Attachment Amended Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20060920-01758 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


 Will&Emery                                              OCT 1 2 2006

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October 5, 2006
                                                    oct 5 206
BY HAND DELIVERY                              ream commmuros commion
                                                  amerorne uoremm
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Office ofthe Secretary
Federal Communications Cdm
445 Twelith Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Amended Exhibit E tb Te        sfer of Control Application File No. SES—T/C—INTR2006—

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Pursuant to the request of ll:h;       of the International Bureau, weare providing an amended
Exhibit E to the above—refe           application with additional information regarding the
ownership structure of the tr         ee, Trident Global Communications LLC
Please contact us ifyou have    anylfurther questions or if you need any additional information

Very trily yours,

duintey /d Fay/
Shirley S. Fujimoto

U pncten ontses oucteman ifi us
w0 Tteent Sen N. tstingion D. Tnphone: 2521800000 Pacuinie: 927568007 mewamncon

    rRn ooszeaise
    Amended Exhibit E                                                                      RECEivEp
    Ownership Information
    October 5, 2006                                                                            OCT 5 2005
    Response to Question A20                                                          riooms commmoy
    Page 1 of5                                                                             omee ons ctmeeeny
    As explained more fullyin t attiched Public Interest Statement, thi application requests FCC
    consent to the transfer of cont 1 PetroCom License Corporation(*PetroCom") from the
    current sharcholders of Petro om parent corporation, S&P Cellular Holding Company, LLC
    (S&P Cellular®) to Trident fobd) Communications LLC. The following information outlines
    the ownership structure ofth trailfferee, Trident Global Communications LLC.
    This amendment clarifies infé malion concerning the direct ownership of Trident and provides
    ownership information for HJ .GAGP1L, Inc
    The officers and directors of ‘iddht Global Communications, LLC are as follows:

[        _Nam          |                 idress           |_    Citizenship    _|       Position
    Anthony Disimone 1001 Bdckef}        Bay Drive,            United States        President /
                     Miami, FL           3131                                       Director
    MatthewWilson    1001 Bdckeff        Bay Drive,            United States        Executive VP7
                     Miami, FL           36131                                      Treasurer/
                                                                                    Secretary /
    Jason Pern             1001 Bickeff Bay Drive,             United States        VP / Assistant
                           Miami, FL 36131                                          Secretary /
    Sami Mnaymnch          1001 Bickelf Bay Drive,             United States        Director
                           Miami, PL 36131
    John Bolduc            1001 BdekefJ Bay Drive,             United States        Director
                           Miami, PL 3131
    Damon Rawie            AdvantueGbpital Partmers,           United States        Director
                           Building O
                           6300 Biidaeboint, Suite 220.
                           Austin, NX 28730
    Ken Wright             5001 Edman]lExpressway,             United States        Director
                           Harahark LAJ70123
    Lyndon James           T13 Noh PB Street,                  United States        Director
                           Scon, LA 70683

Page 2 of5
Trident Global Communicati n LC is controlled by H.1.G. Communications, L.L.C.;

Name               Address                 Citizenship   Principal          Percentage
HLG.            1001 BrigkelfBay           United        Investments        91% voting and
Communications, Driv ZilF r                States                           equity interest in
LLC                       3                                                 Trident Global
                                                                            LLC. (The
                                                                            remaining 9%
                                                                            voting and equity
                                                                            interests are held
                                                                            by 3 private
                                                                            equity funds)

H.LG. Communications, LLC.        no directors. The officers and managing member of H.L.G.
Communications, LLC. ared
       Name                       ddress           Citizenship              Position
Anthony DiSimone        100} Biigkell Bay Drive, United States         President
                        Miaui,   B 35131
Mathew Wilson           100 BiiEkell Bay Drive, Uniied States          Executive VP7
                        Mighi, f. 33131                                Treasurer /
Tason Pern              T00 Brikkell Bay Drive, United States          VP/ Assisant
                        Miahi, 33131                                   Secretary
Sami Mnaymnch           100} Biikkell Bay Drive, United States         Managing
                        Miahi, 33131                                   Member

H.LG. Communications, L.L E. iihwholly—owned byH.LG.     Bayside Opportunity Pund, L.P.
Name               Address                 Citizenship   Principal           Percentage

H.LG. Bayside      1001 BridkelliBay       United        Investments         100% voting
Opportunity        Drive, 26th Fljor       States                            equity interest in
Fund, LP.          Miami, FL 3331                                            HLG.

        Page 3 of 5
        H.LG. Bayside Opportunity Pun LP. has no officers or directors. Tt has a General Parter,
        H.L.G. Bayside Advisors, LILC.    . Bayside Opportunity Fund, L.P. is controlled by the
        following general partner:
        Name               Address                         enship    Principal            Percentage
        H.LG. Bayside    1001 Brigel                   United        Investment           028%equty
        Advisors, L.L.C. Drive, zlei? F                States        Advisor              interest and sole
                         Miami, 3                                                         general parter of
                                                                                          H.LG. Bayside
|                                                                                         Opportunity
|                                                                                         Fund, LP.
|       H.LG. Bayside Advisors, L.L}C,    s no officers or directors. It only has a Manager, which is
        H.LG.—GPIL Inc., a Delaward cor    ration, which has two officers and directors who each hold
‘       50 percent of the equity and ¥ori interests in HLG—GPIL, Inc.:
          Name                     Alldrs                   Citizenship           Position         Percentage
    Sami Mnaymnch         1001 Briciell Hay Drive,        United States     President 7         50% equity
                          26th Floo                                         Director            voting interest
|                         Miami, FIJ 33161                                                      in HLG—GPHL,
|                                                                                               Inc.
|   Anthony Tamer         T001 Briciell    Hy Drive,      United Sates      President 7         50% equity
|                         26th Floo                                         Director            voting interest
                          Miami, FLJ 33161                                                      in HLLG—GPIL

    Page4 ofs

    H.LG. Bayside Advisors, L.      controlled by the following entities

    Name              Address                  ircnship      Principal     Percentage
    Ractus           1001 BrigkeliiBay      Cayman           Investments   409 non—
    Investment Corp. Drive, 2               Islands                        managing
|                    Miami, FL3                                            membership
                                                                           equity interest in:
                                                                           H.LG. Bayside
                                                                           Advisors, LL.C.
    Sami Mnaymnch c 1001            1I Bay United Sates Investments        40%non—
    1997 Children‘s Drive, 20              (citizenship of                 monaging
    Trusts            Miami, FL 3           Sami                           membership
                                            Mnaymnch,                      equity interest in
|                                           Trustee)                       H.LG. Bayside
|                                                                          Advisors, LL.C
|   Sami Mnaymnch c 1001            iI Bay United Suates     Investments   10%non—
|                 Drive, 26                                                monaging
                  Miami, Fl                                                membership
                                                                           equity interest in
                                                                           HLG. Bayside
                                                                           Advisors, LL.C.

    Anthony Tamer     co 1001       II Bay United States|    Investments   10%mon—
                      Drive, 26                                            managing
                      Miami, Fl                                            membership
                                                                           equity interest in
                                                                           H.LG. Bayside
                                                                           Advisors, LLC.

    Pages of 5

    As stated above, H.LG. Bayside     idvisors, LL.C. has no officers or directors. It only has a
    Manager, HLG.—GPIL, Inc. whic      Ias two, stockholders, officers and directors:

      Name                                               Citizenship            Position              Percentage
Sami Mnaymnch         co 1001 Bricigil Bay            United States         President 7             50% equity
                      Drive, 26                                             Director                voting interest
                      Miami, Fl                                                                     in HLG.—GPIL

AnthonyTamer          o T001 Hrickgil Bay             Uniied Suates         President 7             50% equity
                      Drive, 26                                             Director                voting interest
                      Miami, FL                                                                     in HLG—GPIL,

    The following entity owns al         voting equity of Kactus Investment Corp.:
    Name               Address                   Citizenship     Principal                Percentage
    Tamer Family       c1001           iI Bay Unied              Tnvestments              100% voring
    Trust              Drive, 26th Flgor      States                                      equity interest in
                       Miami, FL33§31         (ciizenship                                 Kactus
                                              of Anthony                                  Investment Corp
                                              Tamer, sole

    Kactus Investment Corp. has the Howing officer and director:
            Name                        ddress                 Citizenship            Po      ion
    AnthonyTamer            s           rickell Bay         United States         President /
                            Drivg, 2     Floor                                    Director

    Should the Commission have         juestions or need any additional information, we request that
    the Commission staff contact but unsel, Shirley S. Fujimoto, McDERMOTT WILL &
    EMERY LLP, 600 13th Street, N. ., Washington, D.C., 20005—3096; Telephone: 202.756.8282;

Document Created: 2006-10-17 12:20:47
Document Modified: 2006-10-17 12:20:47

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