Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-STA-INTR2019-00932 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           Exhibit A
                              Land ESIM STA Application
         ISAT US Inc. (“ISAT US”) seeks Special Temporary Authority (“STA”), pursuant to

Section 25.120(b)(3) for a period of 90 days, beginning May 1, 2019, to test and demonstrate a

single unit of a new land earth station in motion (“ESIM”) terminal, which if licensed could

provide mobile communications services over Inmarsat’s Ka-band Global Xpress satellite

system. ISAT US already holds blanket license authority for ESIM that provide broadband

communications on maritime and aeronautical platforms1 (“GX Terminals”) with the Inmarsat

5F2 and Inmarsat 5F3 satellite networks. These current licenses cover operations in the 29.5-30.0

GHz (Earth-to-space) and 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands, which are the same

frequencies requested in this application. If these tests and demonstrations are successful, ISAT

may apply for a license to add the terminal for regular operations and at that time seek any

waivers of FCC technical rules that may be necessary.

         Land ESIM Terminal Description

         This application seeks a 90 day STA for testing and demonstration of a single unit of the

Taipan 48 terminal (“Land ESIM terminal”) manufactured by EM Solutions for operation on

land vehicles. The testing and demonstrations will take place in a controlled manner at the

Inmarsat Government facility in Reston, VA, as well as fixed locations in Washington, DC,

Atlanta, GA, and New York, NY metropolitan areas. While the STA is requested for a 90 day

period, the terminal will not be operated continuously throughout that timeframe. Instead,

testing and demonstration will be conducted on individual days throughout the STA period, for

approximately one day every two weeks. The terminal, which employs a 0.48 meter antenna,

will operate on the same frequencies as the GX Terminals already licensed by the Commission:
    See Call Signs E140114 and E140029.

19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 29.5-30.0 GHz (Earth-to-space). Operations in the

frequency bands requested in the application are subject to the U.S. Table of Frequency

Allocations in Section 2.106 of the Commission’s rules (“U.S. Table”) and the Ka-band plan

adopted by the Commission. The FCC’s Ka-band plan designates the 19.7-20.2 GHz band and

the 29.5-30.0 GHz band to GSO FSS on a primary basis. The Commission recently adopted rules

for ESIM use of the Ka-band FSS frequency bands requested in this application,2 but the rules

are not yet effective because they have not yet been published in the Federal Register.

       The technical data required in the Form 312 for the proposed earth station is provided in

Exhibit B. This terminal type employs a 0.48 meter flat panel antenna and the half-power

beamwidth required in Section 25.130(f) is 1.5 degrees. For blanket licensing of transmitting

Earth stations in the 29.5-30.0 GHz band, the Commission adopted off-axis EIRP spectral

density levels contained in Section 25.138(a). As illustrated in the off-axis EIRP spectral density

plots in Exhibit B, the proposed terminal type meets the limits specified in Section 25.138(a) or

falls within the 3 dB exceedance allowance of 25.138(a)(3). Although multiple NGSOs have

been licensed this year for the Ka-band, all of them have been granted subject to not causing

interference to or claiming protection from GSO FSS, and given that no licensed NGSO system

actually will be operating in the 29.5-30.0 GHz band during the proposed limited duration STA

period, any incidental exceedance of the levels would not cause any potential interference to

other users of the band.

  Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Facilitate the Use of Earth Stations
in Motion Communicating with Geostationary Orbit Space Stations in Frequency Bands
Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, FCC 18-138 (rel. Sept. 27, 2018).

                                          EXHIBIT B

Taipan Off-Axis EIRP Masks
Fig. 1.1. Co-Pol EIRP density in the Plane Tangent to the GSO Arc 29.5 GHz

Fig. 1.2. Co-Pol EIRP density in the Plane Tangent to the GSO Arc 30.0 GHz

Fig. 2.1. Co-Pol EIRP density in the Plane Tangent to the GSO Arc 29.5 GHz (-10 to +10 degrees)

Fig. 2.2. Co-Pol EIRP density in the Plane Tangent to the GSO Arc 30.0 GHZ (-10 to +10 degrees)

Fig. 3.1. Co-Pol EIRP density in the Perpendicular to the GSO Arc 29.5 GHz (0 to +30 degrees)

Fig. 3.2. Co-Pol EIRP density in the Perpendicular to the GSO Arc 30.0 GHz (0 to +30 degrees)

Fig. 4.1. X-Pol EIRP density in the plane tangent to the GSO Arc 29.5 GHZ (-7 to +7 degrees)

Fig. 4.2. X-Pol EIRP density in the plane tangent to the GSO Arc 30 GHZ (-7 to +7 degrees)

Fig. 5.1. X-Pol EIRP density in the plane perpendicular to the GSO Arc 29.5 GHZ (-7 to +7 degrees)

Fig. 5.2. X-Pol EIRP density in the plane perpendicular to the GSO Arc 30 GHZ (-7 to +7 degrees)

              E28           E29          E30            E31        E32.    E41/42. Antenna
                                                                   Antenna Gain Transmit and
              Antenna ID    Quantity     Manufacturer Model
                                                                   Size    or Receive
Site ID

              Taipan        1            E.M.           Taipan     0.48      38.34 dBi at 19.7

                                                                   0.48      38.95 dBi at 19.95

                                                                   0.48      38.57 dBi at 20.2

                                                                   0.48      39.86 dBi at 29.5

                                                                   0.48      39.64 dBi at 30.0

      E33/34 Diameter      E35         E36       E37          E38 Total      E39       E40 Total
      Minor/Major                                             Input Power              EIRP for
      (meters)                                                at antenna               all carriers
                                                              flange                   dBW

      0.48                 0.0         0.0       0.0          16                       50.6

          E43/44             E45 T/R     E46          E47             E48.          E.49
                             Mode        Antenna      Emission        Maximum       Maximum
                                         Polarization Designator      EIRP per      EIRP Density
                                                                      Carrier       per Carrier
                                                                      (dBW)         (dBW/4kHz)

          19700 20200        R           LHC           32M0G7W        0.0           0.0

          29500 30000        T           RHC           460KG7W        50.6          29.99

          29500 30000        T           RHC           5M00G1W        50.6          19.63

E52/53.     E54/55.Range E56.      E57.        E58.      E59.        E60.
Frequency   of Satellite Earth     Antenna     Earth     Antenna     Maximum
Limits(MHz) Arc Eastern/ Station   Elevation   Station   Elevation   EIRP density
                         Azimuth   Angle       Azimuth   Angle       toward the
                         Angle     Eastern     Angle     Western     Horizon
            Limit        Eastern               Western
                                   Limit                 Limit       (dBW/4kHz)
                         Limit                 Limit

19700      0.0/360.0     0.0       5.0         0.0       5.0         0.0

29500      0.0/360.0     0.0       5.0         0.0       5.0         -9.0

Document Created: 2010-01-01 00:00:00
Document Modified: 2010-01-01 00:00:00

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