Withdrawal ID | WTH2004031995548503 |
Withdrawal Date | 03/19/2004 09:55:48:503 AM |
File Number |
SES-STA-INTR2004-00360 |
Applicant Name |
Globalstar USA, LLC |
IB Submission ID |
IB2004000360 |
Callsign |
Description of Application |
Globalstar USA, LLC is applying for authority to allow the Globalstar gateway earth stations to track satellites down to a minimum of 5 degrees elevation (instead of the current minimum 10 degrees). Lowering the minimum permissible elevation angle will a |
Filed on |
02/24/2004 04:38:32:426 PM |
Date of Public Notice |
As requested by |
William F. Adler - Vice President - Legal and Regulatory (Name and Title of company official) |
As requested by the above entity, the referenced application has been withdrawn. The application is not a GSO-like license application and is therefore not eligible for an application fee refund pursuant to Section 1.1113(d) of the Rules. |