Attachment Consummation

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20050217-00188 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      ORlGigy                                   ) telenor
                                                                                              Robert W. Swanson
                                                                                              Assorate Counsa

                                                                            RECENED & INSPECTED
                                                    November 14, 2005
                                                                                DEC 1 5 2005

        By FEDEX                                                            FCC — MAILROOM
        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secrctary
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 12" Street,SW
        Washington, D.C, 20554

               Re:    Notification of Consummation, File Nos. SES—T/C—20050217—00188 and

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

              Telenor Satellite, Inc. hereby files this notifiation of consummation for the
       above—referenced pro forma transfer of control authorizations.

              On August 16, 2005, the Commission released a Public Notice, Report No. SES—
       00741, authorizing the pro forma transfer of control over Telenor Satellite, Inc.the
       Commission licensee. Due to some unforescen logistical dificulties, we were unable to
       consummate the transaction within the 60 day period as required by the Commission
       Rules." We applied for and were granted an extension of the consummation period on
       October 4, 2005, which extended the consummation date to December 15, 2003.
              We hereby notify the Commission that the authorized transaction was
       consummated on November 15, 203.

              For your reference, an updated chart llustrating the Telenor Satellit, Inc.
       ownership chain, entiled *Telenor Satellite,Inc. Chain of Ownership —— December 14,
       2005"is attached.

              Please contact the undersigned with any questions about this filing.

       ! 47 CBR. §25.119 (0.

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                                        Euit i) gumgn——
                                     Robert W. Swanson
                                     Associate Counsel

cc:   JoAnn Lucanik (viaemail)
      Teanette Sprigas (via email)

ATTACHMENT TO SES—T/C—20050217—00188 and SES—T/C—20050217—00189

      Telenor Satellite, Inc. Chain of Ownership as of December 14, 2005

            Kingdom of Norway                         Publicly—Held Shares
                      $3.09% \\                           r/46.0|%

                                   $   Telenor ASA    %

                                             } 100%
                       Telenor Satellite S(‘er\'ices Holding AS
                                             | 100%
                       Telenor Satellite M‘eblle Ventures AS

                                            \‘ 100%
                               Telenor Satell‘ite Mobile AS
                                             |_100%                                Norway
                                             I                                       US.
                      Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc.
                           I                                     I
                  100% |                                         |100%
       Telenor Satellie, Inc.                                 Telenor Satellte Services, Ic.

Document Created: 2005-12-29 12:29:10
Document Modified: 2005-12-29 12:29:10

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