Attachment Withdrawal letter

Withdrawal letter

WITHDRAWAL submitted by Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Withdrawal letter


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20080114-00234 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                       SkappEen, Arps, Scate, MEaoHER ® FLom LLP
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USHER@SKADDEN.COM                                                                                ~                  LONBON
                                                                               Satellite Division                   munics
                                                                 May 9, 2008                                       Toronto

                                                                                           RECEIVED — oc
                  Jeanette D. Spriggs                                                  _         MAY ~9 2008
                  International Bureau                                                     veral vuinmtunichtions Compritadl
                  Federal Communications Commission                                                 Bureat / Offige mntlssion
                  445 12th Street, S.W.
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                          RE:    SES—T/C—20080114—00234

                  Dear Ms. Spriggs:

                                 Pursuant to our conversation, and on behalf of Fox Television
                  Stations, Inc. ("Fox"), please accept this letter as Fox‘s request to withdraw the
                  above—referenced Earth station transfer of control application (the "Application").
                  The Application, relating to call sign E980499, was filed as a request for consent to a
                  transfer of control of WDAF License, Inc., a sister corporation of Fox, to FoxCo
                  Acquisition Sub, LLC ("Acquisition Sub"). Because call sign E980499 is licensed to
                  Fox, however, the Application should have beenfiled as a request for consent to an
                  assignment oflicense from Fox to Acquisition Sub: —

                                  Simultaneous with the submission ofthis letter, Fox is filing with the
                  Commission a newapplication relating to call sign E980499. The new application is
                  substantively identical to the originally—filed Application, except that it seeks consent
                  to assign the license from Fox to Acquisition Sub rather than a transfer of control.
                  The new application relates to the same larger transaction, in which Fox is selling
                  eight broadcast stations to Acquisition Sub, for which the Application originally was
                  filed in January 2008.

                                 Fox notes that the Application, as originally filed, was granted on
                  April 16, 2008. Likewise, an associated assignment application filed with the
                  International Bureau, relating to other Earth stations involved in the same transaction

Jeanette D. Spriggs
May 9, 2008
Page 2

(SES—ASG—20080114—00247), was granted on April 16, 2008. Given that the new
application relating to call sign E980499 involves the same transaction and the same
parties previously passed upon bythe Commission, Fox respectfully requests that the
Commission grant the new application.

                    Should you have any questions, kindly contact the undersigned.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                          ared S. Sher
                                          Counsel to Fox Television Stations, Inc.

cc:       Kevin Latek, Esq., counsel to FoxCo Acquisition Sub, LLC

776422—D.C. Server 2A — MSW

Document Created: 2008-06-11 15:19:33
Document Modified: 2008-06-11 15:19:33

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