Attachment Letter


LETTER submitted by DOJ, FBI, DHS



This document pretains to SES-T/C-20060517-00828 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       July 17, 2006

By E-File

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 l2th St. SW, Room TW-B204
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:     WC Docket No. 06-106; File Nos. ITC-T/C-20060518-00283, SES-T/C-
               20060517-000828, SES-T/C-20060517-000829, SAT-T/C-20060517-
               00062, and 0020-EX-TC-2006
               Application for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Mobile Satellite
               Ventures Subsidiary LLC and its Domestic and International Section 214
               and Section 310 (d) Authorizations from Motient Corporation and
               Subsidiaries to SkyTerra Communications, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        The Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(“FBI”), with the concurrence of the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”),
requests that the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) defer action on
the application of Motient Corporation and SkyTerra Communications, Inc. (together, the
“Applicants”) for authorization under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications
Act of 1934 to provide domestic and international telecommunications services, until
such time as DOJ, FBI, and DHS: (i) notify the Commission that potential national
security, law enforcement, and public safety issues raised by the application have or have
not been resolved; and (ii) on that basis, request appropriate action by the Commission.
Necessarily, DOJ, FBI, and DHS also request that the Commission remove the
application from streamlined processing.

       After receiving notice of the application, DOJ, FBI, and DHS have been in
contact with the Applicants to request additional information relating to national security,
law enforcement, and public safety concerns. DOJ, FBI, and DHS will advise the
Commission promptly upon completion of our review.

       Thank you for your consideration.


                                             /s/ SIGAL P. MANDELKER
                                             Sigal P. Mandelker
                                             Deputy Assistant Attorney General

cc:   Tom Davidson
      Karen Milne
      Best Copy and Printing, Inc.
      James Ball
      Joann Ekblad
      Mikelle Morra
      George Li
      David Krech
      Susan O’Connell
      Jodi Cooper
      JoAnn Lucanik
      Jeanette Spriggs
      Adam Kirschenbaum
      Nancy Hey
      Jim Bird

Document Created: 2006-07-17 15:06:57
Document Modified: 2006-07-17 15:06:57

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