Attachment Petition


PETITION submitted by DOJ and DHS



This document pretains to SES-T/C-20070905-01230 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                          MAY 2 8 2008
                                                 '                                 Fedaral Communications Commission
                                             Before the                                  Office of theSecretary
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
                                                     ) File Nos.
Hughes Communications., Inc.;                        )
HNS Licensee Sub, LLC;                               )   —SAT—T/C—20070904—00119
HNS Licensee Sub Ltd.                                )    SES—T/C—20070905—01228
                                                     )   SES—T/C—20070905—01229
Applications for Consent to Transfer of              )   SES—T/C—20070905—01230
Control                                              )   —SES—T/C—20070905—01231

                          PETITION TO ADOPT CONDITIONS TO
                           AUTHORIZATIONS AND LICENSES

        The Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the Department of Homeland Security ("DHS")

(collectively, the "Agencies"), submit this Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and

Licenses (Petition"), pursuant to Section 1.41 of the Federal Commmunications Commission

("Commission") rules.‘ Through this Petition, the Agencies advise the Commission that they

have no objection to the Commission approving the authority sought in the above—referenced

proceedings, provided that the Commission conditions its approval on the representations,

commitments and undertakings set forth in the April 8,—2008 letter from the Applicants to

Kenneth L. Wainstein, Esq., Assistant Attorney General for National Security, U.S. Department

of Justice (the "April 8, 2008 letter"), which is attached hereto.

1      47 C.FR. § 14L

          In the above—referenced proceeding, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), HNS

License Sub, LLC ("HNS LLC") and HNS License Sub, Ltd. ("HNS Ltd.") (collectively

Hughes) have petitioned the Commission seeking consent to a transfer of control of HCI and two

of HCI‘s indirect subsidiaries, HNS Ltd. and HNS LLC (together, the "HNS Licensees"), from

Apollo Capital Management IV, Inc. and AIF IV Management, Inc. (together, "Apollo IV") to—

BRH Holdings GP, Ltd. pursuant to a reorganization of Apollo IV, together with its affiliated

investment management entities. HCI is the holder of a non—common carrier satellite space

station authorization for the SPACEWAY 3 satellite. The HNS Licensees are the holders of

several non—common carrier earth station authorizations and Experimental Radio' Service |


          The Commission has long recognized that law enforcement, national security, and public

safety concerns are part of its public interest analysis, and has accorded deference to the views of

other U.S. government agencies with expertise in those areas. See In the Matter of Comsat

Corporation d/b/a Comsat Mobile Communications, etc., 16 FCC Red. 21,661, 21707                  94


          After discussions with representatives of Hughes in connection with the above—referenced

proceeding, the Agencies have concluded that the statements and commitments set forth in the

April 8, 2008 letter will help ensure that the Agencies and other entities with responsibility for

enforcing the law, protecting the national security, and preserving public safety can proceed

appropriately to satisfy those responsibilities. In consideration of the commitments made by

Hughes in its April 8, 2008 letter, the Agencies hereby advise the Commission that they have no

objection to the Commission granting the above—referenced requests for transfer of control,

provided that the Commission conditions its consent on compliance by Hughes with those


                                               Respectfully submitted,

 /s/ Charles M. Steele                          Is! Stewart A. Baker
Charles M. Steele                               Stewart A. Baker
Chicf of Staff                                  Assistant Secretary for Policy
National Security Division                      U.S. Department of Homeland Security
United States Department of Justice             3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.                   Washington, DC 20528
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 514—1057

May 23, 2008

M Dean A. Manson
  Senior Vice President, General Counsal
  and Secretary

                                                  April 8, 2008


   ~ Kenneth L. Wainstein, Esq.
     Assistant Attorney General for National Security
     U.S. Department of Justice
     950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
     Washington D. C. 20530

                        Re:      Request for Information on FCC Applications of Hughes
                                 Communications, Inc. and HNS License Sub, LLC

     Dear Mr. Wainstein:

             By this letter, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("Hughes") responds to your office‘s _
     March 18, 2008 request for information concerning the applications Hughes and its
     subsidiaries filed with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or
     "Commission") for authority to transfer control of the Hughes companies. See FCC File
    — Nos. SAT—T/C—20070904—00119, et seq. Hughes Network Systems, LLC ("HNS") is a
      wholly—owned subsidiary of Hughes. HNS License Sub, LLC is a wholly—owned
      subsidiary of HNS. Specifically, Hughes provides the information you request to update
      representations General Motors Corporation, Hughes Electronics Corporation, and The
      News Corporation, Limited provided to John R. LoGalbo, Computer Crime and.
      Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division, Department of Justice on September 26,
      2003 ("LoGalbo Letter") inconnection with a transaction then proposed to the
      Commission by predecessors in interest of Hughes. Hughes‘s responses to your office‘s
      specific requests follow:

     1.       Summary of the Current Parties and Ownership Structure, Including
              Description of the Foreign Ownership/Control:

              Current Ownership and Control of Hughes. Apollo Invesfi)ment Fund IV, L.P.,
     Apollo Overseas Partners IV, \L.P., AIF IV/RRRR LLC, ST/RRRR LLC and AP/RM
    Acquisition LLC (collectively, the "Apollo Stockholders") collectively own
  . approximately 64.68% ofthe issued and outstanding common stock of Hughes

                                           Hughes Communications, Inc.
                          11717 Exploration Lane       Germantown, MD 20876 . USA
                                      tel 301.428.7315   fax 301.428.2818

  Kenneth L. Wainstein, Esq.
  April 8, 2008
  Page —2—

  Communications, Inc. ("Hughes").‘ Hughes‘s remaining common stock is widely
  disbursed among other stockholders, with nosingle stockholder holdmg a direct or >
  indirectvoting or equity interest of 10% or more.

  The Apolio Stockholders‘ voting interests in Hughes are ultimately, indirectly controlled
  by Leon Black,; Marc Rowan, and Joshua Harris, all citizens ofthe United States, through
  a series of intemadiate subsidiaries and management arrangements."

  Attachment A hereto depicts the ownership and control structure ofHughes.

  Foreign Equity Ownershlp of Hughes through Apollo. With the exception ofApollo
  Overseas Partners IV, L.P., all of the Apollo Stockholdersare limited partnerships or
  limitedliability companies organized under the laws of Delaware. Apollo Overseas
  Partners IV, L.P. is an exempted limited partnership organized under the laws of the
  Caymani Islands. Foreign individuals or entities holding limited partnership or limited
  Hability membership interests iinthe Apollo Stockholders account for the equity ofthe
  Apollo Stockholders as follows:*

                To Investment Fund IV, L.P.                 212%                "_    112%
                llo Overseas Partuers IV, L.P.             99.73%                     2.66%
            AIF IV/RRRR LLC                                 0.07%                     0,00%
            ST/RRRR LLC       —                              .22%                     0.01%
            AP/RM           LLC                             5.09%                     0.11%

  Forsign   Voting Ownership of Hughes through         Apollo. As noied above, the Apollo
  Stockholders® voting interests in Hughes are ultimately, indirectly controlled by Leon
  Black, Mare Rowan, and Josh Harris, all U.S. citizens, through a series of intermediate

            ‘ This figure is slightly lower than the 64.9% ownership level of the Apollo Stockholders
  in Hughes that was reported in the Hughes companies‘ September 2007 transfer of control
  application to the FCC,.
            * The equity of the Apollo Stockholders is held in the form of limited partnership or
~‘ limited liability company membership interests, The limited partners and limited liability
   members of the Apollo Stockholders have no ability to controlthe day—to—day business
   operations, activities, decisions, or management of any of the Apollo Stockholders or of HCL
           * For additional information regarding the categories of foreign equity investment (e.g.,
  institutional investors, banks, trusts, etc.) in each of the Apolio Stockholders, please see Letter to ‘
  Ms. Matlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from Tont W.
  Davidson, Counsel for SkyTerra Commumcatwns,Inc., IBFS File No ISP—PDR—20070314—
  00004 (Nov. 6, 2007).
           * The percentage ofindirect forelgn ownership held by the forcignlimited partners or
  limited liability company members of the Apollo Stockholders is calculated by multiplying the
  percentage ofinterest each Apollo Stockholder holds in HCI by the percentage of foreign limited
 © partnership or limited liability company interests in such Apollo Stockholder.

  Kenneth L. Wainstein, Esq.
  April 8, 2008
  Page —3—

  subsidiaries and management arrangements," All entities in the chain of control of the
  ‘Apollo Stockholders, and thus Hughes, are organized in the United States except for BRH .
  Holdings GP, Ltd, BRH Holdings GP, Ltd. is organized under the laws of the Cayman
  Islands and does not hold an equity interest in the Apolio Stockholders or Hughes. The
  world headquarters of BRH Holdings GP, Ltd. is located in the United States. Leon
  Black, Marc Rowan, and Josh Harris, the controlling principals, officers, and directors of
  BRH Holdings GP, Ltd., are citizens ofthe United States.

  BRH Holdings GP, Ltd. holds 86.5% of the voting shares ofApollo Global Management,
  LLC ("AGM"). A group ofqualified institutional buyers and accredited investors
— collectively holds 13.5% of the total voting shares of AGM. None of these entities holds
  more than 10% of the equity or voting interests, on a fully diluted basis, of.AGM6
  Except for the limited set of matters on which its shareholders have a vote," AGM is
  managed by its manager, AGM Management, LLC ("AGM Management"). AGM
  Management, a Delaware limited liability company controlled by Leon. Black, Mare
  Rowan, and Josh Harris, conducts, directs and manages all activities ofAGM, which in
  turn, operates and controls all of the business and affairs ofAGM and its affiliates and
  subsidiaries, including, indirectly, the Apollo Stockholders and thus Hughes.

  Other Foreign Ownership ofAGM. The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (‘;ADIA”)
  holds a less than 10% equity interest, on a fully diluted basis, in AGM. ADIA‘s interest in
  AGM is economic only, and carries with it no voting, management or control rights.

— 2.      Summary of the Current and Future Expected Services to be Provided by
          Hughes, Including Description of the Capabilities/Services of its Newly—
          Launched SPACEWAY 3 Satellite:

           Hughes‘s core business consists ofproviding communication services via
  satellite. The provision ofthis service is done from large Hughes—owned gateway earth
  stations which communicate with geostationary satellites thatrelay the signals to

           5 Leon Black, Marc Rowan and John Harris hold equity interests in Apollo through °
* limited partnership interests in entities formed under the laws of the Cayman Islands.
          © These entities collectively hold an 11.1% equity interest, on a fully diluted basis, in
  AGM and are qualified institutional buyers and accredited investors under the rules of the United
  States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") who purchased the shares in AGM in an
  exempt offering. These shares are presently traded through a private over—thé—counter market for
  tradable unregistered equity securities developed by Goldman, Sachs & Co. under the symbol
  "APOLL." Apollo does not have access to information to determine the cltlzenshxp of these
© shareholders.
           ‘ BRH Holdmgs GP, Ltd. and the widely—disbursed sharcholders will vote as a single
  .class on a limited set of matters presented to the shareholders of AGM. These matters include a |
  proposed sale of all or substantially all of the assets of Apollo, certain mergers and
   consolidations, certain amendments to AGM‘s operating agreement, and an election to dissolve
 — AGM by its manager. Because BRH Holdings GP, Ltd. holds 86.5% of the vating shares of
   AGM, it has the ability to control any such shareholder vote that occurs.

 Kenneth L. Waihstein, Esq.
 April 8, 2008
 Page —4—

 customer—owned, very small—aperture terminals ("VSATs"). In the case of its large
 enterprise customers, the traffic being carried by Hughes will depend on the customers®
 specific needs. Digital signage, credit card trangactions, in store messages and inventory
 transactions are all examples of the type of traffic carried by Hughes.

        In addition tolarge enterprise customers, Hughes has more than 380,000
 customers in the USA that make use of the HughesNET service in order tohave
 broadband internet access. These customers are typically located in suburban or rural
 areas where broadband by DSL or cable is not available.

         Providing service to both enterprise and tesidential customers necessitates that
 Hughes lease capacity on over 14 different satellites. Hughes currently leases a total of
 over 100 satellite channels from Intelsat, SES Americom, and SATMEX and these lease
  charges represent a major expense to Hughes. In order to improve the data rates Hughes
‘ offers its customers while reducing the costs surrounding satellite capacity, Hughes
  clectedto obtain its own satellite. The SPACEWAY—3 satellite, which has just been °.
  brought into commercial service, will allow the continued deployment of HughesNET at
  significantly higher data rates than those presently offered.

 3.      Representations that All Network Operations and Management Facilities >
         that are Used to Provide Domestic Communications Are/Will Be Located
         within the U.S., Including the "Hub" Facilities and "Gateway" Facility Earth .

          All of Hughes‘s network operations and management facilities that are used to
 provuie domestic communications are located within the United States. The "hub"
 facilities for all of Hughes‘s earth station networks that provide domestic
 communications are located within the United States. All of Hughes‘s "gateway" facility
 earth stations that are used to provide domestic communications are located in the United
 States. There are no current plans to locate any ofthe foregoing types offacilities outside
 the United States in the future.

 4. .    Representations that the Facilitie§ that will Control the Content of Any            2.
        — Signals Sent to the SPACEWAY 3 and any Other Future Hughes Satellites,
         to the Extent those Satellites Provide Domestic Communications, are Located
         within the U.S. and Provided by a Third Party      under    Contract with and
         under the Direction of Hughes:

           With respect to SPACEWAY 3 and any future satellites that Hughes plans to
  operate, as is the case with all other fixed—satellite service ("FSS") communications
  satellites, an end user of a Hughes satellite would be able to "uplink"through an earth
  station and communicate, through the satellite, with any other end user who can receive
, the "downlink" signal of the satellite through his own earth station: As with all other
  satellite operators, Hughes will not control whether or not its customers‘ earth stations
  also will be "gateways"for their own (not Hughes‘s) networks that will interconnect with

Kenneth L. Wainstein, Esq.
April 8, 2008
Page —5—

the public switched telephone network or the Internet. The facilitiesthat will control the
content of the telemetry, tracking, and control stgnals sent to those future Hughes
satellites that will provide domestic communications are planned to be located within the
United States and be provided either directly by Hughes or one ofits subsidiaries, or
provided by a third party under contract with and underthe direction of Hughes. .

5.       Repréesentations that All Biginess Records, Whether in Physical or
         Electronic Form, and Including any Customer Proprietary Network .
         Information ("CPNI"), will be Stored in the U.S. and the Address of All
         Locations wheresuch Records are Stored; and Confirmation that Hughes
         will Inform Team Telecom if Hughes Intends to Store any such Records
         Ontside of the U.S.;

        All busmess records, regardless of form and ‘specifically including CPNL, of
Hughes are and will continue to be stored in the United States. The location of Hughes‘s
storage facility for this information is 11717 Exploration Drive, Germantown, Maryland.
Hughes confirms that it will inform the Departmentof Justice‘s Team Telecom if Hughes
intends to store any such records outside of the United States.

6.       Identification of a Senior Officer or Employee to Serve as the Point of
     .   Contact for Law Enforcement Concerns, Including Responding to Requests
         er Compulsory Process from U.S. Law Enforcement or Other U.S.
         Government Agencies:                             —

         The following person will serve as Hughes‘s point of contact for law enforcement



Date/Place ofBirth:

TU.S. Alicn Number (if applicable): v

Péssport Identifying Information

All Resi&ence‘Addresses:

 Kenneth L. Wainstein, Esq.
 April 8, 2008
 Page —6—

‘1All Business Addresses and Phone
  Numbers:                        i

       _ Hughes remains available to you or your team in order to provide any additional
 assistancethat may be required in the processing of this transfer of control application.


                                              (        thw_
                                                  Dean A. Manson


 oc w/ enclosure (by e—mail): John Connors
                              Joanne Ongman
                               Brandt Pasco
                               Alex Daman
                               Jennifer Rockoff

         Attachment A:
     Ownersh lp of HCI
                                                  Sharehoiders and Directors |,

                                                                BRH Holdings GP, Ltd              Sole Member

                                                                   Member l
                                                           Apolto Global Management, LLC                                AGM Management, LLC

                       _                                                          Sole \                APO Corp.
                APO Asset Co. LLC                                                 Shareholder
                                                                                                                   Sole Member
                         Sole Member                                                              Apollo Management
                 Apollo Principal                                                                  Holdings GP, LLC
               Holdings | GP, LLC
                                                                                                  Apolic Management
                                                                                                     Hcldlngs LP.
                Apollo Prlnc1pal
                 Holdings I, LP.                                                                                    Sole Member
                                                                                                  Apollo Management
                          ole hareholder                                                               GP, LLC
                 Apollo Capital                                                                                   GP
              Management IV, Inc.                                                                       Apollo
                                                                                                   Management, L.P.

            Apollo Advisors IV, L.P                               Manager By Agreement
                                                                                                Apollo Management IV, L.P

                                                                                                            4 Manager

Apollo In;lestment             Apollo Overseas
   Fund IV, L.P.               Partners IV, L.P                      Acquisition LLC                AIF IV/RRRR LLC               ST/RRRR LLC

                                                               Hughes Communications, Inc.

Document Created: 2008-05-30 15:25:34
Document Modified: 2008-05-30 15:25:34

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