Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SES-STA-INTR2019-01068 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


April 11, 2019

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:       Request for Special Temporary Authority
                 Mountainside, Maryland Earth Station KA275
                 Expedited Treatment Requested

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”), herein requests expedited Special Temporary Authority (“STA”)1
for 30 days beginning immediately to use its Mountainside, Maryland C-band earth station—call sign
KA275—to provide telemetry, tracking, and command (“TT&C”) services for the Intelsat 29e satellite
(Call Sign S2913) as Intelsat takes all practicable steps to regain control of the satellite. The TT&C
operations will be performed in the following frequencies: 3701.25 MHz, 3701.75 MHz, 3702.25
MHz, and 3702.75 MHz in the uplink; and 5850.5 MHz, 5853.0 MHz, 6422.0 MHz, and 6424.5 MHz
in the downlink.

As Intelsat informed the International Bureau, Intelsat 29e has left its station-keeping box after
experiencing back-to-back anomalies.2 On April 7, 2019, Intelsat 29e experienced a fuel leak that
caused the satellite to lose earth lock. Intelsat was in the process of recovering earth lock when
another anomaly of unknown origin occurred on April 9, 2019. Due to these back-to-back anomalies,
the Intelsat 29e satellite is no longer responding to commands and has drifted outside of its authorized
+/- 0.05° East/West station-keeping box. The satellite is not transmitting.

        Intelsat has filed this STA request, an FCC Form 159 and an $210.00 filing fee electronically
via the International Bureau’s Filing System.
       See Intelsat License LLC, Request for 30-day Station-Keeping STA for Intelsat 29e (S2913),
File No. SAT-STA-20190410-00025 (stamp grant issued Apr. 10, 2019, by Stephen J. Duall).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 11, 2019
Page 2

To the extent necessary, Intelsat requests a waiver of 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.120(a) and 25.130(b)(1) of the
Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or “Commission”) rules. Section 25.120(a) requires
an STA request to be received by the Commission at least three working days prior the start of
proposed operations;3 and Section 25.130(b)(1) requires applicants to provide a frequency
coordination analysis.4

Grant of this STA request is in the public interest. The Commission may grant a waiver for good
cause shown.5 The Commission typically grants a waiver where the particular facts make strict
compliance inconsistent with the public interest.6 In granting a waiver, the Commission may take into
account considerations of hardship, equity, or more effective implementation of overall policy on an
individual basis.7 Waiver is therefore appropriate if special circumstances warrant a deviation from
the general rule, and such a deviation will serve the public interest.

Good cause exists in this case based on hardship. Due to the sudden and unexplained anomalies on
the Intelsat 29e satellite, Intelsat is unable to comply with the requirements of §§ 25.120(a) and
25.130(b)(1) of the Commission’s rules. Intelsat will, however, take all practicable steps to regain
control of the satellite and avoid causing interference in doing so. Intelsat will be contacting operators
of satellites that could be impacted by the current drift of the satellite and is coordinating with
terrestrial operators.

        47 C.F.R. § 25.120(a).
        47 C.F.R. § 25.130(b)(1).
        47 C.F.R. § 1.3.
        N.E. Cellular Tel. Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (“Northeast Cellular”).
        WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1969); Northeast Cellular, 897 F.2d at

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 11, 2019
Page 3

For the reasons set forth herein, Intelsat respectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously grant
this STA request. Please direct any questions regarding this STA request to the undersigned at
(703) 559-6949.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     /s/ Cynthia J. Grady

                                                     Cynthia J. Grady
                                                     Senior Counsel
                                                     Intelsat US LLC

cc: Paul Blais
    Stephen Duall

Document Created: 2019-04-11 16:06:54
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 16:06:54

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