders that have been designated are Billy J.
Bingham, Richard D. Parlow, and Kenneth A. Minihan. Biographical information regarding
these individuals is provided below. Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement, the Proxy Holders and
their successors are designated as SES Americom‘s attorneys in fact to vote and exercise all
rights and powers of SES Americom as shareholder of AGS. In so doing, the Proxy Holders are
entitled to exercise their sole and absolute discretion, employing their independent judgment.
The Proxy Holders are to make decisions free of any control or influence from SES Americom or
its affiliated entities. Contacts between AGS and SES Americom and its affiliates are restricted
to those expressly permitted in the Proxy Agreement.

              Consent of SES Americom to decisions by the Proxy Holders is needed under the
agreement only for specified extraordinary events. These include changes to AGS® charter
documents affecting share issuance and capital stock; incurrence of indebtedness outside the
ordinary course of business; a merger, consolidation, reorganization or dissolution of AGS; any
material sale, lease or disposition of AGS assets, property or business or any material purchase
of assets by AGS; and the declaration of bankruptcy.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 2 of 5

                Once approved, the Proxy Holders can be removed by SES Americom only in
limited circumstances for failure to perform their duties, and the consent of DSS to their removal
is required except in cases of serious misconduct by a Proxy Holder. If a Proxy Holder resigns,
dies, or is removed, the remaining Proxy Holders designate a successor and can continue to act in
the interim. SES Americom can suggest individuals to be considered as successors and has
limited rights to veto a successor designated by the Proxy Holder. Any successor must receive
prior written approval of DSS before the designation is effective.

               The Proxy Agreement has a five—year initial term and specifies the procedures for
renewal or extension.

                Composition of the AGS Board of Directors: Following the recent execution of
the Proxy Agreement by AGS and SES Americom, the AGS Board of Directors is now
composed of the three designated Proxy Holders and three officers of AGS (the "Officer
Directors"): Mr. Robert Tipton Osterthaler (President and Chief Executive Officer)‘; Mr. David
S. Jackson (Chief Operating Officer)"; and Mr. Michael F. Cade (Chief Financial Officer)" All
three of the Proxy Holders and all three Officer Directors are U.S. citizens.

‘ _Mr. Robert Tipton ("Tip") Osterthaler became President and CEO of AGS in December, 2006.
From 1998 until 2006, Mr. Osterthaler was a Senior Vice President at Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), a large systems, solutions and technical services company
serving the needs of the U.S. government. Prior to joining SAIC, he served in the U.S. Air Force
for 28 years, retiring as a Brigadier General and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
European and NATO Policy. Mr. Osterthaler holds a BS in Economics from the U.S. Air Force
Academy and an MBA from Texas A&M University. He is also a graduate of Harvard
University‘s Senior Executives in National Security Program as well as their National and
International Security Management course, the Royal College of Defence Studies in the United
Kingdom, the Air War College, and the Marine Corps Command and Staff College.

> A retired U.S. Army colonel, David Jackson has spent his civilian career in systems, business
development, aerospace and national security assignments with ANSER and Science
Applications International Corp (SAIC), both in Northern Virginia. Most recently, he served as
the Chief of Staff of the National Security Solutions Operation and Director of SAIC‘s Threat
Reduction Support Center. His 30 year military career included tours of duty in Germany, Korea
and Vietnam, as well as a professorship at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Mr.
Jackson holds a B.S. from the U.S.M.A. and an M.S. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from
the University of Michigan.

 Michael Cade, a Certified Public Accountant, serves as Vice President of Operations for AGS.
He has more than 15 years experience at progressive levels of management in Accounting,
Corporate Strategic and Financial Planning and Government Business Operations, including past
positions at SES Americom and GE Capital American Communications, Inc. Mr. Cade holds a
BS in Accounting from Widener University and an MBA from La Salle University.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                      Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 3 of 5

               The Proxy Holders can appoint additional directors, although there are no
immediate expectations that they will do so. Any additional directors must be independent of
SES Americom and its affiliates ("Outside Directors") and must meet DSS standards under
NISPOM and receive prior approval of the DSS. The Proxy Agreement defines and prohibits the
appointment of "Inside Directors" who have employment, family, or other significant ties to SES
Americom or its affiliates. The Proxy Holders also are responsible for filling any future
vacancies on the Board of Directors.

                 The Initial Proxy Holders: Summary biographical information regarding the
initial three designated Proxy Holders follows:

                   Billy J. Bingham: Brigadier General Billy J. Bingham, USAF (Ret.) has
                   nearly 40 years of extensive experience in U.S. and International activities of
                   the Intelligence and Defense Communities covering all phases of Command,
                   Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and
                   Reconnaissance (C4ISR) operations. He has served since May 2007 as CEO
                   of BB Technical Solutions LLC. His prior positions include President and
                   COO of Red Arch Solutions, Senior VP of MTC Technologies, and Senior
                   VP for Corporate Development at SAIC. Before joining the private sector,
                   he was Assistant Deputy Director of Operations at the National Security
                   Agency and prior to that, the Director for Intelligence of the U.S. Pacific
                   Command. He holds a BBA from the University of Memphis an MBA from
                   Pepperdine University. He is also a graduate of Harvard University‘s Senior
                   Officials for National Security and the U.S. Army War College.

                   Richard D. Parlow: Richard D. Parlow is a telecommunications consultant
                   to industry and governmental representatives on technical, regulatory, and
                   operational matters concerning domestic and international
                   telecommunications networks, with a particular emphasis on satellite
                   networks and related international regulations. His past positions include
                   Executive Director of International Government Affairs for Iridium LLC and
                   Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, in the National
                   Telecommunications and Information Administration. He currently serves
                   as an Outside Director and Chairman of the Government Security
                   Committee for AGS. He holds a BS in Electronic Engineering from the
                   University of Wisconsin and a Masters of Engineering Administration from
                   George Washington University.

                   Kenneth A. Minmbhan: Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan retired from
                   the U.S. Air Force in 1999 after more than 33 years of active commissioned
                   service. On his final tour of duty he served as the Director of the National
                   Security Agency/Central Security Service, the senior uniformed intelligence
                   officer in the Department of Defense. He has also served as the Director of
                   the Defense Intelligence Agency. He has extensive experience in defense

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                        Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 4 of 5

                    and military information services, information technology development, and
                    diverse customer support services. He currently is a Managing Director in
                    the Paladin Capital Group. He holds a Baccalaureate degree from Florida
                    State University, a Masters Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School, and
                    has completed executive development programs at the University of Illinois
                    and Harvard University.

             As demonstrated by this information, the Proxy Holders are fully qualified under
Commission rules and policies to hold earth station licenses through their control of AGS.

                                       Ownership of AGS

            As noted above, AGS is and will remain a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES
Americom. SES Americom in turn is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of SES S.A. ("SES,"
formerly known as SES Global S.A.). SES Global—Americas, Inc. holds 100% of the capital
stock of SES Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general partnership
that is owned 99.4% by SES and 0.06% by SES® direct wholly—owned subsidiary SES ASTRA
S.A., holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES
and SES ASTRA, which are Luxembourg companies, all of these entities are U.S. corporations
or partnerships.

                SES wholly owns SES Americom, SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européenne
des Satellites S.A.), and New Skies Satellites B.V. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, SES
engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America, Europe, Africa and

            The offices of SES and SES ASTRA are at L—6815 Chiteau de Betzdorf,
Luxembourg. The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.

               The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record and/or
voting 10 percent or more of SES voting stock are:

   3. The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the "State of Luxembourg") — and Banque et
      Caisse d‘Epargne de l‘ Etat ("BCEE") and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘ Investisement
      ("SNCI"), each of which is an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament
      and 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg — hold Class B shares of SES representing
      a combined effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective voting power of 33.33%.
      In addition, in 2007 and 2008 these entities received SES Fiduciary Deposit Receipts
      ("*FDRs"), which each represent one Class A share of SES. The FDRs distributed to
       these entities represent a combined 5.43% economic interest and effective voting power
       of 4.35%. SES Americom has no information regarding whether the Class B
       shareholders continue to hold these FDRs. The principal business of both BCEE and
       SNCI is financial services. The addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:

                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                     Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 5 of 5

                      Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de 1‘ Etat
                      1, place de Metz
                      L—2954 Luxembourg

                      Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
                      7, place du St. Esprit
                      L—1475 Luxembourg

The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la Congrégation, L—2910,

Revised Exhibit E for File Number SES—ASG—20090807—00974 (Lead Call Sign £890383)

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                       Page 1 of 5

                               Exhibit E: Response to Item A20


              By this application, Americom Government Services, Inc. ("AGS") and SES
Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom," and with AGS, the "Parties") seek Commission consent to
the assignment of earth station licenses from SES Americom to AGS. AGS is a wholly—owned
subsidiary of SES Americom. However, AGS is controlled under the terms of a recent
agreement (the "Proxy Agreement") entered into by the Parties and certain affiliated entities with
the U.S. Department of Defense ("DoD") acting through the Defense Security Service ("DSS").
The Proxy Agreement gives designated individuals (the "Proxy Holders") the right to direct the
management and operation of AGS. Information regarding the control and ownership of AGS
under the Proxy Agreement is provided in this Exhibit.

                      Control of AGS Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement

                The Proxy Agreement has been negotiated in accordance with the National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual ("NISPOM") to meet DoD‘s national security
objectives. AGS holds a Facility Security Clearance and has contracts with agencies of the U.S.
Government that include contracts involving sensitive and classified information. The NISPOM
specifies that entities with Facility Security Clearances must be insulated from foreign ownership,
control and influence, and entities under foreign control are typically prohibited from having
access to classified information. The Proxy Agreement addresses these issues by providing for
control of AGS by individuals who are independent of SES Americom and its affiliates.

                  Terms of the Proxy Agreement: The Proxy Agreement provides for the initial
designation of three Proxy Holders by SES Americom who must meet specified qualifications
and be approved by DSS. The three initial Proxy Holders that have been designated are Billy J.
Bingham, Richard D. Parlow, and Kenneth A. Minihan. Biographical information regarding
these individuals is provided below. Pursuant to the Proxy Agreement, the Proxy Holders and
their successors are designated as SES Americom‘s attorneys in fact to vote and exercise all
rights and powers of SES Americom as shareholder of AGS. In so doing, the Proxy Holders are
entitled to exercise their sole and absolute discretion, employing their independent judgment.
The Proxy Holders are to make decisions free of any control or influence from SES Americom or
its affiliated entities. Contacts between AGS and SES Americom and its affiliates are restricted
to those expressly permitted in the Proxy Agreement.

                Consent of SES Americom to decisions by the Proxy Holders is needed under the
agreement only for specified extraordinary events. These include changes to AGS® charter
documents affecting share issuance and capital stock; incurrence of indebtedness outside the
ordinary course of business; a merger, consolidation, reorganization or dissolution of AGS; any
material sale, lease or disposition of AGS assets, property or business or any material purchase
of assets by AGS; and the declaration of bankruptcy.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                      Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 2 of 5

                Once approved, the Proxy Holders can be removed by SES Americom only in
limited circumstances for failure to perform their duties, and the consent of DSS to their removal
is required except in cases of serious misconduct by a Proxy Holder. If a Proxy Holder resigns,
dies, or is removed, the remaining Proxy Holders designate a successor and can continue to act in
the interim. SES Americom can suggest individuals to be considered as successors and has
limited rights to veto a successor designated by the Proxy Holder. Any successor must receive
prior written approval of DSS before the designation is effective.

               The Proxy Agreement has a five—year initial term and specifies the procedures for
renewal or extension.

                Composition of the AGS Board of Directors: Following the recent execution of
the Proxy Agreement by AGS and SES Americom, the AGS Board of Directors is now
composed of the three designated Proxy Holders and three officers of AGS (the "Officer
Directors"): Mr. Robert Tipton Osterthaler (President and Chief Executive Officer)‘; Mr. David
S. Jackson (Chief Operating Officer)"; and Mr. Michael F. Cade (Chief Financial Officer)" All
three of the Proxy Holders and all three Officer Directors are U.S. citizens.

‘_Mr. Robert Tipton ("Tip") Osterthaler became President and CEO of AGS in December, 2006.
From 1998 until 2006, Mr. Osterthaler was a Senior Vice President at Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), a large systems, solutions and technical services company
serving the needs of the U.S. government. Prior to joining SAIC, he served in the U.S. Air Force
for 28 years, retiring as a Brigadier General and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
European and NATO Policy. Mr. Osterthaler holds a BS in Economics from the U.S. Air Force
Academy and an MBA from Texas A&M University. He is also a graduate of Harvard
University‘s Senior Executives in National Security Program as well as their National and
International Security Management course, the Royal College of Defence Studies in the United
Kingdom, the Air War College, and the Marine Corps Command and Staff College.

> A retired U.S. Army colonel, David Jackson has spent his civilian career in systems, business
development, aerospace and national security assignments with ANSER and Science
Applications International Corp (SAIC), both in Northern Virginia. Most recently, he served as
the Chief of Staff of the National Security Solutions Operation and Director of SAIC‘s Threat
Reduction Support Center. His 30 year military career included tours of duty in Germany, Korea
and Vietnam, as well as a professorship at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Mr.
Jackson holds a B.S. from the U.S.M.A. and an M.S. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from
the University of Michigan.

> Michael Cade, a Certified Public Accountant, serves as Vice President of Operations for AGS.
He has more than 15 years experience at progressive levels of management in Accounting,
Corporate Strategic and Financial Planning and Government Business Operations, including past
positions at SES Americom and GE Capital American Communications, Inc. Mr. Cade holds a
BS in Accounting from Widener University and an MBA from La Salle University.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                        Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 3 of 5

               The Proxy Holders can appoint additional directors, although there are no
immediate expectations that they will do so. Any additional directors must be independent of
SES Americom and its affiliates ("Outside Directors") and must meet DSS standards under
NISPOM and receive prior approval of the DSS. The Proxy Agreement defines and prohibits the
appointment of "Inside Directors" who have employment, family, or other significant ties to SES
Americom or its affiliates. The Proxy Holders also are responsible for filling any future
vacancies on the Board of Directors.

                 The Initial Proxy Holders: Summary biographical information regarding the
initial three designated Proxy Holders follows:

                   Billy J. Bingham: Brigadier General Billy J. Bingham, USAF (Ret.) has
                   nearly 40 years of extensive experience in U.S. and International activities of
                   the Intelligence and Defense Communities covering all phases of Command,
                   Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and
                   Reconnaissance (C4ISR) operations. He has served since May 2007 as CEO
                   of BB Technical Solutions LLC. His prior positions include President and
                   COO of Red Arch Solutions, Senior VP of MTC Technologies, and Senior
                   VP for Corporate Development at SAIC. Before joining the private sector,
                   he was Assistant Deputy Director of Operations at the National Security
                   Agency and prior to that, the Director for Intelligence of the U.S. Pacific
                   Command. He holds a BBA from the University of Memphis an MBA from
                   Pepperdine University. He is also a graduate of Harvard University‘s Senior
                   Officials for National Security and the U.S. Army War College.

                   Richard D. Parlow: Richard D. Parlow is a telecommunications consultant
                   to industry and governmental representatives on technical, regulatory, and
                   operational matters concerning domestic and international
                   telecommunications networks, with a particular emphasis on satellite
                   networks and related international regulations. His past positions include
                   Executive Director of International Government Affairs for Iridium LLC and
                   Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, in the National
                   Telecommunications and Information Administration. He currentlyserves
                    as an Outside Director and Chairman of the Government Security
                   Committee for AGS. He holds a BS in Electronic Engineering from the
                   University of Wisconsin and a Masters of Engineering Administration from
                   George Washington University.

                   Kenneth A. Minihan: Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan retired from
                   the U.S. Air Force in 1999 after more than 33 years of active commissioned
                   service. On his final tour of duty he served as the Director of the National
                   Security Agency/Central Security Service, the senior uniformed intelligence
                   officer in the Department of Defense. He has also served as the Director of
                   the Defense Intelligence Agency. He has extensive experience in defense

                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E
                                                                                      Page 4 of 5

                    and military information services, information technology development, and
                    diverse customer support services. He currently is a Managing Director in
                    the Paladin Capital Group. He holds a Baccalaureate degree from Florida
                    State University, a Masters Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School, and
                    has completed executive development programs at the University of Illinois
                    and Harvard University.

             As demonstrated by this information, the Proxy Holders are fully qualified under
Commission rules and policies to hold earth station licenses through their control of AGS.

                                       Ownership of AGS

               As noted above, AGS is and will remain a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES
Americom. SES Americom in turn is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of SES S.A. ("SES,"
formerly known as SES Global S.A.). SES Global—Americas, Inc. holds 100% of the capital
stock of SES Americom. SES Global Americas Holdings GP, a Delaware general partnership
that is owned 99.4% by SES and 0.06% by SES® direct wholly—owned subsidiary SES ASTRA
S.A., holds 100% of the capital stock of SES Global—Americas, Inc. With the exception of SES
and SES ASTRA, which are Luxembourg companies, all of these entities are U.S. corporations
or partnerships.

                SES wholly owns SES Americom, SES ASTRA (formerly Société Européenne
des Satellites S.A.), and New Skies Satellites B.V. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, SES
engages in the provision of satellite services in North and South America, Europe, Africa and

               The offices of SES and SES ASTRA are at L—6815 Chateau de Betzdorf,
Luxembourg. The address of the intermediary holding companies is 4 Research Way, Princeton,
NJ 08540.

               The names, addresses, and citizenship of stockholders owning of record and/or
voting 10 percent or more of SES voting stock are:

   4. The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the "State of Luxembourg") — and Banque et
      Caisse d‘ Epargne de l‘Etat ("BCEE") and Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
      ("SNCI"), each of which is an institution created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament
      and 100% owned by the State of Luxembourg — hold Class B shares of SES representing
      a combined effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective voting power of 33.33%.
      In addition, in 2007 and 2008 these entities received SES Fiduciary Deposit Receipts
      ("FDRs"), which each represent one Class A share of SES. The FDRs distributed to
      these entities represent a combined 5.43% economic interest and effective voting power
      of 4.35%. SES Americom has no information regarding whether the Class B
      shareholders continue to hold these FDRs. The principal business of both BCEE and
      SNCI is financial services. The addresses of BCEE and SNCI are as follows:

                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                      Exhibit E
                                                                                    Page 5 of 5

                      Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de ‘Etat
                      1, place de Metz
                      L—2954 Luxembourg

                      Société Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement
                      7, place du St. Esprit
                      L—1475 Luxembourg

The address for the State of Luxembourg is Ministry of State, 4 rue de la Congrégation, L—2910,

Document Created: 2019-04-17 10:21:29
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 10:21:29

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