Attachment 20140324161848.pdf

This document pretains to SES-T/C-19950111-01536 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                  WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554
                                                           File No(s).
                                                                                       423—DSE—TC—95         (3)

                                                                                      Class of station(s)

                                                                                      Domestic Fixed
                                                                                      Earth Station(s)

                                                             E CORPORATION
 [x] CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL:                            10802 PARKRIDGE BOULEVARD
                                                             RESTON, VA 22091
 [] CoNSENT TO TRANSFER STOCK:                       TO:
  Whereby                                                $
  of                                                         SHAREHOLDERS OF AMERICAN MOBILE SATELLIT
  Control by                                                 E CORPORATION
  is effected.                                               10802 PARKRIDGE BOULEVARD
                                                             RESTON, VA 22091

    Licensee/Permittee:            AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION
     (for transfer only)

         CALL SIGN(s) STATION LOCATION(s)                           CALL SIGN(s) STATION LOCATION(s)

         E900081           BLANKET AUTHORIZATION
         E930124           Reston, VA
         E940374           ALEXANDRIA, VA
         KM2XDX            EXPERIMENTAL

Under authority of the     Communications Act of 1934,   as amended,   the consent of the    Federal Communications
Commission is hereby granted to the transaction indicated above.         The Commission‘s consent to the above is
based on the representations made by the applicants that the statements contained in, or made in connection
with, the application are true and that the undertakings of the parties upon which this transaction is
authorized will be carried out in good faith.       The actual   consummation of voluntary    transactions shall be
completed within 60 days from the date hereof, and notice in letter form thereof shall promptly be furnished
the Commission by the buyer showing the date the acts necessary to effect the transaction were completed.
Upon furnishing the Commission with such written notice, this transaction will be considered completed for
all purposes related to the above described station(s).

Upon consummation the assignor must deliver the permit/license, including any modifications thereof to the
assignee.   It is hereby directed that, upon consummation, a copy of this consent be posted with the station
authorization(s) as required by the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations.         The assignee is not authorized to
construct nor operate said station(s)     unless and until notification of consummation in letter form has been
forwarded to the Commission.

Dated:    January 27,       1995                                                                      FCC Form 732

                                                                                                         «LA 3 PSE —/ & —IFJS5~(Z2
 FCC 204                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                        Approved by OMB                               —! }_(
                                                                                                                      FCC UseOnly /iL)                       }\|
                                                                                                                                                           CGnH       IAN   |   |   NB

                                      Washington, DC 20554                                30s0—0048                               J
                                                                                      Expires 03/31/97



                                                       Est. Avg. Burden Hours Per Response: 8 Hrs.                                            P

               APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF CONTROL                                        ‘                                       SS 79 10op
                                     (Under 47 CFR 21, 23 or 25)                |
                       Read Instructions on Page 4 Before Completing

PART i — To Be Completed by Poermittee or Licensee
1(a) Name of Corporate Permittee or Licensee                                                                                    %                              —
          AMSC Subsidiary Corporation                                                   N\       ‘ 2\ “           é [ L
       Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and ZIP Code                     LJ                                              Call Sign or Other FCC Identifier
          10802 Parkridge Boulevard                                                                                                            ~
          Reston, Virginia 22091
  (b) Fee Data. Refer to 47 CFR Section 1.1105 or the Common Carrier Services Fee Filing Guide.
Line           (1)                           (2)                           (3)                                        FCC Use Only
No.       Fee Type Code                 Fee Multiple         Fee Due for Fee Type Code in (bX¥1)
  4         CZB                            001                             $ 1,730.00
  2                                                                        $
               1        ts    in    Column (3), lines 1 and 2.
       arelt® M¥aimounm wiin yeu sppication.                         "Iw #1,730.00
2. Permits or Licenses Held by Corporation for which aTransfer| 3. Name and Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and ZIP Code of Transferor
  of Control is sought in this application. See 'W-(g Nio:            of   Shareholders of American Mobile Satellite Corporation
a) Call Sign       (b) File No.          (c) Service    _     Statiér:      10802 Parkridge Boulevard
          E900081, E930124, E940374                                         Reston, Virginia 22091
                                                                 *         4. Name and Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and ZIP Code of Transferee
          See Exhibit A                                                    Shareholders of American Mobile Satellite Corporation
                                                                           10802 Parkridge Boulevard
                                                                           Reston, Virginia 22091
). Permnitee or Licensee represents: (check one)
        That there is attached to this application as Exhibit No. _________ a certified copy of the Articles of incorporation                                                            —
        (charter) of the permitiee or licensee company.                                                                                           .                    .
  That there is now on file with the Commission a current certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the permittee
flor licensee company.     Where Filed:                                                    Date Filed:
 Certification:      The undersigned,         individually   and for the permittee      or licensee,     represents that all the attached exhibits pertinent to
 Part    1 are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application; and certifies that all the state—
 ments made in Part 1 of this application are true, complete and correct to the best of his (her) knowledge and belief.
late                Printed or Typed Name of Permittee or       Signature                          Title (Office Held by Person Signing)
                                   Licensee (Must agree with item 1)                            /7\_/

       1/10/95                     AMSC Subsidiary Corporation . ~——é—
                                                                       —ZC~~                                                                Vice President
 Willful false statements made on this application are punishable by fine and imprisonment (U.S. Code, Title                        18, Section 1001) and/or revocation of any
 station license or construction permit (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(aX(1) and/or forfeitwre (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
ART !I — To Be Completed By Transferor
(a) Transfer of Control will be accomplished by: (check one):                       (b) Shares                                                             Classification
                                                                                                                          No. of Shares               (common, preferred, etc.)
        Sale or other transfer or assignmment of stock
 m(complote 6(b)).                                                                  Shares to be
                                    PRO FORMA                                        transferred
                                                                                     Shares issued
                                                                                    and outs'tanding          >                                       See Exhibit C
 J Other (e.g., voting trust agreement, management
        contract, Court Order, etc.)                                                Shares authorized

. Attach as Exhibit No. _____C_____ a statement on how control is to be transferred, and copies of                                            amy pertinent contracts,
  agreements, instruments, certified copies of Court Orders, etc.
Cortification: The undersigned represents that stock will not be delivered and that control will not be transferred until the Commis—
sion‘s consent has been received, but that transfer must be completed within 45 days if Commission consents; that all the attached
exhibits pertinent to Part I! are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in this application; and certifies that
all the statements made in Part !! of this application are true, complete and correct to the best of his (her) knowledge and belief.
Date                           Printed or Typed Name of Transferor                  Signature                                          fTitle (Office Held by Person Signin
                               fyius! porfespond of
                              Shareholders              Hem 3)
                                                  with,American   -'_g_/ \_/                                          c                 Vice President of Amer?;.cgn
                                   Mcbile Satellite Corporation | w "~~~ — —z~ _                                                        Mobile Satellite Corporation
Wiliful false statements made on this application are punishable by fine and imprisonment                (U.S. Code, Title          18, Section       1001) and/or revocation of any
station license or construction permit (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312¥a¥1) and/or forfeiture (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

                                                                                                                                                                   FCC 704 — Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                        March 1994

  PART I!!I — To Be Compicted by Transteres                                  See Exhibit D
  8. Transferee is: (Check one)
             ind ividual                     D    Partnership                      D     Corporation                   D     Unincorporated Association

  8. Attach as Exhibit No.                 a statement of       transferee‘s principal business,
 10. Attach as Exhibit No.                   a statement ofthe businesses, employment, or actwities, other                   than communications

       in which individual transferee, each member if a partnership, and all principals if a corporation, are engaged, giving:
      (a) nature of actiwvity; (b) location of activity; and (c) hours devoted to each activity.
                                                                                            Place an "X" in the appropriate column. YES NO
 11. is individual transferee, or if partnership   each  member   of partnership, a citiren  of the United States? ©              Lag
 12. is transferee or amy party to this application    a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                                 i
 13. If transferee is a partnership, attach as    Exhibit No.                      one copy, property certified of           the partnership

      agreement, or if oral, complete details thereo1l.
14. If transferee is a Corporation (including joint stock companies) or Association, answer the following:
     a. Under laws of what State or Country is it organized?
         (1) Attach as Exhibit No.                a certified copy of the Articles of incorporation
         {charter) if not heretofore on file with the         Commnission.
         (2) Attach as Exhibit No.                the names, addresses and percentages of stock held
         by all principals of the corporation and by all stockholders owning and/or voting 10 percent or
         more of transferee‘s stock.
     b. is amy director or officer an alien?                                                                                                   Las
     c. is more than one—fifth of the capital stock owned of record, or may it be voted, by aliens or their
         representatives, or by a foreign government or          representatives thereof, or by a corporation              organized
         under the laws of a foreign government?                                                                                               D
     d. is transferse directy or indirecty controlled        by any other corporation?                                                         D
         If "YES," give in Exhibit No.                     the names and addresses of all such controlling corporations
         to and including organi@zations having final control and furnsin for each all the information requested in
         14 a thru c above.
     e. is transferee directly or indirecty controlled       by any other corporation of which any officer or more
         than one—fourth of the directors are aliens?                                                                                          P
     f. is more than one—fourth of the capital stock of any controlling corporation owned of record, or
         may it be voted by aliens or their representatives, or by a foreign govermment or                     representative thereof,
         or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign government?                                                               P
15. is transferee directly or indirectly    interested in or affiliated with any entity or             person engaged in the business of
     providing a public land line message telephone service?                                                                                   lag
         If "YES," and transferee is not a land line       telephone carrier, attach as Exhibit No.
         a statement relating the facts.
16. If permuttee or licenses holds any Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS or MMDS) authorizations, is transferee directly
     or indirectly interested in or affiliated with, or has leasing arrangements with a cable television company?
       If "YES," submit as Exhibit                   a description of the relationship and a map showing overlap                               P
        of boundaries of cable franchise area and MDS station‘s protected service area, if any.
17. Has transferee or amy party to this application had amy station authorization revoked or had amny application for                          >
   construction permit, license, or renmewal denied by this Commission?                            .       .
       if "YES," attach as Exhibit_No.                     a statement     felating all the pertinent circumstances.
18. Has amy court finally adjudged the transferee, or any person directly or indirecty controlling the transferes,
     guilty of unlawfully monopolizing     or attempting      unlawfully   to monopolize radio communication,            directly
     or indirectly, through control of manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic                  arrangement, or any          P
     other means or of unfair methods of competition?
       If "YES," attach as Exhibit No.                     a staterment      relating the facts.
19. Has the transferee, or amy party to this     application, or any person directly or indirectly              controlling the
     transferee ever been corwicted of a crime for           which the penalty mposed was a fine of $500 or
     more, or an imprisorment     of six months or more?                                                                                       :
       If "YES," attach_as Exhibit                  a statement      relating the facts.
20. is transferee, or any person directly or     indirecty controlling the transferee, presently               a party in any matter
     referred to in Items 17, 18, 19?                                                                                                          P
       If "YES," attach as Exhibit No.                     a statemment     relating the facts.
21. is transferee directy or indirectly, through       stock ownership, contract, or otherwise interested                in the
     ownership or control of any other radio stations          licensed by this Commission?                                                    B
       If "YES," give: (a) call sign and service; (b) location; and (c) name of licensee below.

FCC 704 — Page 2
March 1994

                                                                                                  —         Place an "X" in the appropriate column.              YES   NC
~PART I!! _ continued.
 22. Has applicant ever been directy or indirectly imterested in the ownership or control of any radio stations other
        than those stated in 21 above?                         :        |                             .
               If "YES," give: (a) call sign and service; (b) location; and (c) name of licensee below.
                                                 See Exhibit D

 23. Will transferee propose amy of the following                    changes, after the transfer of control is authorged (see instruction
        a. Changes in the services currently offered?
          If "YES,* sttach as Exhibit No.             a brief     staterment of the proposed changes.
        b. Changes in technical personnel, maintenan ce or repair  of faciinies?
          If "YES," attach as Exhibn No.                  a description of positions to be changed and specific
          arrangements for prompt maintenance or_repair o1 facilities.
        c. Changes in the management or personnel responsible for the operation of the station?
          If "YES," in Exhibit No.                 describe the manner in which the proposal will operate, and
          list present positions of responsibility to be changed and proposed positions and dwision of
          responsibility, including hours of physical supervision. (When responsibilities are 10 be divided                                             D
          with any Oother business, give name and address of owner of each such business and submit
       copy of workhweament).
24. if transferee is a corporation, is stock of transferee to be sold after this consent is issued for any purpose?                                     D
       If "YES," explain purpose in Exhibit No.
25. Does transferee now hold amy obligations of licensee corporation?
         If "YES," in Exhibit No.                 E          describe the obligations, methods by which acquired, and the
         dates on which they were obtained.
26. Does local or state law require any                   authorization to transfer the control of the facilities and/or operations invoived
       If "YES," attach as Exhibit No.                              a single certified copy of such authorization.
27. a. is transferee personally familiar with the provisions of the Cormmnission‘s Rules governing the service which are
     the subject of this application?
     b. Has transferee examined the subject facilities and determined that construction and operation is in compli—                                          x
       ance with current authorizations and the                Commission‘s Rules?
28. Attach as Exhibit No.                   E.         a complete statement, setting forth facts which show how the instant
       rop?sai will be in the public interest, and disctoan all relationships, affiliations or connections between the
       ransfer     and fl,&rrem or prospectwe subscribers. . [he statemment shguld contam the names of ang corrm?n
      stockholders, officers, directors, employees or individuals closely   related to the management or cbntrol o
      the facilities of the transferee and anmy subscriber.
29. If corporate permitiee or licensee holds ary author@zations for Part 21 stations, answer (a) and (b) below:
     a. Does authorization involve facilities that have not been constructed?
         If "YES," does tfansferee represent fhat it has, or has reasonable                   assurance that it will have, the              N/A
         abikty to meet tRe ,exoectedpcost o                 construc\np        suc?a ?ac!fi;ves within the construction‘                                L
         period, and the estmaled operating expenses fof                    tweive months?
       b. Were      facilities     authorized following     a comparative heari        d have      been operated    less than   one   year; or.
         mo?ve fac”mes ?hat have not beengconsmf '93‘ or mvong ?;‘xc:lmes a\at weee amflor\zed iat;\lowmg a Ffandom
          e!e%ton roceedin  i which the successful aéphcam receved a preference and that have been      Operated
          or     less than ‘one \&ar.                                                                                                                   D
30. Does transferee represent that the information                   given in Part HI! of this application is tr         and correct, including any
      ggrrggg%s“pr Oother instruments submitted, and thit said information and contracts (if any)                     constitute the full               P    X
31.     Does transferee acknowledge that, if Commission consents, transfer of_control must be completed within 45 days                                  P
      09 date of consent and Corggnssuon must be notified by lefter within 10 days of consmmawgrs                  y
 Certification:      The    applicant certifies       that, in the case of an indwidual        applicant,    he or she    is not subject    to a denial of       federal
 benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 853a, or, in the case of a nonindiwvidual ap—
 plicant (e.g., corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association), no party to the application is subject to a denial cf
 federal benefits pursuant to that section. For the definition of a "party" for these purposes, see 47 CFR 1.2002.

 [ ves                     O no
 The. undersigned represents that all the attached exhibits pertinent to Part i1 are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein
 as if set out in full in this application; and certifies that all the staterments made in Part I!! of this application are true, complete
 and correct to the best of his (her) knowledge and belief.

Jate                             Typed or Printed Name of Transferee              Signature                                Title (Office Held by Person Signing)
                       Shareholders of American                          JJ‘                                 Vice President of American
  1/10/956               Mobile Satellite Corporation| ~\*¢—~. f‘j‘f\’ok                                       Mobile Satellite Corporation
  Willful false statements made on this application are punishable by fine and imprisonment (U.S. Code, Ihile 18, Section 1001) and/or ravocation of
  any station license or corstruction permit (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312¥a¥1) and/or forfertwe (U.S. Code, Tile 47, Section 503).

                                                                                                                                                  FCC 704 — Page 3
                                                                                                                                                       March 1994

                   FismER Wayrcanp CooreEemr Leaper & Zamagoza LLP.
                                            2001 PENNSYLVANIA AvVENUE, N.W,
                                                      Suite 400

                                           WasHington, D. C. 20006—185]

                                             TELEPHONE (202) 659—3494
CaRROLL JoOHN YunG                                                                                  FACSIMILE

  (202) 775—3549                                                                                  (202) 296—6518

                                                  January 11,     1995


     Mr.    William F.          Caton
     Acting Secretary
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W., Room #222
     Washington, DC              20554

                                Re:    AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                       Mobile Earth Station Blanket
                                             Authorization E900081

     Dear Mr.       Caton:

          AMSC Subsidiary Corporation ("AMSC Sub"), by counsel, hereby
     submits the attached PRO_FORMA transfer of control application
     for Mobile Earth Station Blanket Authorization E900081 (including
     Fixed Earth Stations E930124 and E940374).  Attached hereto is a
     check payable to the order of the Commission in the amount of
     $1,730.00 to cover the required filing fee for such application.

          In addition to the attached application, corresponding
     applications are being filed with the Commission today in
     connection with AMSC Sub‘s Mobile Satellite System authorizations
     for AMSC—1           at   101°   W.    L.,    AMSC—2   at    62°   W.L.,   and AMSC—3   at    139°
     W.L., AMSC Sub‘s Experimental License KM2XDX.  It is requested
     that all of these applications be processed and granted

          If there should be any questions with regard to the above
     matter, please contact the undersigned directly.

                                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                                 Carroll John Yung

     CJY : rdm
     cc w/attachs.
        via hand delivery:                   Fern J. Jarmulnek
                                             Linda Trochim

                                                          AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                                         FCC Form 704

                                         FPCC AUTHORIZATION
                                  (Response to Part I,      Item 2)

        The Commission granted a mobile satellite system

authorization to American Mobile Satellite Corporation                             ("AMSC")

by Memorandum Opinion,                  Order and Authorization,          4 FCC Red 6041

 (1989),     aff‘d.      Final Decision on Remand,               7 FCC Red 266     (1992),

aff‘d sub nom. Aeronautical Radio Inc.                      v.   FCC,    983 F.2d 275        (D.C.

Cir.    1993).        Those documents, which specify the terms and

conditions of the authorization, are incorporated by reference

herein.        In 1991,          pursuant to Commission approval,           FCC File No.

13—DSS—AL—91(3), AMSC assigned the authorization to its wholly—

owned subsidiary, AMSC Subsidiary Corporation.

        By those actions, the Commission authorized AMSC to launch

and operate three                satellites,    AMSC—1 at    101° W.L.,     AMSC—2      at   62°

wW.L.   and AMSC—3 at 139° W.L.

        In addition to the instant application for AMSC Subsidiary‘s

Mobile Earth Station Blanket Authorization E900081                           (including

Fixed Earth Stations E930124 and E940374),                        corresponding

applications are being filed simultaneously herewith for AMSC—1

at   101°    W.L.,     AMSC—2      at   62°   W.L.,   and AMSC—3    at   139°   W.L.,    and

for AMSC Subsidiary‘s Experimental License KM2XDX.                              It is

requested that all of these applications be processed and granted



                                               AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                              FCC Form 704

                         ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                        (Response to Part I,      Item 5)

     In July of 1994, AMSC VA Sub,        Inc.,    a Virginia Public

Service Corporation and wholly—owned subsidiary of American

Mobile Satellite Corporation, was merged with and into AMSC

Subsidiary Corporation,      a Delaware corporation,        which was the

surviving entity of the merger.         As a result of the merger, AMSC

Subsidiary Corporation acquired the status of a Virginia Public

Service Corporation and became duly—incorporated in Virginia and

Delaware.   Attached hereto is the Certificate of Merger and

Restatement from the Virginia State Corporation Commission, with

"Articles of Merger of AMSC VA Sub,        Inc. with and into AMSC

Subsidiary Corporation,"      the   "Agreement and Plan of Merger," and

the "Amended Certificate of Incorporation of AMSC Subsidiary

Corporation."     Also attached hereto is a copy (certified by the

Delaware Secretary of State)        of the "Certificate of Merger of

AMSC VA Sub,    Inc.   into AMSC Subsidiary Corporation" and the

"Amended Certificate of Incorporation of AMSC Subsidiary


  0430829 — 2

                             COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA
                           STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION

                                 July 15, 1994
 The State Corporation Commission finds the accompanying articles
 submitted on behalf of


 to comply with the requirements of law.     Therefore, it is ORDERED
 that this

 be issued and admitted to record with the articles in the office
 of the Clerk of the Commission.     Each of the following:


 is merged into AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION, which continues to
 exist under the laws of VIRGINIA with the name AMSC SUBSIDIARY
 CORPORATION. The existence of each non—surviving entity ceases,
 according to the plan of merger.

 The certificate is effective on July 15,    1994.

                               STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION



                                                                                                             P.O. BOX 1197
                                                                                                      RICHMOND. VIRGINIA 23209—1197

                                         STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION

                                                 July 15, 1994

         HAZEL & THOMAS, P.C.
         FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042

         ID:      0430829 — 2
         DCN:     94—07—15—0001

         This is your receipt for $25.00 covering the fees for filing
         articles of merger and restatement with this office.

         The effective date of the certificate of merger and restatement is
         July 15, 1994.

         Nonsurviving entities:

         AMSC VA SUB, INC.

         are merged into AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION.

                                                           Sincerely yours,

                                                  Wkleom J. ky
                                                         William J. Bridge
                                                         Clerk of the Commission


                                                               TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEvICE FOR THE DEAF—TDomvoice: (BO4) 371—9206

                           ARTICLES OF MERGER OF
                      AMSC VA SUB, INC. WITEHE AND INTO
                        AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

     The undersigned corporatlons, pursuant to Title 13.1, Chap.
9, Art. 12 of the Code of Virginia, hereby execute the follow1ng
artlcles of merger and set forth:


     The names and states of incorporation of the corporations
proposing to merge are as follows:

     NAME                                  STATE OF INCORPORATION

AMSC VA Sub,   Inc.                             Virginia

AMSC Subsidiary Corporation                     Delaware


     The Agreement and Plan of Merger is attached as Exhibit A.


     [A]  With respect to AMSC VA Sub, Inc. the Plan of Merger
was adopted by unanimous consent of the sole shareholder.

     [B)    With respect to AMSC Subsidiary Corporation,         the Plan
of Merger was adopted by unanimous consent of the sole

     The undersigned declares that the facts herein stated are
true as of this   Ith_   day of      June              , 1994.

                                   AMSC VA SUB,    INC.

                                   By :Oflwgfizf{
                                   Name:    _Randy Sef
                                   Title:    Jipreta

                                   By : //flhwfigiji;;%Ezég
                                   Tit       Vice E:gs;fient


By :
         \Randy   Segal   T
Title: Vice Pregide       S

                                    EXHIBIT A

                     AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

     THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER          ("Agreement")   is entered
into this         day of     June      _ _, i994, by and between AMSC VA
SUB, INC., a Virginia public service company          ("AMSC VA Sub,
Inc."),    and AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION       ("AMSC Subsidiary
Corporation"), a Delaware corporation.

     WHEREAS, AMSC VA Sub, Inc. was incorporated in the
Commonwealth of Virginia on June 7                 , 1994; and AMSC
Subsidiary %orporation was incorporated in the State of Delaware
on 22 _ _, 199i1__; and
     WHEREAS,    the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Plan
of Merger were advised, authorized and approved by AMSC VA Sub,
Inc. and AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, in the manner and by the
vote required by their respective charters and the laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Delaware, respectively;

     NOW, THEREFORE,   the parties agree to the Plan of Merger as

     1.    (a)   The name of the corporations planning to merge are
as follows:

     —      AMSC VA Sub,   Inc.,    a Virginia public service company

     —      AMSC Subsidiary Corporation,        a Delaware corporation

          (b)  The surviving corporation shall be AMSC Subsidiary
Corporation which shall retain its name after the merger.

     2.     AMSC VA Sub,   Inc.    shall be merged into AMSC Subsidiary
Corporation as soon as reasonably practical following the
execution of this Agreement and shall cease its separate
corporate existence.

     3.   The merger shall be effective upon filing of a
Certificate of Merger with the Delaware Secretary of State‘s
office and Articles of Merger with the Virginia State Corporation

     4 .    AMSC Subsidiary Corporation will receive all of the
rights and property and will assume all contracts, liabilities
and obligations of AMSC VA Sub, Inc. existing at the time of the
merger.  AMSC Subsidiary Corporation shall be dually incorporated

in Delaware and Virginia and shall retain AMSC VA Sub,                   Inc.‘
status as a Virginia public service company.

     5.   AMSC Subsidiary CQrporatlon s officers and directors
will continue after the merger in their same capacities for the
surviving corporation until their successors are chosen or
appointed according to the By—laws of AMSC Subsidiary
Corporatlon »

         6.        The number of authorized shares of capital stock of
AMSC Subsidiary Corporation is three thousand                 (3,000)   shares of
$0.10 par value common stock of which 100 shares are issued and
outstanding.  The aggregate par value of all shares of stock
issued by AMSC Subsidiary Corporation is $10.00.

     7.   The number of authorized shares of capital stock of
AMSC VA Sub, Inc. is one (1) share of no par value common stock
of which one (1) share is issued and outstanding.  The aggregate
par value of all shares of stock issued by AMSC VA Sub, Inc. is

     8.   None of AMSC Subsidiary Corporation‘s shares of stock
shall be converted as a result of the merger.  All of the stock
certificates representing interests in AMSC VA Sub, Inc. shall be
surrendered to AMSC Subsidiary Corporation for cancellation.

     9.   The Bylaws of AMSC Subsidiary Corporation shall be the
Bylaws governing the newly merged corporation following the
merger.  The Certificate of Incorporation of AMSC Subsidiary
corporation shall be amended and restated in its entirety as set
forth on Schedule 1 hereto, and such amended and restated
Certificate shall be the Certificate of Incorporation for the
newly merged corporations following the merger.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,     the parties have executed this Agreement
the day and year first above written.

Attest:                               AMSC VA SUB,     INC.

'\.      o    Z"    1
P /s 2. Corincd A nasn                By :
                                      Name: _Randyv Fegal     (\
                                      Title: Secretary

Attest:                               AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

Arfl w         * MEA oanal            By      %              W
                                      Name:    _Randy §%g1
                                      Title:   Vice P es:.dentv

                                         SsCHEDULE 1

                             OF AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

      FIRST:    The name of the corporation                     (the "Corporation")      is
 AMST Subsidiary Corporation.

       SECOND :  The address of the registered office of the
 Ccorporation in the State of Delaware is Corporation Trust Center,
 1209 Orange Street,           in the City of Wilmington,           in the County of
 New Castle,        in the State of Delaware.             The name of the
 Corporation‘s registered agent at such address is The Corporation
 Trust Company.           The address of the registered office of the
 Corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia is 5511 Staples Mill
 Road, Richmond, Virginia 23228, in the County of Henrico,                       in the
 Commonwealth of Virginia.  The name of the Corporation‘s
 registered agent at such address is Edward R. Parker, who is                       a
 resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a member of the
 virginia State Bar.  His business address is the same as the
 registered office in Virginia.

      THIRD :  _ The Corporation shall be duly incorporated in the
  tate of Delaware and the Commonwealth of Virginia.   The
 Corporation elects to be a Virginia Public Service Company in
 Virginia, as that term is defined under Title 56 of the Code of
Virginia.  The Corporation is organized, among other purposes,
for conducting the business of, including, but not limited to,
providing mobile radio telephone service via satellite on a for—
hire basis to the public, and shall have the powers and
limitations of,           a public service company in the Commonwealth of
Virginia, which shall include the power to exercise any and all
of   the   rights,    privileges and powers of            a   public service company
pursuant to Title 56 of the Code of Virginia,                     or any subsequent
amendment thereto, and any non—public service activities so far
as may be related to or incidental to the corporation‘s public
service activities within the Commonwealth of Virginia.

      FOURTH:         A    further   purpose   of   the   Corporation   is   to engage
in any lawful act          or activity for which a corporation may be
organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of

     F1FTH:    The total number of shares of stock the
Corporation has the authority to issue is 3,000 shares of Common
Stock.     S$G.10   par   value per share.

      SIXTH:    Elections of directors need not be by written
ballot.   The pooks of the Corporation may be kept (subject to any
provision contained in the General Corporation Law of the State
of Delaware or other applicable statutes) outside the State of
Delaware at such place or places as may be designated from time
to time by the Board of Directors or in the bylaws of the

       SEVENTH:     The Board of Directors shall have the power,       in
  addition to the stockholders,    to make,   alter,   or repeal the
 bylaws of the Corporation if and to the extent permitted by the
 provisions governing amendment of the bylaws contained in the
 bylaws as in effect from time to time.

      EIGHTH:   Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed
 between the Corporation and its creditors or any class of then
 and/or between the Corporation and its stockholders or any class
 of them,     any court of equitable jurisdiction within the State of
 Delaware may on the application in a summary way of the
 Corporation or of amy creditor or stockholder thereof or on the
 application of any receiver or receivers appointed for the
 Corporation in accordance with the laws of Delaware or on the
 application of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver or
 receivers appointed for the Corporation in accordance with the
 laws of Delaware order a meeting of the creditors or class of
 creditors, and/or of the stockhnolders or class of stockholders of
 the Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such
 manner as the said court directs.  If a majority in number
 representing three—fourths in value of the creditors or class of
 creditors,    and/or of the stockholders or class of stockhoclders of
 the Corporation, as the case may be, agree to any compromise or
 arrangement any reorganization of the Corporation as
 consequence of such compromise or arrangement, the said        .
compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization shall, if
sanctioned by the court to which the said application has been
made, be binding on all the creditors or class of creditors,
and/or on all the stockholders or class of stockholders, of the
Corporation,     as the case may be, and also on the Corporation.

     NINTH:    A director of the Corporation shall, to the
maximum extent permitted by the laws of Delaware, have no
personal liability to the Corporation or its stockholders for
monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director,
provided that this Article NINTH shall not eliminate or reduce
the liability of a director in any case where such elimination         or
reduction is ncot permitted by law.

     TENTH:       Each person who is or was a director or officer of
the Corporation shall be    indemnified by the Corporation to the
fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware or any other applicable laws as presently or
hereafter in effect.     Without limiting the generality or the
effect of the foregoing, the Corporation may enter into one or
more agreements with any persor which provide for indemnification
greater or different than that provided in this Article TENTH.
Any repeal or modification of this Article TENTH shall not
adversely affect any right or protection existing hereunder
immediately prior to such repeal or modification.

     ELEVENTH:   The Corporation expressly elects not to be
governed by Section 203 of the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware.

     TWELFTH:   The Corporation reserves the right to amend,
alter, change or repeal any provision contained in this Amended
and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, in the manner now or
hereafter prescribed by statute, and all rights conferred upon
stockholders are granted subject to this reservation.

  0430829 — 2

                            COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA
                          STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION

                                 July 15, 1994
 The State Corporation Commission finds the accompanying articles
 submitted on behalf of


 to comply with the requirements of law.    Therefore, it is ORDERED
 that this

 be issued and admitted to record with the articles in the office
 of the Clerk of the Commission.    Each of the following:


 is merged into AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION, which continues to
 exist under the laws of VIRGINIA with the name AMSC SUBSIDIARY
 CORPORATION. The existence of each non—surviving entity ceases,
 according to the plan of merger.

 The certificate is effective on July 15,   1994.

       ~                       STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION



                          e Corporation Commisston

 J3 Certify the Kollofwing from the Recorbs of the
   the foregoing is a true copy of the articles of merger & incorporation of
   AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION issued July 15, 1994.

   Nothing more is hereby certified.

                              Signeh anb SBealedb at Richmonth
                              on this Bate: Jjuiy      15, 1994

                                                          the Comm®@sion


                             State ofDelaware

                     Office of the Secretary of State      "**5 *









O0‘CLOCK A.M.                                                        |



                                          Ssecretary of State

 2255475     8100M                    A         CATION:   7176139
       2oL                                        DATE:
 944122067                                                07—11—94

                         CERTIFICATE OFP MERGER
                                  or _
                           AMSC VA SUB,   INC.
                       (a Virginia corporation)


                       (a Delaware corporation)

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 252 of the Delaware General
Corporation Law, AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, a Delaware
corporation,   does hereby certify as follows:

          The name and state of incorporation for each of the
          constituent corporations is as follows:  AMSC
          Subsidiary Corporation,    a Delaware corporation,   and
          AMSC VA Sub,   Inc., a Virginia corporation.

          That an Agreement and Plan of Merger has been approved,
          adopted, certified, executed and acknowledged by each
          of the constituent corporations in accordance with the
          law under which it was formed and,      in the case of AMSC
          Subsidiary Corporation,    in accordance with Section 252
          of the Delaware General Corporation law.

          The name of the surviving corporation is AMSC
          Subsidiary Corporation.                                    =—

          The Certificate of Incorporation of AMSC Subsidiary
          Corporation shall be amended in its entirety as set
          forth on the Amended Certificate attached hereto.

          The executed Agreement and Plan of Merger is on file at
          the principal place of business of AMSC Subsidiary
          Corporation which is 10802 Parkridge Boulevard,      Reston,

         A copy of the Agreenent and Plan of Merger will be
         furnished by AMSC Subsidiary Corporation upon request,
         without cost, to any stockholder of AMSC Subsidiary
         Corporation or AMSC VA Sub, Inc.

     7.      The authorized capital stock of AMSC VA Sub.,            Inc.   is
             one share of common stock having no par value.

Executed this      _° day of     June               1   1994.
                                AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION
ATTEST:                         a Delaware corporation
                                   /     —      i        (-      <)

           -4’fl/AZQZZ§HLP‘~     By:o         osntht| Soa——‘\
 ame: Leslie A.L. Borden        Name:    _Randv Segal      _ \        w
Title:    Assistant Secretary   Title:       _Vice Ptesident


     FIRST:      The name of the corporation (the "Corporation")        is
AMSC Subsidia ry  Corporation.

     SECOND :     The address of the registered office of the
Corporation in the State of Delaware is Corporation Trust Center,
1209 Orange Street,     in the City of Wilmington,   in the County of
New Castle,     in the State of Delaware.   The name of the
Corporation‘s registered agent at such address is The Corporation
Trust Company.     The address of the registered office of the
Corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia is 5511 Staples Mill
Road, Richmond, Virginia 23228, in the County of Henrico, in the
Commonwealth of Virginia.   The name of the Corporation‘s
register ed agent at such address is Edward R. Parker, who is a
resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a member of the
Virginia State Bar.   His business address is the same as the
registered office in Virginia.

     THIRD:       The Corporation shall be duly incorporated in the
State of Delaware and the Commonwealth of Virginia.       The
Corporation elects to be a Virginia Public Service Company in
Virginia, as that term is defined under Title 56 of the Code of
Virginia.  The Corporation is organized, among other purposes,
for conducting the business of, including, but not limited to,
providing mobile radio telephone service via satellite on a for—
hire basis to the public, and shall have the powers and
limitations of, a public service company in the Commonwealth of
Virginia, which shall include the power to exercise any and all
of the rights, privileges and powers of a public service company
pursuant to Title 56 of the Code of Virginia, or any subsequent
amendment thereto, and any non—public service activities so far
as may be related to or incidental to the corporation‘s public
service activities within the Commonwealth of Virginia.

     FOURTH:      A further purpose of the Corporation is to engage
in any lawful act or activity for which a corporation may be
organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of

     FIFTH:       The total number of shares of stock the
Corporation has the authority to issue is 3,000 shares of Common
Stock,   $0.10 par value per share.

     SIXTH:    Elections of directors need not be by written
ballot.  The books of the Corporation may be kept (subject to any
provision contained in the General Corporation Law of the State
of Delaware or other applicable statutes) outside the State of
Delaware at such place or places as may be designated from time
to time by the Board of Directors or in the bylaws of the

     SEVENTH:    The Board of Directors shall have the power,       in
addition to the stockholders,   to make,   alter,   or repeal the
bylaws of the Corporation if and to the extent permltteq by the
provisions governing amendment of the bylaws contained in the
bylaws as in effect from time to time.

     EIGHTH:   Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed
between the Corporation and its creditors or any class of thenm
and/or between the Corporation and its stockho}de;s or any class
of them, any court of equitable jurisdiction within the State of
Delaware may on the application in a summary way of the
Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder thereof or on the
application of any receiver or receivers appointed for the
Corporation in accordance with the laws of Delaware or on the
application of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver or
receivers appointed for the Corporation in accordance with the
laws of Delaware order a meeting of the creditors or class of
creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of
the Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such
manner as the said court directs.  If a majority in number
representing three—fourths in value of the creditors or class of
creditors,   and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of
the Corporation, as the case may be,     agree to any compromise or
arrangement and to any reorganization of the Corporation as
consequence of such compromise or arrangement, the said
compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization shall, if
sanctioned by the court to which the said application has been
made, be binding on all the creditors or class of creditors,
and/or on all the stockholders or class of stockholders,      of the
Corporation,   as the case may be,   and also on the Corporation.

     NINTH:    A director of the Corporation shall, to the
maximum extent permitted by the laws of Delaware, have no
personal liability to the Corporation or its stockholders for
monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director,
provided that this Article NINTH shall not eliminate or reduce
the liability of a director in any case where such elimination or
reduction is not permitted by law.

     TENTH:    Each person who is or was a director or officer of
the Corporation shall be indemnified by the Corporation to the
fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware or any other applicable laws as presently or
hereafter in effect.  Without limiting the generality or the
effect of the foregoing, the Corporation may enter into one or
more agreements with any person which provide for indemnification
greater or different than that provided in this Article TENTH.
Any repeal or modification of this Article TENTH shall not
adversely affect any right or protection existing hereunder
immediately prior to such repeal or modification.

     ELEVENTH: The Corporation expressly elects not to be
governed by Section 203 of the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware.

     TWELFTH:  The Corporation reserves the right to amend,
alter, change or repeal any provision contained in this Amended
and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, in the manner now or
hereafter prescribed by statute, and all rights conferred upon
stockholders are granted subject to this reservation.

                                                AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                                    FCC Form 704

                                    EXHIBIT C

                          DESCRIPTION_OF TRANSACTION
                    (Response to Part II,    Items 6(b)    and 7)

        By the subject application, AMSC Subsidiary Corporation

 ("AMSC Subsidiary")      seeks approval of a pro forma transfer of

control of its parent, American Mobile Satellite Corporation

 ("AMSC").      As noted in Exhibit A attached hereto,         AMSC Subsidiary

holds the Commission authorization for the U.S. MSS System.                 This

application is prompted by several shifts in ownership among the

shareholders of AMSC which have occurred and which are expected

to occur in the near future.            Cumulatively,   these shifts will

result in over 50 percent of the ownership in AMSC having

"changed hands" since the last transfer of control was authorized

and consummated.*        Over 50 percent of the outstanding stock in

AMSC,    however,    currently remains controlled by shareholders          (or

their parent companies) who were approved by the Commission by

its grant of AMSC‘s November 1992 transfer of control

applications.        Because some pre—existing shareholders®‘ have

increased their own holdings during this period,             it is

anticipated that the majority of AMSC shares will remain with

previously approved shareholders or at a minimum a near—majority,

even though over 50 percent of the ownership in AMSC will have

4/      See FCC File Nos.      7—8—9—DSS—TC—93,   149—DSE—TC—93      and Call
        Sign KM2XDX, which were approved by the FCC on November 17,
        1992,   November 17,    1992,   and November 16,   1992,

2/      For example, Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. has increased
        its holdings in AMSC from 11.78% to 13.49%.

                                                                           AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                                                                      FCC Form 704
                                                                                                            Exhibit C

"changed hands" since the November 1992 transfer of control.

Thus,    it is respectfully submitted that the proposed transfer is

pro forma in nature.                       See McCaw Cellular Communications,                                  Inc.,    4

FCC Red 3784,             3788—89           (Com.      Car.      Bur.      1989);      Barnes Enterprises,

Inc.,    55 FCC 24 721                   (1975);       Clay Broadcasters,                  Inc.,      21 RR 442

 (1971) .      Furthermore,                as AMSC is now a publicly—traded company

and has no single majority voting shareholder,                                             its practical day—

to—day operations are qguided by its board of directors and

officers. Accordingly,                       the technical change in ownership

described above is at most pro forma.

        The following list of the AMSC shareholders provides                                                    (i)    the

stock interests proposed in the applications for transfer of

control filed November 5,                            1992, and approved by the Commission

with its grant of those applications,*‘ and (ii)                                               the current

interests of major shareholders and shareholder groups in AMSC:

                                                                                        Current %
                                                         11/5/92                          Interest      Current %
                                                       Application        Current       Previously     Interest Not
                      Shareholder                       % Interest       % Interest   "Passed Upon"   "Passed Upon"

      Hughes Communications Satellite
        Services, Inc.*                                  29.44             26.88         26.88             0

      McCaw Subsidiaries (as ultimately controlled
      by McCaw Cellular Communications, Inc.,                        .
      prior to merger with AT&T Corp.)                   32.34               0             0               0

3/      Indicated percentages have been rounded to the nearest one—
        hundredth percent.  Shareholdings based on company records
        as of December 20,                     1994.

4/      Hughes Communications,                        Inc. wholly owns Hughes
        Communications Satellite Services, Inc.

                                                             AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                                                 FCC Form 704
                                                                                    Exhibit C

McCaw Subsidiaries (as uitimately controlled
by AT&T Corp)*                                      0        12.37         0       12.37

Former Shareholders of
Mobile Satellite Corporation®                     5.18       5.96        4.72       1.24

Mitel Space Technologies, L.P.                    16.05      6.14        6.14        0

Mitel Space Technologies Corporation‘‘            L.61       0.81        0.81        0

Former Shareholders of Skylink Corporation®       3.60       0.43        0.43        0

Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.                 11.78      13.49       11.78     1.71

Other Shareholders (including the public)          0         33.92        0        33.92

                   TOTAL                          100%       100%       50.16%    49.24%

On August 23, 1993, McCaw Cellular Communications, Inc.,
("McCaw") filed with the Commission applications seeking
consent to the transfer of control of communications
facilities from McCaw to AT&T Corp. ("AT&T"), which were
granted and consummated. See FCC File No.                                ENF—93—44.        Such
transfer of control involved a merger that resulted in McCaw
becoming a wholly—owned subsidiary of AT&T.  Accordingly,
the consummation of this merger resulted in AT&T having
ultimate control of the American Mobile Satellite
Corporation stock held by McCaw‘s direct and indirect

With respect to the McCaw subsidiaries, Space Technologies
Investments,                Inc.,           a 4.86% AMSC voting shareholder,          is
ultimately controlled by McCaw.  McCaw ultimately controls
approximately 52% of the stock of LIN Broadcasting
Corporation, the parent of Satellite Communications
Investments Corporation                          ("SCIC").      SCIC,   a 3.38% AMSC voting
shareholder, is an 80% general partner in Satellite Mobile
Telephone Company LP, which holds 1.37% of AMSC‘s voting
stock.  SCIC is the holder of 80% of the stock of Transit
Communications,                    Inc.,       a 2.75% AMSC voting shareholder.

Upon the dissolution of Mobile Satellite Corporation
 ("Mobilesat"),                  AMSC shares held by Mobilesat were
distributed to the Mobilesat shareholders on a pro rata

Mtel Space Technologies Corporation is the sole general
partner of Mtel Space Technologies, L.P.

Upon the dissolution of Skylink Corporation ("Skylink"),
AMSC shares formerly held by Skylink were distributed to the
Skylink shareholders on a pro rata basis.

                                        AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                       FCC Form 704
                                                          Exhibit C

     The preceding table indicates that approximately 49.24% of

the AMSC voting stock has "changed hands" since November 1992.

AMSC‘s stock is now publicly—traded.    No single individual or

entity holds or controls 50% or more of AMSC‘s outstanding stock.

In light of the use of "street" names by various shareholders,     it

is impossible for AMSC to predict exactly when a 50% change in

ownership will occur.   Therefore, AMSC is requesting through this

application that the Commission treat AMSC as a publicly—held

corporation for purposes of compliance with ownership and control

regulations.   Upon grant of this application and AMSC‘s related

transfer of control applications,   and notification to the

Commission of consummation of the pro forma transfer described

therein, AMSC will monitor changes in ownership of its voting

stock in ways similar to the monitoring that other publicly—

traded companies that control Commission licenses perform with

respect to changes in ownership of their own voting stock.

                                            AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                           FCC Form 704

                          PROPOSED TRANSFEREE
                 (Responses to Part III,     Items 8—22)

     As noted in Exhibit C, upon consummation of the transactions

proposed herein,   practical day—to—day operations of AMSC,         and of

its wholly—owned subsidiary, AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, will

remain guided by the board of directors and officers of AMSC,           and

the bulk of AMSC‘s stock would remain with the currently

authorized AMSC shareholders or their currently authorized parent


     Except as otherwise set forth in this Exhibit D, ownership

and control information regarding transferees Hughes

Communications Satellite Services,       Inc.,   the McCaw subsidiaries,

and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.,       is provided (i)     in the FCC

Form 430 Report filed on November 16,       1994,+‘   with the

Commission for AMSC Subsidiary Corporation in connection with an

application to construct,    launch,    and operate a non—geostationary

satellite system, and/or    (ii)    in FCC Form 430 Reports filed with

the Commission by such transferees or their affiliates.

Information concerning AT&T is provided in its most recently

filed FCC Form 430 Report.

     The above—named entities having interests in AMSC represent

AMSC‘s three largest stockholders and their affiliates that hold

stock in AMSC.     Said entities,   in the aggregate,   hold over half

2/   See Footnote 3   of Exhibit VIII of     the November 16     Form 430
     Report regarding AMSC and Section 310 (b) (4)      of the
     Communications Act of 1934,       as amended.

                                       AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                      FCC Form 704
                                                         Exhibit D

of AMSC‘s equity and voting stock.   Accordingly, no information

is provided for the other current or proposed stockholders making

up the proposed Transferee.

                                             AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                            FCC Form 704

                                EXHIBIT _E

                           PROPOSED _TRANSFEREE
                   (Response to Part III,     Item 25)

       Some of the shareholders of AMSC hold warrants that were

issued in connection with loan agreements entered into in August

1992   and October 1993.

                                                  AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                                 FCC Form 704

                             (Response to Part III,   Item 28)

         The changes in ownership set forth herein reflect standard

business practices regarding ownership transfers and corporate

restructuring among the shareholders of AMSC,               the parent of the

licensee,        as well as a public offering of AMSC stock.

Accordingly,          it is respectfully submitted that the grant of the

subject application would be consistent with the public interest.


Document Created: 2019-04-24 02:02:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 02:02:05

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