Attachment Amended Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20060920-01757 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


McDermott                                          OCT 1 2 2006
Will&Emery                                          Satelite Diision
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October 5, 2006
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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Office ofthe Secretary
Federal Communications CgmmBssion
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554         |

Re     Amended Exhibit E to T       sfer of Control Application File No. SES—T/C—INTR2006—

Dear Ms. Dortch:             |
Pursuant to the request ofthe staf of the International Bureau, we are providing an amended
Exhibit E to the above—refergaced application with additional information regarding the
ownership structure of the ?ns ee, Trident Global Communications LLC

Please contact us if you havé an¥l further questions or if you need any additional information:

Very truly yours,
uiptey /d Fagu
Shirley S. Fujimoto

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    FRN 0015263882
    Amended Exhibit E                                                             RECE:
    Ownership Information                                                           CEIVED
    October 5, 2006
    Response to Question A20                                                       OCT    5 z008
    Page 1 of 5                                                              ritem cou

                                       lended Ownership Information
    As explained more fully in the attiched Public Interest Statement, thi application requests FCC
    consent to the transfer of confrol § PetroComLicense Corporation (*PetroCom") from the
    current shareholders of Petroonifs parent corporation, S&P Cellular Holding Company, LLC
    (*S&P Cellular®) to Trident        GloB§! Communications LLC. The following information outlines
    the ownership structure of the           traisferce, Trident Global Communications LLC.
    This amendment claifiesinf           fon concerning the direct ownership of Trident and provides
    ownership information for HiL.G.    P Inc.

    The officers and directors of fridgt Global Communications, LLC are as follows:

         Name                    ddress                         izenship          Position
    Anthony Disimone 1001 Brickjl BayDrive,                United States     President /
                     MiamiJRL $o131                                          Director
    Matthew Wilson   1001 Bfickll BayDrive,                United States     Executive VP/
                     MiamiJFI for31                                          Treasurer /
                                                                             Secretary /
    Jason Perri          1001 Brickjl Bay Drive,           United States     VP / Assistant
                         MiamiJBL $o131                                      Secretary /
    Sami Mnaymnch        1001 Bpickjl Bay Drive,           United States     Director
                         MiamiJBL $o131
    Tohn Bolduc          1001 Bfick]i Bay Drive,           United States     Director
                         MiamiJB 5131
    Damon Rawie          Advanthge   Gapial Partners,      United States     Director
                         6300 Bidedpoint, Suite 220,
I                        Austin, TX J8730
|Ken Wright              5001 Ejrhalf Expressway,          United States     Director
                         Harahab. L 70123
    Lyndon James         113 Nofth tit Street,             United States     Director
                         Scou, IA 78583

Page 2 of5

Trident Global Communicat ns ELC is controlled by H.LG. Communications, LL.C.

Name               Address                                                         Percentage

HLG             1007 Bri                       United          Investments         91% voing and
Communications, Drive, 20th                    States                              equity interest in
LLC.            Miami, B                                                           Trident Global
                                                                                   LLC. (The
                                                                                   remaining 9%
                                                                                   voting and equity
                                                                                   interests are held
                                                                                   by 3 private
                                                                                   equity funds)

H.LG. Communications, L.LIC. lis no directors. The officers and managing member of H.L.G.
Communications, L.L.C. ared
       Name                       ddress                     Citizenship          Position
Anthony DiSimone        T001 Bijeell Bay Drive, United States                 President
                        Midmi, t 35131         _
Matthew Wilson          1001 Brekell Bay Drive, United States                 Executive VP/
                        Midmi, t 33131                                        Treasurer /
Tason Per               T00 Bijekell Bay Drive, United States                 VP / Assistnt
                        Midi, t 35131                                         Secretary
Sami Mnaymnch           T00 Bifekell Bay Drive, United States                 Managing
                        Migmi, t 33131                                        Member

HLG. Communications, L.LIC. i§ wholly—owned by HLG. Bayside Opportunity Fund, L.P.:
Name               Address                     Citizenship      Principal           Percentage

HLG. Bayside       1001 BrigkelliBay           United         | Investments         100% vorng
Opportunity        Drive, 26th Flpor           States                               equity interest in
Fund, LP.          Miami, L 33)31                                                   HLG.
                                           |                                        L.

     Page 3 of S

     H.LG. Bayside Opportunity             LP. has no officers or directors. Ithas a General Parter,
     H.LG. Bayside Advisors, L              —1.G. Bayside Opportunity Fund, controlled by the
     following general parter:
     Name                Address                             cuship    Principal            Pereentage

     HLG: Bayside    1007 B                  ay          Uniicd        Investment           028% equty
     Advisors, LL.C. Drive, 2              or            States        Advisor              interest and sole
                     Miami, BL             33631                                            general partner of
                                                                                            H.LG. Bayside
                                                                                            Fund, L.P.

     H.LG. Bayside Advisors, LILC.          s no officers or directors. It only has a Manager, which is
     HLG.—GPII, Inc. a Delawar             oration, which has two officers and directors who each hold
     50 percent of the equity and           interestsin HLLG.—GPIL, Inc.:

       Name                        Addrgss                    Citizenship           Position         Percentage
Sami Mnaymnch           T001 Brickell      Bay Drive,      United States      President 7          50% equity
                       26th Flooi                                             Director             voting interest
                       Miami, FIJ 33]31                                                            in HLG—GPIL

Anthony Tamer           1001 Brickell      Hay Drive,|     United Sates       President 7          50% equiy
                       26th Flooi                                             Director             voting interest
                       Miami, FI        53031                                                      in HLG—GPIL

Page 4 of S

H.L.G. Bayside Advisors, L       controlled by the following entities
Name              Address                  Citizenship        Principal     Percentage
Kactus             1001 Bri      ay      | Cayman             Investments   40% non—
Investment Corp. Drive, 2        or      —| Islands                         managing
                 | Miami, F      31                                         membership
                                                                            equity interest in
                                                                            H.LG. Bayside
                                                                            Advisors, LL.C.
Sami Mnaymnch c1001            Briefel Bay United Sates Investments         40% non—
1997 Children‘s Drive, 2@¢h Flbor          (ciizenship of                   managing
Trusts          Miami, L        33}31      Sami                             membership
                                           Mnaymnch,                        equity interest in
                                           Trustes)                         H.LG. Bayside
                                                                            Advisors, LL.C.
Sami Mnaymnch c1001             Briefel Bay United States     Investments   10% non—
              Drive, 2            or                                        managing
              Miami, FL          33)31                                      membership
                                                                            equity interest in
                                                                            H.LG. Bayside
                                                                            Advisors, LLC.
Anthony Tamer     o 1001        Bridfel Bay| United States|   Investments   10% non—
                  Drive, 26th Flbor                                         managing
                  Miami, FL 33}31                                           membership
                                                                            equity interest in
                                                                            H.LG. Bayside
                                                                            Advisors, LLC.

    Page 5 of 5

    As stated above, H.LG. Bay:        ldvisors, L.L.C. has no officers or directors. Itonly has a
    Manager, HLG—GPIL Inc. y           hhas two, stockholders, officers an d directors:

       Name                     Addigss                Citizenship            Position            Percentage
Sami Mnaymnch          co T001        Tt Bay        United Stes           President 7           50% equity
                       Drive, 26       r                                  Director              voting interest
                       Miami, Fl       31                                                       in HLG—GPIL

AnthonyTamer           so 100          TT Bay       United Sates          President 7          50% equity
                       Drive, 26th       Flgor                            Director             voting interest
                       Miami, FIJ      33]31                                                   in HLG.GPIL

    The following entity owns al       e voting equity of Kactus Investment Corp.
    Name                Address                  Citizenship     Principal              Percentage
    Tamer Family        o 1001         Bridgel Bay Unicd         Investments            100% voung
    Trust               Drive, 26h   Flbor       States                                 equity interest in
                        Miami, BL33J31           (citizenship                           Kactus
                                                 efautiony |                            Investment Corp.
                                                 Tamer, sole |

    Kactus Investment Corp. hasghe     fpllowing officer and director:
            Nime                       ddress                  Ciiizensiip          Position
    Anthony Tamer          o            1001iBrickell Bay  Uniied Sates         President?
                           Dri            Floor                                 Director
                           Miahh,          33131

    Should the Commission have         estions or need any additional information, we request that
    the Commission staff contact       ounsel, Shirley S. Fuimoto, MeDERMOTT WILL &
    EMERY LLP, 600 13th Stre             ., Washington, D.C., 20005—3096; Telephone: 202.756.4282;
    Email: sfujimoto@mwe.conf

Document Created: 2006-10-17 12:08:11
Document Modified: 2006-10-17 12:08:11

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