Attachment Name change

Name change

LETTER submitted by Vizada

Name change


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20061129-02062 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


VIZADA                                               September 17, 2007
                                                                                        RECEVED & INSPECTED
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                                           ’      SEP 1 § 2007
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                                                                    ECC — MAILROCOM

          To:      International Bureau
                   Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
                   Office of Engineering and Technology

          Re:      Licenses and Authorizations Listed in Appendix A

Dear Ms. Dortch:

          On September 6, 2007, counsel for Inceptum 1 AS informed the Commission that
pursuant to the authority granted by the Commission (4uthorizations Granted, Telenor ASA,
Transferor, and Inceptum 1, AS, Transferee, Seek FCC Consent to Transfer Control ofLicenses
and Authorizations and a Declaratory Ruling on Foreign Ownership, IB Docket No. 06—225, DA
07—2163 (IB, WTB & OET, rel. May 23, 2007)), the transfer of control of Telenor Satellite
Services AS and its FCC—licensed subsidiaries to Inceptum was consummated on September 5,
2007. The purpose of this letter is to inform the Commission that, following that consummation,
the names of two of those FCC—licensed subsidiaries were legally changed. Specifically, Telenor
Satellite, Inc. (which holds various Title III licenses and Title II authorizations) became Vizada
Satellite, Inc.; and Telenor Satellite Services, Inc. (which also holds Title II authorizations)
became Vizada, Inc. A list of the licenses and authorizations held by Vizada, Inc. and Vizada
Satellite, Inc. is contained in Apipendix A hereto, which is the same as Appendix A of the
Commission‘s May 2007 order.‘ Any questions with respect to the foregoing should be directed
to the undersigned.

                                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                                 Keith H. Fagan
                                                                 Senior Counsel
                                                                 Vizada, Inc.

‘ Appendix A lists two additional subsidiaries whose names have not changed. Those are Marlink, Inc. and GMPCS
Personal Communications, Inc., both of which hold Title II authorizations.
   Vizada, Inc.
   1101 Wootton Parkway, Rockville, Maryland 20852 USA
   Tel: +1 301 838 7700 Fax: +1 301 838 7701

                                         APPENDIX A


      Part 63 — International Section 214 Authorizations

File No.                   Authorization Holder                              Authorization Number

ITC—T/C—20061129—00529     Telenor Satellite Inc.                            ITC—214—20020926—00462, et al.
ITC—T/C—20061129—00531     GMPCS Personal Communications, Inc.               ITC—214—20001219—00728
ITC—T/C—20061129—00530     Marlink, Inc.                                     ITC—214—20010529—00341
ITC—T/C—20061215—00575     Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.                  ITC—214—20061213—00558

File No.                   Applicant                                         Application Number

ITC—T/C—20061215—00575     Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.                  ITC—214—20061213—00559


File                         Applicant

ISP—PDR—20061129—00017       Inceptum 1AS


       Part 25— Satellite Earth Station Authorization Applications

                                                           Type of Station
File No.                     Licensee                      Authorization          Lead Call Sign

SES—T/C—20061129—02062        Telenor Satellite Inc.       Fixed earth stations E890649, et al.
SES—T/C—20061129—02063        Telenor Satellite Inc_       Mobile earth stations EOO0O0280, et al.

       Part 90 — Wireless Radio Services Application

File No.                     Licensee                  '               Lead Call Sign

0002817301                   Telenor Satellite Inc.                    KB42877

       Part 5 — Experimental Application

File No.                     Licensee                                   Call Signs

0030—EX—TU—2006              Telenor Satellite Inc.                     WCZXNE, WC2XRT,

Document Created: 2019-04-22 06:23:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 06:23:22

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