Attachment 2019_01_03_10_58_56.


DECISION submitted by FCC

Grant with coordination report


This document pretains to SES-STA-20190102-00002 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                   Approved by 0MB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Request for 30—Day STA Using Riverside, CA Earth Station E040125 to Provide LEOP Services for GSAT—31
 1. Applicant

           Name:        Intelsat License LLC        Phone Number:                  703—559—7848
           DBA Name:                                Fax Number:                    703—559—8539
           Street:      do Intelsat US LLC           E—Mail:             
                        7900 Tysons One Place
           City:        McLean                       State:                        VA
           Country:     USA                         Zipcode:                       22102          —5972
           Attention:   Susan H. Crandall

                                                                                           Filc# $‘i~3’.-57g~-2o/~,~z            ~

                                                                                           CaliSign ii o            GrantDatc / ~? &‘/
                                                                                           (or other idcntificr~
                                                                                                                   Term Dates
                                                                                           From                          To.~‘   2C~
                                                                             ________      Approved:    ,1f ~         -

                                                                           liL//    5~S’-57                 0/      dl O2 ~O~~z)7~

                                                                                 Sig~ ~         cr/z..5”~’cr~3nt D~tc
Applicant: Intelsat License LLC                                                   h~’r i1’iit   1ici)
Call Sign: E040125                                                                                      ‘J’crjn   Da I Cs
File No.: SES-STA-20190102-00002                                                                                            Zo   j6/
Special Temporary Authority (“STA”)               GRANTED                                  //,;/ ~
                                               }n!un~a1 ~ri~ I !~ii (‘~I                 L/1’

Intelsat License LLC is granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning January 21,
2019, to operate its Riverside, CA earth stations to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP)
services for the GSAT—3 1 satellite, licensed by India, on center frequencies: 64 15.000 MHz and
6423.496 MHz (Earth-to-space); and 4188.768 MHz and 4196.928 MHz (space-to-Earth) under tht
following conditions.

 1.     All operations shall be on an unprotected and non-harmful interference basis, Intelsat
License LLC, shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from,
interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it shall cease transmission(s)
immediately upon notice of such interference and must inform the Commission, in writing,
immediately of such an event.

2.     All operators of satellites in that path will be provided with an emergency phone number
where the licensee can be reached when harmful interference occurs. Currently the 24x7 contact
information for the drift mission is as follows: Ph.: (703) 559-7701 East Coast Operations

Center (primary); (310) 525-5591 West Coast Operations Center (back-up). Request to speak

with Harry Burnham or Kevin Bell.

3.     Grant of this STA is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission may
make regarding pending or future Intelsat License LLC applications.

4.      Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this STA is
solely at Intelsat License LLC’s risk.

This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.26 1 of the Commission’s rules on delegated authority,
47 C.F.R. §0.26 1, and is effective upon release.

    2. Contact

                 Name:         Cynthia J. Grady                       Phone Number:                         703—559—6949
                 Company:      Intelsat US LLC                        Fax Number:                           703—559—8539
                 Street:       7900 Tysons One Place                  E—Mail:                     

                 City:         McLean                                 State:                                VA
                 Country:      USA                                    Zipcode:                              22102       —5972
                 Attention:                                           Relationship:                         Legal Counsel

    (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the lB Submission ID of the related
    application. Please enter only one.)
     3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
        4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
         If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.        If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
    0    Governmental Entity     ~ Noncommercial educational licensee
    ~ Other(please explain):
    4b. Fee Classification    CGX   —   Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station
    5. Type Request

    0    Use Prior to Grant                              ~, Change Station Location                           Other

    6. Requested Use Prior Date

    7. CityNuevo                                                                 8. Latitude
                                                                                 (dd mm ss.s h)   33   47   43.6    N


9. State   CA                                                              10. Longitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)     117   5   20.4    W
1 1. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: STA Request                         Attachment 2: Exhibit B                            Attachment 3: Exhibit C

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     Intelsat License LLC herein requests a grant of Special Temporary Authority for 30 days,
     commencing January 21, 2019, to use its Riverside, California earth station (Call Sign
     E040125) to provide launch and early orbit phase services for the GSAT—31 satellite.
     GSAT-31 is expected to launch on January 21, 2019.

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is               Yes            No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                  15. Title of Person Signing
  Cynthia J. Grady                                                            Senior Counsel, Intelsat US LLC
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

          I TELSAT
              En vision. Connect. Transform.

December 31, 2018

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:       Requests for Special Temporary Authority
                  Fillmore, California Earth Station E4132
                  Riverside, California Earth Station E040 125

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) herein requests a grant of Special Temporary Authority (“STA”)’ for
30 days, commencing January 21, 2019, to use its Fillmore, California C-band earth station (Call Sign
E4132) and its Riverside, California earth station (Call Sign E040125) to provide launch and early
orbit phase (“LEOP”) services for the GSAT-3 1 satellite. GSAT-3 1 is expected to launch on January
21, 2019.2 Intelsat expects the LEOP period to last approximately 10 days.

The GSAT-3 1 LEOP operations will be performed at the following frequencies: 6415.000 MHz and
6423.496 MHz (CP) in the uplink; and 4188.768 MHz and 4196.928 MHz (CP) in the downlink. The
LEOP operations will be coordinated with all operators of satellites that use the same frequency bands
and are in the LEOP path.3 All operators of satellites in that path will be provided with an emergency
phone number where the licensee can be reached in the event that harmful interference occurs.

The 24x7 contact information for the GSAT-3 I LEOP mission is as follows:

Ph.:     (703) 559-7701     —   East Coast Operations Center (primary)
         (310) 525-5591     —   West Coast Operations Center (back-up)

Request to speak with Harry Burnham or Kevin Bell.

  Intelsat has filed its STA request, FCC Form 159, a $210.00 filing fee, and this supporting letter electronically
via the International Bureau’s Filing System (“IBFS”).
2 The in-orbit testing and final location for GSAT-3 1, which Intelsat understands is licensed by India, will be

48.0° E.L.
~ Indian Space Research Organisation (“ISRO”), the manager of the GSAT-3 1 mission, will handle the
Intelsat US LLC
7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 22102-5972 USA T +1 703-559-6800

Applicant: Intelsat License LLC
Call Sign: E040125
File No.: SES-STA-20181023-03256
Special Temporary Authority (“STA”)

Intelsat License LLC is granted special temporary authority for 30 days, beginning January 21,
2019, to operate its Riverside, CA earth stations to provide launch and early orbit phase (LEOP)
services for the GSAT—31 satellite, licensed by India, on center frequencies: 64 15.000 MHz and
6423.496 MHz (Earth-to-space); and 4188.768 MHz and 4196.928 MHz (space-to-Earth) under tht
following conditions.

1.      All operations shall be on an unprotected and non-harmful interference basis, Intelsat
License LLC, shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from,
interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it shall cease transmission(s)
immediately upon notice of such interference and must inform the Commission, in writing,
immediately of such an event.

2.     All operators of satellites in that path will be provided with an emergency phone number
where the licensee can be reached when harmful interference occurs. Currently the 24x7 contact
information for the drift mission is as follows: Ph.: (703) 559-7701 East Coast Operations

Center (primary); (310) 525-5591 West Coast Operations Center (back-up). Request to speak

with Harry Burnham or Kevin Bell.

3.     Grant of this STA is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission may
make regarding pending or future Intelsat License LLC applications.

4.      Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this STA is
solely at Intelsat License LLC’s risk.

This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission’s rules on delegated authority,
47 C.F.R. §0.26 1, and is effective upon release.


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not

conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid 0MB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an 0MB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

                                        Exhibit C

           PETITION FOR WAIVER OF SECTIONS 25.137 AND 25.114

Pursuant to Section 25.137 of the Federal Communications Commission’s
(“Commission” or “FCC”) rules, earth station applicants “requesting authority to
communicate with a non-U.S. licensed space station” to serve the United States must
demonstrate that U.S.-licensed satellite systems have effective competitive opportunities
to provide analogues services in certain countries and must provide the same legal and
technical information for the non-U.S.-licensed space station as required by Section
25.114 for U.S.-licensed space stations) Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) herein seeks
authority to provide launch and early orbit phase (“LEOP”) services—not commercial
services—to the United States, and thus believes that Section 25.137 does not apply.2

To the extent the Commission determines, however, that Intelsat’s request for authority to
provide LEOP services on a special temporary basis is a request to serve the United
States with a non-U.S.-licensed satellite, Intelsat respectfully requests a waiver of
Sections 25.137 and 25.114 of the Commission’s rules.3 The Commission may grant a
waiver for good cause shown.4 The Commission typically grants a waiver where the
particular facts make strict compliance inconsistent with the public interest.5 In granting
a waiver, the Commission may take into account considerations of hardship, equity, or
more effective implementation of overall policy on an individual basis.6 Waiver is
therefore appropriate if special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule,
and such a deviation will serve the public interest.

In this case, good cause exists for a waiver of both Section 25.137 and Section 25.114 of
the FCC’s rules. With respect to Section 25.114, Intelsat seeks authority only to provide
LEOP services for the GSAT-31 satellite. The information sought by Section 25.114 is

1      47 C.F.R.    § 25.137.
2      See EchoStar Satellite Operating Company Application for Special Temporary
Authority Related to Moving the EchoStar 6 Satellite from the 770 WL. Orbital Location
to the 96.2° WL. Orbital Location, and to Operate at the 96.2° W.L. Orbital Location,
Order and Authorization, 28 FCC Rcd. 4229 (2013) (noting that operating TT&C earth
stations in the United States with a foreign-licensed satellite does not constitute “DBS

        47 C.F.R.   §~ 25.137 and 25.114.

       N.E. Cellular Tel. Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (“Northeast

6       WAIT Radio v. FCC, 419 F.2d1153, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1969); Northeast Cellular,
897 F.2d at 1166.

Exhibit C
Requests for Special Temporary Authority
Fillmore, California Earth Station E4132
Riverside, California Earth Station E040 125
Page 2

not relevant to LEOP services. Moreover, Intelsat does not have—and would not easily
be able to obtain—such information because Intelsat is not the operator of the GSAT-3 1
satellite. Intelsat has a contract with Indian Space Research Organisation, the
manufacturer of the GSAT-3 1 satellite, to conduct LEOP services.

The information required under Section 25.114 of the FCC’s rules is not necessary to
determine potential harmful interference. The Schedule S information for this satellite
would pertain to the operation of the GSAT-31 satellite at its final orbital location.
However, the present application for LEOP services involves communications prior to
the satellite attaining its final location in the geostationary orbit. In other words, during
the LEOP mission, the earth station will not be communicating with a satellite located in
the geostationary orbit. Rather, it will be transmitting to a satellite traveling on its
“transfer orbit” or “LEOP path,” which starts immediately following its separation from a
launch vehicle, and ends when the satellite reaches its geostationary orbital location.
Moreover, as with any STA, Intelsat will perform the LEOP services on a non
interference basis.

Because it is not relevant to the service for which Intelsat seeks authorization, and
because obtaining the information would be a hardship, Intelsat seeks a waiver of all the
information required by Section 25.114 of the Commission’s rules. Intelsat has provided
in this STA request the required technical information that is relevant to the LEOP
services for which Intelsat seeks authorization.

Good cause also exists to waive Section 25.137 of the agency’s rules. Section 25.137 is
designed to ensure that “U.S.-licensed satellite systems have effective competitive
opportunities to provide analogous services” in other countries.7 Here5 there is no service
being provided by the satellite; it is simply being placed in its orbital location after
separating from the launch vehicle. Thus, the purpose of Section 25.137 would not be
served by applying these rules to LEO? services. For example, Section 25.137(d)(4)
requires earth station applicants requesting authority to operate with a non-U.S.-licensed
space station that is not in orbit and operating to post a bond.8 The underlying purpose of
Section 25.137(d)(4)—to provide parity between U.S.-licensed and non-U.S.-licensed
commercial satellite systems in discouraging orbital location warehousing—would not be
served by requiring Intelsat to post a bond to provide approximately 10 days of LEOP
services to the GSAT-31 satellite.

It is Intelsat’s understanding that GSAT-31 is licensed by India, which is a WTO-member
country. Thus, the purpose of Section 25.137—to ensure that U.S. satellite operators
enjoy “effective competitive opportunities” to serve certain foreign markets—will not be
undermined by grant of this waiver request.

~ 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(a).
8 See 47 C.F.R. §25.137(d)(4).

Exhibit C
Requests for Special Temporary Authority
Fillmore, California Earth Station E4132
Riverside, California Earth Station E040 125
Page 3

Finally, Intelsat notes that it expects to operate with the GSAT-3 1 satellite using its U.S.
earth station for a period of approximately 10 days. Requiring Intelsat to obtain copious
technical and legal information from an unrelated party, where there is no risk of harmful
interference and the operations will cease after approximately 10 days, would pose undue
hardship without serving underlying policy objectives. Given these particular facts, the
waiver sought herein is plainly appropriate.

                                                                                  Exhibit B
                                                                                  Call Sign E040 125

                                                  Prepared By

                              19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

                                              Prepared For
                                        Intelsat License LLC
                                          Nuevo, California
                             Temporary Transmit-only Earth Station
                            Operation Dates: 01/29/2019 — 02/20/2019

Pursuant to Part 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations, the satellite earth station proposed in this
application was coordinated by Comsearch using computer techniques and in accordance with Part 25 of
the FCC Rules and Regulations. Verbal and written coordination was conducted with the below listed
carriers on November 29, 2018.


       ABC Holding Company Inc.
       AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC Arizona

       AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC N CA

       AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC Southern CA

       Air Sites 2000 LLC
       AlItel Comm Southwest Holdings Inc.
       Anaheim City, of
       Arizona Public Service Company (APS)
       Arizona, State Of
       BNSF Railway Company
       CCO SoCal I, LLC
       California Internet Solutions, Inc.
       California Internet, L.P.
       California, State of
       Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa
       CeIlco Partnership Southern California

       City of Casa Grande
       City of Los Angeles Dept Water & Power
       City of Montebello
       City of Yuma
       Coachella Valley Water District
       Coast Community College District
       Commnet Four Corners, LLC
       DM Ventures, Inc. dba Warp2Biz
       DRS Global Enterprise Solutions, Inc.
       Entravision Holdings, LLC
       Federal Communication Commission
       Fresno MSA Limited Partnership
       Frontier California Inc.
       Gila River Cellular General Partnership
       Glendale City California
       Global Telecom & Technology Americas, In
       GovNET Licenses LLC
       ION Media Los Angeles License, Inc.
       Imperial Irrigation District
       KTLA, LLC
       Kern Ed Telecom Consortium
       Kern, County of
       LDM Engineering

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report              12/17/2018            Page 1 of 8

       Lightwave Broadband LLC
       Los Angeles City Info Technology Agency
       Los Angeles County Dept of Public Works
       Los Angeles County FCC Licensing Section
       Los Angeles County Metro Transit Auth
       Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Comm
       Los Angeles SMSA Ltd. Partnership
       Los Angeles Unified School District
       MHO Networks
       Maricopa County Wireless Systems
       Metropolitan Water Dist of So California
       Mobile Relay Associates Inc.
       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC AZ -

       New Cingular Wireless PCS Los Angeles

       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC N CAL

       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC -San Diego
       New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SE Cal

       Nextel License Holdings 4 Inc.
       Nextel of California Inc.
       Norris, Samuel 0
       Northrop Grumman Systems Corp.
       Nrj TV La License Co, LLC
       Olympic Wireless, LLC
       Orange, County of, CA
       Pacific Bell Tel Corn dba AT&T California
       Pacific Lightwave Inc
       Phoenix, City of
       Pinal, County of
       Qwest Corporation
       Regional 3Cs
       Riverside, County of
       San Bernardino County of California
       San Diego Broadband
       San Diego Gas & Electric Company
       San Diego, City of
       San Diego, County of
       Skyriver Communications
       Southern California Edison Company
       Southern California Gas Company
       Southern California Regional Rail Auth.
       Spectrum Link, Inc.
       Sprint Spectrum L.P.
       Sprint Telephony PCS, L.P.
       Station Venture Operations, LP
       T-Mobile License LLC
       TV Microwaves Company
       Table Top Telephone Company
       Telink Networks SW, LLC
       Time Warner Cable Pacific West LLC
       Tucson Electric Power Company
       Turn Wireless, LLC
       Ultimate Internet Access, Inc
       Union Pacific Railroad Company
       University of California, HPWREN
       Vectus, Inc
       Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC (Southern CA)
       Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC-N CNNV
       Verizon Wireless(VAW) LLC-AZICO/NM/NV/UT
       Western Broadband Inc.
       Wiline Spectrum Holdings LLC
       ABC Holding Company Inc.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   12/17/2018   Page 2 of 8

       AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC Arizona

       AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC N CA

       AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC Southern CA

       Air Sites 2000 LLC
       Ailtel Comm Southwest Holdings Inc.
       Anaheim City, of
       Arizona Public Service Company (APS)
       Arizona, State Of
       BNSF Railway Company
       CCC SoCal I, LLC
       California Internet Solutions, Inc.
       California Internet, L.P
       California, State of
       Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa
       CelIco Partnership Southern California

       City of Casa Grande
       City of Los Angeles Dept Water & Power
       City of Montebello
       City of Yuma
       Coachella Valley Water District
       Coast Community College District
       Commnet Four Corners, LLC
       DM Ventures, Inc. dba Warp2Biz
       DRS Global Enterprise Solutions, Inc.
       Entravision Holdings, LLC
       Federal Communication Commission
       Fresno MSA Limited Partnership
       Frontier California Inc.
       Gila River Cellular General Partnership
       Glendale City California
       Global Telecom & Technology Americas, In
       GovNET Licenses LLC
       ION Media Los Angeles License, Inc.
       Imperial Irrigation District
       KTLA, LLC
       Kern County Superintendent of Schools
       Kern Ed Telecom Consortium
       Kern, County of
       LDM Engineering
       Lightwave Broadband LLC
       Los Angeles City Info Technology Agency
       Los Angeles County Dept of Public Works
       Los Angeles County FCC Licensing Section
       Los Angeles County Metro Transit Auth
       Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Comm
       Los Angeles SMSA Ltd. Partnership
       Los Angeles Unified School District
       MHO Networks
       Maricopa County Wireless Systems
       Metropolitan Water Dist of So California
       Mobile Relay Associates Inc.
       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC AZ    -

       New Cingular Wireless PCS Los Angeles

       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC N CAL

       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC -San Diego
       New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC SE Cal

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   12/17/2018   Page 3 of 8

        Nextel License Holdings 4 Inc.
        Nextel of California Inc.
        Norris, Samuel 0
        Northrop Grumman Systems Corp.
        Nrj TV La License Co, LLC
        Olympic Wireless, LLC
        Orange, County of, CA
        Pacific Bell Tel Corn dba AT&T California
        Pacific Lightwave Inc
        Phoenix, City of
        Pinal, County of
        Qwest Corporation
        Regional 3Cs
        Riverside, County of
        San Bernardino County of California
        San Diego Broadband
        San Diego Gas & Electric Company
        San Diego, City of
        San Diego, County of
        Skyriver Communications
        Southern California Edison Company
        Southern California Gas Company
        Southern California Regional Rail Auth.
        Sprint Spectrum L.P.
        Station Venture Operations, LP
        T-Mobile License LLC
        TV Microwaves Company
        Table Top Telephone Company
        Telink Networks SW, LLC
        Time Warner Cable Pacific West LLC
        Tucson Electric Power Company
        Turn Wireless, LLC
        Ultimate Internet Access, Inc
        Union Pacific Railroad Company
        University of California, HPWREN
        Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC (Southern CA)
        Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC-N CNNV
        Verizon Wireless(VAW) LLC-AZICO/NM/NV/UT
        West Covina, City of
        Western Broadband Inc.
        Wiline Spectrum Holdings LLC

There are no unresolved interference objections with the station contained in these applications.

The following section presents the data pertinent to frequency coordination of the earth station that was
circulated to all carriers within its coordination contours.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report               12/17/2018               Page 4 of 8

                                                   Earth Station Data Sheet
                                         19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Date:                                       11/29/2018
Job Number:                                 181129COMSGEO8
Administrative Information
Status                                      TEMPORARY (Operation from 01/29/2019 to 02/20/2019)
Call Sign                                   TEMPO2
Licensee Code                               INTELS
Licensee Name                               Intelsat License LLC
Site Information                            NUEVO, CA
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                           33° 47 43.6” N
Longitude (NAD 83)                          117° 5 20.4” W
Climate Zone                                A
Rain Zone                                   4
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                     566.62 m / 1859.0ff
Link Information
Satellite Type                              Geostationary
Mode                                        TO Transmit-Only

Modulation                                  Digital
Satellite Arc                               45° W to 190° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                               100.2° to 260.3°
Corresponding Elevation Angles              6.2° / 5.5°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                    7.32 m / 24.0 ft
Antenna Information                                 Transmit FCC32

Manufacturer                                        TIW
Model                                               11.1 meter
Gain / Diameter                                     55.5 dBi / 11.1 m
3-dB / 15-dB Beamwidth                              0.29° / 0.54°
Max Available RE Power           (dBW/4 kHz)        8.6
                                 (dBW/MHz)          32.6
Maximum EIRP                     (dBW/4 kHz)        64.1
                                 (dBW/MHz)          88.1
Interference Objectives:       Long Term            -154.0 dBW/4 kHz       20%
                               Short Term           -131.0 dBW/4 kHz       0.0025%
Frequency Information                               Transmit 6.1 GHz
Emission! Frequency Range (MHz)                     850KFXD I 6415.0
                                                    850 KFXD I 6423.496

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance              536.2 km / 333.1 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius                321.4 km / 199.7 mi

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                          12/17/2018       Page 5 of 8

Coordination Values                 NUEVO, CA
Licensee Name                        Intelsat License LLC
Latitude (NAD 83)                    330 47 43.6” N

Longitude (NAD 83)                   1170 5 20.4” W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)              566.62 m / 1859.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)             7.32 m I 24.0 ft
Antenna Model                        TIW 11.1 meter
Antenna Mode                                 Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term           -154.0 dBW/4 kHz       20%
                           ShortTerm         -131.0 dBW/4kHz        0.0025%
Max Available RF Power 8.6 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                      Transmit 6.1 GHz
                 Horizon             Antenna                    Horizon          Coordination
Azimuth   (0)    Elevation (°)       Discrimination   (0)       Gain (dBi)       Distance (km)
  0               0.91                99.68                     -10.00            160.90
  5               2.23                95.18                     -10.00            125.83
 10                1.88               90.19                     -10.00            133.16
 15               2.42                85.20                     -10.00            122.25
 20               2.49                80.21                     -10.00            120.85
 25               2.56                75.22                     -10.00            119.49
 30               3.50                70.22                     -10.00            102.07
 35               3.34                65.23                     -10.00            105.02
 40               3.36                60.23                     -10.00            104.68
 45               3.28                55.24                     -10.00            106.09
 50               2.88                50.27                     -10.00            113.58
 55               2.50                45.31                      -9.40            122.87
 60               2.77                40.31                      -8.14            122.67
 65               3.44                35.29                      -6.69            115.99
 70               3.10                30.33                      -5.05            128.10
 75               3.19                25.36                      -3.10            133.79
 80               3.76                20.33                      -0.70            132.86
 85               3.33                15.45                       2.28            152.87
 90               3.39                10.56                       6.41            174.12
 95               2.51                 6.34                      11.94            220.14
100               2.99                 3.18                      19.45           491.65
105                3.63                5.38                      13.72            205.53
110                3.84                9.29                       7.80            171.48
115                3.70               13.36                       3.86            152.77
120                3.87               17.17                       1.13            137.08
125                3.84               21.02                      -1.07            130.12
130               4.49                24.32                      -2.65            114.61
135                3.88               28.30                      -4.29            117.10
140               4.24                31.47                      -5.45            107.49
145               4.11                34.76                      -6.53            105.27
150               4.48                37.41                      -7.32            100.00
155               4.67                39.84                      -8.01            100.00
160                4.09               42.53                      -8.72            100.00
165               4.55                43.90                      -9.06            100.00
170                4.85               44.86                      -9.30            100.00
175                5.79               44.68                      -9.25            100.00
180                6.19               44.52                      -9.21            100.00
185                6.91               43.57                      -8.98            100.00

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                       12/17/2018         Page6of8

Coordination Values                        NUEVO, CA
Licensee Name                              lntelsat License LLC
Latitude (NAD 83)                          330  47’ 43.6’ N
Longitude (NAD 83)                         117°520.4” W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                    566.62 m /1859.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                   7.32 m / 24.0 ft
Antenna Model                              TIW 11.1 meter
Antenna Mode                                       Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term                 -154.0 dBW/4kHz         20%
                              Short Term           -131.0 dBW/4kHz         0.0025%
Max Available RF Power        8.6 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                            Transmit 6.1 GHz
                 Horizon                    Antenna                   Horizon        Coordination
Azimuth   (0)    Elevation   (0)            Discrimination   (0)      Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)
190               7.27                       42.53                     -8.72          100.00
195               6.99                       41.64                     -8.49          100.00
200               6.27                       40.64                     -8.22          100.00
205               5.71                       38.99                     -7.77          100.00
210               5.71                       36.45                     -7.04          100.00
215               6.70                       32.84                     -5.91          100.00
220               7.49                       29.16                     -4.62          100.00
225               7.03                       26.16                     -3.44          100.00
230               5.65                       23.57                     -2.31          102.80
235               6.10                       19.58                     -0.30          106.16
240               5.73                       16.02                      1.88          118.62
245               5.59                       12.21                      4.83          131.75
250               5.18                        8.50                      8.77          152.31
255               4.95                        4.62                     15.38          193.71
260               4.51                        1.01                     31.92          536.17
265               4.74                        4.76                     15.05          195.22
270               4.38                        9.77                      7.26          156.75
275               4.51                       14.74                      2.79          134.59
280               4.14                       19.75                     -0.39          128.11
285               3.19                       24.80                     -2.86          133.33
290               2.77                       29.82                     -4.86          133.59
295               1.04                       34.95                     -6.59          172.46
300               0.82                       39.93                     -8.03          176.75
305               0.00                       44.97                     -9.32          215.43
310               0.00                       49.93                    -10.00          212.66
315               0.00                       54.89                    -10.00          212.66
320               0.00                       59.86                    -10.00          212.66
325               0.00                       64.83                    -10.00          212.66
330               0.00                       69.80                    -10.00          212.66
335               0.00                       74.78                    -10.00          212.66
340               0.00                       79.75                    -10.00          212.66
345               0.00                       84.73                    -10.00          212.66
350               0.00                       89.71                    -10.00          212.66
355               0.00                       94.68                    -10.00          212.66

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                            12/17/2018        Page 7 of 8


I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for the preparation of the frequency
coordination data contained in this report. I am familiar with Parts 101 and 25 of the FCC Rules and
Regulations and I have either prepared or reviewed the frequency coordination data submitted with this
report, and that it is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Gary K. Edwards
Senior Manager
19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
Ashburn, VA 20147

DATED: December 17, 2018

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report              12/17/2018               Page 8 of 8

Document Created: 2019-01-03 10:57:08
Document Modified: 2019-01-03 10:57:08

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