Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-INTR2019-02938 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of

    Application of Alaska Communications             )   Call Sign: E170205
    Internet LLC for 60-Day Special Temporary        )
    Authorization (“STA”)                            )   File No. SES-STA-_____________


          Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission (the

“FCC” or “Commission”),1 Alaska Communications Internet LLC (“Alaska Communications

Internet”) respectfully seeks 60-day special temporary authorization (“STA”), commencing on

Tuesday, August 13, 2019, to operate nine remote earth station sites as part of its existing C-band

very small aperture terminal (“VSAT”) network.2 Alaska Communications Internet will operate

these sites to provide critical middle mile backhaul support for OTZ Telephone Cooperative Inc.

(“OTZ”), an incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”) providing telephone, cellular and internet

services in native villages throughout the Northwest Arctic Borough of Alaska.3 Consistent with

the ACI Network License, Alaska Communications Internet seeks to operate these new sites in

portions on the C-band at fixed locations in Alaska while communicating with the EUTELSAT

115WB satellite located at the 114.9° W.L. orbital position. Alaska Communications Internet plans

to seek regular authority in the near future to operate the nine sites that are the subject of this STA

request as part of its C-band VSAT network.

      47 C.F.R. § 25.120.
      See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20171116-01257, Call Sign
      E170205, and subsequent modification and amendment applications (“ACI Network
      OTZ is a member-owned cooperative serving remote Tribal villages in the Alaska bush. All
      OTZ Board members are Inupiat Eskimo and the majority of OTZ staff are Alaska native.

        Grant of this STA will serve the public interest because it will enable Alaska

Communications Internet to immediately provide OTZ with reliable C-band satellite backhaul

transport connectivity to its central offices in the villages it serves, as well as the OTZ headquarters.

OTZ is a Native Alaskan telecommunications carrier that plays a vital role in the communities that

it serves, providing critical telecommunications connectivity in extremely remote areas of the

Alaska bush to help bridge the digital divide in some of the nation’s most isolated communities.4

        This request is particularly time-sensitive because OTZ is actively migrating away from its

existing middle mile legacy solution due to the impending end-of-life of the satellite space station

currently supporting those services. Alaska Communications Internet is working with OTZ to

support the transition and ensure no gap in its services to these local communities. The villages

served by OTZ are not accessible by the Alaska road system (only by boat, airplane or snow

machine), and depend on OTZ for essential connectivity. Thus, the uninterrupted delivery of

services to these remote villages relies heavily on Alaska Communications Internet’s ability to

provide timely satellite backhaul, as proposed herein.

I.      Background

        Alaska Communications Internet is an affiliate of Alaska Communications Systems

Group, Inc. (“Alaska Communications”), a publicly-traded company that, through its subsidiaries,

provides terrestrial wireline telecommunications and broadband-enabled services throughout

     Unlike Alaska’s three largest population centers, and the surrounding rural communities,
     Alaska bush communities are isolated geographically from infrastructure resources
     commonly available elsewhere in the state, and the nation as a whole. Most bush
     communities cannot be accessed by road and are not connected to the state’s power grid. To
     reach these communities, people, as well as goods and services, must arrive by plane, barge,
     snow machine, all-terrain vehicle, or other off-road transportation means. Communications
     services in these communities generally must rely on satellite or terrestrial point-to-point
     microwave transport links to Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau.


Alaska as the largest incumbent local exchange carrier in the state.5 Alaska Communications

Internet provides essential broadband and voice-over-Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) services to

enterprise, business, educational, health care, and residential customers throughout the state.

       The ACI Network License authorizes Alaska Communications Internet to operate a network

of C-band satellite earth stations in order to provide satellite services to diverse users in remote

locations in Alaska. Specifically, from the gateway hub in Anchorage, Alaska, the network

currently serves the Alaska Native population of St. Paul Island and the Tanadgusix Corporation

(“TDX”), an Alaska Native corporation created pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement

Act (“ANCSA”). In addition, the C-band VSAT network provides broadband connectivity to each

of the individual schools and the District Office of the Kuspuk School District with support from

the Commission’s Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism (“E-rate”),6 and

local fishing and seafood processing businesses co-owned by the Bristol Bay Economic

Development Corporation (“BBEDC”),7 as well as a test site located in Anchorage, Alaska.

       Alaska Communications Internet has also obtained special temporary authority to serve a

seafood processing plant operated by Silver Bay Seafood, LLC at False Pass, Alaska,8 as well as

to serve coastal seafood processing plants operated by Trident Seafood Corporation and a remote

    The incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”) subsidiaries of Alaska Communications are:
    ACS of Anchorage, LLC; ACS of Fairbanks, LLC; ACS of Alaska, LLC; and ACS of the
    Northland, LLC; see also ACS Long Distance, Inc., File Nos. ITC-214-19960612-00248,
    ITC-T/C-20050822-00382, ITC-T/C-20040414-00190 (International Section 214
    See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-MOD-20180626-0142, Call Sign
    E170205 (granted Aug. 5, 2019) (“ACI Modification Application”).
    The BBEDC is a not-for-profit company whose mission is to promote economic growth and
    opportunities for residents of BBEDC’s member communities through sustainable use of the
    Bering Sea resources. See
    See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File Nos. SES-STA-20190211-00110 and SES-
    STA-20190418-00526, Call Sign E170205 (“Silver Bay STA”).


mining operation.9 Alaska Communications Internet also has a pending request for temporary

authority to provide critically-needed service supported by the Commission’s Rural Health Care

(“RHC”) Universal Service Support Mechanism to the Arch Priest Nicholas Kompkoff Health

Clinic (the “Chenega Clinic”) operated by Chugachmiut, an Alaska Native 501(c)(3) non-profit

agency incorporated in 1974 to serve the seven Native tribes in Alaska’s Chugach region.10

        Alaska Communications Internet incorporates by reference (and attaches as an Exhibit to

this STA) a pro forma FCC Form 312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix showing the details

of its proposed earth station operations at each site. Those documents provide relevant

information relating to the earth station operating parameters, performance information and

radiation hazard analyses. At all nine new remote sites, Alaska Communications Internet will

operate a 2.4m General Dynamics (the “2.4m”) earth station with a Prodelin antenna, which is on

the Commission’s Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas List (“Non-Routine Antenna

List”).11 Moreover, Alaska Communications Internet will operate the earth stations below the

maximum EIRP spectral density (“ESD”) levels authorized in the ACI Network License and

consistent within levels previously approved by the Commission.12

     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-STA-20190418-00526, Call Sign
     E170205 (“Trident STA”).
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-STA-20190712-00914, Call Sign
     E170205 (“Chenega STA”).
     Alaska Communications Internet will operate the General Dynamics Prodelin Antenna
     Model 1241, a previously approved and technically identical variant of the Model 1244.
     Alaska Communications Internet will operate these earth stations at maximum EIRP spectral
     density (“ESD”) levels lower than those previously authorized by the Commission. See
     Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas,
     Each site will utilize an iDirect modem, which assigns individual time slots for each earth
     station’s transmissions, and thus there is no potential for aggregation of transmissions
     resulting in an exceedance of the off-axis ESD levels provided in this application.


II.    Discussion

       This STA requests seeks authority to operate nine (9) remote earth station sites in the

Northwest Arctic Borough of Alaska to communicate with the network hub operated by Alaska

Communications Internet under the ACI Network License via the EUTELSAT 115WB satellite in

the C-band.

       A.       New Site Locations

       Alaska Communications Internet seeks to operate the following eleven sites as part of its

C-band VSAT network in Alaska (together, the “OTZ sites”):

            •   Kotzebue Headquarters
                (geographic coordinates: 66° 51' 29.59" N, 162° 36' 50.44" W)
            •   Noatak Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 67° 34' 17.03" N, 162° 58' 14.52" W)
            •   Ambler Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 67° 05' 11.48" N, 157° 51' 40.65" W)
            •   Noorvik Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 66°49' 59.35" N, 161° 02' 44.78" W)
            •   Kiana Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 66° 58' 24.33" N, 160° 25' 49.27" W)
            •   Deering Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 66° 04' 32.74" N, 162° 43' 21.99" W)
            •   Buckland Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 65° 58' 41.98" N, 161° 07' 29.50" W)
            •   Selawik Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 66° 36' 24.35" N, 160° 00' 52.65" W)
            •   Kivalina Village Office
                (geographic coordinates: 67° 43' 34.87" N, 164° 32' 15.84" W)

       Each site will use the identical 2.4m VSAT earth station that is authorized in the ACI

Network License for similar fixed C-band operations and is on the Commission’s Non-Routine


Antenna List.13 Although the 2.4m earth station does not comply with the gain mask in Section

25.209 of the Commission’s rules, Alaska Communications Internet demonstrates in the

incorporated Schedule B that it will operate the terminals at maximum ESD levels below those

currently authorized in the ACI Network License and in compliance with the ESD mask set forth

in Section 25.218(d) of the Commission’s rules.14

        At each site, the earth station will be mounted on the roof of an existing telephone central

office or on a previously-installed pole in an area inaccessible to the general public. Their

planned locations are not among any “districts, sites, buildings, structures or objects, significant

in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering or culture, that are listed, or are

eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places,”15 and thus they fall within the

exemptions of Section 1.1306(a)-(b) and Note 1 to that rule.16 Accordingly, no environmental

assessment is required as part of this application because each proposed site is categorically

exempt under Section 1.1306 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

        B.      Frequency Coordination

        Alaska Communications Internet engaged Micronet Communications, Inc. (“Micronet”)

to perform frequency coordination in support of this STA request, which was completed for all

sites on July 31, 2019. Pursuant to Sections 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203 of the Commission’s

rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203, Micronet has conducted a coordination analysis

     Supra n. 13; see, e.g., Harris Corporation, File No. SES-LIC-20060302-00342, Call Sign
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.218(d).
     47 C.F.R. § 1.1307(a)(4).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306, Note 1 (“The provisions of §1.1307(a) requiring the preparation of
     EAs do not encompass the mounting of antenna(s) and associated equipment (such as wiring,
     cabling, cabinets, or backup-power), on or in an existing building, or on an antenna tower or
     other man-made structure, unless §1.1307(a)(4) is applicable.”).


on behalf of Alaska Communications Internet that considers all existing, proposed, and prior

coordinated microwave facilities within the contours of the proposed earth stations at the OTZ


         As demonstrated in the attached frequency coordination reports, as coordinated and

limited,17 there is no potential for interference into other users of the C-band spectrum sought

herein by Alaska Communications Internet. Moreover, Micronet received no objections in

response to its Prior Coordination Notices, and Alaska Communications Internet currently

operates its network with no reported cases of interference. Alaska Communications Internet

will coordinate any additional hub or remote operations prior to bringing them into use as part of

the C-band VSAT network.

         C.     The C-Band Temporary Freeze Public Notice

         Alaska Communications Internet acknowledges the Commission’s Public Notice placing

a temporary freeze on the filing of all new or modification applications for earth stations in the

3.7-4.2 GHz band, effective as of April 19, 2018.18 The Temporary Freeze Public Notice does

not include a freeze on requests for special temporary authority for short-term operations, and

thus the instant request is outside the scope of the freeze. Furthermore, grant of this STA will

strongly serve the public interest by enabling critically needed middle mile backhaul support to

     To prevent interference to nearby terrestrial microwave operations, Alaska Communications
     Internet will limit its transmit operations to the 5925-6108.10 MHz and 6301.19-6360.14
     MHz bands at the Kotzebue Headquarters location.
     See Public Notice, Temporary Freeze on Applications for New or Modified Fixed Satellite
     Service Earth Stations and Fixed Microwave Stations in the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band, 90-Day
     Window to File Applications for Earth Stations Currently Operating in the 3.7-4.2 GHz
     Band, DA 18-398 (rel. on April 19, 2018) (“Temporary Freeze Public Notice”). See also,
     Public Notice, GN Docket Nos. 17-183, 18-122, “International Bureau Announces 90-Day
     Extension of Filing Window, to October 17, 2018, to File Applications for Earth Stations
     Currently Operating in 3.7-4.2 GHz Band; Filing Options for Operators with Multiple Earth
     Station Antennas,” DA 18-639 (rel. Jun. 21, 2018).


allow the provisioning of broadband and internet services to these tribal villages in the Alaska

bush, where terrestrial connectivity is mostly unavailable.

          In conjunction with its forthcoming request for regular authority to operate the OTZ sites

as part of the network licensed under its existing ACI Network License, Alaska Communications

Internet intends to seek a waiver, to the extent required, of the Temporary Freeze Public Notice.

As discussed in the Silver Bay STA Legal Narrative, grant of that waiver request, when filed,

would enable Alaska Communications Internet to further enable reliable and effective broadband

services to additional remote locations, including the subject OTZ sites.19

III.      STA Request & Public Interest Considerations

          Section 25.120(a) provides that an STA request should be filed at least three business

days prior to commence of proposed operations. Here, Alaska Communications Internet has

timely filed this 60-day STA request so that the Commission may permit operations by Tuesday,

August 13, 2019. Moreover, Section 25.120(b)(2) states that the Commission may grant a

temporary authorization for up to 60 days if the STA request has not been placed on public

notice and the applicant plans to file a request for regular authority for the service. This STA

request will ensure Alaska Communications Internet has appropriate authority during the

Commission’s review of Alaska Communications’ forthcoming application for long-term regular

authority to serve these sites.

          Grant of this 60-day STA will strongly serve the public interest by allowing Alaska

Communications Internet to immediately begin supporting OTZ’s transition from its legacy

       See Silver Bay STA, Legal Narrative, Section II.C. To the extent that the Commission deems
       the Temporary Freeze Public Notice applicable here, Alaska Communications Internet
       hereby seeks a waiver of that freeze for the reasons set forth in Section II.C of the Silver Bay
       STA, Legal Narrative which it incorporates here by reference.


middle mile connectivity, which currently relies on a satellite space station that is at or beyond

the end of its useful life, to Alaska Communications Internet’s backhaul infrastructure. This, in

turn, will ensure no lapse in critical broadband and other communications services to residents,

local businesses, schools, libraries, health care providers, and others in these nine Alaska bush

villages that rely on OTZ for their basic connectivity needs. This STA will also contribute to the

regional well-being of the Northwest Arctic Borough of Alaska by bridging the digital divide and

helping to improve access to resources, materials and opportunities made available by broadband


        A.      Shortcomings of Terrestrial Alternatives

        Alternative connectivity options in the area are extremely limited or nonexistent in the

area. The only fiber connectivity is at the Quintillion’s submarine cable landing station in

Kotzebue, Alaska. Other than the Kotzebue Headquarters site itself, the sites are between 40 and

130 miles in a straight line from the Quintillion landing station. To reach that point, in addition

to terrestrial fiber construction, all would require deployment of substantial lengths of undersea

cable and the associated cable landing stations needed to cross open stretches of the Arctic

Ocean, Kotzebue Sound, or Hotham Inlet, which together surround Kotzebue and nearly sever it

from the mainland.20

     For a detailed discussion of the challenges of constructing these facilities, see Brian “Butch”
     Webb and Zachary Casey, “Shore Approaches for Fiber Optic Cables in Arctic
     Construction,” Underground Construction (Mar. 2017) (discussing the specialized horizontal
     directional drilling (“HDD”) techniques required in the Arctic, because “the known risk from
     deep ice scour in shallow water would require burial depths that are unachievable with
     standard methods. Additionally, the large volume of material removed and the consequent
     stockpiling of the spoil presents an environmental problem in the Arctic that is not
     acceptable. The HDD technique eliminates this problem and can extend the shore approach
     further out to sea without the need for any sea bottom plowing or excavation of fragile arctic
     coastline.”), available at:
     3/features/shore-approaches-for-fiber-optics-cable-in-arctic-conditions; Environmental


        Construction of these fiber optic connections to the village central offices covered by this

STA request would be technically and logistically infeasible and economically prohibitive. The

villages served by these sites range in population from approximately 150 to 800 people, the vast

majority of whom are Alaska natives, as shown below:21

The telecommunications industry has not developed any technology or techniques that support

the economic deployment of fiber over vast distances of roadless wilderness and open ocean to

     Assessment, TERRA Southwest Broadband Telecommunications Project (April 2011)
     (discussing logistical and environmental challenges of constructing telecommunications
     facilities in southwest Alaska and rejecting a 100% fiber alternative proposal), available at:
     See United States Census Bureau Data, available at:


reach such small communities. Even after receiving more than $88 million in federal financial

assistance from the Rural Utilities Service under the 2009 Broadband Initiatives Program

(“BIP”), GCI Communication Corp. (“GCI”), for example, was able only to construct a series of

microwave links in western Alaska, and could not deploy a network entirely of fiber.22

        That said, six of these sites (Kotzebue, Noorvik, Kiana, Buckland, Selawik, and Noatak)

are located in the vicinity of the route taken by the microwave portion of the TERRA system,

operated by GCI. Although it represents the only source of terrestrial connectivity to national

and global fiber networks, TERRA does not represent a viable alternative for OTZ. First, based

on experience of Alaska Communications, the microwave portion of the TERRA system is

congested, oversubscribed, and unreliable. It covers over eighty Bush communities in western

Alaska, and simply lacks the capacity to carry all of the broadband traffic generated by all of

them, a condition made worse by adverse weather that prevails throughout the long Alaskan

winter. In three instances, Alaska Communications has purchased capacity on the TERRA

microwave system to serve as a backup redundant connection for its satellite-based service to

rural health care providers. In all three cases, the connections are unstable, and do not deliver the

full bandwidth called for in the company’s service contract with GCI. Currently, as a result of

these service quality issues, Alaska Communications does not, and cannot in good faith, use

TERRA connectivity to support primary service to its customers.

        Indeed, GCI itself has acknowledged the issue in limited fashion, explaining in support of

its own request for waiver of the C-band filing freeze that it needs a C-band satellite earth station

     TERRA Environmental Assessment, supra n.24, at page 1-4 (noting that RUS awarded the
     TERRA-SW Project approximately $88 million in federal financial assistance, split roughly
     equally between a $44 million grant and a $44 million loan).


license to overcome “circumstances when the existing GCI TERRA C-Band microwave radio

system experiences degraded service.”23

        Second, the cost of the necessary middle mile capacity on TERRA far exceeds that of

equivalent satellite bandwidth. Indeed, OTZ has previously noted that it is constrained in its

ability to offer affordable broadband, explaining that, “[d]ue to high cost of middle mile

transport, broadband speeds are not affordable to most of OTZ's customers.”24 Indeed, based on

the rates published by GCI for capacity on TERRA,25 the cost of middle mile backhaul to OTZ,

if Alaska Communications were to provide the service in this way, would be between two and

three times the cost of using the C-band satellite platform and would result, as discussed above,

in inferior service, despite the increase in cost.26

        Although Kotzebue is the site of a landing station for the Quintillion undersea fiber, the

community still requires access to C-band satellite middle mile transport. As the largest

community in the area, Kotzebue is a regional hub. While primary connectivity will be provided

using the Quintillion fiber, the C-band satellite connection will improve network reliability and

     GCI Communication Corp., Call Sign E180787, File Nos. SES-LIC-20180608-01392,
     Supplement to Pending License & STA Applications (filed July 22, 2019), at 2.
     Ex parte Letter from Christine O’Connor, Alaska Telephone Association, WC Docket No.
     10-90, at 18 (“OTZ Performance Obligations”).
     GCI, “TERRA Product Descriptions and Pricing,” eff. May 17, 2019 (available at:
     The Commission has previously taken note of the unusual case of the Alaska Bush, where
     terrestrial connectivity is more expensive than equivalent satellite bandwidth. See Promoting
     Telehealth in Rural America, WC Docket No. 17-310, Draft Report & Order, FCC-CIR1908-
     03 (rel. July 11, 2019), at ¶ 84 (“[I]n Alaska for funding year 2017, health care providers
     reported, on the FCC Form 466, rural rates ranging from $30,000 to $40,500 for a 10 Mbps
     satellite service per month. In comparison, rural rates for a terrestrial-based 10 Mbps MPLS
     service in Alaska, in many instances, were between $60,000 and $75,000 per month.”
     (available at: This Draft
     Order is slated for consideration at the Commission’s August 1, 2019 Open Agenda Meeting.


resilience by providing an important redundant backup connection to Anchorage. Should the

undersea fiber suffer damage, breakage, or other failure, it could be many months before a cable

ship could locate and repair the damage.27 There are only a limited number of ships in the world

that can lift and repair damaged submarine fiber optic cables, meaning any repair would involve

a lengthy journey to the Arctic Ocean. And, the repair could likely be completed only in

summer, when the weather is more favorable and the sea is not frozen. C-band satellite backup

connectivity provides an important safeguard against the impact of such calamities.

        B.      Advantages of C-Band Satellite Platform

        The advantages of C-band satellite service as compared to other satellite bands, are well-

documented before the Commission. In its filings in the Commission’s Expanding Flexible Use

of the 3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz Band docket, for example, Alaska Communications has detailed the

superior performance of C-band at Alaska’s high northerly latitudes, particularly in the poor

weather conditions and heavy precipitation that are all too common in the state.28 As Alaska

Communications explained in these filings:

        •    C-band satellite coverage is plentiful in Alaska, as a result of the large footprint
             offered by C-band satellite beams. Ku-band and Ka-band satellites often employ spot
             beams that are targeted to more economically important markets, such as large cities
             in the lower 48 states or transoceanic transport corridors. In higher frequency bands,

     See Pat Forgey, “5.9 Earthquake Causes Telecom Outage in Southeast Alaska,” Anchorage
     Daily News (Updated Sept. 28, 2016) (reporting submarine fiber optic cable cut caused by
     earthquake and potentially lengthy repair process), available at:
     See Alaska Communications Internet, LLC, Section 1.65 Letter, File No. SES-MOD-
     20180626-01472 (filed July 9, 2019), at 1-2; Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 GHz to 4.2
     GHz Band, GN Docket No. 18-122, Ex Parte Letter from Richard R. Cameron, Counsel to
     Alaska Communications (filed June 21, 2019), at 1; Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 GHz
     to 4.2 GHz Band, GN Docket No. 18-122, Comments of Alaska Communications Internet,
     LLC (filed Oct. 29, 2018), at 8-11) (“Alaska Communications C-Band Comments”).


            a spot beam may be aimed toward Anchorage at best, with any additional coverage
            merely incidental to that target.29
        •   C-band frequencies support superior performance at the low elevation angles required
            as a result of Alaska’s high northerly latitude, where earth station antennae often must
            be pointed lower than 10 degrees above the horizon.30
        •   C-band frequencies suffer far less attenuation from poor weather conditions (“rain
            fade”) and other obstructions than services that rely on Ku-, Ka-, or other higher
            bands. The low elevation angles required in Alaska make satellite service more
            sensitive to these attenuation issues, even from distant precipitation occurring along
            the line of sight to the satellite, than locations where the satellite is higher overhead.31

        Given the state’s extreme northerly latitudes and harsh weather, the C-band thus offers

better performance, availability, and coverage than other satellite spectrum bands, making it far

superior to other spectrum for serving customers in Alaska. Over much of the year, dangerous

and unpredictable conditions make it difficult at best for Alaska Communications network

technicians to reach remote customer sites, making such service reliability a paramount concern.

        Reliable communications are particularly important in the case of schools, libraries, and

rural healthcare providers, which use services supported by the Commission’s E-rate and RHC

universal service support mechanisms for the benefit of rural and remote Alaskan communities.

Alaska Communications uses C-band satellite earth stations to provide E-rate and RHC-supported

services, including some that may be served using the earth stations proposed in this application.

        More broadly, Alaska Communications’ customers, which include a broad array of rural

health care providers, the Federal Aviation Administration, other federal and state government

entities, public safety first responders, Alaska native-owned economic development enterprises,

     See Alaska Communications C-Band Comments at 8-9 (citing ViaSat, Inc., Call Sign
     E110015, SES-LIC-20110211-00150,“FCC International Bureau Presentation” (Apr. 11,
     2018), at 9 (ViaSat-1 Ka-band spot beam covering Anchorage), available at:
     Id. at 9.
     Id. at 11.


among others, are well aware that C-band services are consistently more stable and perform

more reliably than Ku- or Ka-band alternatives. As a result, these customers routinely insist that

their services be provisioned using C-band connectivity, and will specifically choose C-band

services over other options.

        Grant of this STA request will allow Alaska Communications Internet to further expand

its network, create an additional competitive alternative for customers in the Alaska bush, an

undeserved area with little access to telecommunications connectivity. Disproportionately, bush

villages in Alaska are home to vulnerable communities of Alaska Natives, for whom equal

opportunities offered by broadband are particularly critical. Grant of this STA request will help

improve the competitive landscape in the Alaska bush.

IV.     Conclusion

        Based on the foregoing, the public interest would be served by a grant of Commission

authority to Alaska Communications Internet to operate nine additional remote sites as part of its

C-band VSAT network in Alaska for a period of 60 days commencing on Tuesday, August 13,



Document Created: 1340-08-28 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1340-08-28 00:00:00

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