Attachment Freq Coordination

This document pretains to SES-STA-20190128-00046 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Date:                                    01/28/2019
Job Number:                              190128COMSGE01
Administrative Information
Status                                   TEMPORARY (Operation from 02/18/2019 to 08/18/2019)
Call Sign                                TEMP08
Licensee Code                            RCASTR
Licensee Name                            Lockheed Martin Corporation-Phillipsburg

Site Information                         CARPENTERSVILLE, NJ
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                        40° 38' 39.1" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                       75° 11' 27.8" W
Climate Zone                             A
Rain Zone                                2
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                  54.86 m / 180.0 ft

Link Information
Satellite Type                           Geostationary
Mode                                     TO - Transmit-Only
Modulation                               Digital
Satellite Arc                            4° W to 147° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                            102.5° to 257.9°
Corresponding Elevation Angles           5.5° / 5.0°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                 9.14 m / 30.0 ft
Antenna Information                            Transmit - FCC32
Manufacturer                                   TIW SYSTEMS
Model                                          FCC STD 14.2-MET
Gain / Diameter                                57.5 dBi / 14.2 m
3-dB / 15-dB Beamwidth                         0.24° / 0.46°

Max Available RF Power        (dBW/4 kHz)      2.5
                              (dBW/MHz)        26.5

Maximum EIRP                  (dBW/4 kHz)      60.0
                              (dBW/MHz)        84.0

Interference Objectives:    Long Term          -154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                            Short Term         -131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%

Frequency Information                          Transmit 6.7 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)               1M00F2D - 1M00F8X / 6717.5 - 6718.5
                                               1M00F2D - 1M00F8X / 6719.5 - 6720.5

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance         509.8 km / 316.7 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius           253.5 km / 157.5 mi

Coordination Values                       CARPENTERSVI, NJ
Licensee Name                             Lockheed Martin Corporation-Phillipsburg
Latitude (NAD 83)                         40° 38' 39.1" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                        75° 11' 27.8" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                   54.86 m / 180.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                  9.14 m / 30.0 ft
Antenna Model                             TIW 14.2 meter
Antenna Mode                                       Transmit 6.7 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term                 -154.0 dBW/4 kHz         20%
                              Short Term           -131.0 dBW/4 kHz         0.0025%
Max Available RF Power        2.5 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                             Transmit 6.7 GHz
                   Horizon                 Antenna                    Horizon            Coordination
Azimuth (°)        Elevation (°)           Discrimination (°)         Gain (dBi)         Distance (km)
  0                 3.51                   102.08                     -10.00             100.00
  5                 3.90                    97.51                     -10.00             100.00
 10                 2.91                    92.51                     -10.00             100.00
 15                 2.84                    87.51                     -10.00             100.00
 20                 2.83                    82.52                     -10.00             100.00
 25                 3.07                    77.52                     -10.00             100.00
 30                 3.44                    72.52                     -10.00             100.00
 35                 3.78                    67.52                     -10.00             100.00
 40                 3.82                    62.52                     -10.00             100.00
 45                 3.80                    57.53                     -10.00             100.00
 50                 3.59                    52.54                     -10.00             100.00
 55                 3.40                    47.55                      -9.93             100.00
 60                 3.31                    42.56                      -8.72             100.00
 65                 3.12                    37.58                      -7.37             100.00
 70                 2.88                    32.61                      -5.83             106.30
 75                 3.07                    27.61                      -4.03             109.48
 80                 3.04                    22.64                      -1.87             118.28
 85                 3.06                    17.68                       0.82             128.03
 90                 3.07                    12.74                       4.37             140.11
 95                 2.74                     8.00                       9.42             173.46
100                 2.73                     3.74                      17.68             213.27
105                 2.58                     3.84                      17.40             325.73
110                 2.72                     7.37                      10.31             178.36
115                 2.80                    10.92                       6.05             153.21
120                 2.62                    14.56                       2.92             143.25
125                 2.05                    18.40                       0.38             144.87
130                 1.63                    22.02                      -1.57             147.81
135                 2.22                    24.75                      -2.84             130.00
140                 2.76                    27.32                      -3.91             115.62
145                 2.31                    30.46                      -5.09             119.93
150                 2.22                    33.06                      -5.98             118.32
155                 1.94                    35.55                      -6.77             121.35
160                 2.22                    37.22                      -7.27             113.78
165                 2.67                    38.33                      -7.59             103.84
170                 2.46                    39.65                      -7.95             106.68
175                 1.94                    40.84                      -8.28             116.00
180                 1.90                    41.11                      -8.35             116.70
185                 1.86                    40.92                      -8.30             117.95

Coordination Values                      CARPENTERSVI, NJ
Licensee Name                             Lockheed Martin Corporation-Phillipsburg
Latitude (NAD 83)                         40° 38' 39.1" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                        75° 11' 27.8" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                   54.86 m / 180.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                  9.14 m / 30.0 ft
Antenna Model                             TIW 14.2 meter
Antenna Mode                                       Transmit 6.7 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term                 -154.0 dBW/4 kHz         20%
                              Short Term           -131.0 dBW/4 kHz         0.0025%
Max Available RF Power        2.5 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                             Transmit 6.7 GHz
                   Horizon                 Antenna                    Horizon            Coordination
Azimuth (°)        Elevation (°)           Discrimination (°)         Gain (dBi)         Distance (km)
190                 1.23                    40.84                      -8.28             133.68
195                 1.33                    39.59                      -7.94             132.36
200                 2.37                    37.09                      -7.23             111.02
205                 1.76                    35.72                      -6.82             125.59
210                 1.77                    33.44                      -6.11             127.75
215                 2.21                    30.54                      -5.12             121.77
220                 3.42                    26.81                      -3.71             104.37
225                 3.50                    23.78                      -2.41             107.97
230                 4.90                    19.59                      -0.30             100.00
235                 4.41                    16.68                       1.44             108.04
240                 4.50                    13.22                       3.97             116.48
245                 3.77                    10.24                       6.75             136.90
250                 2.53                     7.51                      10.11             181.63
255                 2.28                     4.01                      16.92             347.08
260                 2.60                     3.20                      19.36             509.81
265                 3.11                     7.34                      10.36             169.43
270                 3.39                    12.19                       4.85             136.12
275                 2.86                    17.22                       1.10             132.63
280                 2.80                    22.19                      -1.65             123.52
285                 3.05                    27.15                      -3.84             110.55
290                 3.56                    32.11                      -5.67             100.00
295                 4.21                    37.09                      -7.23             100.00
300                 4.98                    42.08                      -8.60             100.00
305                 5.49                    47.09                      -9.82             100.00
310                 5.46                    52.09                     -10.00             100.00
315                 5.57                    57.09                     -10.00             100.00
320                 4.81                    62.08                     -10.00             100.00
325                 3.99                    67.09                     -10.00             100.00
330                 3.36                    72.09                     -10.00             100.00
335                 3.16                    77.09                     -10.00             100.00
340                 3.15                    82.09                     -10.00             100.00
345                 3.00                    87.09                     -10.00             100.00
350                 3.23                    92.08                     -10.00             100.00
355                 3.48                    97.08                     -10.00             100.00

Document Created: 2019-01-28 16:11:12
Document Modified: 2019-01-28 16:11:12

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