Attachment Public Notice

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20070130-00167 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                               4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdeco")
                                                                              FRN 0015992969
                                                                                FCC Form 603
                                                                        Response to Question 99

                                                                                      Page 1 of 7


       Able Infosat Communications Inc. ("Able Infosat") is the licensee of 15 wireless licenses,

14 of which are private radio licenses and one of which (see Call Sign WPDG659) is a CMRS

(ie., common carrier) license. In connection with the proposed transfer of control of Able

Infosat and its CMRS license, 4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdco") hereby respectfully requests that

the Commission grant a petition for declaratory ruling that the proposed indirect foreign

ownership structure of Able Infosat in excess of the 25% benchmark set forth in Section

310(b)(4) of the Communications Actis in the public interest.‘ Holdco also respectfully requests

that the Commission allow Able Infosat‘s indirect foreign ownership to increase up to 100% by

entities from Canada without requesting new public interest rulings in the future.

        In the Foreign Participation Order, the Commission found that "additional foreign

investment can promote competition in the U.S. market," and that "the public interest will be

served by permitting more open investments by entities from World Trade Organization

 (*WTO") member countries in U.S. common carrier wireless licenses."" In light of these

 findings, the Commission replaced its equivalent competitive opportunities analysis with a

        47 U.S.C. § 310(b)(4); Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S.
        Telecommunications Market, 12 FCC Red 23891, 23939, 4 111 (1997) ("Foreign
        Participation Order").

        Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Red at 23939,       111.

                                                                4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdco")
                                                                                 FRN 0015992969
                                                                                 FCC Form 603
                                                                         Response to Question 99

                                                                                        Page 2 of 7

rebuttable presumption in favor of entry for applicants from WTO—member countries." The

Commission has subsequently affirmed that policy on several occasions.*

       While the proposed transaction will result in a change in the ultimate ownership and

control of Able Infosat, the nationality of that control will not change. Able Infosat is a wholly

owned, indirect subsidiary of Infosat Able Holdings Inc., a U.S. corporation. Infosat Able

Holdings Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Infosat Communications Inc. ("Infosat"), which is

itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Telesat Canada ("Telesat"), which is in turn presently wholly

owned by BCE ("BCE"). Each of Infosat, Telesat and BCE are corporations organized under the

laws of Canada. As described in the foregoing application, upon consummation of the

>       1d. at 23913, 4| 50.
        See, e.g., Aerial Communications, Inc., DA 00—730 (IB/WTB rel. Mar. 31 2000), [ 9.
        (when analyzing proposed foreign investment in common carrier licensees, the Wireless
        and International Bureaus are "guided . . . by the U.S. Government‘s commitment under
        the World Trade Organization ("WTO") Basic Telecommunications Agreement, which
        seeks to promote global markets for telecommunications so that consumers may enjoy the
        benefits of competition"); VoiceStream Wireless Corp., FCC 99—53 (rel. Feb 15, 2000), 4
        16 (the FCC has adopted a "strong presumption that no competitive concerns are raised
        by . . . indirect foreign investment[s] from WTO member countries.").

        Able Infosat recently filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling under Section 310(b)(4) to
        permit the ownership structure as it exists today. See Able Infosat Communications, Inc.
        Petition for Declaratory Ruling Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act
        of 1934, filed on Jan. 19, 2007 and also attached to ULS File No. 0002865620 ("Able
        Infosat Petition"). The instant Petition for Declaratory Ruling seeks to permit the
        ownership structure proposed by Holdco to take effect upon consummation of the
        transaction. The Commission has already found that Infosat Communications (as owned
        and controlled by Telesat Canada and BCE Inc.) is qualified to be the parent of a U.S.
        company holding a Title III radio license, see Motient Corporation and Subsidiaries,
         Transferors, and SkyTerra Communications, Inc., Transferee, Memorandum Opinion and
        Order and Declaratory Ruling, DA 06—1872 (Sept. 15, 2006) at n. 119 ("Motient Order").

                                                                 4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdco")
                                                                                 FRN 0015992969
                                                                                  FCC Form 603
                                                                         Response to Question 99

                                                                                       Page 3 of 7

transaction, Telesat and its subsidiaries will become wholly owned subsidiaries of Holdco. The

shareholders of Holdco are Loral Space and Communications Inc. ("Loral"), the Public Sector

Pension Investment Board ("PSP"), John P. (Jack) Cashman ("Mr. Cashman"), and Colin D.

Watson ("Mr. Watson‘", and together with Mr. Cashman, the "TPIs"). The voting interests held

by Holdco‘s shareholders are depicted in the following table:

 Shareholder             Participating    Shares with voting       Shares with voting rights on
                         Equity           rights for directors     all other matters

 PSP®                     36%             30%                      66/%

 Loral                    64%             33%%                     33%%

 TPIs (aggregate)         ——              36%%                     ——

  Total shares            100%            100%                      100%

         The shareholders of Holdco will enter into a unanimous shareholders agreement that will

 effectively make Holdco a company controlled by its Board of Directors. Holdco will have a

 board of directors comprising 10 directors, 8 of whom must be Canadian citizens. Each of PSP

 and Loral will have the right to nominate three directors, and two directors will be the TPIs. The

 remaining two directors also will be independent of PSP and Loral and will be nominated by a

 committee comprising one PSP nominee, one Loral nominee and Mr. Cashman. The second

 third party investor, Mr. Watson, who also will be a director, was selected by the nominating

  6      PSP also will hold CAD$173.6 (US$150) million worth of non—voting senior preferred
         shares in Holdco or an affiliate of Holdco.

                                                                  4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdco")
                                                                                   FRN 0015992969
                                                                                    FCC Form 603
                                                                           Response to Question 99

                                                                                          Page 4 of 7

committee. The unanimous shareholders agreement will provide that the shareholders entitled to

vote for the directors will vote for the directors nominated as described above.

       Under the "principal place of business" analysis adopted by the Commission in the

Foreign Carrier Entry Order‘ and affirmed in the Foreign Participation Order," the "home

market" for each of Able Infosat‘s parent companies upon consummation of the proposed

transaction—Infosat, Telesat and Holdeo—is Canada. Infosat is a corporation organized under

the laws of Canada and headquartered in Canada; a majority of its directors and officers are

Canadian nationals; the majority ofits tangible property is located in Canada; and Infosat derives

its greatest sales and revenues from Canada." The same analysis holds true for Telesat, which

directly holds 100% of the equity of and controls Infosat.‘" Indeed, the Commission recently

found that Telesat (and its current owner BCE) have their principal places of business in

        11 FCC Red 3873, 3948—52, § 199—208 (1995) ("Therefore, in determining an alien
        entity‘s home market for purposes of our public interest determination under Section
        310(b)(4), we will identify: (1) the country ofits incorporation, organization, or charter;
        (2) the nationality of all investment principals, officers, and directors; (3) the country in
        which its world headquarters is located; (4) the country in which the majority ofits
        tangible property, including production, transmission, billing, information, and control
        facilities, is located; and (5) the country from which it derives the greatest sales and
        revenues from its operations. If all five of these factors indicate that the same country
        should be considered to be the entity‘s home market, it will be presumed to be so, subject
        only to rebuttal based on clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.").

         Foreign Participation Order, 12 FCC Red at 23941—42, § 116.

        See Able Infosat Petition, supra note 5, at 2—3.

 10     See id.

                                                                4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdco")
                                                                                 FRN 0015992969
                                                                                   FCC Form 603
                                                                         Response to Question 99

                                                                                        Page 5 of 7

Canada.‘‘ 1 The proposed owner of Telesat, Holdco, also qualifies as a Canadian company.

Holdco is a corporation organized under the Canada Business Corporations Act and will be

headquartered in Canada, and a majority ofits directors (8 out of 10) will be Canadian citizens.

Except for property located in the U.S., the majority ofits tangible property will be located in

Canada. In addition, all but one of its satellites will be licensed in Canada or in the U.S." Thus,

Holdco‘s revenues primarily will be derived through assets located or licensed in Canada or the


        Finally, the majority of the voting shareholders of Holdco are Canadian. PSP is fully

described in the Ownership Exhibit also attached to the foregoing application. PSP is a Canadian

Crown corporation, established by the Canadian Parliament through the Public Sector Pension

Investment Board Act, $.C. 1999, c.34 ("PSP Act"). The mandate of PSP is to manage employer

and employee contributions made after April 1, 2000, to the Canadian federal Public Service, the

Canadian Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pension funds. PSP assets are

 invested in fixed income instruments and Canadian and foreign equity investments, real estate,

 infrastructure, private equity and other permissible investments. All ofits directors are Canadian

        See Motient Order, supra note 5, at n. 119.

         Following the consummation of the transfer of certain of the Loral Skynet Corporation
         assets to Skynet Satellite Corporation in a separate transaction that will occur
         contemporaneous with or after the acquisition of Telesat, Holdco will also indirectly own
         a satellite licensed by Brazil.

                                                                4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdeco")
                                                                             FRN 0015992969
                                                                                 FCC Form 603
                                                                         Response to Question 99

                                                                                       Page 6 of 7

citizens.? Moreover, both Mr. Cashman and Mr. Watson are Canadian citizens.‘" The only

other shareholder of Holdeco, Loral, is a U.S. entity.

       Moreover, the Applicants can report that they have no direct or indirect foreign

government ownership. Thus, Section 310(a) is not implicated by the proposed indirect

ownership of Able Infosat by Holdco because Holdco is not a representative of any foreign |

govemment.’5 Thus, the proposed foreign ownership interests of Able Infosat are mainly

Canadian entities that are entitled to a rebuttable presumption that their indirect ownership above

25% in Able Infosat is in the public interest, based upon Canada‘s membership in the WTO. The

Commission has previously approved ownership up to 100% by entities from WTO member

countries, and Able Infosat respectfully requests the same treatment here.‘" Accordingly, Holdco

        One of PSP‘s directors, Mr. Tony Gage, is also a citizen of the United Kingdom.

        Mr. Cashman is also a citizen of Ireland.

        47 U.S.C. § 310(a). PSP is not a representative of the Canadian government and thus
        these applications are consistent with Section 310(a) of the Communications Act, 47
        U.S.C. §310(a). See PSP Act, Section 3(2) ("The Board is not an agent of Her Majesty."
        Under Canadian constitutional law, the use of the term "Her Majesty" here is equivalent
        to a reference to the Government of Canada.).

 16     See Applications of VoiceStream Wireless Corporation, PowerTel, Inc. and Deutsche
        Telekom AG, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 16 FCC Red 9779 (2001). Shortly
        before the release of the Foreign Participation Order, the Commission approved 100%
         indirect foreign ownership of common carrier radio licenses by Telecom Finland Ltd., a
         wholly owned subsidiary of PT Finland, Ltd., a private holding company of the
         Government of Finland. See Telecom Finland, Ltd., Petition for Determination ofthe
         Public Interest under 47 U.S.C. See. 310(b)(4) to permit LMDS and PCS Licensing,
         Order, 12 FCC Red 17648 (1997). More recently, the Commission approved 100%
         indirect foreign ownership of Telenor Satellite by Telenor ASA, a Norwegian company,
         which is 79% owned by the Kingdom of Norway and 100% indirect foreign ownership of
         GE Americom by SES Global, a Luxembourg company, which is 75.11% foreign owned.

                                                               4363205 Canada Inc. ("Holdco")
                                                                            FRN 0015992969
                                                                              FCC Form 603
                                                                        Response to Question 99

                                                                                      Page 7 of 7

respectfully request that the Commission issue a ruling that the indirect foreign ownership

interest in Able Infosat as proposed and up to 100% by entities from Canada is in the public


            See Lockheed Martin, etc., 16 FCC Red 22897 (2001); Application ofGeneral Electric
            Corp. and SES Global, 16 FCC Red 18878 (2001) (supplemental order); 16 FCC Red
            17575 (2001).

Document Created: 2019-04-06 23:12:50
Document Modified: 2019-04-06 23:12:50

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