
REQUEST submitted by Liberty Media Corporation

Request to Extend Consummation Period


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20090130-00134 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


  Nelson Mullns Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                                                                      Robert L. Hoeg1e .
  Attorneys and Counselors at Law
  101 Constitution Avenue, NW / Suite 90 / Washington, DC 2001                        (Admitted in DC & NY)
  Tel: 202.712.2800 Fax: 202.712.2860
                                                                                      Fax: 202.712.2836

                                                                  September 2, 2009

   Via Hand Delivery and Electronic Filing

   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Office of the Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, S.W.
   Washington, D.C. 20554

               Re: Liberty Entertainment, Inc. Transfer of Control Applications: SAT-T/C-
                           20090127-00010, SAT-T/C-20090127-00011, SES-T/C-20090 130-00 125, SES-
                           T/C-20090130-00127, SES- T/C-20090130-00128, SES- T/C-20090130-00129,
                           SES-T/C-20090130-00134, SES-T/C-20090130-00135, and SES-T/C-20090128-

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

               By Order released on April 9, 2009, the International Bureau approved the above-
   referenced pro forma applications to transfer control of certain satellte space station and earth
   station licenses held by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV"), Californa Broadcast
   Center, LLC and Game Show Network, LLC, from Liberty Media Corporation ("Libert
   Media") to Liberty Entertainment, Inc. ("LEI). See In the Matter of Application                             for Authority
   to Transfer Control of Satellte Earth Station and Space Station Licenses from Libert Media
   Corporation, Transferor, to Liberty Entertainment, Inc., Transferee, 24 FCC Rcd. 4110 (Int'l
   Bur. 2009). On June 1, 2009, the International Bureau extended the consummation period
   specified in Section 25.119(t) of the Commssion's Rules (47 C.F.R. §25.119(t)) through
   September 7, 2009.

               The split-off of LEI from Liberty Media is a complex transaction requiring shareholder
   approvaL. Although Liberty Media has been workng to                                       complete the split-off in an
   expeditious manner, additional time wil be required. Libert Media respectfully requests an
   additional sixty (60) days, or until November 6, 2009, within which to .consummate the
   authorized pro form transfer of control.

   Atlanta ..Boston. Charleston. Charlotte. Columbia. Greenvile. Myrtle Beach. Raleigh. Tallahassee. Washigton, DC · Winston-Salem

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
September 2, 2009
Page 2

             If you have any questions regarding this request, please call me at (202) 712-2816.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Counsel for Liberty Media Corporation


DoC# 57147

Document Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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