This document pretains to SES-T/C-20080313-00305 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


From: John Palmer (US) []
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 5:01 PM
To: Eleanor Lott
Subject: RE: Mailing Address for Authorization
Hi Eleanor,

Yes, we have moved since we first started this process. Can you please re-mail it to me at:

John Palmer
6221 Holly Drive
Lino Lakes, MN 55038

Thank you,

John R. Palmer
Director, Engineering and Operations Midwest

Ascent Media             Network Services

6221 Holly Drive    | Lino Lakes | MN | 55038

Tel 651 429 8778        | Fax 651 429 5656
Cell 612 670 8989

From: Eleanor Lott []
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:53 PM
To: John Palmer (US)
Subject: Mailing Address for Authorization

Hell Mr. Palmer,

Your 732 Transfer-Of-Control Authorization File Number SES-T/C-20080313-00305, Call Sign
E000188 was mailed out the address that was submitted on your FCC Form 312, and it was
returned back to the FCC undelivered at that address, so can you kindly send the correct address
for me to send your authorization to you please.

Eleanor M. Lott

Document Created: 2008-06-06 12:42:29
Document Modified: 2008-06-06 12:42:29

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