Attachment Grant

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20030418-00501 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                        JUN 2 8 2004
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                             WIERAL COMMUNICAllUtlLS COMMISION
Secretary                                                              OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      Request for Extension of Closing Deadline; IB Docket No. 03-115;
         Transfer of Control of Satellite Earth Stations E000164 and KA-34;
         File Nos. SES-T/C-20030418-00502,SES-T/C-20030418-00501
Dear Ms. Dortch:
Pacific Telecom Inc. (“PTI”) and Bell Atlantic New Zealand Holdings, Inc.
(“BANZHI”), by their attorneys, respectfully request an additional 60 days-from
July 4, 2004 through and including September 1, 2004-to complete the transfer of
control of the above-referenced earth station licenses in the above-captioned docket.
On November 6, 2003, the International Bureau, Wireline Competition Bureau, and
Wireless Bureau authorized a transfer of control from BANZHI to PTI of certain
licenses held by The Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation (“MTC”) and
its subsidiary GTE Pacifica Inc. (“GTE Pacifica”).

Unfortunately, despite the ongoing diligent efforts of the parties, not all of the
conditions to the closing of the transaction have yet been satisfied. The parties
continue to await approval from the local regulatory authority in the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth
Telecommunications Commission, for the transfer of control of the local
telecommunications license. The parties cannot close the transaction before
obtaining this additional regulatory approval.

Pursuant to Section 25.119 of the Commission’s rules, the earliest deadline for
consummating this transaction was 60 days after authorization-January 5, 2004.’
On January 5,2004, the Commission granted PTUBANZHI’s request for an

 47 C.F.R. 5 25.119. The 60-day deadline pertains to the two earth station licenses. A relevant
deadline also applies for the wireless,license. That deadline for consummation is 180 days after
authorization, which is May 4,2004. The parties requested a 180-day extension of that deadline on
May 1,2004, File No. 0001721117.

June 29,2004
Page 2

extension of the original deadline and set the new deadline at March 4, 2004.2 On
two subsequent occasions, PTI and BANZHI requested an additional 60 days in
which to consummate the transacti~n.~    At this time, PTI and BANZHI respectfully
request an additional 60 days, until September 1, 2004, in which to consummate the

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned counsel.

                                                              Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Jennifer D. Hindin                                        /s/Timothv J. Coonev
Peter D. Shields                                              Kenneth D. Patrich
Jennifer D. Hindin                                            Timothy J. Cooney
Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP                                     Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
1776 K Street, NW                                             2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006                                          Washington, DC 20037
(202) 719-7000                                                (202) 783-4141
(202) 719-7049 Fax                                            (202) 783-5851 Fax
Attorneys for Bell Atlantic                                   Attorneys for Pacific Telecom
New Zealand Holdings, Inc.                                    Inc.

cc: Tom Tycz, Chief, Satellite Division
    Jeanette Spriggs, Satellite Division

* Request for Extension of Closing Deadline; IB Docket No. 03-1 15; Transfer of Control of Satellite
Earth Stations E000164 and KA-34; File Nos. SES-T/C-20030418-00502, SES-T/C-20030418-
00501 (oral grant from Jeannette Spriggs, International Bureau, FCC to Jennifer Hindin, Counsel to
BANZHI on January 5,2004).
  Requests for Extension of Closing Deadline; IB Docket No. 03-1 15; Transfer of Control of Satellite
Earth Stations E000164 and KA-34; File Nos. SES-T/C-20030418-00502, SES-T/C-20030418-
00501 (filed March 1,2004 and May 1,2004)

Document Created: 2004-07-20 12:07:05
Document Modified: 2004-07-20 12:07:05

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