Attachment Petition to Adopt

Petition to Adopt

PETITION submitted by "DOJ" "FBI" "DHS"

Petition to Adopt


This document pretains to SES-T/C-20040903-01330 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                             Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, DC 20554
                                                                                      NOV 2 4 2004
                                                                               Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                       Office of S e c r e W
    In the Matter of

    Intelsat, Ltd., Transferor                            1 IB Docket No.04-366
    and                                                    IB File Nos.
    Zeus Holdings Limited, Transferee                      SES-T/C-20040903-01332;
    Consolidated Application for Consent to Transfers     SES-T/C-20040903-01330;
    of Control of Holders of Title II and Title III       SES-T/C-2o040903-0 1328;
    Authorizations                                        SAT-T/C-2-3-00      166;
   and                                                    ITC-T/C-20040907-00356;
   Petition for Declaratory Ruling Under Section 310
   of the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended          WTB File No. 0001855699
                                                          OET File No. 0030-EX-TU-2004

                          PETITION TO ADOPT CONDITIONS TO
                           AUTHORIZATIONS AND LICENSES

         The United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (“FBI”), together with the United States Department of Homeland Security

(“DHS”), and the United States Department of Defense, (collectively, the “Agencies”),

respectfully submit this Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses (“‘Petition”),

pursuant to Section 1.41 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC’por          -
“Commission”) rules.’ Through this Petition, the Agencies advise the Commission that they

have no objection to the Commission granting the applications filed in the above-referenced

’ 47 C.F.R. 0 1.41.

       proceeding, provided that the Commission conditions the grant of the applications on Intelsat,

       Ltd.(‘Intelsat”) and Zeus Holdings M t e d (“Zeus”) (jointly, the “Applicants”) abiding by the
       commitments and undertakings contained in their November 24,2004 le-r      to Laura H.Parsky,

   Tina W. Gabbrielli, and Patrick W. Kelley (‘Utter”) attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

             In the abovecaptioned proceeding, the Applicants filed a consolidated application with

   the FCC seeking consent to transfer control of Intelsat’s FCC-licensed subsidiaries, which hold

   Title II and Title III authorizations, from Intelsat to Zeus.* The Applicants also sought a

  declaratory ruling that the foreign ownership of Intelsat following consummation of the proposed

  transaction will serve the public interest under Section 310 of the Communications Act of 1934,

  as    amen^.^
            As the Commission is awm, the Agencies have taken the position that their ability to

  satisfy their obligations to protect the national security, enforce the laws, and preserve the sdety

 of the public could be impaired by transactions in which foreign entities will own or operate a

 part of the U.S.telecommunications system, or in which foreign-located facilitiw will be used to

 provide domestic telecommunications services to U.S.customers. After discussions with the

 Applicants’ representatives in connection with the proposed acquisition and transfer of contiol,

 the Agencies have concluded that the commitments set forth in the Letter are sufficient to ensurt

that the Agencies and other entities with responsibility for enforcing the law, protecting the

national security, and preserving public safety can proceed in a legal, secure, and confidential

manner to satisfy these responsibilities. Accordingly, the Agencies hereby advise the

  Intelsat, Ltd and Zeus Holdings Limited, Consolidated Applicationfor Consent to Trmrsfer of
Control of Holders of Title I1and Title III Authorizations and Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling .
Under Section 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended, IB Docket No.04-366
(filed Sept. 3,2004).

    Patrick w.Kclley
    Federal Bureau ofbvedgalion
    935 Pennsylvada A v m N.W.
    Washiagton, D.C. 20532
    (202) 3246829

    Carl Wayne smith
    aarcral counssl
    D e f a e Wodcna System Agancy
    P.O.Box 4502
    Arlington, VA 222044502
    (703) 607-6091


   Commissionthat they have no objedion to the CommisSim p t h g the a b o v t - r t f m d
   appjications fbr consent to transfers of control, provided that tha Cammission don^ its

   consent on compliance by the Applicants with the commitments set forth in the Letter.
          The Agencies arc authorized to state that tho Applicaats do not object to the grant ofthis

 LUXZlRParsky                                                Patrick W.Kallay
 Deputy Assista~tAttorney Gonerd                             Deputy General a &
 Office ofthe Assistant AttornGy GulmaI                      Federal Burcau of Invcatigation
 criminslDivision Room 2113                                  935 Pennsylvania Avgluq N.W.
 United States Department of Justice                         Wsshington. D.C. 20532
 950 PennsylvaniaA v ~ u cN.W.
                             ,                               (202) 324-6829
 Washington, D.C. 20530
 (202) 616-3928

                                                            01-1 Wayne Smith
Ditectar of ~attlligenctCoordination and                    GwtratCowsal
       special lnfiastructurcProtactionprograms             DtfinwInfbnnationS-Agdnoy
~flBc8of~cture~tection                                      P.O. Box 4502
U.S.Department ofHomeland Security                          Arlington,VA 222044502
Washington,D.C. 20528                                       (703) 607-6091
(202) 282-8582

Novmbeb 24,2004


   Commission that they have no objection to the Commission p t h g the above-ref-&
   applications for consent to transfers of control, providd that the commission condftions its

  consent on compliancc by the Applicants with the commitments set forth in the Ltttar.

         The Agencies an authorized to state that the Applicants do not object to the grant of this

  Laura H.Parsky
  Bputy Assistarrt Attorney Gencrd
 Office of the Assistant Attorney General                    Fedcral Bureau of Investig&a
 Criminal Division Room 3113
 unitad Statts rJepartment of Justice
                                                             935 Pennsylvgrlia Avenue, N.W.
                                                             Washington, D.C.20532
 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.                               (202) 324-6829
 Washington, D.C. 20530

 Tina W.Gabbridli                                           Carl Wayne Smith
 Director of InrclligenccCoordination and                   General Counsel
        special Infrastnrcnut htection Progrnms             Defense lnfonnation Systcms A-y
 otxi of rnfrastntcNn prowion                               P.O. Box 4502
U.S, Department of HomcJand Security                        Arlington, VA 22204-4502
Washington, D.C. 20528                                      (703) 607-6093
(202) 282-8582

Novembti 24,2004


  Commission that they have no objection to the Commission granting the above-ref-

  applications for consent to transfers of control, provided that the Commission conditions its

  consent on compIiance by the Applicants with the commitments set forth in the Lettm.

         The Agencies are authorized to state that the Applicants do not object to the grant of this

                                       Respectfully submitted,

 Laura H.Panrky                                              Patrick W. Kellcy
 Deputy Assistant Attorney General                           Deputy General COUDSC~
 Office of the Assistant Attorney General                    Federal Bureau of Investigation
 Criminal Division - Room 21 13                              935 PennsylvaniaAvcnuc, N.W.
 United States Department of Justice                         Washington, D.C.20532
 950 Pennsylvania Averme, N.W.                               (202) 3246829
 Washington, D.C.20530
(202) 616-3928

Tina W.Gabbrielli
Director of Intelligence Coordination and                   General Counsel
       Special Infrastructure Protection Programs           Defense Infomation Systems Agency
Office of Infhstructure Protection                          P.O.Box 4502
U.S. Department of Homeland Security                        Arlington, VA 22204-4502
Washington, D.C.20528                                       (703)607-609 1
(202) 282-8582

November 24,2004



 November 24,2004

Ms.Laura H. Parsky
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Office of the Assistant Attorney G e n d
criminalDivision - Room 2 113
United States Department ofJustice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W
Washgton, DC 20530-0001

Ms.Tina W.Gabbnelli
Director of Intelligence Coordination and
       Special Infrastructure Protection Programs
Officeof Infi.astructure Protection
U.S.Department ofHomeland Security
Washington,DC 20528

Mr. Patrick W. Kelley
Deputy General Counsel
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, W
Washington,DC 20535
Re:    . Proposed Acqujsidon    of Intelsat, Ltd. by Zeus Holdings Limited

Dear Ms.Parsky, Ms.Gabbnelli and Mr. Kelley
On behalf of our clients, Zeus Holdings Limited (“Zeus”) and Intelsat, Ltd
(“Intelsat”), we appreciate the opportunity to confer with representatives of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (“‘F”’’), the Department of Justice (“DOJ”),    and the
Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) (collectively, the “Agencies”) about
Zeus’proposed acquisition of Intelsat (the ‘‘Proposed Transaction”). This letter
responds to your request for certain information about the Proposed Transaction and
the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) authorizations that Zeus intends
to acquire.

I. Introduction
On September 3,2004, Intelsat and Zeus filed a consolidated application with the
FCC for: (i) consent to transfer control of the Intelsat subsidiaries that hold Title II
and Title I
          IIauthorizations;and (ii) a declaratory ruling that the foreign ownership

                                                                                                 .. .

    November 24,2004
    Page 2

   of Intelsat following consummation of the proposed transaction will serve the public
  interest under Section 3 10 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.’ This
  transfer of control will be carried out in connection with the proposed amalgamation
  of Intelsat with Zeus. As M e r discussed below, upon closing of the Proposed
  Transaction, Zeus undertakes to: (1) continue the commitments made to the
  Agencies by Intelsat in previous Intelsat transactions regarding the Proxy
  Agreement covering htelsat General Corporation (Tntelsat                 and the
  Security Committee ap ointed by the Board of Directors of Intelsat Global S d c c
  Corporation (“IGSC”); (2) notify the Agencies prior to Intelsat providing common
  carrier switched services, even where no additional FCC authorization or license
 would be required; and (3) noti@ the Agencies of the initial composition of the
 boards of directors of Zeus, Intelsat, Ltd.,and Intelsat (Bermuda) Ltd.and any
 subsequent changes in the membership of those companies’ boards of directors.
 Based on these undertakings and the fact that Intelsat does not plan to provide
 common carrier switched services either before the Proposed Transaction or under
 Zeus’ownership, the parties to the Proposed Transaction consider it unlikely that
 law enforcement or other U.S.government authorities would find it useM to work
 through Zeus and Intelsat to address surveillance concerns and related matters.

 lI. Overview of the Parties
A. InteIsat
Intelsat is a Bermuda company that owns and operates a global satellite system that
provides bulk space segment capacity to other companies for a wide array of

‘Intelsat, Ltd. and Zeus Holdings Limited, Consolidated Applicationfor Conrent to il)uursfrr of
Control ofHolders of Title N and Title III Authorizations and Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling Under
Section 310 of the CommunicationsAct of 1934, As Amended, lB Docket No.04-366 at 32 (fled
sept 3,2004).

’Applications of Comsat General Corporation,Lockheed Martin Global TelecommunlcationsLLC,
Comsat New Services, Inc., lntekat U C ,and Intelsat MTCUC to Assign LscenseS and
Authorizations and Requestfor a Declaratory Ruling on Foreign Ownership, Public Notice, DA 04-
3418 at App. B (rel. Oct. 27,2004) (the “Intelsat/ComGen Transaction”). Effective November 12,
2004,Intelsat Government Solutions Corporation changed its name to Intelsat General Coqoktion.
’ Id. See bra1 Satellite, Inc. (Debtor-in-Possession) and b r a 1 SpaceCom Corporation (Dcbdorcinn-
Possession), Assignors and Intelsat North America, LLC, Assignee, Applicationsfor Consent to
Assignments of Space Station Authorizations and Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling Under Section
310(6)(4) of the CommunicationsAct of 1934, Order and AuthorizatiOn, 19 FCC Rcd 2404 at Exh. 1
(?nt’l Bur.2004) (“Zntelsat/Loralorder”).

  November 24,2004
  Page 3

  communications services, including voice, video, data, and Intemet connections.
  The htelsat fleet of satellites offers this capacity in approximately 200 countries
  and territories, serving customers that range fiom large telecommUnications carrim
  and broadcasters to corporate networks and Internet service providers. These
  customers include distributors that resell bulk satellite capacity, as well as
  customers that lease satellite capacity for their own use.
 B. Zeus
  Zeus is a Bexmuda company formed by a consortium of four private equity funds
  (each a “Private Equity Fund” and, collectively, the “Private Equity Funds”’). The
  Private Equity Funds are ultimately controlled by individuals (and in some cases
  their estate planning vehicles) (hereinafter referred to collectively as ”Principals”)
  affiliated with the following private equity fimd fim: Apax Partners Worldwide,
 LLP and Apax Partners,Inc. (together, “Apax”), Apollo Management V,L.P. ‘
 (“Apollo”), Madison Dearbom Partners (“MDP”), and Permira Advisors LLC and
 other advisory entities (“Permira”). Apax, Apollo, MDP and Pennira are among the
 world’s leading private equity investment firms,which collectively manage an
 aggregate of approximately $47 billion in equity capital investments in a variety of
 industries, both domestically and internationally.

III. Description of the Proposed Transaction
 On August 16, 2004,Intelsat and its wholly owned subsidiary, Intelsat (Berm&),
 Ltd., entered into a transaction agreement and plan of amalgamation (the
“Tmsaction Agreement”) with Zeus, its wholly owned subsidiary, Zeus Merger
One Limited, a Bermuda company, and Zeus Merger Two Limited, a Bermuda
company that is wholly owned by Zeus Merger One Limited. Pursuant to the
Transaction Agreement, the Private Equity Funds indirectly will acquire lOO?! of
the outstanding capital stock of Intelsat, Ltd. Each of the Private Equity Funds
holds 25% ofthe e q ~ t yinterests in Zeus. Zeus, in tum, will own 100% of the
outstanding capital stock of Intelsat, Ltd, and thus, each of the Private Equity Funds
will indirectly own 25% of the equity interests in Intelsat, Ltd. The Proposed
Transaction will be fbnded with a combination of debt and equity financing fbr
which commitment letters are in place. The aggregate value of the Proposed
Transaction, including the assumption by Zeus of approximately $2 billion of
outstanding Jntelsat debt, is approximately $5 billion.

The Proposed Transaction will take place in two phases, which will occur upon
shareholder approval and satisfaction of other closing conditions set forth in the

   November 24,2004
   Page 4

   Transaction Agreement. In Phase One, Intelsat, Ltd. and Zeus Merger One Limited
   will m a l amate (the “Amalgamation”) and will continue as a Bermuda exempted
   company. Mer consummation of the Amalgamation, the amalgamated entity will
  be a wholly owned subsidiary of Zeus. In Phase Two, Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. and
  Zeus Merger Two Limited will amalgamate (the “Sub-Amalgamation”) and will
  continue as a Bermuda exempted company. The Sub-Amalgamation may occur
  concurrently with or after the Amalgamation, at the election of Zeus. After
  consunmation of the Sub-Amalgamation, the sub-amalgamated entity resulthg
  from Phase Two will be a wholly owned subsidiary of the amalgamated entity
  resulting fmm Phase One.

 Importantly, the parties to the Proposed Transaction have undertaken to continue to
 administer Intelsat General, a U.S.subsidiary of Intelsat that acquired the majority
 of U.S.government and certain other customer contracts associated with the
 IntelsaKomGen Transaction, pursuant to a proxy agreement With the U.S.Defense
 Security Service (“DSS”), a Department of Defense agency. Specifically, in
 conjunction with its acquisition of the COMSAT General Business assets, Intel&
negotiated a proxy agreement (the “Proxy Agreement”) with DSS to ensure that no
impermissible foreign ownership, control, or influence is exercised over the U.S.
government contracts acquired. Under the Proxy Agreement, three Proxy Holders,
who are resident U.S.citizens and have no past or present affiliation with htclsat, .
will serve as directors of Intelsat General, and Will exercise all of the voting power
in htelsat’s shares of Intelsat General and Intelsat General’s shares in its
subsidiaries. The parties to the Proposed Transaction Will maintain a proxy
agreement for Intelsat General and work with DSS to modify the existing Proxy
Agreement to obtain DSS approval.

   Under B e m d a law,an amalgamationis a process, similar to a merger, in which two companies
 combine and become a single company via an amalgamation agreement approved by the companies'
 boards of directors and shareholders. Although a single company emerges as the surviving entity,
 Bermuda law imputes that both amalgamating companies continue to “survive” in the amalgamation.
The amalgamation becomes effective upon the issuance of a certificate of amalgamationby dze
Bermuda Registrar. Upon issuance of the certificate, the amalgamated company has the following
characteristicsunder Bermuda law: (i) the property of each amalgamating company becomes the
property ofthe amalgamated Company; (ii) thc amalgamated company continues to be liable for the
obligations of each amalgamating company; (iii) an existing claim against, or liability of, an
amalgamating company shall be unaffected; (iv) civil, criminal, or administrative actions OT
proceedings pending by or against an amalgamating company may continue to be prosecuted by or
against the amalgamated company; and (v) a conviction against, or judgment in favor of (or against),
an amalgamating company may be enforced by, or against, the amalgamated company, ’Ihc
amalgamated companyi s likely to keep the name Intelsat, Ltd.

     November 24,2004
     Page 5

      In addition, in connection with its acquisition of certain assets of LOA Satellite, Inc.
      and Lord SpaceCom Corporation (iointly, ‘Zoral”), Intelsat established a secwity
     committee ( the “Security Committee”) in IGSC,a U.S.subsidiary.’ Tho Security
     Committee,which is composed exclusively of U.S. citizens, has solejurisdiction
     over security issues. By agreement among Intelsat, Ltd., IGSC,and the Agencies,
     the Security Committee also serves as the locus for U.S.govemment requests for
     cooperation on any law enforcement, national security, public safcty, or
    infrastructure protection issues, including issues involving any of the ass&
    acquired h m the COMSAT General Businesses. The Proposed Transaction will
    not alter the commitment to maintain the Security Committee as Contemplated by
    the InteZsatLLoral Order and the Intelsat/ComGen Transaction
    The Proposed Transaction also will not change Intelsat’s plans With respect to the
    provision of common canier switched services. Intelsat does not plan to provide
    common canier switched services either before or after the Proposed Transaction,
    and Zeus has no plans to change this arrangement post-transaction. Moreover, as
    agreed in the IntelsatlComGen Transaction, Intelsat will notif$’the Agencies before
    providing common carrier switched services, even where no additional FCC
    authorization or license would be required to provide such service.
 N.Ownership Structure Post-Transaction
Zeus is wholly owned by twenty entities (including U.S.,Cayman Islands, Dutch,
German, Guernsey, and partnerships, a G-an          corporation, a
Guernsey company, and a Guemsey employee investment plan) (collectively, the
“Investing             The Investing Funds are directly owned by: (i) several
hundred limited partners (“Limited Partners”)or other passive investors, each of
which has solely an economic interest in the Investing Funds and none of which has
any ability to control an Investing Fund,Zeus or, upon completion of the Proposed
Transaction, Intelsat; and (ii) general partners (“General Partners”) or similar
entities which are responsible for managing each of the Investing Funds? No

  Zntelsat/Loral Order at Exh. 1. Exhibit 1 of the Intelsat/Lorul Order contains the tcxt of an
amendment to IGSC’s by-law to establish the Security committee. See id. The IGSC by-law<have
been modified to account for the Proposed Transaction and arc attached as Attachment 1 to this

 The chart appended as Attachment 2 illustrates relevant portions of the post-transaction ownership

’The ecollomic interestsheld by General Partners are! usually in de minimis amounts, and in no case
does the economic interest of a General Partner in an Investing Fund exceed 1.8%, except for MDP

    November 24,2004
    Page 6

   Limited Partner in any of the twenty Investing Funds w     ill hold an equity interest in
   any of the Investing Funds which, when diluted by the Investing Funds' respective
   interests in Zeus, is equivalent to an equity interest of five percent or greater in
   Zeus. Limited Partners of the Investing Funds that are organized in the United
   States hold a total indirect equity interest in Zeus ofapproximately 63.64%, and
  non-U.S. Limited Partners in the Investing Funds hold a total indirect equity interest
  in Zeus of approximately 36.36%. Non-U.S., non-WTO Limited Partners in the
  Investing Funds hold a total indirect equity interest in Zeus of less than one percent.
  As noted above, none of the Limited Partners is in a position to control Zcus or

  Control over the Investing Funds and,ultimately, control over the voting rights
  inherent in the sharesof Zeus, rests With Principals affiliated with the fiwi
  management companies that are the Investing Funds' promoters or sponsors.
  Specifically, the Investing Funds are managed and ultimately controlled by fok
  private equity fbnd p u p s : (i) the Apax Europe V and Apax Excelsior VI fund
  groups,which are advised respectively by Principals of Apax Partners Worldwide,
 LLP and Apax Partners,Inc.; (ii) the Apollo V fund group, which is advised by
 Principals of Apollo Management V,L.P.;(iii) the M D P Global Investors Limited
 fund group, which is advised by Principals of Madison Dearborn Partners; and (iv)
 the Permira Europe UI fimd group, which is advised by Principals of Pendm
 Advisors LLC and other advisory entities.

Through their control of the Investing Funds, the Principals of each Private Equity
Fund will indirectly control 25% of the outstanding capital stock of Zeus and will
effective1 have the right to appoint one of the four members of the Zeus board of
directors. The board of directors manages the business of Zeus and exerciges the
powers of the company, generally. Decisions by the Zeus directors require approval
by three of the four directors, with the exception of any act that will treat any one of
the Investing Funds differently h m the treatment of the other Investing Funds,
which shall require the approval of the Private Equity Fund that controls the

(Continued. . .)
IV Global GP, L.P.,which holds a 3.23% interest in MDCP N Global Investments, L.P., and
Pexmira Holdings Limited, which holds a 90% interest in Pennira Investments Limited, which
represents an indirect interest in Zeus of 0.40%.

* There are three classes of shares of stock in Zeus, each of which has different voting rights with
respect to the election of directors. Ultimately, however, each Private Equity Fund holds a 25%
voting interest with respect to both the election of directors and other matters.

 November 24,2004
 Page 7

differently treated Investing Fund, Thus,the two directors appointed by the Private
Equity Funds controlled by foreign persons are unable to take any action with
respect to Zeus without the vote of at least one of the directors a pointed by the
Private Equity Funds controlled by U.S.persons (or vice versa).

V. FCC Authorizations
Several of Intelsat’s U.S. subsidiaries hold Title II common c b e r authorizations.
In addition, several of Intelsat’s U.S.subsidiaries also hold Title III licenses,
including space station authorizations, earth station licenses, and wireless
Intelsat does not currently provide and has no plans to provide common carrier
switched services using the Title II authorizations or the equipment authorized
under the Title III licenses either before or after the Proposed Transaction. Zeus has
no plans to change these service arrangements post-closing. Moreover, Intelsat Will
notify the Agencies before providing such services, even where no fiuthex FCC
authorization is required. Therefore, Intelsat and Zeus consider that they would be
unlikely candidates for requests to assist enforcement agencies With
electronic surveillance.

                                         *        *        *
In the event that there is a need to use Intelsat’s facilities to conduct. l a d y
authorized surveillance, Intelsat and Zeus will take all reasonable measures to assist
and support the FBI or any other United States federal, state or local agency with
law enforcement or national security responsibilities in conducting, in a secure and
efficient manner,lawfully authorized electronic surveillance. Such assistance shall
include, but not be limited to, disclosure, if necessary,of technical and enghecring
information relating to the design, maintenance or operation of Intelsat’s systems.
Intelsat and the agency seeking the cooperation will work together in determiniag
what is reasonable, taking into account the investigative needs of the agency and
Intelsat’s commercial interests. Zeus and Intelsat agree to maintain the Security
Committee’s authority pursuant to the IGSC By-laws attached hereto, and to opera*

  With respect to other actions requiring the voting ofZeus shan~,55% ofthe shares that am entitied
to vote are ultimately controlledby U.S.persons.

lo Intelsat also holds a U.S.Permitted Space Station List approval to serve the United States using the
IA-13 satellite it acquired b m Loral.

  November 24,2004
  Page 8

 under a proxy agreement, as described above. Within 60 days of the consummation
 of the Proposed Transaction, Zeus will provide the Agencies copies of the policies
 and procedures implemented by the Security Committee appointed by the IGSC
 board of directors.
  In addition, Zeus agrees to notify the Agencies of the initial composition of the
 Boards of Directors of Zeus, Intelsat, Ltd., and Intelsat (Bermuda)Ltd.
 (‘Directors’’) and of subsequent changes to the Directors. Zeus will inform the
 Agencies, by letter addressed to each of you, of the names and nationalities of the
 Directors within fourteen (14) days of consummation of the Proposed Transaction.
 Zeus will continue to notify you, or individuals that you designate, within ten (10)
 days of the election or designation of new Directors until exempted h m doing so
 by operation oflaw or agreement with the Agencies, and will supply such other
 information regarding the Directors as may be reasonably requested by the
Going forward,Zeus and Intelsat undertake that Intelsat will provide the Agencies
with advance notice of Intelsat’s provision of common carrier switched services,
even if no further FCC authorization is required. For any future service requiring an
additional Section 2 14 authorization, Intelsat will provide the Agencies a copy of
any application filed with the FCC. For any future common carrier switched
service, like domestic U.S.switched service, that may be provided without
obtaining a new Section 2 14 authorization, Intelsat Will notify the Agencies 30 days
before offering any such service. Similarly, Intelsat will notify the Agencies 30
days in advance of beginning to use any of the equipment subject to t r a n s f d
Title JII licenses for the provision of common carrier switched services.
Please contact the undersigned if you require any me
                                                   r infomation. Thank you
for your attention to this matter.

November 24,2004
Page 9

                                   sincerely,                  h

                                                / John B. Reynhds, III
Tom W.Davidson                                    Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP               1776 K Street, NW
1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.                   Washington,DC 20006
Washington, D.C.20036                             202-7 19-7000
202-887-4026                                      Counsel to Intekat, Ltd.
Counsel to Zeus Holdings Limited

cc:   John R. LoGalbo, DOJ
      Jon D. Pifa, FBI
      Lou W. Brenncr, Jr., DHS

                                                                     Attachment 1

                              UNANIMOUS CONSENT
                                IN LIEU OF MEETING
                           OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

       The undersigned, being all of the directors of Intelsat Global Sewice
Corporation. a Delaware corporation (the 'Corporation'), do hereby cansent to the
adoption of and do hereby adopt the follwmg resoluttons, and do hereb)' dlrect
that this consent be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of
Directors of the Corporation (the 'Board").

      *RESOLVED, that Section 3.3 of the By-law of the Corporation be and hereby
is amended by inserting at the end of the first sentence of clause (0,'0 any
decision by the Corporation relatlng ta compliance with lawful U.S. prwss where
Foreign laws or requests from a Foreign government or other foreign entlty may be
a facta," the foilawing text
       ",provided, however, that nothing herein shall preclude (i) the members
      of the 8oard of Directors of Zeus Holdings Ltd from exercising their
      lawful authority to alter, affect, or obtain information about the
      operations, security, personnel or infrastructure of the domestic
     communications network, or GI) the natural persons (ortheir
     deslgnees) who are the ultimate controlling principals of the Apax
     Europe V and Apax Excelsior VI fund groups, the Permlra Europe Ill
     fund group, the Madison Dearbom fund group, and the Apolla V fund
     group from also lawfully obtalnlng such information, so long BS such
     actions In either case do not violate polides promulgated by the
     Security Committee to address US. nationalsecurity, law enforcement
     public safety or Infrastructure protection concerns."

               me remahder of thb page Intentionally left blanli]

NESS WHEREOF, we have hereunm executed this consent as of



                                 CERTIF’ICATE OF SERVICE
I, Christopher   E- Ryan       hereby declare that copies of the foregohg Petition to Adapt
Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses were delivered either by hand or electronic maiI, this
day, November 24,2004, to the following:

Marlene H.Dortch (hand delivery)                   James Ball (hand and d l delivery)
SCGrctary                                          Policy Division
Federal Communications Commission                  htemational Bureau
44s TwelRh Street, saw                             Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                             445 Twelfth Slmct, S.W.
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

Neil Dellar (hand and email delivery)             Kathlten Collins (hand and email delivery)
Transaction Team                                  Policy Division
Office ofthe General Counsel                      Intemational Blwau
Federal CommunicationsC&ssion                     Federal Comm~cationsCodSSion
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
washing to^, D.C. 20554                           Washington, D.C.20554                      

Jeff Tobias (hand and email delivery)             J o bLucauik (hand and mail delivery)
Public Safety and Critical hhtructure Division    Satellite Division
Wmless TelecommunicationsBureau                   ‘International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 F e d 4 Communications CodsSion
445 Twelfth Stmet, S.W.                           445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington. D.C.20554                             Washington, D.C. 20554                                JoAnn.Luc~@fcc.go~
Susan O’Connell (hand and email delivtry)         John Kennedy (hand and ornail delivery)
Policy Division                                   Experimental LicMeing Branch
International Bureau                              Office of EngineKing and Technology
Fed& Communications Commission                    F c d d Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C.20554                             Washington,D.C.20554
sus~o’comell@         gov~ .            
Best Copy and hinting, Inc. (maildalivtry)
445 Twelfth s-4   sw
Room CY43402
Washington, D.C.20554

Document Created: 2004-12-01 08:19:47
Document Modified: 2004-12-01 08:19:47

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