Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-STA-20190711-00912 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                 National Telecommunications and
                                                 Information Administration
                                                Washington, D.C. 20230

                                                                                          FEB 08 2018
FOR AGENDA                                                                  SSS—105158

TO:             Shaobei Xu
                Air Force Spectrum Management Office

FROM:           Brandon Mitchell      M
                Chair, IRAC Space Systems Subcommittee (SSS)

SUBJECT:        Air Force Request for Waiver from ITU International Registration of the STPSat—
4 Satellite TT&C.

The Air Force, in its letter dated 23 June 2017 requests a waiver from the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the STPSat—4 satellite (see

The STPSat—4 satellite is a new Department of Defense (DoD) Space Test Program (STP)
satellite. The STPSat—4 will host space technology experimental payloads such as the Air Force
Research Laboratory (AFRL) Modular RF Tile L—band Experiment and other U.S. Air Force
Academy undergraduate student education projects. The AFRL L—band experiment will be the
only active transmitter while all other onboard payloads on the STPSat—4 satellite are passive
devices. The STPSat—4 satellite is currently scheduled for launch in February 2018 and the
intended use is less than one year.               '

The STPSat—4 satelliteis a non—geosynchronous satellite with apogee and perigee of 400 km and
an inclination angle of 51.6 degrees. The satellite will transmits on a of 2277.9 MHz (space—to—
Earth) with a 437KG1D and 875KG1D (power of 2 Watt) emissions while in view of the ground
stations located at Colorado Spring, CO and Houston, TX. The STPSat—4 receives on 2097.566
MHz (Earth—to—space) with 17K2G1D emission from the ground stations located Colorado
Spring, CO and Houston, TX (see SPS—22315/1 and SPS—22567/1).

Based on the Air Force intended operational period of less than 12 months for the STPSat—4
satellite mission, Air Force requests a waiver from an international registration with the ITU
Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) under Section of the NTIA Manual, "Exemption
Requests for Submitting Space System Information to the BR." This section provides that the
practice ofthe United States is not to submit space system information to the BR if the intended
length ofthe missions is 12 months or less.

This section of the Manual also states that:

        An agency requesting exemption from international registration for a particular satellite
        system shall submit a request that the international registration be waived to the SSS.

       The submission to the SSS shall include the following:

                  a.   a statement that the agency has reviewed the existing satellite systems
           registered with the ITU and determined their system is compatible;
                  b.   a statement that the agency will continue to monitor the international
           registration process for satellite systems that operate co—channel to the system for
           which they have requested a waiver and be responsible for taking the measures
           necessary to ensure compatibility with any new systems; and
                   c. a statement that the agency recognizes that should a waiver of the
           international registration requirement be approved and interference occurs to or from
           their unregistered system, they have no status or rights under the ITU Radio
           Regulations (RR). Agencies operating such a system, without the benefit ofthe
           recognition and protection afforded by the international registration process, assume
           full responsibility for making modifications required to resolve any interference
         _ problems with systems operating in accordance with the RR.

The SSS and NTIA reviewed the request by Air Force to waive the international registration of
the above subject operation. Air Force has fulfilled the requirements listed above. The SSS has
no objections to the waiver being granted. Accordingly, NTIA hereby grants Air Force a walver
from international registration of the STPSAT—4 satellite: .

NTIA grants this waiver subject to the following conditions:

    1. Air Force shall continue to monitor the international process for systems that operate co—
       channel to this system and be responsible for taking the necessary measures concerning
      any new system that may not be compatible.
   2. Air Force recognizes that this system will have no status or rights under the RR. Ifthere
      is interference to or from this system, Air Force shall immediately make modifications to
      resolve all cases ofinterference.

The SSS Chair shall forward this memo to the IRAC, the Spectrum Planning Subcommittee, and
the Frequency Assignment Subcommittee for information.

Document Created: 2019-07-11 18:27:40
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 18:27:40

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