Attachment Ownership infor

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20051116-01648 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                 DrinkerBiddis&BReath ORILGINAL #5=E....
                            JAN 0 3 2006
  w sow w                    Satelte Divsion
                          i Iternational           December 27, 2008
     is                                  Bureau                                           RECElVED
   Watingos oc   ¥ie Hand Delivery
      wwoviee                                                                               DEC 2 7 2005
                 Ms. Marlene Dortch
   metetice      Secretary                                                              Feden wrfl" Conniser
  wetes t        Federal Communications Commission
w       *"       The Portals
     rusurns 445 Twelfth Street, SW
        weyos Washington, DC 20005
     sumsow             Re: SES—T/C—20051116—01646; SES—T/C—20051 116—01647 and SES—T/C—
         c                  20051116—01648
     nousrus Dear Ms. Dortch:
      mssc«             On behalf of ABRY Parmers V, LP. ("ABRY®), the proposed transferee in the
                 above—referenced applications, this lette is submitted atthe request of the Commission‘s
                 staff to supplement these applications with the information provided below.
                         On December 14, 2005, the Commission requested that ABRY provide more
                 information for certain of the limited parters of ABRY Capital Parters, LP. (‘ABRY
                 Capital"), the general parter of ABRY, including the nature of each individual‘s
                 involvement with ABRY and their address and citizenship.. Each of Royce Yudkoff,
                 Blake Battaglia, Eric Brooks, Charles J. Brucato, II, Peni Garber, Jay Grossman, Hilary
                 Grove, John Hunt, Peggy Koenig, Robert Macinnis, Roger Marrero, Azra Nanji, Brent
                 Stone and Sue Yoon is a principal or employee of ABRY Partners and is involved in the
                 day—to—day operations of the several ABRY investment funds,. All are U.S. citizens and
                 the address for each is c/o ABRY Parters, 111 Huntington Avente, 30° Floor, Boston,
                 Massachusetts 02199.. (The application inadvertently listed Andrew Banks as a limited
                 parter of ABRY Capital. ABRY hereby confirms that Mr. Banks is not a partner of
                 ABRY Copital)
                       Please address any questions concerning this supplement or ABRY to Howard
                 Liberman of this firm at (202) 842—8876 or to the undersigned.
                                                                    Very truly yours,

                                                                    Elizabeth A. Hammond

Federal Communications Commission
December 27, 2005
Page 2
cc: Joann Lucanik (foann
    Jeaneite Spriggs (eanette.sprigs

Document Created: 2006-01-04 15:17:47
Document Modified: 2006-01-04 15:17:47

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