Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20190712-00914 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of

    Application of Alaska Communications               )   Call Sign: E170205
    Internet LLC for 60-Day Special Temporary          )
    Authorization (“STA”)                              )   File No. SES-STA-__________________


          Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission (the

“FCC” or “Commission”),1 Alaska Communications Internet LLC (“Alaska Communications

Internet”) respectfully seeks a 60-day special temporary authorization (“STA”), commencing on

Wednesday, July 17, 2019, to operate a remote earth station site as part of its existing C-band

very small aperture terminal (“VSAT”) network2 during the Commission’s review of its pending

modification application.3 Alaska Communications Internet will use this earth station to deliver

critical broadband satellite communications services to the Arch Priest Nicholas Kompkoff

Health Clinic (the “Chenega Clinic”) operated by Chugachmiut, an Alaska Native 501(c)(3) non-

profit agency incorporated in 1974 to serve the seven Native tribes in Alaska’s Chugach region.

The Chenega Clinic is located on Chenega Island, a remote area within the Chugach National

Forest. Consistent with the ACI Network License, Alaska Communications Internet seeks to

operate this new site in the C-band at a fixed location in Alaska while communicating with the

EUTELSAT 115WB satellite located at the 114.9° W.L. orbital position.

      See 47 C.F.R. § 25.120.
      See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20171116-01257, Call Sign E170205,
      and subsequent modification and amendment applications (“ACI Network License”).
      See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-MOD-20180626-0142, Call Sign E170205
      (“ACI Modification Application”). Alaska Communications Internet plans to seek regular authority to
      operate this site as part of its C-band VSAT network in the near future.

         Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest because it will enable Alaska

Communications Internet immediately to provide the Chenega Clinic with critically needed

broadband services supported by the Commission’s Rural Health Care (“RHC”) Universal Service

Support Mechanism. These services will support vital telehealth and telemedicine connectivity

needed to support patient care at the Chenega Clinic,4 which is the primary source of health care in

this remote Alaska Bush community,5 for Funding Year 2019, which began on July 1, 2019.

I.       Background

         Alaska Communications Internet is an affiliate of Alaska Communications Systems

Group, Inc. (“Alaska Communications”), a publicly-traded company that, through its subsidiaries,

provides terrestrial wireline telecommunications and broadband-enabled services throughout

Alaska as the largest incumbent local exchange carrier in the state.6 Alaska Communications

Internet provides essential broadband and voice-over-Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) services to

enterprise, business, educational, health care, and residential customers throughout the state.

         The ACI Network License authorizes Alaska Communications Internet to operate a

network of C-band satellite earth stations in order to provide satellite services to diverse users in

remote locations in Alaska. Specifically, from the gateway hub in Anchorage, Alaska, the

network currently serves the Alaska Native population of St. Paul Island and the Tanadgusix

     Geographic coordinates: 60° 03' 56.3" N, 148° 01' 01.6" W.
     Unlike Alaska’s three largest population centers, and the surrounding rural communities, Alaska Bush
     communities are isolated geographically from infrastructure resources commonly available elsewhere
     in the state, and the nation as a whole. Most Bush communities cannot be accessed by road, nor are
     they connected to the state’s power grid. To reach these communities, people, as well as goods and
     services, must arrive by plane, barge, snow machine, all-terrain vehicle, or other off-road
     transportation means. Communications services in these communities generally must rely on satellite
     or terrestrial point-to-point microwave transport links to Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau.
     The incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”) subsidiaries of Alaska Communications are: ACS of
     Anchorage, LLC; ACS of Fairbanks, LLC; ACS of Alaska, LLC; and ACS of the Northland, LLC;
     see also ACS Long Distance, Inc., File Nos. ITC-214-19960612-00248, ITC-T/C-20050822-00382,
     ITC-T/C-20040414-00190 (International Section 214 authorization).


Corporation (“TDX”), an Alaska Native corporation created pursuant to the Alaska Native

Claims Settlement Act (“ANCSA”). In addition, the C-band VSAT network serves local

businesses co-owned by the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation (“BBEDC”),7

providing broadband connectivity that supports the local fishing and seafood industries, as well

as a test site located in Anchorage, Alaska. In the ACI Modification Application, Alaska

Communications Internet has also sought authorization to extend its network to deliver

broadband telecommunications and Internet services to ten primary and secondary school

locations in additional Alaska Bush communities.8

         While that application remains pending, Alaska Communications Internet has obtained

special temporary authority to serve those sites,9 in addition to a seafood processing plant

operated by Silver Bay Seafood, LLC at False Pass, Alaska,10 as well as to serve coastal seafood

processing plants operated by Trident Seafood Corporation and a remote mining operation.11

         This STA is similar in scope to Alaska Communications Internet existing Kuspuk STA

because it is also in support of a community anchor institution that delivers vital services to its

community. It will allow staff and patients to realize the near-term benefits of improved

     The BBEDC is a not-for-profit company whose mission is to promote economic growth and
     opportunities for residents of BBEDC’s member communities through sustainable use of the Bering
     Sea resources. See
     See ACI Modification Application, supra, n.3.
     See, e.g., Alaska Communications Internet LLC, SES-STA-20190130-00038 and SES-STA-
     20190408-00472, Call Sign E170205 (“Kuspuk STA”).
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File Nos. SES-STA-20190211-00110 and SES-STA-
     20190418-00526, Call Sign E170205 (“Silver Bay STA”).
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-STA-20190418-00526, Call Sign E170205
     (“Trident STA”).


telehealth and telemedicine services – a top policy priority for the Commission – for RHC

Funding Year 2019.12

          Alaska Communications Internet incorporates by reference (and attaches as an Exhibit to

this STA) a pro forma FCC Form 312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix showing the details

of its proposed earth station operations at the Chenega Clinic. Those documents provide relevant

information relating to the earth station operating parameters, performance information and

radiation hazard analyses. Alaska Communications Internet will operate a 2.4m General

Dynamics (the “2.4m”) earth station with a Prodelin antenna, which is on the Commission’s

Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas List (“Non-Routine Antenna List”).13 Moreover,

Alaska Communications Internet will operate the earth station below the maximum EIRP

spectral density (“ESD”) levels previously approved by the Commission.14

II.       Discussion

          This STA requests seeks authority to operate one remote earth station site in Chenega,

Alaska, which will communicate with the C-band network hub operated by Alaska

Communications Internet under the ACI Network License via the EUTELSAT 115WB satellite in

the C-band.

      Promoting Telehealth for Low-Income Consumers, WC Docket No. 18-213, Notice of Inquiry, FCC
      18-112, 33 FCC Rcd 7825 (2018) at ¶ 1 (naming increased telehealth opportunities a “top-priority”
      imperative, with a focus on “connected care anywhere”).
      Alaska Communications Internet will operate these earth stations at maximum EIRP spectral density
      (“ESD”) levels lower than those previously authorized by the Commission. See Approved Non-
      Routine Earth Station Antennas,
      The site will utilize an iDirect modem, which assigns individual time slots for the earth station’s
      transmissions, and thus there is no potential for aggregation of transmissions resulting in an
      exceedance of the off-axis ESD levels provided in this application.


         A.      New Site Location

         Although the 2.4m earth station does not comply with the gain mask in Section 25.209 of

the Commission’s rules, Alaska Communications Internet demonstrates in the attached Schedule

B that it will operate the terminals at maximum ESD levels in compliance with the ESD mask set

forth in Section 25.218(d) of the Commission’s rules.15

         The earth station will be placed on a non-penetrating mount on an existing rooftop in an

area inaccessible to the general public. The planned location is not among any “districts, sites,

buildings, structures or objects, significant in American history, architecture, archeology,

engineering or culture, that are listed, or are eligible for listing, in the National Register of

Historic Places,”16 and thus falls within the exemptions of Section 1.1306(a)-(b) and Note 1 to

that rule.17 Accordingly, no environmental assessment is required as part of this application

because the proposed site is categorically exempt under Section 1.1306 of the Commission’s

rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

         B.      Frequency Coordination

         Alaska Communications Internet engaged Micronet Communications, Inc. (“Micronet”)

to perform frequency coordination in support of this request, which was completed on July 9,

2019. Pursuant to Sections 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203 of the Commission’s rules,18 Micronet

has conducted a coordination analysis on behalf of Alaska Communications Internet that

     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.218(d).
     47 C.F.R. § 1.1307(a)(4).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306, Note 1 (“The provisions of §1.1307(a) requiring the preparation of EAs do
     not encompass the mounting of antenna(s) and associated equipment (such as wiring, cabling,
     cabinets, or backup-power), on or in an existing building, or on an antenna tower or other man-made
     structure, unless §1.1307(a)(4) is applicable.”).
     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203.


considers all existing, proposed, and prior coordinated microwave facilities within the contours

of the proposed earth station at the Chenega Clinic.

        As demonstrated in the attached frequency coordination reports, as coordinated and

limited, there is no potential for interference into other users of the C-band spectrum sought

herein by Alaska Communications Internet. Moreover, Micronet received no objections in

response to its Prior Coordination Notices, and Alaska Communications Internet currently

operates its network with no reported cases of interference. Alaska Communications Internet

will coordinate any additional hub or remote operations prior to bringing them into use as part of

the C-band VSAT network.

        C.      The C-Band Temporary Freeze Public Notice

        Alaska Communications Internet acknowledges the Commission’s Public Notice placing

a temporary freeze on the filing of all new or modification applications for earth stations in the

3.7-4.2 GHz band, effective as of April 19, 2018.19 The Temporary Freeze Public Notice does

not include a freeze on requests for special temporary authority for short-term operations, and

thus the instant request is outside the scope of the freeze. Furthermore, grant of this STA will

strongly serve the public interest by enabling the delivery of critically needed broadband

telecommunications and Internet access services to a community health and treatment clinic,

where terrestrial connectivity is mostly unavailable.

        In conjunction with its forthcoming request for regular authority to operate the Chenega

Clinic as part of the network licensed under its existing ACI Network License, Alaska

     See Public Notice, Temporary Freeze on Applications for New or Modified Fixed Satellite Service
     Earth Stations and Fixed Microwave Stations in the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band, 90-Day Window to File
     Applications for Earth Stations Currently Operating in the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band, DA 18-398 (rel. on
     April 19, 2018) (“Temporary Freeze Public Notice”). See also, Public Notice, GN Docket Nos. 17-
     183, 18-122, “International Bureau Announces 90-Day Extension of Filing Window, to October 17,
     2018, to File Applications for Earth Stations Currently Operating in 3.7-4.2 GHz Band; Filing
     Options for Operators with Multiple Earth Station Antennas,” DA 18-639 (rel. Jun. 21, 2018).


Communications Internet intends to seek a waiver, to the extent required, of the Temporary

Freeze Public Notice. As discussed in the Silver Bay STA Legal Narrative, grant of that waiver

request, when filed, would enable Alaska Communications Internet to expand its delivery of

reliable and effective broadband services to additional remote locations, including the Chenega

Clinic for staff and patient communications.20

III.       Request for Special Temporary Authority and Public Interest Considerations

           Section 25.120(a) provides that an STA request should be filed at least three business

days prior to commence of proposed operations. Here, Alaska Communications Internet has

timely filed this 60-day STA request so that the Commission may permit operations by

Wednesday, July 17, 2019. Moreover, Section 25.120(b)(2) states that the Commission may

grant a temporary authorization for up to 60 days if the STA request has not been placed on

public notice and the applicant plans to file a request for regular authority for the service. As

noted, the ACI Modification Application is on file with the Commission and the Public Notice

period for the application has closed. This STA request will ensure Alaska Communications

Internet has appropriate authority during the Commission’s ongoing review of the ACI

Modification Application and until such time as it is able to file a request for long-term regular


           The operations proposed under this STA will greatly advance the public interest goals of

the Commission’s RHC support mechanism, as mandated by Sections 254(h)(1)(A) and

254(h)(2)(A) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 254(h)(1)(A), (h)(2)(A) and

implemented in numerous Commission orders. Today, rural healthcare providers, including the

       See Silver Bay STA, Legal Narrative, Section II.C. To the extent that the Commission deems the
       Temporary Freeze Public Notice applicable here, Alaska Communications Internet hereby seeks a
       waiver of that freeze for the reasons set forth in Section II.C of the Silver Bay STA, Legal Narrative
       which it incorporates here by reference.


Chenega Clinic, routinely use broadband services to support multi-purpose telemedicine carts,

remote telestroke, e-ICU, X-ray, CT, MRI, mammography, ultrasound, and DEXA scans, and

cost-saving medical videoconferencing services, as well as cloud-based storage of electronic

health records. Remote availability of these services has transformed the delivery of health care

in rural and remote areas, but they require broadband connectivity to function. Grant of the STA

will ensure delivery of the necessary broadband satellite services to support telehealth and

telemedicine capabilities at the Chenega Clinic for Funding Year 2019.

          Finally, grant of this STA request will allow Alaska Communications Internet to further

expand its network, create an additional competitive alternative for customers in the Alaska

Bush, an undeserved area with little access to telecommunications connectivity. USAC has

recently confirmed that the competitive bidding process underlying the vast majority of RHC

funding requests result in either no bids or one bid.21 Grant of this STA request will help

improve the competitive landscape and the efficiency of the competitive bidding process in the

Alaska Bush.

IV.       Conclusion

          Based on the foregoing, the public interest would be served by a grant of this STA to

Alaska Communications Internet to operate one additional site in Chenega, Alaska, as part of its

C-band VSAT network in Alaska for a period of 60 days commencing on July 17, 2019.

      Rural Health Care Universal Service Support Mechanism, WC Docket No. 02-06, Ex Parte Letter from
      Mark Sweeney, Vice President, Rural Health Care and Shared Services, USAC (filed July 10, 2019),
      Appendix A at 3 (“In funding year 2017, out of a total of7,357 Telecom Program funding requests
      received by the Administrator, 6,699 requests included no bids, and 242 requests included only one bid,
      from service providers (i.e., 95% of funding requests were submitted with zero bids or one bid).”).


Document Created: 0760-09-20 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0760-09-20 00:00:00

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