Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20190910-01188 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                            )
DG Consents Sub, Inc.                       )   File No. SAT-STA-2019____________
Application for Special Temporary           )
Authority (Call Sign E950499)               )

                      APPLICATION OF DG CONSENTS SUB, INC.

       On July 17, 2019, the Commission granted the latest in a series of requests by DG

Consents Sub, Inc. (“DigitalGlobe”) for special temporary authority (“STA”) for 60 days to

continue operations through the addition of a new antenna to fixed earth station license E950499

in Fairbanks, Alaska. This STA grant expires September 14, 2019.1 On November 5, 2018,

DigitalGlobe filed a modification application for permanent authority for the new antenna with

complete technical specifications.2 The FCC put the modification application on Public Notice

March 27, 2019, but it remains pending.3 Therefore, by this application and per FCC Rule 1.62,4

DigitalGlobe seeks to extend its STA for another 60 days, until November 13, 2019. While the

modification remains pending, grant of the instant STA request will serve the public interest by

       See FCC Public Notice, Satellite Communications Services Information re: Actions
Taken, Report No. SES-02185 (July 24, 2019); See also SES-STA-20190709-00889.
      Because DigitalGlobe has filed an application for regular authority, see SES-MOD-
20181105-03445, the FCC may grant this STA without public notice. 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(3).
       See FCC Public Notice, Satellite Communications Services re: Satellite Radio
Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. SES-02147 (Mar. 27, 2019); see also IBFS File
No. SES-MOD-20181105-03445.
       47 C.F.R. § 1.62.

allowing DigitalGlobe to continue to upgrade its communications infrastructure to better serve its

earth exploration satellite service customers.

       Specifically, DigitalGlobe requests STA to continue to operate a ViaSat 5.4m V8X-Y

antenna in a radome. The antenna will be co-located with its currently-authorized Datron 7.3m

8300 antenna. The ViaSat antenna will utilize the same power levels, S-band transmit

frequencies (i.e., 2042 MHz, 2052 MHz, 2085.6875 MHz 2092.6 MHz, and 2094.896 MHz) for

TT&C, and X-band receive frequencies (i.e., 8025-8400 MHz) as the Datron antenna, and it will

communicate with the same space stations as currently authorized under E950499. The ViaSat

antenna will also be controlled via remote control from 1601 Dry Creek Drive, Suite 26,

Longmont, Colorado, 80503. Per Rule 17.7, DigitalGlobe certifies that the new ViaSat antenna

does not require FAA antenna structure notification.5

       DigitalGlobe understands that all operations pursuant to a grant of STA will be on a non-

interference basis. As the new antenna will utilize the same frequencies as its currently operating

antenna, DigitalGlobe does not anticipate that operation of the new antenna will cause any

harmful interference or adversely affect any other authorized users. In the unlikely event

harmful interference does occur, DigitalGlobe will take all steps necessary to eliminate such

interference. The point of contact for technical questions or interference concerns is:

       Tony Mumm, Manager of Remote Ground Stations, 303-684-4792.

       DigitalGlobe further understands that any grant of STA will be without prejudice to

action on the already filed modification application to add this antenna.

       Grant of this STA request will allow DigitalGlobe to continue to upgrade its ground-

based communications network. Operation of the new antenna at the Fairbanks, Alaska site will

       See 47 C.F.R. § 17.7.


enhance the provision of service to earth exploration satellite service customers and thereby

promotes the public interest.

       For the reasons set forth above, DigitalGlobe respectfully requests that the Commission

grant this STA.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    Henry Gola
                                                    Wiley Rein LLP
                                                    1776 K St NW
                                                    Washington, DC 20006
                                                    Counsel for DG Consents Sub, Inc.

September 10, 2019


Document Created: 2019-09-10 14:32:59
Document Modified: 2019-09-10 14:32:59

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