Attachment 1.65 letter

1.65 letter

LETTER submitted by SES GLOBAL S.A.



This document pretains to SES-T/C-20060106-00013 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                               HOGAN & HARTSON

                                                                                                                          COLUMBIA SQUARE
                                                                                                                     555 THIRTEENTH STREET, NW
 KARISC,;.U};?ESLT INGS                                                                                               WASHINGTON, DC 20004—1109
     (202) e37—5767                                          March 21, 2006                                                TEL (202) 637—5600
KAHASTINGS@HHLAW. COM                                                                                                      FAX (202) 637—5910


    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12th Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

                          RE:     File Nos. SAT—PPL—20060106—00003, SAT—AMD—20060317—
                                  00026, SES—T/C—20060106—00013, & SES—AMD—20060320—
                                  00732; IB Docket No. 06—23
                                  Notification Pursuant to § 1.65

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          SES GLOBAL S.A. (°SES GLOBAL"), by its attorneys and pursuant to
    Section 1.65 of the Commiuission‘s rules, hereby updates the above—referenced
    applications (the "Transfer Applications") to reflect a non—substantive change in the
    ownership of SES GLOBAL as described in the Transfer Applications.

                 Specifically, SES GLOBAL has been advised that the General Electric
    Company subsidiaries that are the sole holders of Class C shares of SES GLOBAL
    (the "GE Entities") will be selling roughly one—quarter of their interest in SES
    GLOBAL, representing 35 million shares. The GE Entities will sell their shares
    after converting them into Fiduciary Depositary Receipts ("FDRs"), which represent
    Class A shares of SES GLOBAL and are publicly traded on the Luxembourg and
    Euronext exchanges. The sale of shares by the GE Entities will not alter the
    Luxembourg government‘s interest in SES GLOBAL.

                  The SES GLOBAL Board of Directors today authorized the company to
    repurchase a portion of the shares being sold (7 million shares) under an ongoing
    share buy—back program, pursuant to which these shares will subsequently be
    cancelled. SES GLOBAL expects that the remaining FDRs to be sold by the GE
    Entities will be purchased by institutional investors. As a result of this sale, and
    taking into account the authorized share buy—back and cancellation, the effective
    economic interest collectively held by the GE Entities will decline from 25% to 19%,
    and the effective voting power of the GE Entities will decline from 20% to 15%.

                                BERLIN   BRUSSELS   LONDON    PARIS   BUDAPEST   PRAGUE    WARSAW   MOSCOW   TOKYO



Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
March 21, 2006
Page 2

               SES GLOBAL does not expect that the sale of shares by the GE
Entities will result in any shareholder acquiring a 10% or greater economic or
voting interest in SES GLOBAL. However, the sale will affect the relative interests
held by Class C and Class A shareholders collectively and alter the composition of
the SES GLOBAL Board of Directors. The sale will increase the collective economic
interest held by the Class A shareholders from 58% to 64% and their effective
voting power from 46.5% to 51.4%. Following the sale, the Class C shareholders
will be allowed two rather than three of the eighteen member SES GLOBAL Board;
ten rather than nine of the members will be elected based on nominations
representing the Class A shareholders.

               The sale will have no impact on the interest of the Luxembourg
government in SES GLOBAL, which as direct or indirect holder of all the Class B
shares of the company will continue to hold a 16.67% economic and 33.33% voting
interest. The SES GLOBAL Articles of Incorporation fix the ratio between the total
of Class A and C shares and the Class B shares at two—to—one. Accordingly, as part
of the authorized buy—back, SES GLOBAL will repurchase and subsequently cancel
3.5 million Class B shares in order to maintain this rati0.

             The decision by the GE Entities to sell some of their shares affects in a
few respects the information previously provided in the Exhibits to the Transfer
Applications. Revised Exhibits are attached to this letter.

               Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Peter A. Rohrbach
                                        Karis A. Hastings
                                        Counsel for SES GLOBAL S.A.



                                                                  SES GLOBAL S.A.
                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                            Exhibit B
                                                                           Page 1 of 3

                                     Exhibit B


             As described in Exhibit A, SES GLOBAL has agreed to acquire the
parent of New Skies, which operates three spacecraft on the Commission‘s
Permitted Space Station List. New Skies‘ wholly—owned subsidiary New Skies
Networks, Inc. (°NSN") holds Commission licenses to operate six non—common
carrier earth stations.

             This transaction does not implicate the foreign ownership restrictions
in Sections 310(a) and 310(b) of the Communications Act. Neither New Skies nor
NSN holds any common carrier authorizations, and no foreign government will hold
any radio license following the transaction. The Commiuission routinely grants
applications for new licenses for space and earth stations filed by SES GLOBAL‘s
wholly—owned subsidiary, SES AMERICOM. Nevertheless, the Applicants provide
the following information on the ownership and control of SES GLOBAL out of an
abundance of caution and to assist the Commission in its evaluation of the proposed

            Specifically, under the terms of the agreement between the Applicants,
New Skies Satellites Holdings Ltd. ("New Skies Holdings") will amalgamate with
SES Holdings (Bermuda) Limited, a newly—formed Bermuda company that is a
wholly—owned subsidiary of SES GLOBAL. Both New Skies and NSN are indirect,
wholly—owned subsidiaries of New Skies Holdings. Thus, the effect of the
transaction will be to make New Skies and NSN indirect, wholly—owned subsidiaries
of SES GLOBAL. A chart depicting the ownership of New Skies and NSN
subsequent to the transaction is attached to this Exhibit. All the entities on the
chart with the exception of New Skies and NSN are holding companies, and the
jurisdictions in which they are organized are shown on the chart. All the entities
will be wholly owned by SES GLOBAL following consummation.

             SES GLOBAL is a Luxembourg company with its headquarters in
Betzdorf, Luxembourg. SES GLOBAL has three classes of shares (A, B, and C). All
shares have one vote each, but the Class B shares carry 40% of the economic rights
of shares of Classes A and C.

             The sole holders of Class C shares of SES GLOBAL are GE—CFE
Luxembourg, S. a r.l. CGE—CFE") and GE Capital Equity Holdings, Inc. CGECEH").
GE—CFE and GECEH (the "GE Entities") are wholly—owned indirect subsidiaries of
General Electric Company (°GE"). The GE Entities have announced that they plan

                                                                  SES GLOBAL S.A.
                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                         Exhibit B
                                                                          Page 2 of 3

to sell a portion of their interest in SES GLOBAL. Following this sale, the
combined holdings of the GE Entities will represent an effective economic interest of
19.05% and effective voting power of 15.24%.‘ GE is a widely—held, publicly traded
U.S. corporation. No person or entity holds an interest in GE sufficient to represent
a 10% or greater indirect economic or voting interest in SES GLOBAL.

             The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the "State of
Luxembourg") —— and Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de lEtat (CBCEE") and Société
Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement ("SNCI"), each of which is an institution
created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament and 100% owned by the State of
Luxembourg —— are the sole holders of Class B shares of SES GLOBAL. The Class B
shareholdings represent an effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective
voting power of 33.33% .2

1      These percentages represent the interests of the GE Entities following
cancellation of shares that will be purchased by SES GLOBAL as part of a buy—back
program, pursuant to which SES GLOBAL will acquire 7 million of the 35 million
shares to be sold by the GE Entities. The buy—back program will provisionally
dilute the voting and economic interests of the participating shareholders pending
subsequent cancellation of the repurchased shares.

2     These percentages take into account the effect of the purchase of shares by
SES GLOBAL as part of the buy—back program, pursuant to which SES GLOBAL
will purchase and subsequently cancel 3.5 million Class B shares. This is necessary
to maintain the required ratio of two—to—one between the total number of Class A
and C shares and the number of Class B shares. The buy—back program will
provisionally dilute the voting and economic interests of the participating
shareholders pending subsequent cancellation of the repurchased shares.

      The Commission previously considered whether the foreign government
ownership position in SES GLOBAL presented any public interest concerns in the
context of the acquisition by SES GLOBAL of what is now SES AMERICOM. In
that proceeding, SES GLOBAL presented extensive information regarding the
rights associated with the Class B shares, and compared those rights to common
minority shareholder protections. SES GLOBAL also discussed the regulatory
licensing policies of Luxembourg applicable to SES ASTRA. The Commuission found
that even assuming the State of Luxembourg would control SES GLOBAL, "such
control would not pose a high risk to competition in U.S. markets that would
warrant special conditions." See General Electric Capital Corporation and SES
GLOBAL S.A., Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 17575, 17591 (IB & WTB
2001). Since 2001, foreign government ownership and control of SES GLOBAL has

                                                                  SES GLOBAL S.A.
                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                           Exhibit B
                                                                          Page 3 of 3

             The Class A shares are held by non—U.S. companies and by the public
in the form of Fiduciary Deposit Receipts ("FDRs") that are publicly traded on the
Luxembourg and Euronext exchanges. Following the sale by the GE Entities
discussed above, which will require the Class C shares to be first converted to
FDRs, the Class A shares will collectively represent an effective economic interest of
64.28% and effective voting power of 51.43%; the publicly—traded FDRs (the "free
float") will collectively represent an effective economic interest of 53.45% and
effective voting power of 42.76%. As of December 8, 2005, the Class A shareholders
with an interest of greater than 0.05% in SES GLOBAL were all companies
organized under the laws of Luxembourg or Belgium. SES GLOBAL does not have
current information regarding the identity or citizenship of the FDR holders.
However, to SES GLOBAL‘s knowledge, no person or entity holds FDRs
representing a 10% or greater voting or economic interest in SES GLOBAL. Under
Luxembourg law, any person acquiring FDRs representing a 10% or greater voting
interest would be required to notify SES GLOBAL, and the company has received
no such notification.

decreased. Deutsche Telekom (which is partially owned by the German government)
sold its shares in SES GLOBAL in 2004. In addition, the rights of the Luxembourg
government with respect to consent to significant share acquisitions have been


                                                                  SES GLOBAL S.A.
                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                            Exhibit E
                                                                          Page 1 of 3

                        Exhibit E: Response to Item A20


            As described in Exhibit F, SES GLOBAL has agreed to acquire the
parent of New Skies Networks, Inc. (°NSN"), which holds Commission licenses to
operate six non—common carrier earth stations, and New Skies Satellites B.V. ((New
Skies"), which operates three spacecraft on the Commission‘s Permitted Space
Station List.

             This transaction does not implicate the foreign ownership restrictions
in Sections 310(a) and 310(b) of the Communications Act. Neither New Skies nor
NSN holds any common carrier authorizations, and no foreign government will hold
any radio license following the transaction. The Commission routinely grants
applications for new licenses for space and earth stations filed by SES GLOBAL‘s
wholly—owned subsidiary, SES AMERICOM. Nevertheless, the Applicants provide
the following information on the ownership and control of SES GLOBAL out of an
abundance of caution and to assist the Commission in its evaluation of the proposed

             Specifically, under the terms of the agreement between the Applicants,
New Skies Satellites Holdings Ltd. ((New Skies Holdings") will amalgamate with
SES Holdings (Bermuda) Limited, a newly—formed Bermuda company that is a
wholly—owned subsidiary of SES GLOBAL. Both New Skies and NSN are indirect,
wholly—owned subsidiaries of New Skies Holdings. Thus, the effect of the
transaction will be to make New Skies and NSN indirect, wholly—owned subsidiaries
of SES GLOBAL. A chart depicting the ownership of New Skies and NSN
subsequent to the transaction is attached to this Exhibit. All the entities on the
chart with the exception of New Skies and NSN are holding companies, and the
jurisdictions in which they are organized are shown on the chart. All the entities
will be wholly owned by SES GLOBAL following consummation.

              SES GLOBAL is a Luxembourg company with its headquarters in
Betzdorf, Luxembourg. SES GLOBAL has three classes of shares (A, B, and C). All
shares have one vote each, but the Class B shares carry 40% of the economic rights
of shares of Classes A and C.

           The sole holders of Class C shares of SES GLOBAL are GE—CFE
Luxembourg, 8. a r.l. CGE—CFE") and GE Capital Equity Holdings, Inc. CGECEH").
GE—CFE and GECEH (the "GE Entities") are wholly—owned indirect subsidiaries of

                                                                   SES GLOBAL S.A.
                                                                       FCC Form 312
                                                                               Exhibit E
                                                                              Page 2 of 3

General Electric Company (CGE"). The GE Entities have announced that they plan
to sell a portion of their interest in SES GLOBAL. Following this sale, the
combined holdings of the GE Entities will represent an effective economic interest of
19.05% and effective voting power of 15.24%. GE is a widely—held, publicly traded
U.S. corporation. No person or entity holds an interest in GE sufficient to represent
a 10% or greater indirect economic or voting interest in SES GLOBAL.

             The Etat du Grand Duché de Luxembourg (the "State of
Luxembourg") —— and Banque et Caisse d‘Epargne de l‘Etat (CBCEE") and Société
Nationale de Crédit et d‘Investisement ("SNCI"), each of which is an institution
created by act of the Luxembourg Parliament and 100% owned by the State of
Luxembourg —— are the sole holders of Class B shares of SES GLOBAL. The Class B
shareholdings represent an effective economic interest of 16.67% and effective
voting power of 33.33%.>

1     These percentages represent the interests of the GE Entities following
cancellation of shares that will be purchased by SES GLOBAL as part of a buy—back
program, pursuant to which SES GLOBAL will acquire 7 million of the 35 million
shares to be sold by the GE Entities. The buy—back program will provisionally
dilute the voting and economic interests of the participating shareholders pending
subsequent cancellation of the repurchased shares.

2      These percentages take into account the effect of the purchase of shares by
SES GLOBAL as part of the buy—back program, pursuant to which SES GLOBAL
will purchase and subsequently cancel 3.5 million Class B shares. This is necessary
to maintain the required ratio of two—to—one between the total number of Class A
and C shares and the number of Class B shares. The buy—back program will
provisionally dilute the voting and economic interests of the participating
shareholders pending subsequent cancellation of the repurchased shares.

      The Commission previously considered whether the foreign government
ownership position in SES GLOBAL presented any public interest concerns in the
context of the acquisition by SES GLOBAL of what is now SES AMERICOM. In
that proceeding, SES GLOBAL presented extensive information regarding the
rights associated with the Class B shares, and compared those rights to common
minority shareholder protections. SES GLOBAL also discussed the regulatory
licensing policies of Luxembourg applicable to SES ASTRA. The Commission found
that even assuming the State of Luxembourg would control SES GLOBAL, "such
control would not pose a high risk to competition in U.S. markets that would
warrant special conditions." See General Electric Capital Corporation and SES
GLOBAL S.A., Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red 17575, 17591 (IB & WTB

                                                                    SES GLOBAL S.A.
                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                             Exhibit E
                                                                            Page 3 of 3

             The Class A shares are held by non—U.S. companies and by the public
in the form of Fiduciary Deposit Receipts (CFDRs") that are publicly traded on the
Luxembourg and Euronext exchanges. Following the sale by the GE Entities
discussed above, which will require the Class C shares to be first converted to
FDRs, the Class A shares will collectively represent an effective economic interest of
64.28% and effective voting power of 51.43%; the publicly—traded FDRs (the "free
float") will collectively represent an effective economic interest of 53.45% and
effective voting power of 42.76%. As of December 8, 2005, the Class A shareholders
with an interest of greater than 0.05% in SES GLOBAL were all companies
organized under the laws of Luxembourg or Belgium. SES GLOBAL does not have
current information regarding the identity or citizenship of the FDR holders.
However, to SES GLOBAL‘s knowledge, no person or entity holds FDRs
representing a 10% or greater voting or economic interest in SES GLOBAL. Under
Luxembourg law, any person acquiring FDRs representing a 10% or greater voting
interest would be required to notify SES GLOBAL, and the company has received
no such notification.

2001). Since 2001, foreign government ownership and control of SES GLOBAL has
decreased. Deutsche Telekom (which is partially owned by the German government)
sold its shares in SES GLOBAL in 2004. In addition, the rights of the Luxembourg
government with respect to consent to significant share acquisitions have been

Document Created: 2006-03-21 15:45:21
Document Modified: 2006-03-21 15:45:21

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