Attachment Extension

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20080313-00294 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                           FILED/ACCEPTED                           ORI 6INAL
                                                                  JUN 1 3 2008
1776 K STREET NW                                           Federal Communications Commis
                                                                                           sion         Gregory   L. Masters
WaSHINGTON, 0C 20006
PHONE    202.719,7000
                          June 13, 2008                          Office of the Secretary                202.210.7370
FAX    202,719.7049                                                                           

McLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE    703.905.2800
                          BY HAND VIA COURIER
FAX—   703.905.2820
                          Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                    RECE 1 VE [D
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          The Portals                                                                       JUN 1 8 2008
                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                                                                                            Satellite Division
                          128 Street Lobby, TW—A325                                                       International Bureau
                          Washington, DC 20554

                                          Re:   Transfer of Control of E050109 and E980384
                                                File No. SES—T/C—20080313—00294
                                                Request for Extension of Consummation Period

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          On behalf of Clear Channel Communications, Inc., the parent company ofthe
                          licensee associated with the above—referenced transfer of control application, we
                          respectfully request that the period authorized for completion ofthe closing of the
                          transfer of control from the Shareholders of Clear Channel Communications, Inc.
                          to the Stockholders of BTTriple Crown Merger Co., Inc. be extended for an
                          additional 60 days until August 19, 2008.

                          The Commission‘s consent was granted on April 21, 2008. Since additional time is
                          needed to complete this transaction, we hereby respectfully request an additional 60
                          days to consummate the above—referenced transfer of control.

                          Kindly direct any questions concerning this matterto the undersigned.


                                                                                           Filk &SES—T/C—2ipK 0313 ~Dazge;
                             egoryA.. Masters

                          co: Jeanette Spriggs (FCC) * ;
                                                                                                        Term Dates 2
                              * PDF by E—mail                                                                 To: MJQW .

                                                                                                     rcle Dyprigea


Document Created: 2008-06-20 15:33:08
Document Modified: 2008-06-20 15:33:08

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