Attachment Petition


PETITION submitted by DOJ, FBI, DHS



This document pretains to SES-T/C-20060407-00591 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              Before the
                                       communicarions commssion
                                        Washington, DC 20554
    In the Mater of                                     )                                    AUG ~ 3 2006
    CenturyTel, Inc.,                                   ) 1B File Nos          Fadeal Communicaton Comnission
                   Traniferor,                          )                              Otter t Secntay
                                                        ) rrc—tc—200s0407.00244
    and                                                 ) sEs—7C—20060407—00501
                                                        ) SEs—7C—20060407—00802
    Balaton Group Inc.,                                 )
                  Transferee,                           )
    Application for Consent to Tranifer Control of )
    SkyPortIntermational, Inc.                     )

                             re            To aborr conprtions To
                                 AUTHORIZATIONSAND LICENSES
                                      epartment of Justice (‘DO"),including the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI", togeth@f       with the United States Department of Homeland Security

(‘DHS")(callectively, the %             ies"), respectfully submit this Petition to Adopt Conditions to

Authorizations and Licenses (‘Pition"), pursuantto Section 1.41 ofthe Federal

Communications Commission‘s[FCC" o "Commission‘) rules.\ Through this Peition, the
Agencies advise the Commisiod thattheyhave no objection to the Commission granting its
consent in the above—refereniced froceeding, provided that the Commission conditions the grant
on SkyPort International, Inc. (‘Bhy     Port"), SkyComm Technologies Corporation (‘SkyComm®)

and the Balaton Group Inc.("Balfton") (together, the "Applicants") abiding by the commitments
and undertakings contained in          th#ir July 31, 2006 ette to Sigal P. Mandelker, Stewart A. Baker,
and Elaine N. Lammert (the "Leffer®) attached hereto as Exhibt

5         4TCBR §141

                In the abovercaptibned proceeding, CenturyTel, Inc., which currently controls
SkyPortthrough the ownership debtsecurites in SkyPort‘s parent company, SkyComm,
proposes to transfer control of SByComm to Balaton. CenturyTel and Balaton have filed
applications with the FCC seckid consentto the indirecttransferof control o Balaton of
SkyPort, which holds two fixed         station authorizations, one VSAT authorization and one

Intermational Section 214 athorigation (the "Applications")."
                As the Commnissifn is aware, the Agencies have taken the position thattheir
abiliy to satisty their obligationglto protectthe national security, enforce the laws, and preserve
the safetyof the public could belmpaired by transactions in which foreign entities will own or

operate a partof the U.S. telecorfimunications system, oin which foreign—Located facilitieswill
be used to provide domestictelegmmunications services to U.S. customers. Afterdiscussions
with h Applicants® representatifes in connection with the proposed acquisition of SkyComm by
Balaton and the related tranifer    control over Sky Port, the Agencies have concluded that the
commitments se forth in the Leler    are sufficient to ensure that the Agencies and other entites

with responsiblity for enfortinglive law, protecting the national security, and preserving public
safety can proceed in a legal, seaire, and confidential manner to satisfy these responsibiites
Accordingly, the Agencies herefp    advise the Commission that they have no objection to the
Commission granting the above—feferenced Applications, provided that the Commission
conditions ts consent on commplighceby the Applicants with the commitments set forth in the

2      See Public Notice, Sptellfe Radio Applications Accepredfor Filing, Report No. SES—
00812 (rel. Apr. 19, 2006) (ncluling 1B File Nos, SES—T/C—20060407—00591 and SES—TIC—
20060407—00502); Public Notied) Sreamlined International Applications Acceptedfor Fling,
Report No. TEL—010218 (rel Aff.     28, 2006) (including IB File No. ITC—T/C—20060407—00244)

                 The Agencidsardbuthorized to statethat the Applicants do not object to the grant
ofthis Peition

                                      Respectfully submitd,

is/ SIGAL P. MANDEL                                  is BLATNE N. LAMMERT
Sigal P. Mandelker                                   Elaine N. Lammert
Deputy Assistant Aftomey Gen                         Deputy General Counsel
Office of the Assistant Attomey meral                Federal Bureau of Investigation
Criminal Division — Room 2113                        923 Pennsylvania Avene, NW,
United States Department of Jusfice                  Washington, DC 20532
950 Pennsylvania Avent, NV                           (202) 324—1530
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 30s—s310

Stewart A. Baker
Assistant Secretay of Policy
U.S. Department of Homeland
3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20528
(202) 282—s080

August 3, 2006


                                           July31, 2006

Ms. Sigal P. Mandclker |
Deputy Assistant Attomey Genefal
U.S. Department ofJustice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
Washington, D.C. 20530

Mr. Stewart A. Baker         —|
Assistant Secretary for Poli
U.. Department ofHomel             urity
3801 Nebraska Avere, N:
Washington, D.C. 20528
Ms. Elaine N. Lammert
Deputy General Counsel
Federal Bureau ofInvest
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, D.C. 20530

        Re:          ased Ac

Dear Ms. Mandelker, Mr. B

                SkyPort In            , Inc. (‘SkyPort‘), ts parent company SkyComm
Technologies Corporation 3’;:      omm") and the Balaton Group Inc.(‘Balaton) (callectively,
the "Signatories") provide thi     tr in response to the request ofthe Department ofHomeland
Security (‘DHS7)the                 ofJustice (‘DOT") and the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
(‘FBIY) (collectively,the "Eo     ive Agencies") for certain assurances with respect to Balaton‘s
proposed cquisition ofan indi     1, controllinginterest in SkyPort.
t       Overview of the Partiestind the Transaction
        A.     SkyPort
               SkyPort provides        ied broadband satellite and terrestral communications
services, including voice, d      leo, and Internet backbone services. A Texas corporation,
SkyPortis headquartered in Hot    on, Texas, whereits teleport and Global Network Operations
Center also are located. St       oldsuthorizations granted by the Rederal Communications
Commission (‘FCC") purs           "itle 1t and Tite IlIofthe Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (the "Communicatio        et‘).
               SkyPort is a bhot owned subsidiary of SkyComm,a holding company
incorporated in Delaware.        mm‘s voting equity currentl is held by a diffuse group of
individuals and entites. C       el,Inc.(*CenturyTel‘), a mid—sized telecommunications
company incorporated in            and headquartered in Monroc, Louisiana,holds convertible


debentures thatgive it contl ofkyComm. These debt sccurities entitle CenturyTel o an
approximately 65% voting intergst in SkyComm and provide CenturyTel the right to appointhalf
of SkyComm‘s board of dirgeto@g. SkyComm does not hold any FCC authorizations other than
through SkyPort
        B.      Balaton
             Balston, a Cénadf corporation headquartered in Toronto, Ontario,is a private
equityfrmspecializing in cupi markets, corporate restructuring, and strategic development.
Balaton‘s primary business is infestments, Balaton is wholly owned by the following five
individuals, each ofwhomis a Cénadian citizen Robert Kubbernus (30%), Martin Doane
(30%), Bill Calsbeck (20%), Pall Heney (15%), and Bryson Rarrill (5%). Neither Balaton nor
any ofts subsidiaries holds any PCC authorizations.
        C.      The Proposéd Térnsaction
                On February 15, 006, Bataton and the current owners ofSkyComm entered into
severaltransaction agreements       suant to which Balston will obtain an approximately 83%
equity nterest in SkComm (th ‘Proposed Transaction‘). Upon completion ofthe Proposed
Transaction, the remaining 17% f SkyComm will be owned by certain of SkyComm‘s existing
sharcholders, whose individal g ership will be substantiallydiuted and range from
approximately 0.002% to 2.7389. All ofthese remining sharcholders are U.S. citizens, with
the exception ofonindividbal, French citizen thatthe Signatories have been untble to locate,
who will own less than 0.5% of $kyComm. CenturyTel no longer will hold any interest in
               Consummation ofthe Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of closing
conitions, including the redeiptf requiste regulatory approvals. On April 7, 2006,
CenturyTel, SkyPort and Balato filed applications with the FCC for consent to the transfer of
control of SkyPort from Ceitaryfelto Balaton, Those applications remain pending. The
Signatories wish o consumiatefhe Proposed Transaction in the July—August 2006 timeframe.
11.     Specific Commitments
                Assuming consu ation ofthe Proposed Transaction, the Signatories undertake
the following commitments to Executive Agencies:
                1.     Storage offRecords in the     United States. The Signatories agree that,for all
customer biling records, subscriber information, and any other related information used,
processed, or maintained in the dfdinary coursofbusiness relating to communications services
offered to U.S. persons ("U 8. Réords), SkyPort will store such U.S. Records n the United
States. For these purposes, U.S, Records shall include information subject to disclosureto a U.S
Federalo state governmentil eaity under the proceduzes specified in Sections 2703(c) and (d)
and Section 2709 of Title 18 of the United States Code. SkyPort agrees to ensure that U.S
Records are not made subjectto fnandatory destruction under any foreign laws. SkyPort agrees
to take all practicable measures prevent unsuthorized access to, or disclosure ofthe content of
communications or U.S. Resordi) in violation of any U.S. Federal, state, or locallaws or of the
commitments set forth in this let


                 2.      Coopetatiin with LawEnforeement Requests. The Signatories commit
that, in the event that there is a    to conduct lawfully authorized surveillance through
SkyPort‘s facilities or serviges, SkyPort will take reasonable measures to assist and support the
FBI or any other United States fideral, state or local ageney with law enforcement, public safety
or national security responsibiliGes in conducting lawfully authorized electronic surveillance.
Such assistance shallinclude, bi not be limited to, disclosure, ifnecessary, oftechnical and
engineering information relitinglfo the design, maintenance or operation of SkyPort‘s systems.
SkyPort and the agency secking Booperation will work together in determining what is
reasonable, taking into accouint ie investigative needs of the agency and SkyPort‘s commercial
               3.      Estbl          t of a U.S. Citizen aw Enforeement Point ofContact
SkyPort will designate a represe   ative who is a United States citizen to serve asits authorized
Pointof Contact for U.S. Gaver       ent offiials in connection with the conduct of lwlully
authorized electronic surveillon      Within 14 days ofthe consummation ofthe Proposed
Transaction, SkyPort wl info       the Executive Agencies by letter addressed to each of you of
the name of the designated Sky     it Point of Contact. SkyPort will inform the Executive
Agencies by letter within 10 da;   ofany change in such Point of Contact.
                                                                   Officer, SkyPort will designate a
                                   tes citien to serve as its Sccurity Officer. The Security
Officer will beresponsible fort     implementation of SkyPort‘s Security Policy and its
compliance with the commitme         contained in this letter. Within 14 days of the consummation
ofthe Proposed Transaction, S       ort willinform the Executive Agencies by letter addressed to
each of you ofthe name orthe d      ignated SkyPort Security Officer. SkyPort will inform the
Exceutive Agencies by letter wit    10 days of any change in such Security Officer
                5.     Establishient ofa Security Policy. Within 90 days of the consummation
ofthe Proposed Transaction} SkfPort will establish, and submit to the Executive Agencies for
review, a Security Policy governifig the policies, practices and procedures related to or materilly
affecting SkyPort‘s actions dono@rming: (a) requests fom a Foreign government or other Foreign
entity for U.S. Records, to cbndit electronic surveillance using the domestic communications
network, ort obtain informatiog    relsting to domestic communications or clectronic survcillance
conducted using the domestic cofmunications network;(b) equests odirectives from a Foreign
government oother Foreign ently to alter, affect or obtain information about the operations,
security, personnel orinfrastrustle ofthe domestic communications network; (c)any decision
by SkyPortinvolving docuntent freservation requests fom any government agency in the United
States related to the domestit coflmunications network, where those decisions relate to Foreign
lavs or requests from a Fordign §vernment or other Foreign entity; (d) anyrequests or
directives from a Foreign govertinent or other Foreign entity relating to the preservation,
storuge,retention or destruction documents related to the domestic communications network;
(€) any attempt by a Foreign govinment or other Foreign entity to induce an employec of
SkyPort to violate United Stites fim;and (P any decision by SkyPort relating to compliance with
lavful U.S. process where Foreigh laws or requests from a Foreign government or other Foreign
entity may be factor. (or purripses ofthis etter,the term "Foreign" means non—U.S.; the term
"Foreign govemment" mears any government,including an identified representative, agent,
component or subdivision therea$, that is not a local, state or Federal government in the United
States; and the term "domesti¢ edjmmunications" means (x)wire communications or electronic
                            |                    3
bovesor                     |

communications (whether s               not)ffom one U.S. location to another U.S. location and (y)
the U.S. portion ofa wite              ication or elestronic communication (whether stored or not)
that originates or terminates in th United States) The Security Policy also will provide for
SkyPort to conduct additional bi ground screening ofspecified key U.S. employees upon the
Exceutive Agencies‘ request fie event ofany subsequent materil changes to the Security
Policy, SkyPort shall promptly bmit such changes to the Executive Agencies for review. 1f,
within thity (30) calendar days Mlowing submission to the Exceutive Agencies of the Security
Policy or material changes theret , the Executive Agencies provide comments o SkyPort on the
Security Policy or the changes, $ yPort agrees to reasonably address such comments.
                 6.       ion—Disclisure ofU.S. Records. SkyPort agrees that it will not, directly
or indirectly, disclose or permit disclosure ofor access to U.S. Records, or to any information
                                     ieations) pertaining to a wiretap order, pentrap order,
                                     y a U.S. law enforeement agency for U.S. Records,to any

obtaining the express writted coflient ofthe DOJ and DHS or the authorization ofa court of
competentjurisdiction in the          States, Any such requests or legal process submitted by a
Foreign governmentto Skyl            I be referred to the DOJ and DHS as soon as possible, and in
no event later than five ()        s days after such request or legal process is received by or
known to SkyPort, unless disilosure of the request or legal process would be in violation of
U.S. law or an order ofa coirt irfthe United States. 1f, upon the later of: (a) seven (7) business
days following the Executive Afncies‘ receipt of SkyPort‘s refermal, or (b)five (5) business
days prior t the Answer Da          Executive Agencies have not acted, then SkyPort may
respond to such request olégal frocess as it deems appropriate and in a manner consistent with
its Security Policy, and SkyRart thereatter shall promptly advise the Excutive Agenciesin
writing ofts actions, 1f,in djent ofexigent circumstances, the Answer Date i less than
ight (8) business days from the flate SkyPort receives the requestor legal process, these time
petiods do not apply, but SkPorf shall use its best efforts under the circumstances to consult
with the Exceutive Agencied beffre     responding, and will in any event notify the Exceutive
Agencies: 1) relative to SkyPortl receiptof the request or legal process, not late than one (1)
business day following suchreedipt; and 2) relative to SkyPort‘s response to such request or
Tegal process,notlater than    One   (1) business day from the date SkyPort submits ts response.

                7.     Notfi       . SkyPort agrees that it will notify the FBI, DOJ, and DHS
prompily if there are materiact wes in any ofthe ficts as represented in thisleter or in the
event that SkyPort aequires gontlbl (asdefined in 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(b)) of another
telecommunications carrier. All Botices t be provided to the FBI, DOJ, or DHS shall be
directed to the named addredseedbothisleter.
                 8.      Re         SkyPort agrees that, in the event the commitments se forth in
this letter are breached,in          to any other remedy availsble atlaw or equity, the DOJ, FBI,
or DHS may request thatthd FC@ modify, condition, revoke, cancel, or render null and void any
relevant license, permit, or dtherButhorization granted by the FCC to SkyPort or any successor—
incinteres to SkyPort.        |


                 Nothing in this lett   is intended to excuse the Signatories from any obligation
they may have to comply with U;         Jegal requirements for the retention, preservation, or
production ofinformation, record        r data, or from any applicable requirements ofthe
Communications Assistance                 Enforcement Act, 47 U.S.C. § 1001, et. sea., nor shall this
Jetter constitute a waiver of: (@)       obligation imposed by any U.S. Rederal, state or local laws
on the Signatories,(b)any enfore         ent authority available under any U.S. or state laws, (¢) the
sovereign immunity ofthe United         1ates, or (3) any authority the U.S. government may possess
(including, without imitation} aut      rity pursuant to the International Emergency Economic
Powers Act, 50 U.8.C. § 1701, et         .) over the activities of the Signatories. Nothing in this
letter is intended to, nor shall it to interpreted to require the partiesto violate any applicable
US. law. Likewise, nothing             letter limits the right ofthe United States Government to
pursue criminal sanctions or          s agninst the Signatories, and nothing in this etter provides
the Signatories with any relie         civil Habiliy.
                We understand           upon execution ofthis etter by the authorized representatives
for the Signatories, the Execuli        gencies shall notify the FCC thatthe Executive Agencies
have no objection to the FCC)s g         t ofthe applications fled for the FCC‘s consent to the
Proposed Transaction.
                The commitments         t forthin this leter shall not be binding on the Signatories if
the Proposed Transaction dos            Hose.

                                                 BALATON GB             p

                                                 .y. CAd
                                                 sicycomm TEcrnoLootEs corroration

                                                 By: RogerKlow
                                                 Title: ChiefExeeutive Officer and President
                                                 SKYPORT INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                 By: RogerKlow
                                                 "Title: Chief Executive Officer and President



                 Nothing in thi     is intended to excuse the Signatories fom any obligation
they may have to comply with        U;§. legal requirements for the retention, preservation, or
production of information,              or data,or from any applicable requirements ofthe
Communications Assistance for           Uibw Enforcement Act, 47 U.S.C. § 1001, seg., nor shall this
letter constitute a waiver of: (a)    obligation imposed by any U.S. Federal, state or local laws
                                                 ent authority available under any U.S. or state laws, (¢) the
soverign immunity ofthe UpitedStates,or (d) any authority the U.S. government may possess
(including, without limitatio                  rity pursuant to the International Emergency Economic
Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. § 17                          over the activities of the Signatories. Nothing in this
letter is intended to, nor shall it tdbe interpreted to, require the parties to violate any applicable
U.S. law. Likewise, nothinghn ts leter limits the right ofthe United States Government to
pursue criminal sanctions or             Eharifes against the Signatorics, and nothing in thisleter provides
the Signatories with any reli                  civil Habiliy.
              We und                    upon execution ofthis etter by the authorized representatives
for the Signatories, the Ex             gencies shall notify the FCC that the Excentive Agencies
have no objection to the FC              t ofthe applications filed forthe FCC‘s consent to the
Proposed Transaction.
              The commit                et forth in thisletter shall not be binding on the Signatoriesif
the Proposed Transaction dobs           close.
                                                   BALATON GROUP INC.

                                                   By:       Robert Kubbernus
                                                   Title:    President
                                                   SICYCOMM TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION

                                                   By:      "RogerKiot
                                                   Title: ChiefExecutive Officer and President
                                                   SKYPORT INTERNATIONAL, C.

                                                    m       ;oger Kiot          %
                                                   Title:   Chief Executive Officer and President


Document Created: 2006-09-01 11:55:48
Document Modified: 2006-09-01 11:55:48

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