Attachment Extension grant

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20030418-00501 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                               ~~] mes 56—                 .       241900501
                                                      oull Sign 224 OrnutDewedugust—1€,2005"
                                                      (or ther identife)
August 18, 2005                                                            TemDates h
                                                      romAugast27 acns            Toielin tes
                                  cranteD                     3°
Ms. Mariene H. Dortch     Intemmtiont Burow          Appronets Detac
                                                                  itc 20.fpaceccp
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Re:     Request for Extension of Closing Deadline; IB Docket No. 03—115;
        Transfer of Control of Satellite Earth Stations E000164 and KA—34;
        File Nos. SES—T/C—20030418—00502, SES—T/C—20030418—00501
Dear Ms. Dortch
Pacific Telecom Inc. (°PTI") and Bell Atlantic New Zealand Holdings, Ic.
(°BANZHIT®, by their attomeys, respectfully request an additional 60 days—from
August 27, 2005 through and including October 25, 2005 —to complete the transfer
ofcontrol ofthe above—referenced earth station censes in the above—captioned
docket. On November 6,2003, theInternational Bureau, Wireline Competition
Bureau, and Wireless Bureau authorized a transfer ofcontrol from BANZHI to PTL
of eertain lienses held by The Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation
(°MTC®)and its subsidiry GTE Pacifia Inc. (°GTE Pacifia‘).
Unfortunately,despitethe ongoing diligent efforts ofhe parties, notall othe
conditions to the closing of the transaction have yet been satisied. Although the
local regulatory authority in the Commonwealth ofthe Northern Mariana Islands,
the Commonwealth Telecommunications Commission, by order dated June 16,
2005 eranted approval for the transfer ofcontrol of the local elecommunications
Hicense, that approval was made subjectto a number ofconditions precedent.
Accordingly,the partieswill not be in a position to closethe transaction untilthe
conditions precedent have been satisfied
Pursuant to Section 25.1 19 ofthe Commission‘s rules, the earliest deadlinfor
consummating this trnsaction was 60 days after authorization—January 5, 204.‘

!47 CE R§25.119, The 60y deadinpeiins to th tuearh statin lcenss. A relevant
deatin alsoappls fo the wirles icene. The intil deadine for consummation is 180 days
afteauthoiation,which was May 4, 2004 On subsequent oecasions, thparts have requesid
addiional tmefrom he WilessTeleommunicaons Burcau i which t consimmate he
transsction. most recenty unil Ocober 26,2005, Se File Nos 00017211 17, 0001918880,
0002129983 (iled May 1,2004,Oct 27,         20 4 and Ap.19,2005)

August 18, 2008
Page 2
On January 5, 2004,the Commission granted PTUBANZHT‘s request for an
extension ofthe original deadin and set the new deadline at March 4, 2004." On
several subsequent occasions, PTI and BANZEII requested an additional 60 days in
which to consummate the transaction, and most recently were granted an extension
until August 26, 2005." At this time, PTI and BANZHrespectfully request an
additional 60 days, until October 25, 2005, in which to consummate thetransaction.

Ifyou have any questions, please contact the undersigned counsel
                                              Respectfully submited,

Peter D. Shields                              Kenneth D. Patrich
Jennifer D. Hindin                            Timothy J. Cooney
Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP                     Wilkinson Barker Knaver, LLP
1776 K Street, NW                             2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006                          Washington, DC 20037
(202) 719—7000                                (202) es—ara1
(202) 719—7049 Fax                            (202) 783—5851 Fax
Artomeys for Bell Attantic                    Artomeys for Pacific Telecom Inc.
New Zealand Holdings, Ic.

ce: Cassandra Thomas, Acting Chief, Satelite Division
    Jeanette Spriggs, Satellite Division

* Reqest for ExtersionofClesing Dealine; 1B Docket No 0%—115; TransfrafConrol ofSatelte
Hath Suatins E000164 and A—24; Fle Nos. SES—TC20030418.00sta, SES—1/C.20t3041¢.
00501 (onl ran rom Jeamete Sriges, Intemational Bureas, PCC t Jenifr Hindi, Counseo
BANZIUo Jamary $2000.
* Requestfor Extension ofClosng Deadne;13 Docket No 03—118; Tranfe ofContalo Stelite
Eath Stadons E0004 and A—34; File Nos. SES—TC2000H18.arst>, SE—TC.a0to4t¢.
00501 (ild March 1, 2004, May1, 2004Jue 25, 2004, Aupunt 27, 2004, Octobr21, 2004,
December22,2004, Febrary 18, 2005,Apil18, 2008 and Je 21, 2005June 21, 2005 equent
stamp graned by Jeamte Spriges ntemational Bureas, on Jue 21, 2005)

Document Created: 2005-08-26 10:29:11
Document Modified: 2005-08-26 10:29:11

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