Attachment STA- Description

This document pretains to SES-STA-20180806-02093 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                          SES-14-Customer Readiness Tests

Site Details

Contact Information:                          Address:
George Varkey                                 4 Research Way
Tel: 1 609 987 4327                           Princeton, NJ

Geographic Coordinates:                       Site Elevation:
Various-CONUS, see below                      Various

Antenna Details

Antenna ID:                         1.2m
Manufacture/Model:                  Skyware Global
Antenna Size:                       1.2 meters (operating within 47 CFR §25.209)
Antenna Gain Transmit:              43.3 dBi at 14.3 GHz
Antenna Gain Receive:               41.8 dBi at 12.0 GHz
Height Above Ground Level:          Various
Height Above Sea Level:             Various
Total Input Power at the Flange:    4 watts
Total EIRP for the test Carriers:   49.3 dBW

Operational Details
Frequency     Transmit/       Polarization    Emission       Max EIRP      Max EIRP
(GHz)         Receive                         Designator     per Carrier   Density per
                                                             (dBW)         Carrier
10.7-10.95      R             H and V         N0N            0.0           0.0
10.7-10.95      R             H and V         225MG7W        0.0           0.0
10.95-11.2      R             H and V         N0N            0.0           0.0
10.95-11.2      R             H and V         225MG7W        0.0           0.0
11.2-11.45      R             H and V         N0N            0.0           0.0
11.2-11.45      R             H and V         225MG7W        0.0           0.0
11.45-11.7      R             H and V         N0N            0.0           0.0
11.45-11.7      R             H and V         225MG7W        0.0           0.0
11.7-12.2       R             H and V         N0N            0.0           0.0
11.7-12.2       R             H and V         225MG7W        0.0           0.0
14.0-14.5       T             H and V         N0N            29.3          29.3
14.0-14.5       T             H and V         400KG7W        49.3          29.3
14.0-14.5       T             H and V         3M00G7W        49.3          20.55
14.0-14.5       T             H and V         6M00G7W        49.3          17.55
14.0-14.5       T             H and V         86M0G7W        49.3          5.97

VSAT network/ Site and Hub locations:
                                          Hub for Dry Run   Hub for SES-14
                        Lat.      Long
        Site                               with NSS806       Tests (Ku/Ku)
                      (Deg. N.) (Deg. W.)
                                        (Ku/Ku)(Hub/VSAT)     (Hub/VSAT)
  Rumford, Maine       44.633   -70.699 Woodbine (E170197) Woodbine (E170197)
 Juana Diaz, Puerto
                       18.149   -65.788     PSL (E170198)    PSL(E170198)
   Charleston, SC      32.787   -79.927 Woodbine (E170197) Woodbine (E170197)
    Port St. Lucie      27.28   -80.483   PSL (E170198)      PSL (170198)
   Woodbine, MD        39.376   -77.081 Woodbine(E170197) Woodbine (E170197)

Document Created: 2018-07-02 11:18:22
Document Modified: 2018-07-02 11:18:22

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